by Peter B. Meyer
March 25, 2023
FinalWakeupCall Website
Spanish version

is the hallmark
of the true soul...
The trail that leads you to the 5D world
consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th
You possess this key the moment your consciousness tells
you: do! or, fail!
At that moment, you will be alone! No one will
judge you or reward you. But you will feel it when you have really
It is the end of an era! And the beginning of a new era.
Beware! There are all over the internet Fake Truth sellers supported
by channels of the so-called popular media used as mouthpieces who
themselves believe they are receiving information from the Light and
are privileged to pass it on.
When in reality they
are operatively manipulated by the cabal...
often tell people that they have an exclusive Informant at their
disposal, and that they have been chosen to be their voice in our
hey pass on information that is partly true, but in fact
aims to sow doubt, lies and deception.
The Third Dimension,
is the world of lies, deception. competition,
destructive criticism, selfishness, theft, fraud, fame and greed.
Control and power is the goal.
Backstabbing, malice and cultivating
low frequency for conviction and control.
These are actions that put
firm locks on the Portal to the Fifth Dimension.
Whereas always in the Fifth Dimension cooperation, help and
dedication are focused on good, pure intentions, with empathy and
care for others.
That is the track that leads you to the 5D world.
Nothing and no one has the power to influence the individual choice.
For every individual, the freedom of free will and choice still
There cannot be a soul that can claim not to have had a
Ascension is mounting and by definition the path of those who
consciously choose to go to a higher level of Light.
This path can
only be found when the consciousness is truly sufficiently expanded,
by understanding every lesson presented during successive
Remember that nothing and no one will decide for you...!
The soul vibrating at a high frequency is generally focused on the
intention of good. It takes into account the result of every action
done. It always moves to the other side to feel whether each
decision is indeed best for both.
She is cooperative at all times
and never competes for personal gain.
She is loving, compassionate
and respectful.
The moment
the money system collapses and/or the majority of
vaccinated people discover that they have been deceived by their
government, global liberation becomes a reality.
Our freedom must be
fought from below.
Our returning alien correspondent Vital Frosi reports on the latest
developments in our liberation process...
Simplicity is the hallmark of the True Soul
The soul of every human being is expressed through consciousness.
When we talk about
the soul, we are talking about consciousness
itself. It constantly vibrates and produces a frequency that varies
according to this vibration.
There are no two souls on the same
frequency, any more than there can be two radio transmitters
overlapping on the same waveband
Intention determines the frequency of every soul. It determines
thoughts and actions. And it is actions that count and determine
Actions generate reactions, also called the Law of Cause
and Effect.
Even an omission can be called an action.
It is the
action of inaction.
The soul has its own life, which is independent of the physical
However, it needs the body to manifest itself.
Through its
manifestation, it develops.
The body allows the soul to express
itself through body language.
Through physical and emotional
symptoms, the soul tells us when and where to pay attention, because
any discomfort means there is a message or a learning process for
that incarnated consciousness.
The brain that feeds the human mind is the addition to the soul.
is a mechanism of manifestation.
It has the polarities that enable
actions, both in what we know as good, and in the opposite polarity,
which is called evil.
Experiencing both polarities is the rule of
this soul school.
Therefore, good and evil do not exist as we understand them, because
everything is learning. Humanity has reached the apex of this
learning process.
No soul incarnated today can claim to be unaware
and unaware of the difference between an ethical and an unethical
action. Of a moral action and an immoral action.
To repeat the negative action, is a deficiency of the soul’s
character. And this deficiency, vibrates at a very low frequency,
preventing the soul from ascending now.
What determines the high or low frequency of a soul is its
The soul that vibrates high will never have any intention
towards ego, towards personal interests, towards the desire for
power over others, towards competition, in short, towards anything
that does not fit with what is in fact ethical and moral.
On the other hand, the soul vibrating at a high frequency is focused
on the intention of good in general.
It considers the outcome of
every action to be done. It always places itself on the other side
to feel whether every decision is indeed best for all.
She is
cooperative at all times; she never competes for personal gain.
is loving, compassionate and respectful.
Simplicity is the distinctive seal of the true soul
It is in simplicity that good reveals itself and good is done. It is
in simplicity that one can feel true joy and true happiness.
Simplicity fulfils much more than excess.
The soul that enjoys the having, will never feel the pleasure of it.
The soul that seeks abundance will never have enough.
Simplicity is
the hallmark of the exalted soul.
Life in itself is beautiful and simple. Simplicity would be enough
for humanity on earth to feel joyful and happy. But the competition
of the ego has turned the collectivity into a battlefield where the
strongest have more opportunities to conquer.
What a mistake!
The ego does not set limits. On the contrary, it is
a bottomless pit from which the one who falls cannot get out without
going through multiple reincarnations of trials.
The pain that man
goes through is nothing but the way back after reaching the bottom
of this pit.
Simplicity is the home of the exalted soul
In this school of souls, suffering is not compulsory.
On the
contrary, pain is an option. If we accept the trials and actually
use them to learn, there will be no pain as a result.
However, when the incarnated soul tries to bargain in its
favor, by
harming something or someone, the Law of Return will bring the
corresponding atonements.
The Divine Laws are simply just. Therefore, simplicity is the home
of the true soul.
The consciousness that has already learned the
meaning and importance of being incarnated here has already
understood that simplicity is the shortest way to complete the
Ascension knocks at the doors of those who are meek and pure of
heart. And those doors lead to the abode of simple souls because
they are exalted.
The clock of the Third Dimension is about to ring the bell for the
end of the Old Cycle of this planetary home.
A New Earth is being born. Simplicity is the key that will open the
door to this new home.
I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment...