by Peter B. Meyer
March 21, 2023
FinalWakeupCall Website

Dominos start to fall
A "Too Big To Fail" Bank in Europe is literally on the brink of
Do you remember when wealthy people all over the world
would stash their money in Swiss banks because these were so strong
and so private?
Well, the second largest bank in Switzerland is
literally on the brink of collapse.
As written earlier Credit Suisse
is a prime candidate to be one of the next dominoes to fall. It has
been on very shaky ground for a long time, and now the global
banking panic has greatly accelerated the outflow of assets from the
So why should you care if it fails...?
Unlike Silicon Valley Bank
and Signature Bank,
Credit Suisse is so critical to the worldwide
banking system that it has officially been designated,
"as being
systemically important by the international Financial Stability
Credit Suisse, the 167 year-old banking behemoth, is not a domino
falling in reaction to bank failures in the U.S.
Its troubles are of
its own making, and have been cascading for over a decade. Still,
its current dire predicament could hardly come at a worse time for
the global financial system.
Wake up, read the headlines, see another bank panic…
Credit Suisse is one of just 30 global financial
designated as being systemically important by the international
Financial Stability Board.
In other words, it's too big to fail...
The widespread panic that is witnessed is definitely not what the
bureaucrats at the Federal Reserve were anticipating.
Following the
second largest bank collapse in U.S. history and the third largest
bank collapse in U.S. history a few days layer, the Federal Reserve
unveiled an unprecedented rescue plan that was supposed to end the
banking panic.
Major sovereign debt crisis
If you have not seen it yet, you can view the details on the
official website of the Federal Reserve (FED) right
The most
important part of the plan is the Fed's decision to fully guarantee
all of the deposits at Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank...
The world is entering a major sovereign debt crisis and that's going
to turn many markets inside out and upside down.
Don't expect any voluntarily rate hike this year. Instead, the next
round of QE will start around the world in order to stabilize
falling markets. The problem is that this time it will have minimal
and only short-term effects.
For the last years, investors around
the world have ignored risk. That is why the coming panic will be so
When interest rates inevitably go up from these artificially
suppressed levels, the bond and stock markets are going to collapse,
and with it, the real estate market.
Pension funds are going to be
wiped out.
This is a very bad situation:
The world is itself digging
in deeper and deeper.
The European Union
will not survive.
It will disintegrate.
And right
all of the powerful economic cycles
will converge this year,
forming the Super Cycle
that will signal total collapse.
Governments are desperate; Spain has begun taxing bank deposits. You
pay an income tax on your pay-check, and then pay another tax when
you deposit it in the bank.
Happens really a financial crisis...
As such huge sums of money are
available to
the élite banking bloodlines,
Why is crippling
financial austerity being imposed by national governments on their
And why are the elected politicians in the Western democracies
keeping their mouth shut to keep their electorates in the dark about
these vast hidden riches, while, at the same time, they are raising
taxes and cutting public expenditure on services and infrastructure?
An enquiry must be made:
Is there really a global banking crisis at
Or is the "financial crisis" just a set-up media event to
provide cover for massive élite theft?
In 2008 the world has experienced the
hurricane going through the
financial system, first entering and then crossing its eye in the
centre of it, all went relatively quiet, and now we are leaving that
eye at the other side, entering the trailing stream.
This is going
to be much severe, different and longer lasting than what was seen
in 2008/9.
Most of the printed fiat money still is in de banking system, but
not in the economy. Divided over the real estate, stock, bond and
crypto markets, creating bubbles in all of those.
The higher they
go, the harder they fall...
Sadly, not many people are prepared when this next crisis hit. Keep
an eye on Janet Yellen, she just poured lighter fluid on every small
bank in America and don't forget the EU.
Listen for serious trouble
at "too big to fail" banks.
The coming months are going to be
extremely significant, and be wise to get ready out, while it still
is possible.
"Everything is lining
up to see the most massive shocks in the global economy and
markets. This panic seemed to come out of nowhere as global bond
markets see a massive selloff and stocks plunge."

Banking crisis unfolding
The banking crisis that we see unfolding in the world is proof that
more is coming our way.
This March, three banks have collapsed in
the span of one week.
It started at first with a California-based cryptocurrency-focused
bank, Silvergate, which collapsed on March 8th, and then two days
later Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) went down as well.
It went down in
the largest-ever bank run...
And that was the second biggest ever to fail in US history. And it
was also the largest bank to crash since 2008.
Silicon Valley Bank had $209 billion in assets, compared to the
largest-ever bank failure which was Washington Mutual, which had
$307 billion in assets, and that was in 2008.
Well, in order to
understand why they're crashing, you have to compare it to
happened in 2008 and 2009.
This crash is much more serious.
In 2008 and 2009, Washington Mutual
collapsed because it was a crooked bank. It was writing fraudulent
mortgages, junk loan mortgages.
It should have been allowed to go
under because of the fraud.
The basic subprime fraud and collapse was widespread fraud
throughout the whole financial system.
Citibank was one of the worst offenders.
These were individual banks that could have been allowed
to go under and the mortgages could have done what President Obama
had promised to do.
The mortgages could have been written down to the realistic market
values that would have cost about as much to service as paying your
monthly rent.
And you just would have got the crooks out of the
To rob a bank is to
own one, is often said, but true!
Obama had promised to write down the loans, to keep the subprime
mortgage people in their houses, but to write down the loans to the
fair value they had to undo the fraud.
What happened instead was, as soon as he took office, he invited the
bankers to the White House and said,
"I'm the only guy
standing between you and the mob with the pitchforks."
He bailed out the banks and directed the
FED to undertake fifteen
years of quantitative easing (QE).
And what that was, was
the FED
"Well the mortgages
are worth less than - the value of the property doesn't suffice
to cover all of the bank deposits, because the banks have made
bad mortgages."
"How do
we save the banks
that have
the value of
what they have...?"
They slashed interest rates to zero, and it spurred the largest
asset-price inflation in history.
Flooded the market with credit,
instead of real estate prices going back to an affordable level, to
make them even more unaffordable.
Made the banks much richer.
also made the 1% in the financial sector much richer,
...and so on!
Of course this created inflation in stock prices, bond, real estate
and crypto prices.
Leaving out the bottom 90%.
As people may begin smelling one or more rotting fishes, they may
cause a run on the banks which would be Step One to a full scale
financial collapse.
Credit Suisse (CS) is in deep trouble.
As these
lines are written Union Bank of Switzerland its largest bank (UBS),
is talking about takeover CS for $3 Billion.
As part of the deal, the Swiss National Bank is offering a 100
billion-franc liquidity assistance to UBS while the government is
granting a 9 billion-franc guarantee for potential losses from
assets UBS is taking over, i.e., this is a taxpayer-backed bailout.
This wipe out, actually a bail-in, is the biggest loss yet for
Europe's $275 billion AT1 market, far eclipsing the approximately
€1.35 billion loss suffered by junior bondholders of Spanish lender
Banco Popular SA back in 2017, when it was absorbed by Banco
Santander SA to avoid a collapse.
Precious metals are your safe haven
This time precious metals and their stocks will not fall with the
Instead, they substantially will move up.
Gold and
will protect investors from the massive wealth destruction that has
been and still is going on.
The financial system cannot survive the
annihilation of asset markets and the implosion of debt, real estate
and all is coming.
Everyone must getting out of electronic currencies and into precious
Adding silver and gold to your private safe depot is the
only way to ensure that your currency will be accepted following the
The cabal has planned
the IMF issued
SDR-world currency that
devalues existing fiat currencies with up to 90%.
Imagine that you
have to pay ten times more for everything, instead of €2 now, then
€20 for a bread.
Your € 200,000 mortgage would become a 2 million
euro mortgage!
Keep Israel in focus in the coming time, because we could soon see
some incredible events take place.
Rumors of an imminent war
between Israel and Iran are starting to reach a crescendo, such a
conflict could potentially erupt.
Look for an announcement about the discovery of the
Ark of the
Covenant. Needless to say, such an announcement would be the
greatest archaeological bombshell in history.
The current location
of the Ark has been kept very quiet for a long time, but Israeli
government is not going to be able to keep a lid on this
And when the truth finally comes out, literally
everything will change.
Wakeup and Shakeup, otherwise accept a premature death, or
indefinite enslavement!
Creating money out of thin air is not a solution.
Central banks are
printing money like there is no tomorrow, while debts are piling up
faster than ever and the economy is falling apart. Count on
'sky-high' inflation before the
new QFS system is up and running.
This is the very essence of a sovereign debt crisis:
Investors realize that not only the debt never will be repaid; these
governments may fail to pay the interest due on the debt they
already have...
The Khazarian Mafia pretending to be central bankers
have to be
brought to justice.
"In criminal law it
is a given that stolen assets need to be returned to their
rightful owners. These owners are the average tax-paying
citizens of the planet.
Police and military
agencies around the world have a duty to enforce the law and
arrest criminals. Top central bankers are proven criminals.
So, what are they
waiting for?"
The Final Card by Dr. Carol Rosin
The Last card is the
Alien card, to put up weapons in space, which
is a lie from 1974 when
Wernher von Braun told his many years
confidential assistant Carol Rosin just before he died in 1977.
extended more detailed version, explaining how wars are created, and
specifically the war on Saddam Hussein was prepared already 20 years
in advance.