by Makia Freeman
July 23, 2020
from TheFreedomArticles Website

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    A 2018 study shows a serious hypoxia-blood clot connection. Since hypoxia is under oxygenation, wearing masks could lead to serious or even lethal health issues for some people.


    Now that even a May 2020 CDC study (with WHO involvement) has concluded masks are not effective to stop transmission of influenza, how much more evidence do people need to stop wearing masks and cooperating with their own enslavement?


A 2018 study highlights the hypoxia-blood clot connection (exacerbated by masks), while a May 2020 CDC study (with WHO involvement) concludes,

masks are not effective to stop flu transmission...!

A serious and potentially lethal hypoxia-blood clot connection has been found by a scientific study entitled Hypoxia Downregulates Protein S Expression.


The study, published in July 2018, describes how hypoxia (a low concentration of oxygen) decreases Protein S in the blood, a natural anticoagulant...

This leads to an increased risk for the development of thrombosis or blood clots, some of which are potentially life-threatening.


The study was unique in that it was the first time research had shown that hypoxia could increase blood clot risk via a molecular cause.

The worldwide agenda of mask wearing rules is not only unconstitutional and unlawful in many nations, but it is also causing mass hypoxia among the general population.


In addition to the hypoxia-blood clot link, hypoxia also leads to,

fatigue, headaches, nausea, cognitive impairment, low energy levels and decreased immunity, thus causing mass damage to the population...

Meanwhile, many jurisdictions continue to rollout out mask mandates, despite the fact that a recent CDC study even concluded that masks were ineffective and offered no significant reduction in influenza transmission.


Additionally, mask mandates continue to violate workplace guidelines (such as OSHA standards in the US which state the allowable oxygen levels for employees must be at or above 19.5% at all times).




The Hypoxia-Blood Clot Risk

The study is based on the fact that Protein S is a natural blood anticoagulant, since it inhibits a key clotting protein, Factor IXa.

This is from the study summary:

"Because Protein S is primarily produced in the liver, the team of researchers cultured human hepatocarcinoma cells at normal oxygen and also hypoxic conditions and then measured levels of the protein.


They found that increasing hypoxia not only reduced PS but also significantly increased a protein that turns on the gene to produce hypoxia.


This suggested that the protein, hypoxia-inducing factor 1, might regulate Protein S, which the researchers confirmed through biochemical and genetic approaches in a mouse model."

The study found that the level of protein S dropped by 50% when O2 levels were at 15% (instead of the normal 21%).


A very well-cited article by the Oregon Dissenter entitled 'The Lethal Link between Masks, Hypoxia, and Blood Clots' extrapolates this research and explains the implications:

"Just a 5% drop in blood oxygenation is considered 'abnormal' but a 15% reduction will cause noticeable symptoms.


These include headaches, dizziness, nausea, and cognitive impairment. Even surgeons can suffer low O2 and associated symptoms merely from wearing a surgical mask...


At sea level the air we breathe is 21% oxygen. High altitude where pilots can suffer ill effects begins at even 5,000 feet.


The N95 mask commonly worn eclipses that elevation; it's well known to cause a 20% reduction in O2, which simulates the 16% O2 of 6,000 feet.


As the N95 simulates a similarly low oxygen saturation, this indicates wearing a mask may decrease your natural ability to prevent blood clots by 50%.


This has potentially serious implications. A web search for "blood clot covid" returns many stories about the virus-induced blood clotting and its lethality for those patients.


In late June researchers in Utah discovered that platelet hyperreactivity is the cause of COVID-19 clotting."

Let's think about that for a moment...


Some such as Dr. Robert Young have proposed that COVID is blood coagulation and not viral in nature.


It's a chicken and the egg situation, but whether hypoxia is leading to COVID, or COVID is leading to hypoxia, or one starts the downward cycle where they feed off each other, there is strong evidence of a connection - and all that is assuming that COVID is a new distinct disease (which is difficult to show given the broad vague symptoms and that SARS-CoV-2 has failed Koch's postulates).


Given this, wearing a mask is just about the worse thing you could do, infected or not, because it's blocking your vital oxygen supply!


The Oregon Dissenter continues:

"I picture people who'd otherwise survive their COVID-19 case strapping on a mask to "protect others" and essentially killing themselves...


I'm sure you can identify the many problems with intentionally increasing the blood clot risk for the general population through mass compulsory masking.


Already millions of people take blood thinners just to stay alive.

How could it possibly be a good idea to hinder their already diminished natural clotting ability?


And what about people who are unaware they have an existing clotting disorder and then wear a mask at work for hours?...


Why has this extremely serious and potentially fatal side effect from wearing a mask, especially N95, not been the subject of widespread health alerts?


How could any qualified health official not already know about the well established blood clot dangers of mandatory hypoxia for the masses, especially COVID-19 patients?"



The CDC and WHO,

2 of the main institutions crafting the official narrative

as planned in

Event 201





'May 2020 CDC Study' finds Masks NOT Effective for Well or Sick People


Meanwhile take a look at this new study Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings - Personal Protective and Environmental Measures, approved by,

  • the WHO (World Health Organization)

  • the CDC (Center for Disease Control),

...published on the CDC's website where it states the study was,

"conducted in preparation for the development of guidelines by the World Health Organization on the use of nonpharmaceutical interventions for pandemic influenza in nonmedical settings."

This was a study specifically set up during the COVID 'pandemic.'


The conclusion?

Masks are not effective...!

I will quote straight from the study:

"In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs [Random Controlled Trials] that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946-July 27, 2018.


In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks."

It doesn't matter whether you are sick and infected and trying to protect others (stop the spread), or well and uninfected and trying to protect yourself - masks offer no significant help in doing so either way:

"There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure.


Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."

These studies are also based on the assumption that people use masks properly, which is a very generous assumption, given the makeshift cloth masks people use, the fact they generally are not well sealed on the side of the face and the fact that people tend to fiddle with them.


Improper use actually has the opposite effect; it increases the risk of transmission:

"Proper use of face masks is essential because improper use might increase the risk for transmission."

And the exciting conclusion is …

"We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility."



So the CDC and WHO have essentially admitted in their own words, or words that they sanction, that masks don't work for influenza-like diseases no matter who is wearing them.


Wakey wakey, planet Earth...


Check out Ben Swann's analysis here below:






Mask Threats and Penalties Continue to Soar


Meanwhile, mayors, governors and other power-hungry officials are rolling out all sorts of unconstitutional and absurd threats and penalties for those that dare not wear a face diaper or face nappy.


Authorities in,

  • Broward County, Florida, have issued an Emergency Order that mandates people wear masks inside their own homes; Washington DC


  • Mayor Muriel Bowser issued an executive order for mandatory mask wearing with a $1,000 citation for violations


  • Officials in Englewood Colorado passed a law which allows them to potentially jail people for 1 year for not wearing a mask



Mask Wearing - The Calculated 'Divide-and-Conquer' Strategy


Masks have become a very divisive issue among people, all by design...


This fake pandemic has been coldly and brilliantly calculated to seize power, keep people in fear and set them at each others' throats.


Instead of focusing on Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation or other aspects of the NWO (New World Order),

people are fighting with themselves over masks, with those refusing to do so being attacked for being 'disrespectful' and 'irresponsible' regardless of their lawful rights and their ability to make their own health choices...

A recent commenter on wrote that people are too busy fighting among themselves, making each other the enemy, that they can't see the real enemy that is working to enslave 99.99% of the world:

"I know we are all one in the end, I still feel like these people are my 'enemy' and that makes me feel really uncomfortable to say the least, and they feel like I'm their enemy, when the real enemy is outside orchestrating this whole movie script."




Final Thoughts


So much has happened in the last 5 months that it has been truly surreal.


Just recall what Dr. Anthony Fauci said at the beginning of the scamdemic before he changed his tune to march in lockstep to the agenda:

"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask.


When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little better and it might even block a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think it is.


And often there are unintended consequences - people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face."

Regardless of what uninformed people think, the science is showing how serious mask wearing can be for ordinary people due to the hypoxia-blood clot link.


How much longer are people going to be given their medical marching orders by politicians...?