2010 - U.S. To Wage War Throughout
The World
Español |
A 30 Años de la Invasión de EE.UU.,
Panamá busca Alejarse de la Hegemonía de Washington
A Bold Proposal to Fix U.S.
Foreign Policy
Español |
Aceleración de la Carrera Nuclear
All Wars are Bankers' Wars!
All Wars are Well Planned Banker
Wars... Including WWIII
Español |
Alta Tensión Rusia-USA
- Rusia Responde con Fuerza a las Amenazas de EE.UU.
America has Been at War 93% of the
Time - 222 Out of 239 Years - Since 1776
America is on a "Hot War Footing"
- House Legislation Paves the Way for War with Russia?
American Militarism is Destroying
the Future of Humanity
America's Conquest of Africa - The
Roles of France and Israel
America's "Humanitarian War"
Against the World
America's Permanent-War Complex
Arab Spring
- Revolutions, Lies, and Intervention
Español |
Así es Como Luce la Tercera Guerra
Avaaz - The Online Pro-War
Propagandist and Color Revolution NGO
Bases of Empire - The Global
Spread of US Military and Intelligence Bases
Berlin Alarmed by Aggressive NATO Stance on Ukraine - Breedlove's
Beware of Global Strategies of
Big Money Behind War - The
Military-Industrial Complex
- "Blood
Money" - Meet the Top 20 Companies Profiting from
Endless War
Brookings Announces Next Move in
Syria - War
Design - French Mali Invasion Spills into Algeria
The U.S. Triumph in The Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan?
- Opium, The CIA and The Karzai...
Cause for Concern - Civilians Killed
in Coalition Strikes
Español |
China Encerrada en una Guerra
Híbrida con Estados Unidos
China Locked in Hybrid War with
Español |
Colapso del Imperio - La
tecnología de Misiles Rusa deja Obsoleta a la Marina
Estadounidense de un Billón...
Español |
Colombia - ¡Basta Ya!
- Memorias de Guerra y
Español |
Colombia en La Geopolítica
Imperialista - Las Bases Militares
Norteamericanas en América Latina
Italiano |
Come Sapere se l'America è il
Nostro Nemico
Italiano |
Come Trump si è ribellato ai
Español |
Cómo Hollywood y el Complejo
Militar Industrial Colaboran
Español |
Cómo Salir de la Guerra contra
Español |
Trump se rebeló contra los Generales
Concealing The Risk of An All Out
Nuclear War
- Real Versus Fake Crises
Confronting Both China and Russia
- U.S. Risks Military Clash With China In Yellow Sea
Costa Rica - The Lowest Form of
Military Aggression
Crossing the Rubicon -
The Inevitable Emergence of Military Robots
Dangerous Crossroads -
"This is Not a New Cold War... Nobody Will Win World War
- M.Chossuodovsky
Español |
De Militar a Militar - Rebelión de
los Generales del Estado Mayor Conjunto de EE.UU.
Español |
Desde 1945, Estados Unidos ha
Matado entre 20 y 30 Millones de Personas
Did 9/11 Justify The War in
- Using The McChrystal Moment to Raise a Forbidden
Did the Bush-Obama Wars Cost
Hillary Clinton the White House? - Battlefield
Casualties and Ballot Box...
Did Turkey Just Declare War on
Earth - 248 Armed Conflicts after
WW2 - U.S. Started 201 (81%), Killing 30 Million |
Italiano |
Ecco come Appare la Terza Guerra
Español |
EE.UU., Canadá y México Militarizan
- Investigaciones del Proyecto Censurado 2009
Español |
EE.UU. Utilizó el Cáncer Como Arma
de Guerra - La Guerra Radiactiva en
Irak y en Los Balcanes
Español |
EE.UU. y Teherán Se Posicionan Para La Guerra
- Plan de Ataque
Español |
El año 2024 - Gaza, Ucrania y
Eurasia en la Crisis del Declive Occidental
Español |
El Ascenso de las Arpías
de Guerra - Las Mujeres que Destruyen Nuestro Mundo
Español |
El Complejo Militar-Financiero que
se Alimenta de la Sangre de las Guerras y Controla a los
Estados Unidos
Español |
El Desenlace
- Sepa Porqué Usted Está Parado Sobre La Tercera Guerra
Español |
El Enigma de Putin
Español |
El Gran Rearme Planetario
Español |
El Kremlin aclara Cambios a la
Doctrina Nuclear Rusa - Señal a Occidente
Español |
El Mayor Contaminador del Planeta
- El Departamento de Defensa de EE.UU.
Español |
El Medio Oriente se libera de
Español |
El Negocio de la Guerra es la
Causa de la Guerra
Español |
El Ocaso de la Guerra
Español |
El Origen de Las Guerras
Español |
El Plan ‘B' de Los Que Solían Ser
Los Poderes Fácticos
Español |
El "Terrorismo" Como Herramienta
de La Nueva Conquista Militar - Frentes de Conflicto -
Agenda Secreta...
Español |
El Trabajo Sucio siempre consiste
en Provocar y Escalar la Guerra
Empire Destroying Wars are Coming
to America Under Trump
Endless Wars Have Cost Americans
$1.6 Trillion - Report Finds
Español |
- ¿Es
Real la Posibilidad de una Guerra Mundial?
Español |
- "Estados
Fallidos" - Arma de Encubrimiento de los Estados Unidos
Español |
Estados Unidos Planea Apoderarse
del Petróleo de Venezuela
Español |
Estados Unidos Prepara una Guerra
entre Latinoamericanos
Europe's Five "Undeclared Nuclear
Weapons States"
- Are Turkey, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands...
Expanding The Afghan War - The West's Insatiable
Appetite for Global Military Domination
Español |
Explosiones de Tianjin - Un
Ejemplo del Nuevo Tipo de Guerra
Fascism and War - Elite Tools to
Crush and Kill Dissent
Former U.S. Policymakers Promote War on Iran
Former White House Official Says
U.S. Already at War with Russia and China
For Money, For Oil? - Why Wars
Really Happen
Español |
Fortaleza Américas
Fortress Americas
Español |
- Geopolítica
Tras La Falsa Guerra de Estados Unidos en Afganistán
Italiano |
Gli Stati Uniti come "Distruttore
di Nazioni"
Italiano |
Gli Stati Uniti sono la Maggiore
Causa della Instabilità Globale - Ma Pretendono di
essere la Soluzione
Global Deception - "The War on
Terror" is a Campaign for Permanent War and Terror
Español |
- Globalización
y Militarización - La Causa Raíz de la Guerra a Nivel
Mundial contra la Humanidad
Global Justice or World Domination
War on Terror, Military Interventions and Destabilizing
Google's Eric Schmidt and the
Artificial Intelligence Military-Industrial Complex
Government and Media are doing
Exact Same Thing they Did to Start Iraq War - And
Americans are Buying It
Español |
Guerra de Cuarta Generación
Español |
Guerra, Drogas y Política -
Elementos del Mundo Bipolar
- Conferencia de Noam Chomsky en México
Español |
Guerra y Mentira
- El Control Político y Militar De Nuestras Sociedades
Español |
- ¿Ha
Financiado Alemania las Armas Nucleares de Israel?
Heading for War with Russia?
Here We Go
- NATO Plans to 'Defend'
Hidden Intelligence Operation
Behind The Wikileaks Release of "Secret" Documents?
- The Real Story of...
U.S.-Israeli Military Agenda - "Break Syria into Pieces"
Hillary IS the Candidate of the War Machine
Hi-Tech/Top Secret Military
- Main File
House Passes HR 4133 Binding The U.S. to Israel and
Their War Agenda
How Hollywood and the Military
Industrial Complex Collaborate
How the Media Manipulates the
World Into War
How the Military will fight using
5G in Electromagnetic Spectrum
How the U.S. Government and U.S.
Military Became Murder, Inc.
How to Know if America is Your
How Trump Rebelled Against the
- "Hubris"
- New Documentary Reexamines The Iraq War "Hoax"
Human Costs of War and Violence
- Censored News Cluster From Censored 2012
Independent American and Russian
Women Call for Peace
Interventionism and The Elites
- The Ideological Origins of The
Military-Industrial-Media Complex
Is the American Empire on the
Verge of Collapse? - Beware the Dogs of War...
Español |
Italia - 80 Millones de Euros
Diarios de Gasto Militar
Español |
Italia - Bajo la Bandera Tricolor
que Ondea en Camp Darby
- "It's
Going to Take Years" - US Air Force Calls for Ground
Troops to "Occupy and Govern" Iraq and Syria
It Was a NATO Mortar that Killed 5
Turkish Civilians Last Week
Joint Vision 2020
- Transforming The Joint Force for The 21st Century
Español |
La Alianza Del Siglo XXI Para La
Dominación Global
- Neocolonialismo Del Siglo XXI - Unión Europea...
Italiano |
La 'Dottrina di Guerra Nucleare'
Russa - Un Punto di Ritorno alla Pace?
Español |
La Era de La Señora Muerte
- Belicismo en Auge en El Mundo |
Español |
La Fuerza Bruta de Las Potencias
Neocoloniales del Siglo XXI
- Israel, el Miembro Número Veintinueve de...
Español |
La Guerra contra Rusia y China ya
ha Empezado - Declara Ex-funcionaria
de la Casa Blanca
Italiano |
La Guerra contro Russia e Cina è
Già Iniziata - Così Dichiara ex-Funzionaria
della Casa Bianca
Español |
La Guerra del Futuro - Las "Bombas
Español |
La Guerra Está Materializando la
Israelización del Mundo - Dividir, Conquistar, Colonizar
Español |
La Guerra Que Chile Necesita
Español |
La Ilusión Del Escudo Antimisiles
Español |
Las Armas Nucleares y La
Supervivencia del Homo Sapiens
Español |
Las Raíces de la Adicción de
Washington a la Fuerza Militar
Español |
La Tragedia de Siria y la Nueva
Español |
La Ultima "Maniobra Agresiva" de
Rusia es… Una Proposición de Paz
Libya, Syria, Ukraine - Same
Playbook, Same Puppet Masters
Español |
Locura Total - Crece la
Sombra de una Posible Guerra Nuclear
Español |
Los Cinco Frentes Globales de
Conflictos abiertos por EE.UU. - Una Sinopsis de 2023 |
Español |
Los EE.UU. Planearon Borrar del
Mapa a la USSR con un Masivo Ataque Nuclear
- Orden Post Segunda... |
Español |
Los Juicios de Henry Kissinger |
Español |
Los Oscuros Contratos de Elon Musk
con la Inteligencia Estadounidense |
Making The World Safe for Hypocrisy
Militarized NAFTA
- Security and Prosperity Partnership
Military Omnipresence - A Unifying
Concept for America's 21st-Century Fighting Edge
Military to Military - U.S. Intelligence Sharing in the
Syrian War |
Missing in Action - What Happened to War and the
Imperial Drive to Organize the Planet?
More American Troops to
Afghanistan to Keep the Chinese Out? - Lithium and the
Battle for Afghanistan Mineral
Musk's SpaceX forges Tighter Links
with U.S. Spy and Military Agencies
NATO - Powerful and Necessary, or
Costly and Obsolete?
- Main File
- "No,
Putin Did Not start the War in Ukraine" - Towards a U.S.
War against Russia?
Español |
Nubes de Tormenta Sobre Irán
Nuclear Weapons and The Survival
of The Homo Sapiens
Español |
Numerosas Noticias
Alarmantes que Silencian los Grandes Medios de
Obama is Bullish on War -
No Matter How You Spin It
Obama's Legacy - Human
Cost of Eight Years of War
Obama's War
- Why is The Largest Military Machine on The Planet
Unable to Defeat The Resistance in...
Oliver Stone Exposes U.S. Warmongers at 'Writers Guild
Only 10 Countries in the
Entire World Are Not Currently at War
On the Military-Industrial Complex
- Real Time with Bill Maher - Episode 161
Open Skies Treaty Vital for Confidence Building -
Russian Tu-154 Flies over Washington
- "Operation
Justified Vengeance"
- Israeli Strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is Part of
A Broader Military...
Operation Orchard
Español |
- ¿Poderosa y Necesaria, o Costosa y Obsoleta?
- Main File
Our Global Neighborhood
- Report of The Commission on Global Governance 1995
Our Global Neighborhood - Report
of the Commission on Global Governance
- A Summary Analysis
Pearl Harbor False Flag
75th Anniversary - Time to Admit the Deception
Permanent Aggression - War on The
Horizon in Latin America
Plan 'B' of The Powers That Were
Español |
Porqué la Tercera Guerra Mundial
se Vislumbra en el Horizonte
Español |
Porqué los Banqueros Odian La Paz
Español |
Nos Quieren Llevar a una Tercera Guerra Mundial...
Español |
Preparando La III Guerra Mundial - Objetivo Irán
Preparing for World War III - Targeting Iran
Preparing to Attack Iran With Nuclear Weapons
- "No Option Can Be Taken Off The Table"
World War III - Civil Resistance Sole Way to Stop US
Government Aggression
Prompt Global Strike - America's
Imperial Design
- World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons
Español |
Putin - La Tríada Nuclear Rusa
proporciona una Disuasión Eficaz y un Equilibrio de
Putin's Conundrum
Rebuilding America's Defenses
- Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century
Español |
Recrudece la Guerra Encubierta
entre China, EE.UU. y sus Aliados
Español |
Recuento Oficial de las Invasiones
Español |
Rusia quiere obligar Estados
Unidos a Respetar la 'Carta de la ONU'
Español |
Rusia y China invierten en
Infraestructuras - Estados Unidos en cambio gasta en
Elementos Militares
Russia and China Invest in
Infrastructure - U.S. instead Spends on Military
Español |
- ¿Se
Está Planificando Ya La III Guerra Mundial? |
Español |
Señales de que Rusia se está Preparando para Ganar una
Guerra Atómica con EE.UU.
Español |
Ser y Actuar de un ex-Soldado
Signs that Russia is Preparing to Fight (and Win) a
Nuclear War with The United States
Español |
Silicon Valley y la Carrera hacia
la Guerra Robótica - ¿Reyes Filósofos o Militaristas de
la Nueva Era?
Some Signs that Global War is
Rapidly Approaching
Español |
Sudamérica Bajo Amenaza - EE.UU.
Instalará una Nueva Base Militar en Perú
Español |
Tambores de Guerra en Ucrania
Español |
Tambores de Guerra - Europa habla
de Guerra y Prepara a su Población
The Actual Iran Case
- The Beginning of World War III?
- Main File
The Actual Syrian Case
- Main File
The Age of The Reaper
- War-Mongering on An
International Scale
The Arms Industry - Creating
Enemies to Maximize Profits
Atrocity Lessons - What The U.S. Military Learned From
The Blueprint for WWIII
The Business of War is the Cause
of War
Coming War on China
The Coming War on China - A Review
of John Pilger's Latest Documentary
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
The Deep State's Stealthy,
Subversive, Silent Coup to ensure 'Nothing Changes'
The Disturbing Expansion of the
Military-Industrial Complex
The Drums of War are Beating in
Syria - Killing Civilians to Protect Civilians
The Economic Cost of The Military
Industrial Complex
The Enemy-Industrial Complex
- How to Turn a World Lacking in Enemies into The Most
Threatening Place...
The First Earth Battalion
Dare to Think the
Unthinkable, Ideas and Ideals for Soldiers Everywhere |
The Impending Dangers of Nuclear
War - America's W88 Thermonuclear Warhead is 30 Times a... |
Kremlin's "America-Gate"? - "An Eye for an Eye"
The Lie of The Century - Or How to
Start a War...
The Making of World Wars
The March to War
- Iran and The Strategic
Encirclement of Syria and Lebanon
The Middle East and Then The World - Globalist Blitzkrieg
Signals Largest Geopolitical Reordering Since...
The Military-Industrial Complex Is
Ruining The Economy
The Moral Case Against
Celebrating 'World Peace'
Opium Wars in Afghanistan
- Can Anyone Pacify The World's Number One Narco-State?
The Path to Persia and the Ongoing
Plot to Destroy Iran
The Planning of War Behind Closed
Doors -
Brussels, London, Istanbul - A Week of Western War
The Purpose of War According to
George Orwell in "1984" |
The Purpose of War - A Major Source of Our
Economic Crisis
The Real Reason America Dropped
the Atomic Bomb - It Was Not to End the War
The Rise of Global Governance
The Road to Armageddon
- The Insane Drive for American Hegemony Threatens Life
on Earth |
The Scorched Earth
The Secret Privilege by Which the
Military Intelligence Complex Retains Control
The Source of Wars
- "Today, Everything Hangs By a Thread".... An Incident
Could Set in Motion an All Out...
The Subterfuge of Syrian Chemical Weapons
The Syrian 'War Games' Military
Theater of Operations in Two Charts
The Top 9 Real Reasons to Go to
War in Syria
The Trials of Henry Kissinger
The Ugliness of War and
Technocracy - A look at Weapons of War in the Digital
The Ukraine Crisis - Sponsored by
U.S. Hegemony and War Profiteers
The Uninvited Guest
- Chinese Sub Pops Up in Middle of U.S. Navy Exercise,
Leaving Military Chiefs...
The United States as "Destroyer of
Nations" |
The United States shall Set Up a
New Military Base in Peru
The U.S. Empire does Not Seek
Peace - Its Existence depends on Endless War
The U.S. is the Biggest Cause of
Global Instability - But it Pretends to be the Solution
The U.S. Military emits more
Greenhouse Gases than Sweden and Denmark
U.S. Military is Training Third World Coup Leaders "Again"...
The U.S. Military Moves Into Costa
Rica -
Militarization of Central America and The Caribbean
The U.S. Policy Coup Explained by
4-Star General Wesley Clark
- "The
War is Worth Waging"
- Afghanistan's Vast Reserves of Minerals and Natural
Gas |
'War on Terror' Is A Fraud
The War that Never Ends
Western Assault on Iran Has Begun
The Worldwide Network of US
Military Bases
- The Global Deployment of US Military Personnel |
The Yemen Hidden Agenda
- Behind The Al-Qaeda Scenarios, A Strategic Oil Transit
Chokepoint |
The Zero Evidence World of U.S.
Criminal Misleaders
This is what World War III Looks
Español |
Todas Las Guerras Son Guerras de
Los Banqueros
To Fight for Freedom, or to Fight
for Empire - That is the Question
Top Economic Advisers Forecast War and
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
Italiano |
Totale Pazzia - Cresce
l'Ombra di una Possibile Guerra Nucleare
Español |
Tropas de EE.UU. en la Amazonía -
Se Cumple el 'Sueño Americano' |
Trump Taking U.S. to War in Syria to Avert Economic
Disaster |
Español |
Tu Guía para la 'Guerra de Quinta
Español |
Ucrania - Mercado Negro de Armas
Español |
Una Idea Loca y Peligrosa Salta a
la Luz Pública
Español |
Un Articulo Académico Muestra Como
Piensan Muchos Militares de EE.UU.
Uncovering The Military's Secret
"Green Light" for a Pre-emptive US-Israel Attack on Iran?
Security Council Resolution Transforms Iran...
U.S. and Colombia Plan to Attack
Venezuela |
Approved Israeli Bombing of Syria… and May Join The War
at Any Moment
U.S.-China Conflict
- From War of Words to Talk of War |
U.S. Department of Defense is The
Worst Polluter on The Planet
U.S. Expands Military Reach in Latin America
U.S. has Spent nearly $6 Trillions
on War since 9/11 - Study
U.S. Military "Commemorates"
Its Iraq Massacre
U.S. Military is a Bigger Polluter
than as many as 140 Countries - Shrinking this 'War
Machine' is a Must
U.S. Military Wants More Drones in
Latin America |
U.S. Naval False Flags -
A Brief History
U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe -
Part 1 -
Part 2 |
U.S. Southern Command in Colombia
along the Border - Venezuela Military Moves, U.S. Pulls
Out of INF...
U.S. to Begin Invasion of Syria
Unlawful Wars is 'Emperor's New Clothes' Tragic-Comedy
- Defining 'Clothes,' 'Wear,' 'Self-defense'
Español |
- ¿Va
Estados Unidos a Ir a La Guerra con Siria por Causa de
un Gasoducto? |
Español |
- "Vamos
Camino de la Tercera Guerra Mundial" - Expertos
Financieros de Todo el Mundo Advierten
War in The Caucasus is As Much the
Product of An American Imperial Drive as Local Conflicts
- Russian... |
War is A Racket
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery…
and Fighting Back is "Aggression"
- "War
is Peace, it Makes Us Rich and Safe"… or So Says the
Mainstream Media
War on All Fronts
- 'War
on Terror'
- Main File
War Pigs - The Fall of A Global
War Profiteering - A Cancer Upon America
War with China - Thinking Through the
War with Iran was Planned Decades
Was Trump Missile Attack Part of a
Secret Plan to End Syria Conflict and Prevent War with
Iran? |
Watson Institute - Costs of War
through FY2019
Watson Institute - Human Cost of
the Post-9/11 Wars
Weaponized Artificial Intelligence
- The Future of Algorithmic Forever Wars |
Weaponize It! - The Military-Industrial
Complex' Latest Insanities |
What The WikiLeaks Documents Tells
Us About Life in Afghanistan
When The U.S. Used Cancer as a
Weapon - Radioactive Warfare in
Iraq and The Balkans
are the Beneficiaries of American Wars? - America's
Perpetual War Six Questions |
Whose War?
- A Neoconservative Clique Seeks to Ensnare Our Country
In A Series of Wars That Are Not... |
Why America Needs War
Why Bankers Hate Peace
Why do We elect Politicians and Governments that Wage War on
Sovereign States?
Why the Globalists Engineered the
Ukraine War
Why We're Drifting Towards World
War 3
WikiLeaks Honduras
- State Department Busted on Support of Coup
Wikileaks Releases Massive Set of
Afghan War Files
Will Russian 'Nuclear War Doctrine' be a Turning Point for
- "Wipe
the Soviet Union Off the Map" - U.S. Nuclear Attack
against USSR Planned During World War II
- "Wiping
Countries Off The Map"
- Who's Failing The "Failed States"
Would Our Government Really Start
a War to Try to Stimulate the Economy?
Yemen - The Covert Apparatus of
The American Empire
You Have Been Fooled into
Believing WWIII is Real - Here is the Proof
Additional Information |
4 Scenarios for The Coming
Collapse of The American Empire
Español |
2022 - El Año que se Avecina
A Clean Break - A New Strategy for Securing
The Realm
Afghanistan Massacre by U.S.
Sergeant Reveals Epidemic of Psychiatric Drugging of
A Forceful Message Calling for
World Peace and The Survival of Humankind
- Fidel's Message Against...
Air Force 2025 Final Report
Force Eyes Subway for Nuclear Missiles - Mobile Doomsday
Air Force Sidelines 17 Nuclear Missile Officers -
Commander Cites 'Rot' in System
Air Mobility Command Global En
Route Strategy
- White Paper
Español |
Algunas Revelaciones de Los
Documentos de WikiLeaks
- "AmazonLog"
- A Military Drill with Vast Amazonian Aspirations
America - A Sunset Empire
American Naifs Bringing Ruin to
Other Lands
America's Chemical Weapons -
Hypocrisy, Conspiracy and a Forgotten History
America's Drug-Corrupted War
- Obama and Afghanistan
America's Military Expansion
Funded by Foreign Central Banks
Amerika - Behind The Mask |
Español |
Amerika - Detrás de la Máscara |
An Imperial Strategy For a New
World Order - The Origins of World
War III |
Another Nobel 'Peace' Prize - Another Farce? |
Precursor to War? - As Washington Renews
Military Threats Against Iran, Cyber Attacks Escalate
Army Readies Its Mammoth Spy Blimp
for First Flight |
Español |
Así se Manipula a una Población
- Las Oscuras Verdades que
Oculta la Película "El Francotirador"
Atomic Power and The Use of
Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons
- Main File
Battlefield Illusion
- DARPA Working Towards Better "Human-Sensory
Battlefield Deception"
Treasure and Soul - The Exorbitant Price of American
Cheap Wars
China Calls for New Security Pact with Russia and Iran
China Fired Missile Seen In
Southern California
Español |
Cinco Años después del Covid - El
Papel de los Militares
Civil Conflicts Are Associated
With The Global Climate
Change a 'Catalyst for Conflict'
Climate Cycles Linked to Civil War - Analysis Shows
Congressional Probe Reveals
Cover-Up of "Auschwitz-Like" Conditions at U.S.-Funded
Afghan Hospital
Consciousness is the
Technology that Will Stop the War Machine
Italiano |
Così si Manipola una Popolazione -
Le Oscure Verità che Nasconde il Film "American Sniper" |
COVID Response at
Five Years - A Quiet Coup d'état
Español |
- ¿Cuáles
son los Países más Nacionalistas? |
DARPA - Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency
- Main File
Death and Taxes
- A Visual Look at Where Your Tax Dollars Go
Español |
Dinamarca Limpiará el Desastre
Ecológico Estadounidense en Groenlandia
Disney, Militarization and The
National Security State After 9/11
- Book Excerpt
Doctrine for Joint Nuclear
Documents show Navy got 'UFO'
Patent Granted by Warning of Similar Chinese Tech
Don't Think the U.S. Military is
Concerned with The Climate? Think Again...
Español |
EE.UU. desarrolla un Arma
Biológica de Ingeniería Genética 'Universal'
Español |
EE.UU. No Cree que el Conflicto de
Ucrania acabe en una Guerra Nuclear
Español |
EE.UU. trabaja en un Arma
Biológica 'Universal' Modificada Genéticamente -
Investigación Parlamentaria Rusa
Eisenhower's Farewell Address to
The Nation
- 'The Military-Industrial Complex'
Español |
Ciberespacio - Nuevo Escenario de Confrontaciones
Español |
El Estado Mayor Conjunto Denuncia
la Influencia de los Halcones Liberales sobre la Casa
Español |
El Vídeo Capaz de Socavar el Apoyo
Público a La Guerra en Afganistán
Empire and Its Consequences |
EMP Strike on U.S. This Year
- Insider Warns Family
EndGame - JuegoFinal
- Main File
Español |
- "En
Una Guerra Nuclear El Daño Colateral Sería La Vida de La
Humanidad" - Mensaje de Fidel |
Español |
- ¿Está
Siendo Saboteada la Confirmación de Kavanaugh para
retrasar los Juicios Militares del Estado Profundo?
Army Ruled by 'Knights Templar'
- "Every
Single Terrorist Attack in U.S. was a False Flag Attack"
- Says U.S. Intelligence Officer
Everything Will Remain The Same
Until We End The Wars
Expect Water Wars Soon
- US Intelligence Report
Experts Warn U.S. Soldiers may Be
Replaced with Robot Warriors
Italiano |
Fase 2 del Gran Reset: Guerra
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Main File |
Español |
Feria Militar Flotante del
Five Countries The U.S. Is Royally
Screwing Over
Five Reasons That Corporate Media
Coverage is Pro-War
Gene Drive Technology - What
Species should we make Extinct Today? - Why are B. Gates
and Military involved?
Italiano |
Gli USA non credono che la Guerra di
Ucraina finisca in una Guerra Nucleare
Globalists Pull Plug on KONY 2012 with Spectacular Crash
and Burn |
Globe Over Nation - World's Future
Español |
Gran Fracaso de la ONU en
Protección a Civiles en los Conflictos
Español |
- ¿Ha
Pedido el Gobierno Checo a sus Ciudadanos que "Se
Preparen para lo Peor"?
Hillary's Bloody Legacy - Militarizing The State
How Terrorist Groups End - Lessons for Countering al Qa'ida
How to Understand Globalization
Information Operation Roadmap
The Religion of 100% Americanism, Ignorance is Strength
Is Kavanaugh Confirmation being
Sabotaged to delay Military Trials of Deep State?
Israel's Pillars of Samson
- Not Quite Armageddon, But…
Israel to Use Iranian and
Pakistani Dupes in Dirty Nuke Ploy
Español |
Israel Usará a Los Iraníes y Pakistaníes Como Chivo
Expiatorio en Un Sucio Complot Nuclear
- "Is
this What We Destroy Lives for?" - Iraq, Afghanistan
Veterans' Guilt, Unanswered Questions Spike Suicide...
All Looks as if the World is Preparing for War'
- Mikhail
KONY 2012 Part 2
- License for Imperial Conquest |
KONY 2012 Psy-Op Collapsing |
Español |
La Alarmante Amenaza
"Nuclear" del Presentador de Noticias favorito del
Gobierno de Vladimir Putin
Español |
La Camarilla Criminal Está Creando Incidentes en Todas
Partes en un Intento de Empezar la Ley Marcial...
Español |
La Estrategia de 'Seguridad Nacional' de Joe Biden
Español |
La Guerra Es La Paz
- Teoría y Práctica del Colectivismo Oligarquico
Español |
La Historia de 'Usar Niñas para
Promover Agendas Políticas'
Español |
La Mentira - La Principal Arma de
Guerra en Ucrania
Español |
La Misión Anglosajona
- La Tercera Guerra Mundial y El Legado del Nuevo Mundo
Español |
ONU Inicia Conversaciones para Prohibir las Armas
Nucleares... ¿Y lo Llaman Populismo?
Español |
La Paz Convenida Mutuamente -
Acabando con la Doctrina de la Guerra Perpetua
Laura Eisenhower - Unity
Consciousness Will Collapse Military-Industrial Complex
Español |
Los Hombres Que Salvaron al Mundo |
Losing Humanity - The Case Against
Killer Robots
Manhunting - Counter-Network Organization for Irregular
Many Insiders believe Military
Tribunals for 'Deep State' will Happen any time Now
Marine Animals are going to Be
Genetically Modified and Work for the U.S. Military
Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW-3?
Mathematical Model Explains How
Complex Societies Emerge, Collapse
Español |
Merkel insta a Europa a Prepararse
para un Mundo 'Sin el Liderazgo de EE.UU.'
Microsoft President Threatens that
Orwell's '1984' could Happen in 2024
Military Intelligence has
Weaponized Democracy Worldwide
Missing Nukes From The U.S. Air
Force -
Treason of The Highest Order
Italiano |
Molti Insider Ritengono che
potrebbero Costituirsi dei Tribunali Militari contro il
Deep State in Qualsiasi Momento
More War Lies
Murder Is Not An Anomaly in War
Mutually Agreed Peace - Ending the
Doctrine of Perpetual War |
Mysterious Missile Lights Up The
Sky Over The Pacific |
York Times Says "Lack of Major Wars may be Hurting
Economic Growth"
Español |
Nobel de La Guerra Para Los
Señores del "Nobel de La Paz"
- "Nobel
Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama, is Preparing for War in
South America"
- Interview E. Golinger
Nobody is 'Stealing' your Jobs -
You Spend Too Much on Wars - Alibaba founder tells U.S.
North Korean Attack Linked to Dismantling of North
Korean Spy Network in Japan
Español |
Sobre el NAFTA - Amos de la Humanidad
Nuclear Posture Review Report
- 2010
Nuclear War? - No, We Were Born
for Something Better
- A "New" Sociopolitical Era?
- Main File
Español |
Obama Continúa Ejerciendo Una Política Neoconservadora
- Proyecto Censurado 2010
Obama Threatens Iran With Nuclear War
Español |
Opciones Rusas contra un
Ataque Estadounidense en Siria
Opium Production in Afghanistan - Strong and Corrupt as
Español |
Evitar Una Guerra Nuclear Con Irán
- Discurso de Fidel Castro en Parlamento Cubano - Agosto
Español |
Perfil Estratégico de Chávez - Ni
Tan Revolucionario ni Tan Demonio
- La Suma De Los Factores
Phase 2 of The Great Reset - War
Español |
- ¿Podría
el Grupo de los BRICS formalizar una Alianza Militar?
Ponerology - The Science of Evil
- Main File
Español |
Porqué el Capitalismo Hace la
Guerra y No el Amor
- El Factor Primario
Español |
Primeras Interpretaciones al Ataque de EE.UU. a Siria...
- ¿Todo es Puro Teatro? |
Español |
Primeros Observadores de
EE.UU. llegan a Argentina para Instalar Bases Militares |
Puppets in Revolt
- Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and The United States
Español |
Reportero Renuncia a la NBC por el
Apoyo de la Cadena a la Guerra sin Fin
Report on War on Terror Amid Crackdown on Whistleblowers - James
Risen Prepared to "Pay Any Price"...
Return of Cheney's One Percent
Español |
Rusia provee la Tecnología de Espionaje necesaria a
EE.UU... ¡para que Espíe a la propia Rusia!
Español |
Sepa Porqué Usted Está Parado
Sobre La Tercera Guerra Mundial
- El Desenlace
Español |
de la Guerra en el Siglo XXI
Six North Korean Atomic Bombs Located in Japan
- Five Have Been Seized by The Police
Generation Warfare - Manipulating Space and Time
Sociocultural Behavior Analysis
and Modeling Technologies for a Phase 0 World
Solar Cycle and Wars
Summary 2018 National Defense
Strategy of the United States of America
Syria War Will Empower Future Global Government
Targeting Iran
- Is The US Administration
Planning a Nuclear Holocaust?
The 239 Year Timeline of America's
Involvement in Military Conflict
The Afghanistan Protocol
- Explosive Leaks Provide Image of War from Those
Fighting It
The Anglo-Saxon Mission
- The Third World War and The Inheritance of the New
The Anglo Saxon Mission - The Timeline
- Letter from a Whistleblower…
The Challenges Posed by The
Militarization of Law Enforcement
The Chances of A War With China
Are Rising
Condition of Human Rights at The International Setting
The Criminal Cabal is Creating Incidents Everywhere in A
Bid to Start Martial Law in The West
The Critical Law of Armed Conflict
Academy as an Islamist Fifth Column
The Decade's Biggest Scam
The Doomsday Project and Deep
- JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11
The Doomsday Project, Deep Events,
and The Shrinking of American Democracy
Ecuadorian Coup - Its Larger Meaning
The Global Banking Cartel Has One
Card Left to Play
- The Road to World War III
The Global Elite's Digital Agenda
Played Out as Censorship and Cyber Warfare |
The Globalist Rule of Law
The Global Union
The History of Using Children to
Push for Agendas
The Internet War
The Lack of Major Wars May Be
Hurting Economic Growth
The Mediterranean Union
- Emergence of A New Order - World Geopolitics and The
Battle for The...
The North America Union
- Main File
Obama Killing Machine in Afghanistan
- The "Under-Reporting" of Civilians Killed by Foreign
The Power behind the Throne and
the Bankers' Forever Wars
The Real New World Order - Bankers Taking Over The World
Road to Disaster - US War on Iran
- The Worst Mistake in American History
The Strategic Counteroffensive
The Tri-Command Strategy and Merging U.S.-Canada Arctic
Foreign Policy
Ultimate Delusion - The United Nations
- Main File
The U.S. Air Force Wants to Monitor, Track and Analyze
Everything Done on The Internet Around The Globe
The War On Waste
- Defense Department Cannot Account For 25% Of Funds -
$2.3 Trillion |
The West's Greatest Fear is A
Peaceful Resolution in Syria |
Español |
Tank financiado por Soros/Koch se Opone a la "Guerra para
Siempre" de EE.UU.
To Avoid a Nuclear War With Iran
- Speech at Cuban Parliament by Fidel Castro - August
Tony Blair and George Bush's Phone
Conversation a Week Before Iraq Invasion 'Must Be
Contractors Dominate The Market With Billions in Government
Towards a Culture of World Peace
Towards an "Alternative New World Order" |
Towards a Pre-emptive Nuclear War?
- Why Moscow Does Not Trust Washington on Missile
Defense |
True Stories of Violation
- Border Patrol (100 Miles From The Border) |
Español |
Trump, la Tercera Guerra Mundial y el "Dilema del
Español |
Trump No Incluye a Rusia
en la Lista de Prioridades de Defensa de EE.UU.
Español |
Unidades Policiales Chinas
Comienzan a Entrar a Estados Unidos Para Proteger Bienes |
United Nations Listing of
Terrorist Organizations
United States as A Global Power - New World Disorder
Español |
Un Tercio de los Norteamericanos
Apoyaría un Golpe Militar
U.S. at War Since 1950
- A New Year's Meditation |
U.S. Government Officially
Conscripts Google into the Military Industrial Complex
- "U.S.
is Reviving Terror Scare with ISIS to Promote the Terror
War Industry" - Says FBI Whistleblower
U.S. Military World's Largest
Polluter - Hundreds of Bases Gravely Contaminated
U.S. Presidents Charged With
Crimes Against Humanity as Universal Jurisdiction Dies
in Spain
U.S. Senate to Declare
"International Martial Law" - Give President 'Unlimited'
Military Powers
Español |
Varios Ataques con Armas Químicas
del Gobierno de Los Estados Unidos de Los Cuales No
War - A Balance of Profit and Fear
War and More War… - Trump's
National Security Strategy (NSS) |
War and Wetiko
War in Ukraine is the WEF's
Doorway to Global Technocracy
War is Peace
- The Theory And Practice of
Oligarchical Collectivism
War on Drugs in Afghanistan
Revealed As Total Hoax
- U.S. Military Admits to Guarding, Assisting Lucrative...
War or Peace? - World Entering
Epochal Period of Geopolitical Change
Español |
Washington se Niega a escuchar a
Rusia y a China
Was September 11 2001 The Start of
World War III?
- The March to War
Are Watching The US, Israel and The United Nations
Destroy Syria
Who's Who of The Elite
Who Will Rule The 21st Century?
WikiLeaks Is Good for Democracy
WikiLeaks and The Worldwide
Information War - Power, Propaganda, and
The Global Political Awakening
Deutsch |
Wir sehen zu, wie Syrien Zerstört
wird von USA, Israel und UN
Wisconsin Report - Dr. Beter Audio
- Main File
World War 3 Is Here - A Prediction
Zbigniew Brzezinski and The
Trilateral Commission
- Main File
Private Armies |
Blackwater - War Mercenaries Inc.
- The Privatization of War - Main
File |
Español |
'CST Global' Especializada en El Reclutamiento de Mercenarios
FedEx and Pepsi Are Top Defense
- Five Corporate Brands Making a Killing on America's...
Español |
La Otra Cara de los "Cascos
Blancos" en el Conflicto Sirio
Obama's Secret Assassins - JSoc - Joint
Special Operations Command
Español |
Piratas, Corsarios y Filibusteros
del Siglo XXI
Spies For Hire - Who's Who in
Intelligence Contactors
Syria Under Attack by Globalist Death Squad Experts
Deutsch |
Syrien unter Beschuss von Todesschwadron-Experten der
The March of The Private Armies
The Privatization of War
- Mercenaries, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC)
- Beyond The...
The World's Most Powerful
Mercenary Armies
Multimedia: |
- Jeremy Scahill and Rick Rowley's New Film Exposes
Hidden Truths of Covert U.S. Warfare
The Invasion of Libya - 2011 |
After Me, the Jihad - Gaddafi's
Unheeded Warning to the West
America's Planned Nuclear Attack
on Libya
Breach of Duty - Hillary Clinton and
Catastrophic Failure in Benghazi
Español |
China Podría Matar al Petrodólar
con el Petroyuán - El Sueño de Gaddafi No Muere...
Clinton Allowed Stevens to Die in Benghazi to Keep Saudi
Government Involvement in Syria Secret
Italiano |
Come Al-Qaida è Riuscito a
Governare Tripoli
Italiano |
Come Gli Uomini di Al Qaida
Arrivarono al Potere in Libia
Español |
Cómo Llegó Al-Qaida a Gobernar en Trípoli
Cruise Missiles with Depleted
Uranium on Libya
Español |
El Libro Verde
- Mulazim Awwal Mu'ammar
Muhammad Abu Monyar al-Qadhafi
Español |
El Sistema de Pago de Gaddafi
respaldado por Oro Panafricano
Español |
El Testamento de Gaddafi
Gaddafi Predicted and Tried to
Stop this Terror Wave in UK - So the U.S. Murdered Him...
Gaddafi Was Killed by French
Secret Serviceman on Orders of Nicolas Sarkozy - Sources Claim
Hillary Emails Reveal
True Motive for Libya Intervention
Al Qaeda Men Came to Power in Libya
Italiano |
Il Sistema di Pagamento di
Gheddafi supportato da Oro Panafricano
- "In
Libya Now The Truth Is Coming Out"
- New York Times Interview With Lizzie Phelan
Italiano |
La Cina potrebbe Uccidere il
Petroldollaro con il Petroyuan - Il Sogno di Gheddafi
Non Muore
Español |
La Guerra Contra Libia es Una
Catástrofe Económica Para África y Para Europa
- Entrevista al Mini. de...
Italiano |
La Guerra Contro la Libia è Una
Catastrofe per l'Africa e per l'Europa
- Intervista con il Ministro per la...
Español |
Lecciones que Deberían de haber
sido Aprendidas de la Destrucción de Libia por la OTAN
Lessons that Should Have Been
Learned from NATO's Destruction of Libya
Italiano |
Lezioni che avremmo dovuto
Imparare dalla Distruzione della Libia da parte della
Italiano |
Libia - La Vera Guerra Comincia
Adesso |
Español |
Libia - La Verdadera Guerra Comienza Ahora |
Español |
Libia - ¿Petróleo o Bancos
Español |
Libia y Gadafi - La Verdad Que Se
Supone NO Debes Conocer - Un País Moderno Hecho
Libya and Gaddafi - Setting The
Record Straight |
Libya and The End of Western
Libya - From Africa's Richest
State under Gaddafi, to Failed State after NATO
Libya in Anarchy Two Years after
NATO 'Humanitarian' Liberation |
Libya - Naked, Bloody Imperialism
or "We Came, We Saw, He Died" |
- The Real War Starts Now |
Libya R.I.P. - The Rothschilds Own
You Now |
Español |
Los Emails Explosivos de
Hillary Clinton |
Español |
de La OTAN en Trípoli
Carnage in Tripoli
NATO Incorporates Libyan
Experience For Global War Template
NATO's Inevitable War - The Flood of Lies
Regarding Libya
- "Operation
Post-Gadhafi Libya - Naked
- The Daylight Robbery of Libyan Resources
Español |
- ¿Qué
Decidió El Club Bilderberg Para Libia?
Revolt In Libya - A Message to
Six Years Ago today the U.S.
helped Murder Gaddafi to Stop the Creation of
Gold-Backed Currency
The Benghazi Scandal is Obama's Watergate but Worse
Benghazi Talking Points and How They Were Changed to
Obscure The Truth
The Green Book
- Mulazim
Awwal Mu'ammar Muhammad Abu Monyar al-Qadhafi
The "Liberation" of Libya - NATO
Special Forces and Al Qaeda Join Hands
- "Former Terrorists" Join the...
The Libyan War, American Power and
The Decline of The Petrodollar System
The New Libya - Assassination,
Ruination, Broken Promises and Body Snatching...
The Truth About The Situation in
Libya -
Cutting Through Government Propaganda and Media Lies
Khanfar, Al-Jazeera and The Triumph of Televised
- The Invasion of Libya
Español |
Wadah Khanfar, Al-Jazeera y
El Triunfo de La Propaganda Televisiva
- La Invasión de Libia
War is Good for Business
- Rebuilding Libya With Stolen Money
War on Drugs in Afghanistan
Revealed As Total Hoax
- U.S. Military Admits to Guarding, Assisting...
Who Are The Libyan Freedom
Fighters and Their Patrons?
WikiLeaks Cables Expose
Washington's Close Ties to Gaddafi
Multimedia: |
Lizzie Phelan Interview in NY
Michel Chossudovsky on 'Occupy
Wall Street Movement' and Libyan War
Project for The New American Century (PNAC) |
Halliburton's Destructive
Project for The New American
Century (PNAC)
- All About Them
Rebuilding America's Defenses
- Strategy, Forces
and Resources For a New Century
The Project for The New American
What is The Project for The New
American Century?
Multimedia: |
Español |
El Nuevo Siglo Americano
- Un Film de Massimo Mazzucco |
Italiano |
Il Nuovo Secolo Americano
- Un Film di Massimo Mazzucco |
The Project for The New American
Century |
War Tactics |
A "Humanitarian War" on Syria? -
Military Escalation - Towards a Broader
Middle East-Central Asian War?
Al-Qaeda Is a Front Group for The
US Military-Industrial Complex
America's 'Shadow Wars' in Africa
An Octopus Named Wackenhut
- Main File
Civil War Declared in Syria -
Globalist's Formula for WW III Begins
Español |
Funciona el "Golpe de La CIA" en Irán
- La Guerra Por Otra Vías - Caballo de Troya
Español |
El "Cementerio de Imperios"
reclama otra Víctima
How War Fuels the 'March toward a
New World Order' - Is a New World War about to Begin?
Español |
La Alianza Secreta de EE.UU. con
Al-Qaida y Los Fundamentalistas Islámicos |
New Colonialism
- Pentagon Carves Africa Into Military Zones
The Muslim Brotherhood
- Main File
The Secret History of America's
Defeat in Syria
This War wasn't Just Provoked -
It was Provoked Deliberately!
Space Command
- Space Force - Secret Space Program |
A Brief History of the 'Secret
Space Program'
An Un-American Way of War
- Instruments of Statecraft - US Guerilla Warfare,
Artistic Recreation of
Extraterrestrial Visiting Space Shuttle Released by
Former Space Craft Operator
Astronauts and Apollo's
- Main File
Beyond Bayonets and Battleships
- Space Warfare and The Future of U.S. Global Power
Cosmic Colonialism? - DARPA's 'New
Space Program' stirs Worldwide Concern
Cost to Test U.S. Global-Strike
Missile Could Reach $500 Million
Galactic Federation is Helping
Humanity build a 'Starfleet for Planetary Defense'
Has U.S. Space Command received
Advanced Tech from Galactic Federation?
In the Midst of Global Pain our
'Star Trek Future' is being Birthed
Parsons and the Curious Origins of the American Space
Español |
La Guerra de las Galaxias - De la
Ficción a la Realidad
Laura Eisenhower and the Military
Industrial Complex |
Español |
Laura Eisenhower y el Complejo
Militar Industrial |
Pentagon to Start creating Space
Force, even Before Congress Approves It
Reagan Records and Space Command
Antigravity Fleet
Secret Space War
Space Command - Project Camelot
Interviews with Captain Mark Richards
Space Fence - Connecting the
Surveillance and Transhumanist Agendas
Space Force Personnel to be called
Space Warfare
- Preparing the "Battlespace" for A New Imperial
Adventure - Secretive Mini-Shuttles and...
Space Wars - The First Six Hours of World War III
Aerospace Corporation - from "Elite Watch"
The Artemis Accords Principles for
Cooperation in the Civil Exploration and Use of the
Moon, Mars, Comets...
The Future of Space 2060 and
Implications for U.S. Strategy - Report on the Space
Futures Workshop
The Militarization of Space
- Military Research Agendas For The Future
The USAF Space Command and What it
The Weaponization of Space
- Corporate Driven Military Unleashes Pre-emptive Wars
Trump's Space Force is now
Officially the Sixth Military Branch
Español |
- Estados Unidos Oficializa Su Interés en La Guerra
Cibernética de Cara a Las Próximas... |
U.S. Cyber Command - Documents
Reveal Pentagon Launching Covert Cyber Attacks
U.S. Cyber Command - Waging War In World's
Fifth Battlespace |
U.S. Grounds Virgin Galactic after
Space Flight 'Mishap'
U.S. National Space Policy
U.S. Space Command's Vision 2020
Multimedia: |
Space Command
- AirForce Space Today
The Pentagon - El Pentágono |
A Secret War in 120 Countries - The Pentagon's New
Power Elite
Español |
El Pentágono admite que ha Analizado restos de Ovnis
Estrellados - Los hallazgos podrían "Cambiar...
Español |
El Pentágono Habla |
Global Warfare USA - The World is
The Pentagon's Oyster
- US Military Operations in All Major Regions...
How the Pentagon's Skynet Would
Automate War
Español |
La Futura Pesadilla que El
Pentágono Está Creando para La Humanidad
Español |
Geopolítica de Obama del "Pivote" Chino - China en La
Mira del Pentágono
New Colonialism
- Pentagon Carves Africa Into Military Zones
Español |
No hay Guerra sin Propaganda de
Obama's Geopolitical China 'Pivot'
- The Pentagon's "New Enemy" Image
Pentagon Continues Contracting
U.S. Companies in Latin America
Pentagon Fails its First-ever
Audit - Official Says...
Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change and the
Costs of War
Pentagon Provokes New Crisis With
China -
The Drums of War?
Pentagon's Arms-research chief Eyes Space-Based Directed
Energy Weapons
Pentagon Secretly Goes to War With The Internet
Pentagon to Start creating Space
Force, even Before Congress Approves It
Español |
- ¿Qué
es el Comando Sur, el 'Pentágono en Miniatura' de EE.UU.?
That's Militainment! - Big
Hollywood succumbs to the Pentagon Borg...
The Difference Between the Death
Star and the Pentagon
The Pentagon and Big Oil -
Militarism and Capital Accumulation
The Pentagon's Law of War Manual -
A Blueprint for Total War and Military Dictatorship |
The Pentagon's Secret Nuclear
- "Privatizing Nuclear War"
U.S. Cyber Command - Documents
Reveal Pentagon Launching Covert Cyber Attacks
Why is the Pentagon interested in
Yemen - Pentagon's War On The
Arabian Peninsula
Multimedia: |
Bombshell Docs Reveal COVID-19
Cover-Up Goes Straight to the Top - Redacted with
Clayton Morris
The Pentagon - 2.3 Trillion
Dollars Missing...
- One Day Before 9-11 WTC Attack!
Weapons |
A Battleground for Weapons of The
Future |
AI Drone Swarms and Autonomous
Vessels - Palantir Co-Founder warns how Warfare is about
to Change for...
Español |
Armas Biológicas Étnicas - Una
Amenaza Real
Main File
- Hi-Tech/Top Secret Military Weapons - Main
Depleted Uranium Contamination - A
Crime Against Humanity
EU Military Industrial Complex
Forms Single Massive Company
- BAE, EADS Talks May Spur More Mergers
Español |
La Guerra Genética - El Nuevo
Escenario de Confrontación de Estados Unidos
Español |
- "Lavender"
- Se Desenmascara la Aterradora Realidad de la Guerra
Español |
Más Sobre Guerra Genética - Laboratorios Secretos el
Pentágono en Georgia
Cyborgs, and Supersoldiers' - Report suggests Pentagon
exploring Biotech-Based Warfare
Español |
Sobre Súper-Armas y Dominio Global |
Weather Warfare
- Main File
Books-Treatises |
- by George Orwell (Eric
Blair) |
Español |
- por George Orwell |
America's "War on Terrorism" -
by Michel Chossudovsky |
Code Red - The Coming Destruction of
America 2004 -
by David Booth |
Common Sense - Addressed to the
Inhabitants of America, on the following Interesting
Subjects - by T. Paine
Critical Mass
- The Real Story of the Birth of the Atomic Bomb and the
Nuclear Age -
by Carter P. Hydrick |
Español |
De la Guerra
- por Carl von Clausewitz
Español |
El Arte de La Guerra
- por
Sun Tzu
Español |
El Destino de los Imperios y la
Búsqueda de la Supervivencia - por Jeff Bagot
Killing Hope -
U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II -
by William |
Militainment, Inc. - War, Media
and Popular Culture
- by Roger Stahl
Neurotechnology in National
Security and Defense
- by James Giordano
Pawns in the Game
by William Guy Carr |
Español |
Razones de Estado
- por Chester Swann
The Age of AI - And our Human
Future - by
Eric Schmidt and Henry Kissinger |
The Fate of Empires and Search for
Survival - by
Jeff Bagot
The Kill Chain - Defending America
in the Future of High-Tech Warfare
- by
Christian Brose
The Police State Road Map - by Michael Nield |
Understanding the War Industry - by
Christian Sorensen |
Multimedia |
- "Afghanistan
Pakistan Imbroglio" With Pakistani General Hamid Gul
All Wars Are Bankers' Wars
Another War? - Russia, China and
the American "Empire"
Political Road Movie - 'South of The Border'
Beyond Treason
Bilderberg Group Gives Green Light
for War With Iran |
Collateral Murder
- Wikileaks |
Countdown to Zero
Cultures of War
- Pearl Harbor/Hiroshima/9-11/Iraq
Dick Cheney - The Unauthorized
Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned
to Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb
Eisenhower's Farewell Address to
The Nation
Empire - Hollywood and The War
Even The Troops Are Waking Up
Fighting in The Fifth Dimension -
The Cyberworld is A New Frontline
Fork in The Road - "They" Want To
Trigger World War III
- David Icke |
Full Spectrum Treason
- Future Combat System [FCS]
Guerra Psicológica
Hubris - Selling The Iraq War
In Whose Interest? - Why
The U.S. Went to War for Profit |
- One Nation - Under Debt - In Stress
Iraq for Sale - The War Profiteers
- A Ponerological Example in Africa |
La Cuarta Guerra Mundial - The
Fourth World War
La "Elite" Habla
- Lindsay Williams
La Guerra Contra La Democracia
NWO About to Nuke The World With WW3
PsyWar - Wake Up!
Español |
Regímenes Mundiales desarrollan Armas de I.A. sin
considerar los Riesgos para todos...
Russia and the Neocon March to
World War 3
- Paul Craig Roberts
SuperPower - 2008 Documentary
The Elite Speak
- Lindsey Williams
The Fog of War - The Nature of
Modern Warfare
The Fraud of "Humanitarian Wars"
The Lies That Led To War
- CBC - The Fifth Estate
The Trials of Henry Kissinger |
The Use of Depleted Uranium
- Beyond Treason |
The Video The US Military Doesn't
Want You to See
The War of The World
The War on Democracy
The War You Don't See
Uncovered - The Whole Truth About
The Iraq War
Un Film de Realidades Politicas
- 'Al Sur de La Frontera'
U.S. Quest for Global Dominance
- Superpower - The Film |
U.S. Revolution Is Near
- Economist
War and Globalization
- The Truth Behind September 11 (9/11)
War with China - Are we Closer
than we Think?
Why We Fight
- The History of The Military Industrial Complex
Wikileaks Leaked Video of
Civilians Killed in Baghdad
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Germany's ET Contacts
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Martial Law in USA
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The 9-11 Events
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The Elite's Drug Management
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The Middle East Exopolitical Saga
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The Protocols of The Learned
Elders of Zion
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Weather Warfare
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- International New Media Non-Profit Organization
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