by Rick Moran
July 17,
PJMedia Website

hesitancy is a big problem,
according to the
Biden administration.
Less than half
the public is fully vaccinated
while about 56
percent have received
at least one
The goal of fully vaccinating the American public appears to have
This should not
surprise us.
When the vaccines were first approved for emergency use
back in December 2020,
40 percent of Americans expressed skepticism about the vaccine.
Trying to shame the
holdouts has failed spectacularly.
Insulting and degrading them as
"morons" or "ignorant" has resulted in a vicious pushback and a
hardening of positions on getting vaccinated.
administration's plan of sending people door to door to vaccinate
them only feeds anti-vaccine skepticism.
Trust in authority is at an
all-time low, which makes a government-sponsored vaccine program
Still, most experts
agree that some people who should be getting vaccinated aren't doing
so. But the root cause isn't ignorance or a belief in conspiracy
An MIT study on the
problem revealed some surprising results.
"Proponents of the vaccine are
unwilling or unable to understand the thinking of vaccine
skeptics - or even admit that skeptics may be thinking at all.
Their attempts to answer
skepticism or understand it end up poisoned by condescension,
and end up reinforcing it."
The condescension
is political in nature and crosses party lines.
arguments against vaccination are mistaken for irrational thinking.
"Sometimes the perception of
irrationality is almost accidental, because arguments are
usually social interactions, not strictly logical exercises.
A vaccine skeptic may brush off a
proponent by saying:
'It's approved for emergency
use only; it's not FDA-approved. I don't think we should
require it.'
The skeptic is beginning with a
fact that's easily established and shareable.
But when pressed, they might
reveal that their line of thinking is elsewhere:
'There are no long-term
studies, and I'm worried about possible long-term effects.'
Because the two objections aren't
exactly logically connected, the proponent concludes it is
irrationalism all the way down.
a study done at MIT showed that a substantial portion of
public-health skepticism was highly informed, scientifically
literate, and sophisticated in the use of data.
Skeptics used the same data sets
as those with the orthodox views on public health."
The study's lead
author, Crystal Lee, says those same exact data sets can be
used by either side to marshal arguments.
MIT News:
"The researchers combed through
hundreds of thousands of social media posts and found that
coronavirus skeptics
often deploy counter-visualizations
alongside the same 'follow-the-data' rhetoric as public health
experts, yet the skeptics argue for radically different
The researchers conclude that data
visualizations aren't sufficient to convey the urgency of the
Covid-19 pandemic, because even the clearest graphs can be
interpreted through a variety of belief systems."
"A lot of people think of metrics
like infection rates as objective," says Crystal Lee.
"But they're clearly not, based on
how much debate there is on how to think about the pandemic.
That's why we say data visualizations have become a
In fact, because of
the data sets being used interchangeably,
vaccine skepticism becomes
logical and rational.
"But most vaccine skepticism, if
by that we mean reluctance, is not based on conspiracy
theorizing - it's based on risk-benefit calculations.
You may
think it's an innumerate calculation.
"But when you look at patterns of
uptake in the United States, two factors stand out, factors that
are larger in their effect than partisanship:
age and density...
The older you are and the denser
your community, the more likely you are to be vaccinated. The
younger you are, and the more rural your community, the less
likely you are to have gotten it.
"This reflects the real facts
about the
risk of death
from COVID.
People may be wildly
overestimating their risk from the vaccine and underestimating
their risks from COVID - but they have the directional thinking
Those who are in less danger, act
like it."
This is why vaccine
choice is so important.
Why have the
same mandate for someone who lives in New York City and someone
who lives in rural South Dakota?
A more holistic
approach to vaccine skepticism is needed if we are to get everyone
who needs to be vaccinated protected.
Allowances must be
made for the legitimate concerns of citizens who, for their own
reasons, don't want to get jabbed.
But if indeed,
individuals are doing their own risk-benefit calculations, it would
help enormously if the Left would refrain from their sickening
condescension toward those with serious, legitimate questions.