by Peter B. Meyer
03, 2023
FinalWakeupCall Website

Governments are Designed to Control the People
Most likely, nothing of this article will be found in the mainstream
In classic
Orwellian terms - such as,
"War is Peace, Freedom
is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength"...
saying one thing and
doing the opposite.
This is everywhere the order of the day...
Once one understands that governments are structured to control the
people, all becomes much clearer.
For example, why governments
always act in the interest of,
...with associated
organizations and personnel, but
ominously never in the interest of the public.

With the
terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. 2001, the power elite
started with great speed the process of integrating Humanity into
New World Order.
Not only in America and Europe but worldwide,
while democratic rights silently were abolished.
Anyone who has
studied the EU's decision-making procedures will discover that these
are far from being democratic, the EU has evolved into an
The world has become an insane asylum but society is too asleep to
notice the insanity.
Just as insane dreams are never questioned,
people do not even question their insane lives.
The implications of mass sleepwalking are obvious:
with billions of
people asleep the Deep State has the advantage.
As, these people are
easily controlled.
Their conscious soul exists within a mental
prison, harnessed for time, labor, and energy.
Those people have
little or no freewill because they have abandoned consciousness.
They keep acting like sheep, and never will break away from the
Wakeup and stay grounded to fight for our free world
without any dictatorship.
There is no single
savior of this world.
There are many
saviors, when many people wakeup en mass.
wealthiest families of this planet exercise a powerful, profound
and clandestine control over global politics.
This control began in
Europe and has its continuity to be traced back to the time when the
bankers discovered, that it was more profitable to give loans to
governments than to needy individuals.
These banking families and their subservient beneficiaries have come
to own most major businesses in this world, which they have secretly
and increasingly organized themselves as controllers of governments
and worldwide arbiters of war and peace...
Begin with a look at today's world:
it is tempting to see who and
what the dark society really is and now is falling apart.
2021, we are in this transition process.
As humanity moves into
higher consciousness, and now there is more positive energy than
negative on planet Earth.
For centuries, we have functioned out of an old, negative
consciousness of war, violence, cruelty, and the need for power.
This, now is changing.
Change may seem slow, but it is certain that
humanity is shifting towards peace, cooperation and togetherness...!
Worldwide Network of Powerful Forces
A worldwide network of powerful forces exert almost total control
over all areas of importance on this planet.
This is something that
now is beginning to understood with greater clarity thanks to access
to the Internet and resulting from the work of many dedicated
investigative journalists, authors, filmmakers, activists,
whistle-blowers, and those who have spoken out about their own
experiences with these groups.
There are powerful forces operating in and beyond the world, and it
seems that those who are 'in the know' have always recognized this.
A high level FBI agent came forward to confirm that
the Illuminati, crime cabal, run this world.
Watch this recommended highly
informative video to better understand the Occult World of Commerce,
explained by the late Jordan Maxwell, first 15 min.:
Jordan Maxwell continued as a preeminent researcher and independent
scholar in the field of occult/religious philosophy.
His interest
in these subjects began as far back as 1959.
He served for
three-and-a-half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker
Magazine, America's oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873).
His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western
religions and
secret societies created enthusiastic responses from audiences
around the world.
He has,
conducted dozens of intensive seminars
hosted his own
radio talk shows
guested on more than 600 radio
written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows
and documentaries (including three two-hour specials for the CBS TV
network, as well as the internationally acclaimed five-part Ancient
Mystery Series),
...all devoted to understanding ancient religions and
their pervasive influence on world affairs today.
His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and
modern, and related symbols, has fascinated audiences around the
world for decades.
Considering the rapidly moving events of today,
explaining the true real part hidden religious agendas that play in
our modern war-torn world.
He feels these controversial subjects are
not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! His
extraordinary presentations includes documents and photographs
seldom seen elsewhere.
It is important that all people try to stay as informed, positive
and optimistic as possible.
However too many watch every night the wrong source; public TV, to
be indoctrinated with lies from the media mongers with their
misleading images, and consequently accepting unconsciously the
mainstream narrative that shows realities based on anger, anxiety
and fear.
Keep eyes and mind open and become aware that the world is
manipulated by people, who on their turn are manipulated and mind
controlled by the Upper Echelon Crime Cabal that amongst many others
include all 'admired' royalties from every monarchy.
Control of the Many by the Few
In the past,
people rebelled against rule by royal dictatorship and
demanded a say in who ran the country...
The bloodlines began the process of replacing the overt
dictatorships with one that had the appearance of freedom while
being business as usual.
Tyranny was replaced with the much more
effective tyranny that one cannot see, or most people don't see.
is the system of
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
In today's world, free trade and the centralization of gold and
other precious metals is viewed outwardly as a positive concept:
an increasingly global society, the free and open exchange of goods
strengthens the world economy.
Adequate structure is vital for control of the many by the few.
formation of political parties produced the structure through which
members of parliaments, and those at other levels of government - local and state
- can be controlled.
Instead of having to force
their will upon hundreds of individuals, all they have to do is
force it upon those who control the parties and they, in turn, will
enforce it upon their members.
The Wrong People Destroy Everything
Unfortunately, when control of such a system is placed into the
hands of the wrong people - as it has been from the outset, it does
in fact have the opposite effect:
It destroys national economies and
makes poor nations more dependent upon the rich.
Quite simple,
if someone wants to progress in politics they first
need to join a party and then keep the ruling elite of the party as
happy as they can by doing and saying what the rulers want.
It's the same with,
doctors, lawyers, scientists and teachers,
your head down, don't rock the boat, and certainly don't oppose
anything significant through personal conscience that is against the
wishes of the party establishment.
Real personal 'progress' in any of these professions demands that
you close your mind or sell your soul... Preferably both...
For example the UK Parliament have people known as 'Whips' to make
sure their MPs vote accordingly to the party line. The fact that Whips are allowed to exist and operate openly is already proof of
corruption and irrelevance of politics.
They offer MPs promises of
good things for themselves, if they comply, and if they still won't
budge, they are told the facts of life about the consequences for
their careers.
The same system operates in every country, although not always with
official Whips.
Detailed files are kept on politicians, aided by
intelligence agency data, which can be used to terrify a doubter
into line through fear of his/her secrets becoming public.
The ones
that control the parties also control the intelligence agency
network, not least the
Rothschild dynasty...
There are no boundaries at that level or moral dilemmas about little
things like integrity and laws of data protection.
The more secrets
people have that would destroy them if revealed, the better they are
to fill key positions.
If they ever try to stand up against the
official line, there is always 'the file'...
Politics is full of fraud and without integrity

The upper echelons of politics are full of people who are dancing to
the tune of the music for fear of public exposure for anything from
financial fraud to pedophilia.
are three types of politicians that get anywhere near the government
The small minority who are knowingly part of the conspiracy and
aware of the goals.
Those who just
want power and status and will do anything to get it, by
saying and doing whatever it takes.
While parties are merely vehicles introducing the agenda of the
shadow government that demand the transformation of human society
into global dictatorship.
Today people in large numbers correctly say elections are
irrelevant, because never anything changes.
While most of these
elections are rigged to make sure the right result is being
obtained, by the wrong people.
Those who have big secrets that can be revealed at any time if they
refuse to take orders.
It is not said that every politician is like that, only the vast
majority who make it to the government or the top of major parties,
in charge or in opposition, with any chance to forming a government.
The glue that coordinates the manipulations between different
political parties and countries is the spider's web of
societies... The
Freemasons as the most influential.
In fact it doesn't matter for whom you vote:
the Rothschild-Illuminati through the control of any party decide which government
gets installed.
They control all camps of political currents.
Politics is full of fraud without integrity - saying one thing and
doing the opposite.
Purposely the faulty monetary policies, economic policies, and
political policies have caused this on-going economic crisis, and
kept continuing.
The primary perpetrators are the
central bankers,
led by
the FED, first by Greenspan,
Bernanke, and now Janet Yellen
and obediently followed by
the ECB.
The United States has given the world two choices:
war to defend the
US Dollar, versus cooperation with Eastern Alliance toward the Gold
No breakthrough will come either way or both, after the collapse of
the fiat money system, and or through mass awakening by the mob.
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil,
but by those who watch them without doing anything!
When the crisis was made a business
Today's 'green' campaign
is a broken system...
Former British HSBC banker
Alexander Pohl worked for years for one of the
world's greenest banks. Idealistically driven he financed big wind
and solar farms genuinely convinced he was making the world a better
Gradually he woke up to the fact that today's 'green' is a broken
system. He gave up banking and emigrated with his family to his
little forest paradise in remote, northern Sweden.
The dream was to return to nature, to start an Eco-farm and put as
much distance as possible between his family and the
industrialization of nature.
Until that... a wind farm was built at the gates of his paradise
Documentary filmmakers Poels and Alexander Pohl make the journey
together to ask questions and unravel the green wonderland to its
true core...
The dream was to get back to Nature, start an eco-farm
and put as much distance as he could between his family and the
industrialization of nature.
Until... a wind park was planned at the gates of his paradise
Documentarian Poels and Alexander Pohl are taking the
journey together... to ask questions and unravel the green
wonderland to its true core...