by Mike Whitney
July 10,
Spanish version

Sweden shrugged off dire predictions of mass
die-offs from COVID-19 and did not shut down their
entire economy and society, and now their response
has been proven correct while the rest of the world
stumbled into mass hysteria.
Sweden Was
Right after all
Rest of the World felt into a Trap of Trickery
cleverly devised
Why is the media so fixated on Sweden's
coronavirus policy?
difference does it make?
Sweden settled on a policy that they thought was both sustainable
and would save as many lives as possible.
They weren't trying to 'show anyone up' or
'prove how smart they were'. They simply took a
more traditionalist approach that avoided a full-scale lockdown.
That's all...
But that's the problem, isn't it?
And that's why Sweden
has been so harshly criticized in the media, because they
refused to do what everyone else was doing...
They refused to adopt a
policy that elites now universally support, a policy that scares
people into cowering submission.
The Swedish model is a threat to
that approach because it allows people to maintain their personal
freedom even in the midst of a global 'pandemic'...
Ruling class elites don't
want that, that is not in their interests.
What they want is for the
people to meekly accept the rules and conditions that lead to their
eventual enslavement.
That's the real objective, complete social
control, saving lives has nothing to do with it.
Sweden opposed that
approach which is why Sweden has to be destroyed. It's that simple...
Of course, none of this has anything to do with Sweden's fatality
rate, which is higher than some and lower than others. (Sweden has
543 deaths per million, which means roughly 1 death in every 2,000
But like every other
country, the vast majority of Swedish fatalities,
are among people 70
years and older with underlying health conditions. ("90% of the
country's deaths have been among those over 70.")
Sweden was not successful
in protecting the people in its elderly care facilities, so large
numbers of them were wiped out following the outbreak.
Sweden failed
in that regard and they've admitted they failed.
Even so, the failures of
implementation do not imply that the policy is wrong. Quite the
contrary. Sweden settled on a sustainable policy, that keeps the
economy running, preserves an atmosphere of normality, and exposes
its young, low-risk people to the infection, thus, moving the
population closer to the ultimate goal of "herd immunity".
Presently, Sweden is very close to reaching
herd immunity which is a
condition in which the majority have developed antibodies that will
help to fend-off similar sars-covid infections in the future.
a vaccine, herd immunity is the best that can be hoped for.
ensures that future outbreaks will be less disruptive and less
Take a look at this
excerpt from
an article at the Off-Guardian which helps to explain
what's really going on:
"Sweden's health minister
understood that the only chance to beat COVID-19 was to get the
Swedish population to a Herd Immunity Threshold against
COVID-19, and that's exactly what they have done...
The Herd
Immunity Threshold ("HIT") for COVID-19 is between 10-20%
This fact gets less press than any
other. Most people understand the basic concept of herd immunity
and the math behind it.
In the early days, some public health
officials speculated that COVID-19's HIT was 70%.

Obviously, the
difference between a HIT of 70% and a HIT of 10-20% is dramatic,
and the lower the HIT, the quicker a virus will burn out as it
loses the ability to infect more people, which is exactly what
COVID-19 is doing everywhere, including the U.S., which is why
the death curve above looks the way it looks.
Scientists from Oxford, Virginia
Tech, and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, all
recently explained the HIT of COVID-19 in this paper:
We searched the literature for
estimates of individual variation in propensity to acquire
or transmit COVID-19 or other infectious diseases and
overlaid the findings as vertical lines in Figure 3.
Most CV estimates are
comprised between 2 and 4, a range where naturally acquired
immunity to SARS-CoV-2 may place populations over the herd
immunity threshold once as few as 10-20% of its individuals
are immune...
Naturally acquired herd immunity
to COVID-19 combined with earnest protection of the vulnerable
elderly - especially nursing home and assisted living facility
residents - is an eminently reasonable and practical alternative
to the dubious panacea of mass compulsory vaccination against
the virus.
This strategy was successfully
implemented in Malmo, Sweden, which had few COVID-19 deaths by
assiduously protecting its elder care homes, while "schools
remained open," residents carried on drinking in bars and cafes,
and the doors of hairdressers and gyms were open throughout.
One of the most vocal members of
the scientific community discussing COVID-19's HIT is Stanford's
Nobel-laureate Dr.
Michael Levitt.
Back on May 4, he gave this
interview to the Stanford Daily where he advocated for
Sweden's approach of letting COVID-19 spread naturally through
the community until you arrive at HIT.
He stated:
If Sweden stops at about 5,000 or
6,000 deaths, we will know that they've reached herd immunity,
and we didn't need to do any kind of lockdown.
My own feeling is
that it will probably stop because of herd immunity. COVID is
serious, it's at least a serious flu. But it's not going to
destroy humanity as people thought.
Guess what? That's exactly what
As of today, 7 weeks after his prediction, Sweden has
5,550 deaths.

In this above graph, you can see that deaths in Sweden
PEAKED when the HIT was halfway to its peak (roughly 7.3%) and
by the time the virus hit 14% it was nearly extinguished."
wave? Not even close"
JB Handley, The
In other words,
Sweden is rapidly
approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped
entirely and normal life can resume...
They will have maintained their
dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds
for months on end. They won't have to reopen their primary schools
because they never shut them down to begin with.
Numerous reports
indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass
the virus to others.
Most Americans don't know this because
propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage.
Here's a
clip from the National Review which helps to explain:
"Kari Stefansson, CEO of the
Icelandic company
deCODE Genetics in Reykjavík, studied the
spread of COVID-19 in Iceland with Iceland's Directorate of
Health and the National University Hospital.
His project has
tested 36,500 people.
As of this writing,
Children under 10 are less
likely to get infected than adults and if they get infected,
they are less likely to get seriously ill.
What is interesting is that
even if children do get infected, they are less likely to
transmit the disease to others than adults.
We have not found a single
instance of a child infecting parents."
Study - 'We Have Not Found a Single Instance of a Child Infecting
National Review
This is just one of many similar
reports from around the world.
Most of the schools in Europe have
already reopened and lifted restrictions on distancing and masks.
Meanwhile, in the US, the reopening of schools has become another
contentious political issue pitting
Trump against his Democrat
adversaries who,
are willing to sacrifice the lives of schoolchildren
to prevent the president from being reelected...
It's a
cynical-counterproductive approach that reveals the vindictiveness
of the people who support it. In an election year, everything is
politics (watch Tucker Carlson's short segment on "Kids
cannot afford to stay locked down.")
Here's a question for you:
Have you
ever wondered why the virus sweeps through the population and then
seemingly dissipates and dies out?
In fact, the virus doesn't simply
die-out, it runs out of people to infect... but how can that be when
only 1 of 7 people will ever contract the virus?
The answer is immunity, either natural
immunity or built up immunity from other Sars-Covid exposure.
more from the Off Guardian piece:
"Scientists are now showing
evidence that up to 81% of us can mount a strong response to
COVID-19 without ever having been exposed to it before:
Cross-reactive SARS-CoV-2 T-cell
epitopes revealed preexisting T-cell responses in 81% of
unexposed individuals, and validation of similarity to common
cold human coronaviruses provided a functional basis for
postulated heterologous immunity.
This alone could explain WHY the
Herd Immunity Threshold (HIT) is so much lower for COVID-19 than
some scientists thought originally, when the number being talked
about was closer to 70%.
Many of us have always been immune!"
"Second wave? Not even close"
JB Handley, The
What does it mean?
It means that
Fauci and
the idiots in
the media have been lying to us the whole time.
It means that
Covid-19 is not a totally new virus for which humans have no natural
immunity or built-in protection.
Covid is a derivative of other
infections which is why the death toll isn't a lot higher.
Check this
out from the BBC:
"People testing negative for
coronavirus antibodies may still have some immunity, a study has
For every person testing positive for antibodies, two
were found to have specific T-cells which identify and destroy
infected cells. This was seen even in people who had mild or
symptomless cases of Covid-19.
This could mean a wider group have
some level of immunity to Covid-19 than antibody testing
figures, like those published as part of the UK Office for
National Statistics Infection Survey, suggest...
And these people
should be protected if they are exposed to the virus for a
second time."
Immunity may be more widespread than tests suggest"
Now, I realize that there's some
dispute about immunity, but there shouldn't be.
If you contract the
virus, you either won't get it again or you'll get a much milder
And if immunity doesn't exist, then we're crazy to waste our
time trying to develop a vaccine, right?
What the science tells us is that
immunity does exist and the reason the vast majority of people
didn't get the infection - is not because they locked themselves
indoors and hid behind the sofa - but because they already have
partial immunity either from their genetic makeup or from previous
exposure to
Sars-CoV-2 which was identified in
It's worth repeating that the reason
everyone was so scared about Covid originally was because it was
hyped as a "novel virus", completely new with no known cure or
natural protection.
That was a lie that was propagated by
Fauci and
his dissembling Vaccine Mafia, all of who are responsible for,
vast destruction to the US economy
the unprecedented spike in
the obliteration of tens of thousands of small
As the author points out, we should
have known from
the incident on the Diamond Princess (Cruise Liner)
that immunity was far more widespread than previously thought.
Readers might recall that only 17% of the people on board tested Covid-positive,
"despite an ideal environment for mass spread,
implying 83% of the people were somehow protected from the new
Think about that for a minute:
All of
the passengers were 60 years old or older, but only 17% caught the
Immunity, that's why...
What else could
it be?
Cross immunity, natural immunity, or SARS-CoV-2 T-cell
Whatever you want to call it, it exists and it explains
why the vast majority of people will not get the highly-contagious Covid no matter what they do.
It's also worth pointing out that even
according to the CDC's own statistics, the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
is a mere 0.26% whereas,
"According to the latest immunological and
serological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is
about 0.1% and thus in the range of a strong seasonal influenza
"Facts about Covid-19"
Swiss Policy Research
So the death rate is somewhere in the
neighborhood of 1 in every 500 (who contract the virus) to 1 in
every 1,000.
How can any rational person shut down a $21 trillion
economy and order 340 million people into quarantine, based on the
fact that 1 in every thousand people (mostly old and infirm) might
die from an infection???
That was a act of pure, unalloyed Madness
for which the American people will pay dearly for years to come.
Once again, the US response was crafted by people who were promoting
their own narrow political, social and economic agenda, not acting
in the interests of the American people. We should expect more from
our leaders than this.
So what does all of this say about the
sharp spike in Covid positive cases in the south and the chances of
a "second wave"?
There's not going to be a second wave...
The massive BLM protests in NY city has not produced any uptick in
deaths, because NY has already achieved herd immunity. In contrast,
Florida will undoubtedly experience more fatalities because it has
not yet reached HIT or the Herd Immunity Threshold.
Cases are
increasing because younger-low-risk people are circulating more
freely and because testing has increased by many orders of
At the same time, deaths continue to go down...
On Wednesday, US new cases rose to an
eye-watering 62,000 in one day while deaths are down 75% from the
April peak. This shouldn't come as a surprise because the pattern
has been the same as in countries around the world.
The trajectory
of infections was mapped out long ago by UK epidemiologist and
statistician, William Farr.
Take a look:
"Farr shows us that once peak
infection has been reached then it will roughly follow the same
symmetrical pattern on the downward slope.
However, under
testing and variations in testing regimes means we have no way
of knowing when the peak of infections occurred. In this
situation, we should use the data on deaths to predict the peak.
There is a predicted time lag from infection to COVID deaths of
approximately 21 to 28 days.
Once peak deaths have been reached
we should be working on the assumption that the infection has
already started falling in the same progressive steps...
Farr, also illustrated that those
who are the most 'mortal die out', and in a pandemic are those
in most need of shielding....(So, Farr saw the wisdom of the
Swedish approach a full 180 years ago!)
In the midst of a pandemic, it is
easy to forget Farr's Law, and think the number infected will
just keep rising, it will not.
Just as quick as measures were
introduced to prevent the spread of infection we need to
recognize the point at which to open up society and also the
special measures due to 'density' that require special
But most of all we must remember the message
Farr left us:
what goes up must come down."
William Farr's way out of the Pandemic"
The Centre for
Evidence-Based Medicine
What this tells us is that the
fatality rate is a more reliable barometer of what is taking place
than the spike in new cases.
And what the death rates signals is
that the virus is on its last legs...
We are not seeing the onset of a
second wave, but the gradual ending of the first.
Also, the fact
that tens of thousands of young people are contracting Covid-19
without experiencing any pain or discomfort, confirms that immunity
is widespread.
This is a very positive development...
Here's how Dr. John Thomas Littell,
MD, who is President of the County Medical Society, and Chief of
Staff at the Florida Hospital, summed it up in a letter to the
editor of the Orlando Medical News.
He said:
"Why did we as a society stop
sending our children to schools and camps and sports activities?
Why did we stop going to work and church and public parks and
Why did we insist that healthy persons
'stay at home'
rather than observing the evidence-based, medically prudent
method of identifying those who were sick and isolating them
from the rest of the population - advising the sick to 'stay at
home' and allowing the rest of society to function normally?"
wave? Not even close"
JB Handley, The Off-Guardian
Because we were misled by 'Doctor'
Fauci and the Vaccine Gestapo, that's why...
In contrast, Sweden
shrugged off the dire predictions and fearmongering, and "got it
right the first time."
Hurrah for Sweden...!