Cal Crilly
April 08,
MindHealthSoul Website

"My family
has been struggling to get a meal every day. We cannot go
back to our villages as there is a curfew. It will be a
miracle if we survive this period," Pratap Kumar, a
construction worker.
"If the
virus does not kill us, hunger certainly will. What the
government has promised us in terms of remuneration has not
reached us," said Sanjay Deep, an agricultural worker.
In India there
have been 106 coronavirus deaths as of today, to put things in
3,000 Indian children starve to death each day so that's
roughly 42,000 children since the lockdown began and 300,000 so
far this year.
A lockdown
seems like an ineffective cure.
Modi is going
to keep it going despite the obvious disaster.
There are
staggering multi-factors involved and a lot of exaggerating.
The 2017 flu is
a good example, in Australia I remember everyone coughed from
late 2016 and when I visited the UK in late 2016 everyone was
coughing badly there and then everyone in Australia coughed all
through 2017, around 1,100 Australians died.
I work
checkouts so back then I came up with the term 'Stereo coughing'
as in listening to multiple people coughing in a supermarket.
The American
figures for the,
'2017-2018 season was an estimated 45
million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated
medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and
61,000 influenza-associated deaths'
38,000 deaths
occurred in the USA over the 2016 winter.
12, 857
coronavirus deaths in the USA as of today is the perspective.
This was France
back in 2017 with an 'austerity' health system in action.
sufferers, the vast majority of whom are elderly, were
sometimes waiting "24 hours on stretchers" for treatment,
resulting in a large number of "preventable deaths".
Pollution has
been an enormous factor
People's lungs
have been fragile enough in Wuhan for people to protest in 2019
...are all common problems in Wuhan and other
Chinese cities and shouldn't be dismissed as factors.
'On June
28, residents of the Yangluo residential district in the
central Chinese city of Wuhan took to the streets to protest
the construction of a waste-to-energy plant in the district.
The protests, which occurred outside the city government's
offices, were met with a large contingent of regular and
riot police, according to pictures and comments circulated
on Weibo, and the violent response of the police was widely
condemned by netizens.
Wuhan, like
many cities in China, faces a waste disposal problem, as
growing urbanization leads to dense population centers with
little room for refuse.
Wuhan's city message board contains
several complaints about smells emanating from the landfill
currently located in Yangluo, as well as concerns about the
construction of the new landfills.'
lungs were already damaged in Iran, this was the end of 2019.
pollution forced schools to close on Sunday in parts of Iran
including Tehran, as the capital lay under a thick cloud of
smog considered hazardous to health.
pollution level in the capital was "unhealthy for sensitive
groups" and officials warned the young, elderly and people
with respiratory illnesses to stay indoors, with sporting
activities suspended.
lungs were already damaged in Italy
'It is only
the end of February, but air pollution in Milan has already
exceeded the legal limit for 2019, and the Po Valley swims
in a soupy smog.
"I can
really feel when there's smog, I suffer all winter long,"
45-year old Milan local Fabio Cigognini told AFP, describing
the asthma-like symptoms which plague him during the cold
"We breathe
in poison, but no one tells us anything," he said.'
"More than
a dozen cities and towns across Italy introduced traffic
curbs on Wednesday (Jan 8) in a bid to cut harmful emissions
following a spike in pollution.
A prolonged
period of sunny weather with little rain or wind has pushed
up air pollution across the country, triggering smog alerts
in more than 60 municipalities."
Milan and Naples are the worst cities in the EU for
dangerous particulate pollution, while Italy has the bloc's highest
number of premature deaths from nitrogen dioxide fumes
spewed out by diesel vehicles, according to the European
Environment Agency.'
And France,
Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.
Commission warned that citizens in these five countries were
being forced to breathe 'illegal air' due to the high
amounts of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) that were being emitted
into the air.
NO2 is primarily emitted through transport and causes
serious health issues - including heart disease, wheezing,
coughing and bronchitis. Children and the elderly are
especially vulnerable.'
Italy ranks
second on the list of countries with the highest number of
premature deaths from particulate matter (the sum of all
hazardous solid and liquid particles in the air) pollution
in Europe.
pollution in Italy derives mostly from diesel vehicles and
the burning of solid fuels, the report said.
pollution in Lombardy is alarmingly high. It has similar
levels of pollution to the most heavily industrialised
regions on the continent despite the fact it is one of the
It has the means to resolve this crisis but
continues to dither," ClientEarth's CEO, James Thornton,
European Commission has threatened legal action against
France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK after they failed
to protect their citizens' health against dangerous levels
of air pollution.
Limits on
NO2 are being broken, which can cause lung infections and
heart disease.
In 2013,
NO2 killed almost 70,000 people, which was almost three
times more people than were killed in road traffic accidents
that same year.
with asthma and elderly people with heart disease are
particularly vulnerable to problems that coincide with
breathing air polluted by NO2 - such as wheezing, coughing,
and bronchitis.'
sands were found in many parts of Limerick this weekend,
leaving many people dumbfounded - and many cars in need of a
Sunday, car windshields in Mungret, Dooradoyle and in
multiple parts of the county were covered in a fine dusting
of a sand-like substance after rainfall the previous night.
you get the dust blowing off the Sahara desert and the
particles of that dust are so small that they easily stay up
in the atmosphere," he told the Limerick Leader.
"They just
get brought up by winds up the Atlantic and then blown on
shore here in Ireland.'
There is a
testing factor, test more people and you will get more deaths
attached to a positive test.
officials also believe Italy, which has already tested
over 42, 000 people, may have a higher number of cases
as a result of performing more rigorous tests than their
European counterparts.
however, is also reporting an above
average mortality rate at 4%.
The average age of coronavirus patients who have died because of the virus in
Italy is 81, according to the National Health Institute.
Italy, which has one the world's
oldest populations, could be facing a higher mortality
rate as a result of its above-average elderly population.
Italy is the oldest country in the oldest continent in the
There may
hardly be a health system in place, after years of austerity and
Neo-Liberal cuts to services and outsourcing to the cheapest
bidder, a private health system couldn't cope and it seems there
were no supplies in the store rooms
'The Madrid
region, which arguably saw the heaviest wave of
privatizations, is now under enormous strain given that it
is also the epicenter of the country's coronavirus
The stats say
we are freaking out and 2017 may still have been worse.
Covid19 yet
to impact Europe's overall mortality
The coronavirus
test may be quite random on what it picks up, in Iceland half of
the Corona Poz people had no symptoms.
A Chinese study
questioned how accurate it was but that will be getting removed.
The test looks
like a scam and a waste of money when we need all the things to
treat all causes of pneumonia at the hospital first, that's the
There is now an
end of the supply chain worldwide as well.
"Conclusions: In the close contacts of COVID-19 patients,
nearly half or even more of the 'asymptomatic infected
individuals' reported in the active nucleic acid test
screening might be false positives.
"Thirty-four studies describing the clinical impact of
influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, para-influenza, human
metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, enterovirus, coronavirus,
bocavirus or adenovirus were identified."
People who got
the flu vaccine may be susceptible to coronaviruses.
non-influenza viruses specifically, the odds of both
coronavirus and human metapneumovirus in vaccinated
individuals were significantly higher when compared to
unvaccinated individuals"
Old people with
heart disease are susceptible and drugs may worsen that.
therefore hypothesise that diabetes and hypertension
treatment with ACE2-stimulating drugs increases the risk of
developing severe and fatal COVID-19."
treatment to 'soothe inflamed lungs' allows pathogens including
bacteria to have a party.
findings suggested "early" corticosteroid treatment was
associated with a higher subsequent plasma viral load.'
We are being
told to avoid parks, beaches and stay in as much as possible.
"The virus
was inactivated by ultraviolet light (UV) at 254 nm, heat
treatment of 65 degrees C or greater…"
Lots of old
people were left in their beds.
drafted in to help Spain tackle
the coronavirus pandemic by disinfecting and running
residential homes have found a number of elderly people
abandoned and dead in their beds, according to the country's
defence minister.'
It is
guaranteed lots of old people are freaking out at home alone.
A care worker
from overseas told me this so multiply the story by thousands.
"I've been
doing senior caregiving for the last 15 years, not in a
retirement home, private home care.
One of my clients, an
80-year-old, living alone, is terrified via MSM and wasn't
letting anyone in to her house. She's on oxygen and a revolving
door of meds.
She has lost her appetite and is only drinking
Today I brought some distilled water for her oxygen
tank. I had to bring it in, cuz she's too weak to pick up a
gallon container. I suited up and she opened the garage door to
the kitchen. Her house all closed-up and dark.
The place is a
mess and so is she. It's so frustrating and sad and so wrong!!
I'm sure there are millions who don't have anyone checking or
Fear raises
cortisol which never helps with viral shedding, scaring people
is not a cure.
cortisol production (operationalized as the calculated
area-under-the-curve averaged across the 3 days) showed a
graded association with infection risk, with those producing
higher levels of cortisol being at greater risk.
also showed a continuous association with duration of viral
shedding, an indicator of viral replication and continuing
infection, such that higher cortisol concentrations
predicted more days of shedding.
Cortisol was not, however,
related to severity of objective illness."
Fauci in his
own words said this is like flu so should we stop work and be
afraid to breathe?
'On the
basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of
pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is
approximately 2%.4
another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report
mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with
laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide
spectrum of disease severity.
If one assumes that the number
of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several
times as high as the number of reported cases, the case
fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%.
suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19
may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal
influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately
0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and
1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which
have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%,
Does it compare
with flu?
'The new
coronavirus causing COVID-19 has led to more than 454,000
illnesses and more than 20,550 deaths worldwide.
For comparison,
in the U.S. alone, the
flu (also called influenza) has caused an estimated 38
million illnesses, 390,000 hospitalizations and 23,000 deaths
this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC).
That said,
scientists have studied seasonal flu for decades.
So, despite
the danger of it, we know a lot about flu viruses and
what to expect each season. In contrast, very little is known
about the new coronavirus and the disease it causes, dubbed
COVID-19, because it's so new.
This means COVID-19 is something
of a wild card in terms of how far it will spread and how many
deaths it will cause.
the morbidity and mortality with influenza, there's a
certainty… of seasonal flu," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of
the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
said in a White
House press conference on Jan. 31.
"I can tell you all,
guaranteed, that as we get into March and April, the flu
cases are going to go down. You could predict pretty
accurately what the range of the mortality is and the
hospitalizations [will be]," Fauci said.
"The issue now with
[COVID-19] is that there's a lot of unknowns".'
The effect of
'a lot of unknowns' is actually catastrophic for people though.
on NBC's "Today" show, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading voice on
the White House coronavirus task force, called the stunning
loss of 10 million American jobs in two weeks
"inconvenient," maintaining that the economic hit is a mere
side effect of necessary COVID-19 precautions.
"This is
inconvenient from an economic and a personal standpoint, but
we just have to do it," Fauci told host Savannah Guthrie,
backing what is effectively a national 30-day stay-at-home
Dr. Fauci
then suggested an upcoming extension of the federal
stay-at-home order until there is a vaccine, which could
take well over a year or potentially years.
"is our major weapon against this virus right now,"
he said. "We don't have a vaccine that's deployable. This is
the only thing we have."
"We can get
through it if everybody really leans forward and pushes on
that," Dr. Fauci added.
Department of Labor announced Thursday "the highest level"
of jobless claims in the history of the United States.
"After 3.3
million people claimed unemployment two weeks ago, which was
by far the largest number ever for the country, another 6.6
million filed for new unemployment benefits last week,
bringing the total to nearly 10 million in just two weeks.
The previous high was 695,000 in a week back in 1982."
But nurses are
losing jobs, don't we need nurses?
'An anxious
ER nurse in Los Angeles took to Facebook recently to ask
whether any of her colleagues nationwide were experiencing
layoffs because hospital emergency rooms are virtually empty
- one of the most surprising unintended consequences of the coronavirus crisis.
doesn't seem to be talked about at all…
People are losing
their shifts and paychecks and jobs," the L.A. nurse wrote.
"We only had 5 people in the whole ER when they sent me
My agency sent out an email blast basically saying
that there are a lot of people struggling to find shifts.
"So, I'm
curious if any other nurses are experiencing this?"
response to her post was overwhelming.
More than
140 responses from across the country were posted on the
Facebook private group page "All-ER nurses." Most were
concerned about diminished hours - or having no work at all
- and the economic distress that would follow.
"Yes, we
are dealing with some COVID-19 patients," he said. "It's
just not nearly the war zone the media is making it out to
Unexpected Consequence of
COVID-19 Crisis: Empty Emergency Rooms
One of the good
signs has been the use of vitamin C in patients, finally.
My suggestion
also would be to use vitamin B3 as well with food in low doses
of 100mg to 200mg as I use it for asthma, it works and makes you
patients who received vitamin C did significantly better
than those who did not get vitamin C," he said.
"It helps a
tremendous amount, but it is not highlighted because it's
not a sexy drug."
There is a
bizarre war going on in health care where any study on the use
of vitamin C is contradicted.
So our TGA in Australia issued a
warning 'about vitamin C use' and to 'not believe in any
studies' the day after this vitamin C suggestion from China.
COVID-19 (SARS-2-Cov) pandemic, first reported in Wuhan,
China, is now spreading to many continents and countries,
causing a severe public health burden.
Currently, there is
no vaccine or specific antiviral drug for this deadly
disease. A quick, deployable and accessible, effective and
safe treatment is urgently needed to save lives and curtail
the spreading.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is
a key factor of fatality. Significantly increased oxidative
stress due to rapid release of free radicals and cytokines
is the hallmark of ARDS which leads to cellular injury,
organ failure and death.
Early use of large dose
antioxidants, such as vitamin C (VC) may become an effective
treatment for these patients. Clinical studies also show
that high-dose oral VC provides certain protection against
viral infection.
Neither intravenous nor oral administration
of high-dose VC is associated with significant side effects.
Therefore, this regimen should be included in the treatment
of COVID-19 and used as a preventative measure for
susceptible populations such as healthcare workers with
higher exposure risks.'
This is not
just insane it is quite irresponsible and endangers lives by
telling flu sufferers to just use aspirin and ibuprofen with
extra fluids.
This is the
Australian government in charge of your health.
I am not sure
what they are thinking, do they ever want people to get well?
I can also say
the lemons and orange stands at my supermarket have been largely
full for most of the panic shopping because of TGA advice to
avoid them.
If you have
just read scathing reports on how vitamin C never works, read
have lost their vitamin C-synthesizing capacities during
Therefore, the uptake of this essential compound
from external sources is mandatory in order to prevent
vitamin C-deficient conditions resulting in severe
morbidities such as scurvy.
The potent antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and antiinfectious effects of vitamin C
are known since the 1930s.
We here,
review the impact of
vitamin C on innate and adaptive immune functions
provide an overview of its antimicrobial, antibacterial,
antiviral, antiparasitic, and antifungal properties, and
discuss vitamin C as an adjunct treatment
option for the combat of human infections by bacteria,
particularly by emerging multidrug-resistant species."
If 42,000
Indian kids have died from starvation in the last 2 weeks,
300,000 this year?
Where is the
main crisis?
Fauci won't
help, Bill Gates won't help.
9 million
people die each year from lack of food.
2.5 billion
have no water, taps or toilets for their soap.
Tedros Adhanom
the Coronavirus expert from WHO scaring us to death about
pneumonia is also a tobacconist hustler, so he has a mansion and
can stay in by the pool and self-isolate.
He also has a
chauffeur and can drive around too.
tobacco, running the health agency for pneumonia and TB, cushy
'In 2013,
The Lancet reported that the Ethiopian Government authorised
British American Tobacco (BAT) to post hundreds of posters
advertising Rothmans cigarettes in Ethiopia's capital city,
Addis Ababa, an action that seems to have been in breach of
Ethiopia's own laws on tobacco advertising.
At that time, Tedros, as Foreign Minister, did not appear to speak out
publicly against this advertising.
Indeed, not
long after he became Foreign Minister, Tedros attended a
meeting in London with William Hague, encouraging BAT, among
other UK businesses, to invest in Ethiopia.'
Ashu and
his two brothers spend their days in one of Delhi's largest
garbage dumps. They are rag pickers, scavengers looking for
scrap metal using a giant, rusty sieve to help them sort the
stinky debris.
If Ashu
works very hard, he can earn 53 cents a day.
He and his
brothers have been unable to go to the landfill regularly
since the closure was announced because if the police catch
them, they will be beaten.
"I miss my
friends," he said, adding that he and four friends would
meet in the garbage can every morning, work for a few hours,
and then play with the treasures they found: broken toy
cars, tattered dolls, and torn clothes.
"I heard
that there is a China virus," Ashu said. "But I am more
afraid of the police and not being able to eat."
For Indian Workers Blocking The
Coronavirus Is An Order To Starve
A fiction
writer couldn't make this leadership story up
'During a
radio address on Sunday, Modi encouraged Indians cooped up
at home to reach out to childhood friends on social media,
dust off old musical instruments and introspect.
"Don't go
out but go inside," said Modi. "Try to know yourself."
He has also
shared some cartoon videos called "Yoga with Modi" for
keeping fit, and encouraged people to watch them on a
special Modi app.
He has also
created a relief fund - PM-CARES - sidelining a decades-old
traditional prime ministerial aid fund.
"Why the
self-aggrandizing name, PM-CARES? Must a colossal national
tragedy also be (mis)used to enhance the cult of
personality?" historian Ramachandra Guha, a Modi critic,
said on Twitter…
The Prime Minister's Office did not
respond to requests for comment.'
Yesterday the
Delhi govt handed over the phone numbers of 1,950 Tablighi
Jamaat members to the police so the search and crackdown to
collect them and 'isolate' is going on today and tonight in
Delhi with a full moon, ghastly.
This is a
recipe for the unspeakable and going on in many countries.
There are,
...but the media and
government seems to have gone a bit medieval in the 21st