My work is different than the traditional approach because I incorporate consciousness into the evolution of the cosmos from the most powerful quantum level, to provide powerful and plausible explanations on how the Universe experiences life and how life experiences the universe.
I write a lot of quotes as well and my favorite one is,
This is true also, love is the primary reason that everything keeps advancing on an infinite level and I will explain why this has been happening.
It's actually not that difficult to understand when you incorporate consciousness into everything.
On the most powerful quantum level consciousness or thought and higher frequency vibrations produce light energy and consciousness or thought and lower frequency vibrations produce dark energy.
Photons evolve out of these frequency vibrations of light energy because matter requires light energy in the universe and photons are a result of the evolution of matter and light energy.
You might be familiar with the term "big mind".
The two primary reasons that human beings have not experienced this yet is,
These two forms of fear
in the entire body prevent human beings from experiencing what it is
like to be completely integrated into the true nature of
consciousness everywhere, because these two primary forms of fear
produce a very powerful form of resistance in the evolution of
These two forms of energy need frequency vibrations because this is how energy experiences evolutionary development and advancement. What originates at this level is the existence of conceptualization.
Conceptualization exists at the most powerful quantum level within the vibrational frequencies of thought and energy in order to maintain the integrity of the evolution of consciousness and matter within the dynamics of infinity.
The reason is the most powerful desire in existence is for the experience of thought to exist forever, and this is what drives the nature of infinity itself. When conceptualization takes place within the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy this generates the advancement of more energy and this is how subatomic activity is produced.
Atoms evolve as a result of subatomic activity and molecules and elements evolve as a result of atomic activity.
Love is actually very scientific as well as divine.
The reason is this energy is incorporated into these frequency vibrations and subatomic, atomic and molecular activity everywhere.
When consciousness experiences a type of integration in order to share in a particular experience with individual properties and a unification in understanding in experienced, love is generated which advances more consciousness and energy.
These two different forms of consciousness would share in one another's experience and love would be generated which would cause the continued expansion and growth of infinity.
This activity had always existed and this is
where infinity comes from originally...
Consciousness and light energy contain higher frequency vibrations and there is more dark energy in existence.
So when more light energy is generated in existence a particular sensation can be experienced with love because the frequency vibrations are higher and there is more dark energy than light energy.
I will give two great examples of love being generated in the consciousness with both light and dark energy.
Roger Penrose suggested the theory of Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (CCC). There are some similarities with this theory and the type of work I present.
What actually happened is existence itself gave birth to a new development of consciousness and energy with the introduction of matter.
There was an early formation that was introduced into existence first before the actual release of consciousness, energy and matter took place with the Big Bang.
This infinite form of consciousness and these two types of energy conceptualized a convergence of themselves in a more powerful way than what had already existed in order to further the advancement of evolutionary development through fusion and the introduction of matter into existence.
This early formation that the universe underwent is similar to what is experienced through reproduction on Earth, and reproduction is actually an extension in time and space of this activity.
Female consciousness originates from the higher frequency vibrations of light energy and male consciousness originates from the lower frequency vibrations of dark energy.
When the universe was introduced,
Before the universe existed the exchange of consciousness, light energy and dark energy through the interaction of frequency vibrations contained no resistance.
The reason is:
Resistance to the evolution of consciousness, matter and energy comes from different degrees of uncertainty being experienced in different changes that are introduced with the evolutionary process itself.
When this universe began formation it was a new development of consciousness and life, especially with the conceptualization and introduction of matter.
Also what happened was the consciousness and energy that was being formed into this universe had originally belonged to this infinite form of consciousness and was being introduced as a new structure of development.
This infinite form of consciousness and energy combined the two frequency vibrations of both light energy and dark energy together with the conceptualization of a new development in evolution and the incorporation of love in order to introduce a form of matter into existence.
This produced the Higgs boson.
This was the first form of matter that was introduced into existence and this particle contains,
This had to be represented on a quantum level in the form of matter because this is where everything in the universe originates from and had to be represented in time and space.
The early development of this universe took on a life of its own and an independent role in evolution in existence.
Higgs bosons needed to evolve into the formation as representations of consciousness, matter and energy to serve as an evolutionary foundation in time and space with the universe...
Because the early formation of the universe took on an independent role in evolutionary development, more vibrational frequencies experienced integration and different forms of subatomic matter were introduced which produce different fields of energy in the universe.
What was also introduced into the formation was pressure.
This pressure was
introduced into the mixture and conversion of the higher and lower
frequency vibrations that were interacting with one another.
When the two become integrated with certain types of evolutionary development it generates polarity which causes pressure to accumulate in different degrees.
The reason for the accumulation of pressure in the early formation of the universe and what has existed for around 13.8 billion years is actually due to the uncertainty of change associated with different types of evolutionary introduction with matter and energy.
The reason is that the consciousness and energy of this universe originally belonged to the integrity of consciousness and infinity and was introduced as a new development in time and space and a very powerful form of a type of separation occurred when this universe underwent early formation and introduction from the Big Bang.
The frequency vibrations of consciousness and light and dark energy have been experiencing a type of level of uncertainty in evolutionary development, as to why this new development of life was happening in existence in the first place.
The Higgs field contains a very powerful level of love, certainty and identification and the rest of the fields of consciousness, energy and matter have been undergoing an advancement in evolutionary development.
The Big Bang happened because,
On an individual level a human being can conceive of existing forever, or dying forever (which is impossible).
A human being can experience love or different degrees of uncertainty associated with the experience of love. The evolution of consciousness and love has to do with the convergence of the frequency vibrations of both light and dark energy. The reason is this is the foundation for eternal existence.
The Higgs field contains the most powerful concentration and combination of both of these frequency vibrations and the most powerful concentration of love within the consciousness of the universe.
When this universe underwent early formation and introduction from the Big Bang something else occurred within all of this activity.
A lot of pressure was introduced into different locations in the universe where there are different levels of evolutionary activity happening with the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy.
Pressure transfers into the frequency vibrations of dark energy easier because the frequency vibrations are lower and there is more dark energy in the universe.
Because this universe experienced a new development of life on its own and certain aspects of this consciousness did not understand why this was happening:
Also when the early formation was introduced into the fusion from the Big Bang, a very powerful change in the evolutionary structure of the universe took place.
A very powerful aspect of this consciousness and energy lost awareness for a moment when the Big Bang occurred because the evolutionary state of consciousness changed from the early formation into the body of the universe which we know of today.
The Big Bang caused the frequency vibrations to converge together and then become separated somewhat with the introduction itself.
Evolutionary development causes the frequency vibrations of both light and dark energy to consistently converge together in the universe because this once again is how everything was brought into existence in the first place.
When consciousness unifies with light energy and dark energy and more love is generated this causes more evolutionary development and advancement in the Higgs field.
The Higgs field was introduced into the universe to help love evolve into living organisms (planet's included) and the continuation and activity of life helps to transfer more love back into the Higgs field which advances universal evolutionary development and the evolution of consciousness everywhere.
This also advances matter
in the universe because the Higgs field is the foundation for the
evolutionary development of matter. It is a cyclical process which
keeps advancing itself through time and space.
The Higgs field exists everywhere so,
This also causes the advancement in evolutionary development in the living organism and this happens on Earth with all life form everyday.
Earth is located in a region of time and space that is 13.8 billion years old.
Consciousness in the universe contains memory of what happened in time and space of early formation and introduction, and the pressure from the initial introduction from the universe in this region of time and space has been very powerful in this location.
Earth is fairly 'close' to where the origin of the Big Bang took place and where the introduction of the universe happened.
The separation in frequency vibrations and the resistance that was experienced with the universe undergoing a new development transferred into this region of time and space.
Consciousness and energy from the source that introduced this universe has been transferring into this location in the universe and there has been very powerful fluctuations in pressure transferring into Earth's environment as well.
The Higgs field has experienced higher concentrations of energy in Earth's environment and then more resistance or pressure would transfer into Earth's environment from the acceleration of time and space.
Earth and life on Earth have been experiencing very powerful evolutionary advancement and then resistance to evolution over a long period of time.
There is consciousness and energy which connects the location of the introduction of the universe and the source of introduction, through the resistance that was experienced in the early formation from consciousness and energy being transferred back into the source.
There was not a complete
separation that occurred between this universe and the form of
infinite consciousness and energy.
Earth has been experiencing fluctuations in evolutionary development due to the activity that occurred with the early formation and introduction of the universe. The limited amount of the transfer of energy from the Higgs field and living organisms in the environment is what generates the process of aging and what causes living organisms to experience death on a natural level.
What has been happening recently on a universal level is a lot more consciousness and energy are being transferred back and forth between the Higgs field and the infinite source of consciousness that introduced this universe.
All consciousness and energy experiences evolutionary development and advancement due to the origin of existence.
This universe has a consciousness and an identity and is around 13.8 billion years old. It is just time for this universe to experience a much greater level of evolutionary advancement.
With evolutionary
advancement what happens is there is a much more powerful
integration of the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy and
consciousness, and this is generating more development in the Higgs
Life, death, love and fear are all aspects of consciousness and time and space that occur on a global level on Earth.
The resistance to evolution is transferring out of the entire universe right now and this is causing a much more powerful advancement in consciousness and energy everywhere.
This is generating physical occurrences in time and space now especially with galactic centers and black hole activity.
There is phenomenon occurring in the universe right now that scientists are having a difficult time understanding because the evolution of consciousness is involved.
Soon this evolutionary activity will be affecting Earth and all of the inhabitants here in a very powerful and wonderful way: