Abp. Viganò warns US Bishops about
COVID Vaccine - The 'Great Reset' wants 'Billions of
Chronically Ill People'
Español |
Alerta a la Humanidad - Las
Vacunas Covid-19 son Armas de Destrucción Masiva y
podrían Acabar con...
for an Apology? - COVID Dictators Looking for Way Out
An Army of Big Biotech Companies
is using Psych Tactics to 'Create Vaccine Demand'
An Important Message for Future
An Inspirational Tribute to 'The
Español |
Antes de Vacunarnos del COVID ¿no
deberíamos Comprobar si Existe? - El 'Porqué' del
Are Athletes dropping Dead from
the COVID Jab?
Are PCR Tests 'Secret Vaccines'...?
Español |
Arzobispo Viganò advierte a
Obispos de EE.UU. sobre Vacuna COVID - El 'Gran Reinicio'
quiere 'Miles de...
Beware of Covid PCR Testing and
the Relentless "Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate" Campaign...
Biden Administration paid Media $1
Billion for 'COVID Shot Propaganda'
Bill Gates Charged with Murder for
COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India's High Court - Death
Penalty Sought
Brilliant! - How Russians Crushed
Moscow's 'Vaccine Passports' in Just 3 Weeks
Español |
Certificado Digital de Vacunación
- El Último Paso hacia la Vigilancia Total
Español |
Cinco Formas con las que Intentan
Engañarte para que Recibas la "Vacuna" Covid
Italiano |
Come Simuleranno il Successo del
Vaccino COVID-19
Español |
Cómo Desintoxicarse de la Vacuna
Español |
Cómo Falsificarán el Éxito de la
Vacuna - Jon Rappoport
Español |
Cómo Prevenir y Tratar las Lesiones por la Vacuna Anticovid
Español |
Cómo provocan Cáncer las Vacunas
Español |
Conoce a la Verdadera 'Docena de
La Desinformación'
Español |
Consecuencia No Deseada de las
Vacunas COVID-19 - Inserción permanente del Código
Genético del ARNm
Considerations for FDA Licensure
vs. Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 Vaccines
Español |
- 'Conspirología
de la Pandemia' - La Vacunación y el Control Global
Español |
Contenidos en la Vacuna COVID - 2 Documentos mas revelan los
hallazgos con imágenes de Microscopio
Coronavirus 'Disappearing' so Fast
that Oxford Vaccine has 'only 50% Chance of Working'
Español |
Costa Rica Elimina Obligatoriedad
de Mascarillas y Vacunas contra COVID-19
Covid-19 mRNA Shots are legally
Not Vaccines
- 'Covid-19
Vaccine' should be Avoided at All Cost
Covid, Ivermectin and 'Mass
Formation Psychosis' - Dr. Robert Malone gives
Blistering Interview to Joe Rogan
Jabs have erased 25 years of Health Gains
Covid mRNA Vaccinated emit Strange
Fluorescent Glow under UV Light
Covid Vaccines - Consequences on
the Soul, Spirit and Life after Death
Covid Vaccines - Weapons of Mass
Covid Vax Contents - 2 More
Documents reveal their Findings with Microscopy Images
Covid Vax Creatures - Live,
Self-Aware Critters found under Microscope
Italiano |
Creature nei Vaccini COVID - Vive,
creature semoventi trovate al Microscopio
Español |
Cronología Target Vacuna Covid-19
DARPA is Working on 'COVID
Vaccine' - Implantable Microchip to detect Virus
Español |
- ¿Deberíamos
Confiar en 'La Ciencia' de la Industria Farmacéutica?
Denmark Becomes the First Country
to Suspend ALL COVID Vaccinations
Español |
Denuncia Pública en Argentina a la OMS - La 'Pandemia'
del Covid-19
Español |
Desarrolladores de la 'Vacuna
Oxford-AstraZeneca' vinculados al Movimiento Eugenésico
del Reino Unido
Español |
Despoblación y Vacunas de ARNm
Español |
Detengan el Holocausto
Developers of 'Oxford-AstraZeneca
Vaccine' tied to UK Eugenics Movement
Digital Tyranny and the
Rockefeller-Gates WHO "Vaxx-Certificate Passport" -
Towards a World War III Scenario
Doctors around the World issue a
'Dire Warning' - Do NOT Get the Covid Vaccine!
Doctors find 'Rectangles and
Inverted Pyramids' in Degraded mRNA Vaccines -
Scientists dispute Analysis
Doctor with Bioweapons Expertise
calls Covid-19 Vaccines "Weaponized Medicine"
Documentary Unveils Disturbing
Vaccine Contamination - Plandemic
the COVID Jab 'Kill More People than it Saves'...?
Español |
se Deposita la Proteína de la Espiga en el Cuerpo después de
la Vacuna o Contagio con COVID-19
DO NOT lock down, DO NOT
inoculate, DO NOT FEAR...
Italiano |
Dottore Specialista in Armi
Biologiche definisce i Vaccini per il Covid-19 "Medicina
Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore?
Español |
El Fraude de la Inyección - No es
una Vacuna
Español |
El 'Gran Reinicio' al Descubierto
- Schwab, Gates y el Siniestro Complot del FEM y la OMS
para Despoblar el...
Español |
El por qué Fauci y la Cábala
Mundial insisten en Vacunar a tus Hijos...
Español |
Punto Azul' - Una película
Español |
El Vaticano respalda al Big Pharma
y se suma a la Campaña de Vacunación Mundial promovida
por los Globa...
Español |
Engaño Global Desenredándose
Rápidamente - Documentos del HHS admiten que CDC Nunca
Aisló "Virus...
Español |
Estudio del Gobierno Británico
confirma el Riesgo de la Vacuna Covid-19
Español |
Exactamente ¿en qué 'Ciencia' se
Experimental Covid-19 "Vaccines"
and Genocide - UK Medical Doctor
Fauci confesses that Covid
Vaccines could never have worked as Claimed
Fauci declares "You Use Lockdowns
to Get People Vaccinated" - Praises China's insane
Fauci makes 'Surprising
Concession' regarding COVID-19 Vaccines
Fauci's 'Perjury of Striking
Audacity' - Excerpt from RFK Jr.'s book 'The Wuhan
FDA Approves First COVID-19
FDA Documents show 'CV19 Vax
produces a Bioweapon' - Karen Kingston
Italiano |
Fenomenale! Come i Russi hanno
ridotto in frantumi "i Passaporti Vaccinali" di Mosca in
sole 3 Settimane
Finance 'Guru' reveals Financial
Collapse and COVID Jab Data
Forced Vaccination Was Always the
'End Game'
France and Massive Protests
against Macron's Compulsory Covid Vaccines
French General says Unvaccinated
are "Superheroes"
Español |
General francés dice los No
Vacunados son "Superhéroes"
Modified Organons - mRNA Vaccines
Elite committing Crimes against Humanity
Google-YouTube reverses policy
Banning Critics of Masks and Vaccines - After Years of
Silencing the Truth
around the World Offer Extravagant Bribes in Desperate
Effort to Increase COVID Vaccine Uptake
Governments launch Cyber Warfare
against Citizenry to overcome 'Vaccine Hesitancy'
Español |
Gran numero de Científicos y
Médicos de Alto Nivel publican Impactante Estudio sobre
las Vacunas Covid
Español |
- 'Hagan
que la Carga de estar Sin Vacunar sea tan Alta que la
gente Cumpla' - Dice Profesor de Harvard...
Have People Been Given the Wrong
How 'Covid-19 Vaccine' can Destroy
your Immune System
How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to
How the Endless Boosters will
destroy the Immune Function...
How the "Unvaccinated" Got It
How they'll Fake the Success of
the COVID-19 Vaccine...
How to Detox from the COVID Shot
How to Prevent and Treat COVID Jab
How to Report a Human Rights
Violation with 'We Accuse' - A Step by Step Guide -
Vaccines Covid-19
as Bioreactors - How DARPA pioneered the idea behind mRNA
- 'If
the DNA is Genetically Altered, it can be Patented' -
Dr. Chinda Brandolino
If You Get Jabbed after Watching
this You're Beyond Saving...!
Italiano |
Il Vaccino contro il Covid-19 di
Astrazeneca cambia Nome
Italiano |
Il Vaccino per il Virus Cinese -
Il Pianeta è la Cavia per un vasto Esperimento
Increase in Reactivated Viruses
following COVID-19 Booster Shots - Dr. Richard Urso
Injection put into People's arms
Instructs the Human Body to Manufacture a Scheduled
Toxin - Bioweapon
Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?
Is this why Pediatricians Push
It's 'Gene Therapy' Not a Vaccine
- With Dr. David Martin
Japan Drops Vax Rollout - Goes to
Ivermectin and ends COVID almost Overnight
Italiano |
La Chiesa Romana - Un Tradimento
della Fiducia
Español |
La "Ciencia" de la Manipulación -
Investigadores elaboran Mensajes de Culpa y Vergüenza -
Italiano |
La Crisi del Corona - Sta
cambiando la Marea? - "Un Generale Rapido Risveglio"?
Español |
La Crisis del Corona-Virus - ¿Está
Cambiando la Marea? - ¿"Un Rápido Despertar General"?
Español |
La Élite Global Sorprendida 'In
Fraganti' cometiendo Crímenes Genocidas contra la
Español |
La Guerra contra los No-Vacunados
No será Olvidada
Español |
La Guerra de Frecuencias - Una
Guerra por el Mundo
Español |
La Pandemia de las 'Personas Sin Vacunar' es una Mentira
Italiano |
La Pandemia delle 'Persone senza
Vaccino' è una Menzogna
Español |
Profesión Médica implanta el 'Código de Diagnóstico
Digital' de la OMS para los "No Vacunados"
Español |
La Sangre de Personas Sin Vacunar
podría convertirse en el Activo Más Valioso
Español |
Las Artimañas de Bill Gates y
Anthony Fauci
Español |
Las Grandes Mentiras que Nos
Dijeron sobre las Vacunas Anticovid
Español |
Las Personas Vacunadas Pertenecen
al 'Titular de la Patente'
Español |
Las Vacunas contra el Covid-19
Modifican el Genoma Humano
Español |
Las "Vacunas" contra el COVID son
'Experimentos Médicos sobre la Humanidad'
Español |
Las Vacunas Covid - Armas de
Destrucción Masiva
Español |
Las "Vacunas" Experimentales de
Covid-19 y el Genocidio - Habla Médico del Reino Unido
Español |
La Vacuna contra el Covid-19 de
AstraZeneca cambia de Nombre
Español |
La Vacuna de AstraZeneca - Fuimos
Esenciales y Ahora somos Invisibles
Español |
La Vacuna del Covid pone en Riesgo a la Especie Humana -
Luís Marcelo Martínez, Médico Genetista
Español |
La Verdadera Agenda detrás de la
Enloquecida Carrera por Inyectar a todos los Niños del
Español |
La Verdadera Razón por la que Google y YouTube Censuran la
Verdad sobre las Vacunas
Español |
Vitamina D es más Efectiva que la 'Inyección' de COVID-19
Español |
Lo que los Medios de Comunicación
se Niegan a decir sobre las Vacunas contra el COVID
Español |
Lo Siguiente en la Tiranía del
Coronavirus: Vacunaciones Forzadas y "Certificados
Español |
Los Líderes Mundiales acuerdan
'Etiquetar al Ganado' del Planeta
Español |
Los No Vacunados lucen cada vez 'Más
Español |
- "Los
No Vacunados Salvarán a la Humanidad" - Afirma el Premio
Nobel Prof. Luc Montagnier
Mainstream Doctors and Scientists
appear to be under Mass Covid Vaccine Hypnosis Spell
- 'Make
the Burden of being Unvaccinated so High that People
Comply' - Says Harvard Professor...
Masayasu Inoue - A Message from
Japan to the World - Fraudulent use of Gene Therapy in
Healthy People
Español |
Masayasu Inoue - Un Mensaje de
Japón al Mundo - Uso Fraudulento de la Terapia Génica en
Personas Sanas
Español |
dosis de Vacunas de ARNm, más Probabilidades de Daño
Cardíaco - McCullough y Malhotra
Message to the Unvaccinated
Modified RNA has a Direct Effect on DNA
Italiano |
Momento Chiave per dire NO al 'Passaporto
Vaccinale Digitale'
mRNA Vaccines - A Fantastic Fairy
Vaccines, Transhumanism and the Battle for Our Souls
Español |
Muchísimos Estudios confirman que
las Vacunas-Covid son Peligrosas
Names of the Covid-19 Bioweapon Genocidal Killers
Español |
No Creerás lo que Planean Hacer
con las "Vacunas" para el Covid-19
Español |
No hubo 'Pandemia'
Español |
Nombran a los Criminales Genocidas detrás del Arma Biológica
Italiano |
Non Abbiamo Bisogno di "Nessun
Vaccino Disgustoso" per il Covid 19
Español |
No Necesitamos 'Ningún Tipo de
Vacuna' contra el Covid-19
Vaccine has Ever Worked as Promised
Español |
Nuevos Códigos de estado de
Vacunación contra COVID son usados para Rastrear a
Personas - CDC confirma
Español |
Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere como
Ingenuo... - Obedece a la 'Autoridad
Official discuss 'Changing Covid
Patient Count' to make it 'More Scary for the Public' -
Leaked Video
Pandemic of the Vaccinated -
Vaccines "Cause More Illness than They Prevent"
Español |
Peligros a Largo Plazo de las
Vacunas Experimentales de ARNm
Italiano |
Perché i Globalisti e i Governi
sono così alla Disperata Ricerca di Tassi di
Vaccinazione del 100%?
Poisoning the Populace -
Population Slaughtered by Drugs, Food, and Designed
Español |
- ¿Por
qué muchos Jóvenes han sufrido Infartos y Paros
Cardiacos en los Últimos Años?
Español |
- ¿Qué
es la Luciferasa?
Español |
- ¿Qué
les espera a las Personas que recibieron la Vacuna
Español |
Qué Países de América Latina han Autorizado al Sector
Privado a comprar y aplicar Vacunas contra el Covid-19
Español |
- ¿Qué
sucede Dentro del Cuerpo después de recibir la Vacuna Anti-COVID?
Español |
- ¿Quién
Diablos le da a la ONU, la OMS y la UE el Derecho de
Imponer Certificados Digitales de Vacunas?
Randomised clinical trials of
COVID-19 Vaccines - Do Adenovirus-vector Vaccines have
Español |
Reflexión en torno a la "Vacuna"
desde Europa
Español |
Reporte demuestra que la Vacuna es
Mucho Más Mortal que el COVID
Rockefeller Foundation funds Behavioral
Scientists to Brainwash People into Taking COVID Injections
SARS-CoV-2 is a 'Targeted Eugenics
Scientists Attempting to Design
'Self-Spreading' Vaccines that Jump from Vaccinated to
Unvaccinated Populations
Español |
- ¿Se
acerca ya el Ajuste de Cuentas? - El Genocidio del
Covid-19 clama por un Tribunal Mundial Independiente
Italiano |
Secondo gli Esperti della FDA i
'Vaccini Covid-19 Stanno Uccidendo' almeno 2 Persone per
Ogni Vita Salvata e...
Silenced All-Star Doctors destroy
'COVID Lies' in 5 Hours - Senator Ron Johnson Roundtable
Español |
Síndrome de Inmuno Deficiencia adquirida por Vacunación -
Single shot of 'Sputnik V'
effective against Covid Hospitalization and Deaths among
Elderly - The Lancet Study
Stop Holocaust
Switzerland withdraws all Covid
Vaccination Recommendations
was Born in U.S., Grew Up in China, Now Conquering the World
'The Blue Dot'
- A film
The Corona Crisis - Is the Tide
Turning? - "A Rapid General Awakening"?
The Covid Vaccine is an 'Integral
Part of The Great Reset'
The Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine
The Documentary the 'Elites' Hope
You Never See - 'Uninformed Consent'
Frequency War - A War for the World
The Global Hoax is rapidly
Unraveling - HHS Documents admit the CDC has Never
Isolated any "Covid-19 Virus"
The Great Reset Exposed - Schwab,
Gates, and the Sinister WEF and WHO Plot to Depopulate
the World
The "Killer Covid Vaccine"
Worldwide - 7.9 Billion People
The Law Begins to Hammer on
The Metaphysical Consequences of
the 'COVID Jab' in Light of the Occult Matrix and The
Way Out
The Monoclonal Antibody Strategy
The More you Vax, the Weaker your
Immune System Becomes
Most Important Podcast you can hear about COVID-19
Español |
Theragrippers - Desarrollan un
Microdispositivo para Administrar Fármacos en el Tracto
Was No 'Pandemic' - An essay by Denis Rancourt
The Roman Church - A Betrayal of
Snakes are Coming Out - The Masks begin to Fall Off...!
The Unvaccinated are 'Looking
Smarter' every Week
The Vaccine Death Report
The War against the Unvaxxed will
Not Be Forgotten
Want to Scare Us into Silence'
- "This
is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy - This is Not a
Theory... this is Evidence" - D. Martin & R. Fuellmich
Thousands of Japanese Citizens flood streets to Protest WHO,
WEF, Bill Gates, Vaccines...
Three Vaccine Manufacturers change
Product Names
Top 7 reasons mRNA Covid Jabs are
much more Deadly than any other "Vaccine" ever created
Transverse Myelitis - Mysterious
Illness caused during 'COVID-19 Vaccine Trials' may lead
to Paralysis
Twenty States are suing Biden over
Vaccine Mandate targeting Federal Contractors
UK Documentary Exposes Lies behind
'Safe and Effective' COVID Vaccine Narrative
Italiano |
Una Singola iniezione di "Sputnik
V" efficace contro l’Ospedalizzazione e le Morti degli
Anziani da Covid
Español |
Un Experto en Vacunas de ARNm
habla sobre la Crisis del Covid
Español |
Un "Grupo de Sociópatas" está
Impulsando la Vacunación Masiva - Dice médico defensor
de la Hidroxicloroquina
Español |
Un Homenaje Inspirador a 'Los No-Vacunados'
Español |
Un Médico con Experiencia en Armas
Biológicas dice que las Vacunas Covid-19 son "Medicina
Vaccinated with a PCR Test even
Without Knowing? - Confirmed by Johns Hopkins University
Vaccination Status is Temporary -
Boosters for Life Required
Vaccine Billionaires and Human
Guinea Pigs
Vaccine for the China Virus - The
Planet is the Guinea Pig for a Vast Experiment
Vaccine Hesitancy is 'Highly
Informed', 'Scientifically Literate' and 'Sophisticated'
- Says MIT Study...
Vaccine-Induced Immune Apocalypse
Español |
- ¿Vacunación
Forzada Inconsciente a través de la Comida?
Español |
Vacuna contra el Covid-19
desarrollada por un Laboratorio Peruano aún No se ha
Probado en Humanos
Emerges where 'Fauci and Others' planned for a "Universal
mRNA Flu Vaccine"
We Don't Need 'No Stinking
Vaccine' for Covid-19
What happens if 'Something Goes
Wrong' after You receive a COVID Vaccine?
What I Can Say and What I Cannot
is Causing the Blood Clots from "Died Suddenly?"
What is Luciferase?
What makes All Vaccines so
What the Media Refuses to Tell You
About COVID Vaccines
What to do 'After COVID Vaccines'
- A Doctor says...
What will Happen in 10 Years? -
The Biggest 'COVID Question'...
a Vaccine is Not a Vaccine and a Test is Not a Test
Who in Hell gives the UN, WHO and
the EU the Right to Impose Digital Vaxx Certificates?
Why are Globalists and Governments
so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates?
Why are the Vaxxed Getting Sicker?
Why Big Pharma wants 'Human
Vaccine Factories'
Why Doctors are Lying to You
Why do mRNA Vaccines alter your
DNA? - To make You Legal Property...!
Why Millions will Regret Getting
the Jab - Dr. Robert Malone discusses the International
COVID Summit
Why People don't Trust 'The
Science' - The Inside-Story of Injection Hesitancy
Will new COVID Vaccine make You
You can be Vaccinated with a PCR
Test, even Without Knowing - Johns Hopkins University
Additional Information |
All Three Presidents who Declined
the Covid Vaccine are now Dead
Español |
Asesinato con Vacunas - Demanda
contra Bill Gates
A Vaxxing Question
Climate Change might require Vaccinating Populations
against Migrating Mosquitoes - The WHO
Español |
Cómo los Bolivianos derrotaron los
Mandatos de Vacunación del Gobierno Socialista
Could Magnetic Hydrogel explain
the 'COVID Vax Magnet Phenomenon'
Español |
Covid-19 - La 'Punta de Lanza'
para inaugurar una "Nueva Era" de Vacunas de Alto Riesgo
y Diseñadas...
Covid-19 Vaccines provide latest
Opportunity for 'Establishing a New World Order' |
Italiano |
Di Cosa è Morta la Regina
Digital Documentation of COVID-19
Certificates - Vaccination Status - WHO 2021 |
Español |
El Futuro de las Vacunas
Español |
El Mal Puro y Completo Enmascarado
como Pandemia
Español |
Silencio de los Genes
Español |
Enloquecimiento - El Mal es una
Fuerza Significativa y Real en nuestro Mundo
Español |
Escándalo en la Salud Mundial -
¿Partículas Metálicas en las Vacunas que son Atraídas
por el Imán?
Español |
- ¿Estamos
Siendo Preparados para una Despoblación Masiva?
Español |
Están Manipulando las Estadísticas
para que Parezca que la Vacuna del Covid-19 Funciona
Español |
Estas Vacunas que Agravan la
Español |
Fin del Juego - El virus No
Provoca la Enfermedad, es un Tremendo Error de
G-20 Bali Leaders' Declaration -
November 2022
Italiano |
Hotline Vaticana per il Vaccino,
Come posso aiutarla?
Italiano |
I Certificati Digitali del Vaccino
dopo un Blocco Continuo - Piani per il Mondo Post
Italiano |
Il Futuro del Post-Coronavirus? -
Biosensori Iniettabili, I.A. di Rilevazione dei Virus,
Robot a una Società senza...
Español |
Italianos toman las Calles en
Protesta por la entrada en vigencia del 'Pase Covid'
para Trabajar
Italiano |
I Trucchi che stanno inventando
per "Farti Vaccinare"
Italiano |
I Vaccini Covid-19 offrono
l'ultima Opportunità per 'Stabilire un Nuovo Ordine
Español |
La Autoridad Reguladora Suiza de
Medicamentos rechaza la Aprobación de la Vacuna para el
Español |
La Batalla de los Censores |
Español |
La Pandemia del Coronavirus
COVID-19 - El Verdadero Peligro es la "Agenda ID2020"
Español |
Los Gobiernos de Todo el Mundo ofrecen Sobornos
Extravagantes - Esfuerzo Desesperado por Aumentar...
Español |
- "Mi
Nombre es Bill Gates, Rey de Reyes"
OCR Frontline Workers Testimonies
- Covid-19 Vaccine - VAERS April 2021 |
Of WHAT did Queen Elizabeth just
Español |
OMS pide 'Calma' - La Nueva Variante del Coronavirus No
es Peligrosa
- 'Operation
Warp Speed' is using a 'CIA-Linked Contractor' to keep
Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret |
- 'Operation
Warp Speed' - Your One-Way Ticket to Total Surveillance |
Español |
Papa Francisco - Un Peón de la
Agenda Mundial
Español |
Plaga de Mentirosos - El Código de
Nuremberg prohíbe 'Procedimientos Médicos Forzados'
incluyendo Vacunas |
Español |
Posible Antídoto para el V-Serum |
Español |
Prevención del COVID - Una
Alternativa Efectiva a las Vacunas
Español |
- ¿Que
pasa con los Cuerpos Energéticos y especialmente con tu
"Alma" y la Vacuna ARNm para el Covid?
Self-Spreading Vaccines would
Deliver All of Humanity into the Hands of Transhumans
Singapore First Country to Stop
'Counting Daily COVID-19 Cases' and treat it Like Normal
Technocrat Scientists are Working
on 'Self-Spreading Vaccines'
Español |
Te pueden Vacunar con una Prueba
de PCR incluso Sin Saberlo - Confirma la Universidad
Johns Hopkins
The Case Against Immunizations
Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic - The Real Danger is "Agenda
The Grand Merger of 'Big Tech' and
'Big Pharma' - It's About the Data
The Harvard Case of Xu Xiping -
Exploitation of the People, Scientific advance, or
Genetic Theft
The Hidden Spiritual War Through
Ingredients of Traditional Vaccines
The PREP Act and Covid-19 -
Limiting Liability for Medical Countermeasures
The Tricks they're playing to 'Get
You Vaccinated'
Español |
Tortugas hasta el Fondo - Ciencia
y Mitos de las Vacunas |
Español |
Trudeau suspende Libertades
Civiles con decreto de Emergencia Nacional |
Italiano |
Tutti e tre i Presidenti che
"Hanno rifiutato il Vaccino Covid" adesso sono Morti
Two-tier Societies are Emerging
with Dwindling Rights for the Unvaccinated - Why do
Governments Consider...
Unleashing the Quantum Dot - A
Leap into the Future
Español |
Un Nuevo Informe arroja luz sobre
el Culto Apocalíptico de las Vacunas
Hesitancy - Guidance and Interventions
Vatican Vaccine Hotline, How Can I Help
Vaccine Passports - One Passport
to Rule Them All
Who Owns the CDC?
WHO says 'Masks don't Prevent Infection' - Fauci says 'Not
Mandatory Vaccination'
Why the Rothschilds are Implicated
in the 'Covid-19 Hoax'
'Vaccine Refusal' result in a Two-Tier Society?
Yes, SARS-CoV-2 is a Real Virus -
You can be Vaccinated with a PCR
Test even Without Knowing - Johns Hopkins University
Bill Gates and
Covid Vaccines - Bill Gates y las Vacunas Covid |
Español |
Asesinato con Vacunas - Demanda
contra Bill Gates
Before COVID Gates planned Social
Media Censorship of 'Vaccine Safety Advocates' with
Pharma, CDC, Media...
Italiano |
Bill Gates 'Accordo per Brevetto
Covid' con Moderna
Bill Gates 'Covid Licence
Agreement' with Moderna
Bill Gates Demands the Right to
Censor 'Insane People' who Oppose him on the Internet
Italiano |
Bill Gates è Scioccato dal fatto
che Non Piace alle Persone o non Hanno Fiducia in Lui
Italiano |
Bill Gates forse è stato Ingannato...?
Bill Gates has Major Shares in
Both Pfizer and BioNTech - FOI revealed he is the
Primary Funder of the MHRA
Italiano |
Bill Gates incontra Boris Johnson
per discutere l’attuazione del "Programma Globale del
Vaccino per Covid-19
Bill Gates is Shocked that People
don't Like or Trust Him
Bill Gates meets with Boris
Johnson to discuss implementing "Covid-19 'Global'
Vaccine Program"
Gates' relationship with Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey
Epstein revolved around a 'Global Health Investment...
Bill Gates' Vaccine Crime Record -
496,000 Paralyzed Children in India and More...
Italiano |
Bill Gates vuole Far Sparire le "Teorie
della Cospirazione" contro di lui
Bill Gates wants "Conspiracy
Theories" about him to Go Away...
BioTech admits Bill Gate's 'GMO
Factory Food' is a Gene Therapy
Español |
Conocedora de la OMS llama la
Atención sobre Bill Gates y GAVI
Covid Update - What is the Truth?
Development and pre-clinical
evaluation of Newcastle disease virus-vectored SARS-CoV-2
intranasal vaccine...
Digital Vaccine Certificates after
Continued Lockdown - Plans for Post-Coronavirus World
Dr. Anthony Fauci plotted 'Global
Vaccine Action Plan' with Bill Gates before pushing 'COVID
Panic Treatments'
Español |
El Plan de Bill Gates para Vacunar
al Mundo
Former Bill Gates Vaccine
Scientist predicts sharp Population Decline - "Up to
30-40% in highly vaccinated
From Computers to Global Genocide
- The Staggering Influence Bill Gates on Public Health
Policy around World
Gates Foundation to accelerate
Modified mRNA DEATHVAX™ Innovation and Manufacturing in
Africa and Globally
Mr. Bill Gates been Fooled...?
Italiano |
Il Dr. Anthony Fauci ha tracciato
il Piano per il Vaccino Globale con Bill Gates prima di
spingere "I trattamenti...
Español |
Los Antivacunas suponen un Serio
Desafío para los Planes de la OMS
Español |
Los Miles de Millones de Bill
Gates ¿están Distorsionando los Datos de Salud Pública?
- 'Pandemic'
Lessons Learned - Omicron vs. Bill Gates
President Trump deals 'Huge Blow
to Bill Gates' - Withdraws support from 'China-Centric'
Serial Liar Bill Gates is now
Denying Ever talking about 'Digital Vaccine Passports' -
But there's Video Proof
The WHO and Big
Pharma - Building a Permanent Pandemic Market
Yes, Bill Gates Said 'That'... -
Here's the Proof
- Dead and Injuries / Víctimas - Muertos
y Heridos
1.5 Million Injured (50% Serious)
and 15,472 Dead - Reported in EU's Database of COVID-19
Shots Adverse...
100% of mRNA Jab Recipients have
Heart Implications - Study
Years of Suramin
Estudios y/o Reportes sobre Peligros Asociados a las Vacunas Covid
3,964 Dead and 162,610 Injuries -
European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19
Italiano |
3.964 Morti e 162.610 Danneggiati
- Database Europeo delle Reazioni Avverse di Medicine
per i 'Vaccini' COVID
7,766 Deads 330,218 Injuries -
European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19
23,252 Deaths 2,189,537 Injuries
following COVID Shots - European Union's Database
Adverse Drug Reactions
Español |
Al Menos 1 Billón de Muertos o
Discapacitados por el Arma Biológica CV-19 - Dr. Betsy
As International Trials begin against the Globalists
will a 'Return to Public Executions' be necessary
As serious 'COVID Vaccine Side
Effects' grow Dr Fauci Disappears
Italiano |
AstraZeneca ammette gli Effetti
Collaterali del Vaccino anti-Covid - "Può causare
AstraZeneca Coronavirus Vaccine to
Be Pulled Worldwide for 'Commercial' Reasons
Italiano |
AstraZeneca ritira il suo Vaccino
contro il Covid in tutto il Mondo - "C'è un surplus di
Systematic Review of Autopsy findings in Deaths after Covid-19
Vaccination - Drs. Hodkinson, McCullough...
At Least 1 Billion Dead or
Disabled from CV-19 Bioweapon - Dr. Betsy Eads
Italiano |
Atrocità Commesse dai Governi
contro i loro Cittadini
Committed by Governments against their Citizens
Bill Gates Insider blows whistle
on Coming 'Wave' of 'Unprecedented Deaths' among Vaxxed
Biologist Blows Whistle - Covid
Shots Killed 17 Million People
BNT162b2 Vaccine Associated Myo/Pericarditis
in Adolescents - A Stratified Risk Benefit Analysis
- External
Link - Daily Update
Censored Autopsies Study confirms
Covid 'Vaccines' caused 74% of All Deaths
Covid-19 Vaccine-associated
Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere - by
D.G. Rancourt, M. Baudin, J. Hickey...
Covid Jab 'Deadlier than Covid'
for Anyone under 80
Covid Vaxxed are Testing Positive
for HIV - Multiple Studies Warn
Español |
Dr. Peter McCullough advierte del
Peligro de morir por Vacunarse contra COVID-19
Español |
El 60% de las Personas Mayores de
50 Años que Mueren por COVID están Vacunados
Español |
El Fármaco más Letal de toda la
Historia - ¿Por qué nadie Hace Nada para detenerlo?
Elite's Depopulation Agenda is Now
Embalmers finding Numerous Long,
Fibrous Clots that lack Post-Mortem Characteristics -
Covid Vaccines
Español |
En toda Europa las Muertes son
Mucho Mayores Ahora que en los 'Años Pandémicos' de 2020
y 2021
Español |
Equipo del Reino Unido presenta
una Denuncia por 'Crímenes de Lesa Humanidad' - Corte
Penal Internacional
Español |
Estrategias para Evitar los
Coágulos relacionados con las Vacunas Anticovid
Español |
Estudios Confirman que la Vacuna
Anticovid produce Más Daños que Beneficios
Excess Deaths and Depopulation -
Shall we sit around in our Insouciance and Permit this
to Happen?
Experts estimate 20 Million are
already Dead due to COVID Vaccination and over 2 Billion
FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot
Caused Immunosuppression
FLCCC Treatment Protocol for
'Vaccine Injured'
Former Italian 'Health Minister
Roberto Speranza' under Investigation amid Vaccine
Government reveals the
'Quadruple/Triple Vaccinated' now account for 92% of
COVID Deaths across Canada
Heart Issues detected Months after
COVID-19 Vaccination - Study
How Accurate are the Covid Vaccine
Death and Injury Statistics?
How Have You Changed?
Many Deaths from COVID Jabs are Hidden or Deleted?
I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol
Is the Vax Worse than We Thought?
- Lancet's Swift Censorship
Español |
Katalin Karikó desarrolladora de
la Tecnología ARNm - Francisco la nombra Miembro de
Academia para la Vida
Español |
La Administración Biden busca más
Abogados para Defenderse de las Demandas por Vacunas |
Español |
La Crisis Invisible - Historias de
Vacunas Jamás Contadas
Español |
La impactante Verdad sobre la
Agenda de Despoblación Global
Español |
Las Alarmantes Tasas de Mortalidad
de las Vacunas de ARNm justifican una Acción Urgente
Español |
Las Vacunas para el Covid han
creado Millones de 'Zombis'
Español |
Las Víctimas de las Vacunas
Anticovid rompen el Silencio
Español |
Los Datos revelan la Tragedia
Causada por las Vacunas Anticovid
Español |
Médicos y Profesionales declaran Crisis Médica Internacional
- Lesiones y Muertes causadas por Vacuna Covid
Italiano |
Morti da Vaccino 'ribattezzati'
Morti per Calore
Español |
Muertes por Vacunación y ahora
'repentinamente' Muertes por Calor
New Report Stuns the World - Vast
Majority of those now 'Dying with Covid' are People
vaccinated Against It
Español |
Peligrosa Condición en la Sangre
es causada por la Vacuna Anticovid
Español |
Relato COVID y cambio en la
Narrativa Mediática - De "Vacuna Segura" a "Efectos
Adversos" y "Sobremortalidad
Español |
Se Revela que Vacunas contra el
COVID-19 no son "Ni Seguras ni Efectivas" - Organismo de
Control de Canadá
Significant 'Covid-19 Vaccine
Study' censored by Medical Journal within 24 Hours
The Covid Jabs have Created
Millions of 'Zombies'
The Most Devastating COVID Report
so far...
The Role of Hospitals, Covid
Injections and 5G in Genocide Depopulation
The Shocking Truth about the
Global Depopulation Agenda
The 'Smoking Gun' - COVID
Restrictions are Not about Health
The Unseen Crisis - Vaccine
Stories you were Never Told
The Vaccine Death Report -
Evidence of Millions of Deaths and Serious Adverse
Events resulting from...
Español |
- "¡Tú
eres el 'No Vacunado', tú eres el Problema!" - Y
Destinos de las Personas Vacunadas...
UK Team File Complaint of 'Crimes
Against Humanity' with the International Criminal Court
Vaccinated People make up Majority
of COVID-19 Deaths - CDC Data
Vaccination Deaths and now
'suddenly' Heat Deaths
Violations of the Nurenberg Code -
Covid Vaccines - by Hannah Rose and Team
What is mRNA? - Here's a Crash
Course on What it Does
Español |
Dr. Peter McCullough advierte del
Peligro de morir por Vacunarse contra COVID-19
Over 2 Billion will
Suffer Gruesome Vaccine Injuries - World War 3 Global
Catastrophe - Dr. David E. Martin
Español |
Temas Vinculados a las Vacunas
Genéticas anti-COVID - Dra. Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse en
una Asamblea...
Vaccine Stories you were Never
Graphene |
5G Remote Kill Vector - Activates Graphene Oxide injected
into the Body
to 99% of the Vaccination Vial is Graphene Oxide' - La
Quinta Columna
Activating 5G Towers could Kill
People who took COVID-19 Vaccines - Analysts Warn...
Biodegradable Graphene
Español |
Cómo Eliminar los Nanorobots, la Nanotecnología y el Grafeno
que se encuentran en las Vacunas COVID
Español |
Dra. Chinda Brandolino sobre
Transhumanismo y Neurocontrol
Dr. Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta
Columna connects the "Vaccine Graphene Oxide
Nanotechnology" to the...
Español |
Óxido de Grafeno en todas las Vacunas convierte a los
Vacunados en Bombas de Tiempo Caminantes
Español |
- 'El
Óxido de Grafeno tiene su Banda de Absorción en 5G'
Español |
Grafeno - El Material para
"Neuromodulation" Technology is Real
Oxide has its Absorption Band in 5G'
Oxide in all Vaccines makes the Vaccinated Walking Time
Graphene Radio Frequency receiver
Integrated Circuit
Español |
Grafeno - El 'Material Mágico'
inventado en 2004 que está Cambiando la Industria y la
to remove 'Graphene Oxide' in Covid Vaccines from the Body
How to remove the Nanobots,
Nanotech and Graphene found in the COVID Injections
Español |
Identificación de Patrones en
Sangre de Personas Vacunadas - Puntos Quánticos de
Grafeno GQD
Italiano |
La Microscopia Elettronica a
Scansione e Trasmissione rivela Ossido di Grafene -
Vaccini CoV-19
Español |
La Microscopía Electrónica de
Barrido y Transmisión revela Óxido de Grafeno - Vacunas
Español |
Las Vacunas llevan Nanopartículas de Óxido de Grafeno - Confirmado según los Análisis del Vial
Español |
Métodos Genéticos y Ópticos de
Español |
Patrones en Vacunas Covid -
Nanopulpos y Nanotubos de Carbono-Grafeno
Programmed Death - mRNA Vaccine
Nanoparticles used to Control Appetite and Emotions in
Scanning and Transmission Electron
Microscopy reveals Graphene Oxide - Cov-19 Vaccines
Science Team reveals Graphene,
Aluminum, LNP Capsids, Peg and Parasites in 4 Cov-19
Sixty Uses of
Graphene - The Ultimate Guide to Graphene's - Potential
Applications in 2019
Dr. Young Reveals Graphene,
Aluminium, LNP Capsids, Parasite in 4 Vaccines
Physiological Saline Containing
Español |
Protocolo CDS para Eliminar
Nanopartículas Magnéticas de las Vacunas Covid-19 -
Andreas Kalcker
Español |
Qué tienen que ver el Oxido de
Grafeno y la Nanotecnología en las Vacunas Covid con el
Immunity - Inmunidad |
Español |
Inmunidad Natural y el Covid-19
Is Natural Immunity more Effective
than the COVID Shot?
Español |
La OMS Re-escribe la definición de
"Inmunidad de Rebaño" para impulsar la "Vacuna-Covid"
Español |
Vacuna Covid-19 - ¿Tiene como Objetivo la Inmunidad o la Despoblación?
- 'Naturally
Acquired Immunity' to Covid-19 - 135 Research Studies
Affirmed, Documented, Linked, and Quoted
Nearly Half of all U.S. Covid
Cases are this 'New Variant' JN.1
- 'Risk
for Future Generations'? - Peru clashes with Pfizer over
Big Pharma's 'Legal Immunity' Covid-19 Vaccine...
The Case for Natural Immunity vs.
The Covid-19 Vaccine - Is the Goal
Immunity or Depopulation?
WHO Changes definition of "Herd
Immunity" to eliminate Pre-COVID Consensus
Why 'Natural Immunity' is a
'Political Problem' for the 'Regime'
mRNA Technology -
Tecnología mRNA |
Breaking Study sheds more Light on
whether an RNA Vaccine 'Can Permanently alter DNA'
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Assault
possible through Food Supply
Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine
Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of
mRNA Technology, Signals the Worst-Case Scenario about
Covid-19 Vaccines
Español |
El Dr. Robert Malone inventor de la Tecnología MRNA señala
el Peor Escenario sobre las Vacunas Covid-19
- "Herd
Stupidity" - The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the
Gene-based mRNA "Vaccine" and "The Pinnacles of...
How Wrong and Blind can Doctors
Be? - Covid and Vaccines...
Italiano |
Il Dr. Robert Malone Inventore
della Tecnologia mRNA Segnala lo Scenario Peggior sui
Vaccini Covid-19
Español |
Introducción a las Vacunas de mRNA
- Cómo Funcionan, por qué son "Más Limpias" que las
tradicionales y...
Español |
Las Inyecciones Covid-19 mRNA
legalmente 'No Son Vacunas'
Español |
La Vacuna mRNA COVID ¡NO ES una
More Evidence the COVID
Fake-Vaccine is 'Embedding MAC Addresses'
mRNA and COVID-19 Vaccines Likened
to 'Software Updates' for Your Body
mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines are really
'Gene Therapy' and Not Vaccines - Ethicist
mRNA Jabs are an 'Operating
System' designed to Program Humans - Moderna Admits
Technology to be Applied to other Diseases
Over 500 Deaths Now following mRNA
Experimental Injections - The CDC
Preliminary Findings of mRNA
Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons
SARS-CoV-2 RNA Reverse-Transcribed
and Integrated into the Human Genome
Español |
Sobre las Nuevas "Vacunas" de mRNA
The mRNA COVID Vaccine is NOT a
Useless Eaters - Drug Them, give
Them Computer Games, let Them Eat Bugs
Nanotechnology - Nanotecnología |
Bill Gates admits 'Testing
Nanotech on Public' with mRNA Vaccines
Español |
Comentarios sobre Nanotecnología
hallada en Vial de AstraZeneca - Ingeniero Christopher
Español |
Cómo Eliminar los Nanorobots, la Nanotecnología y el Grafeno
que se encuentran en las Vacunas COVID
Dr. Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta
Columna connects the "Vaccine Graphene Oxide
Nanotechnology" to the...
Español |
Hallazgo de 'Nanobots' en Vacunas
Covid en 96 Millones de Ciudadanos en Japón - Estado de
Hydrogel Biosensor - Implantable
Nanotech to be used in 'COVID Vaccines'?
Español |
Identificación de Patrones en
'Vacunas de Coronavirus' - Nanorouters
Español |
Ingeniero Christopher Montenegro
comenta sobre Nanotecnología hallada en Vial de
Intra-body nano-network - Brief
summary - por Mik Andersen
Japan declares State of Emergency
after 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid
Japan declares State of Emergency
- 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid
Español |
La Evidencia Muestra que ya se ha
Implementado un Sistema de Identificación Biológica
Español |
Las Vacunas llevan Nanopartículas de Óxido de Grafeno - Confirmado según los Análisis del Vial
Nanomaterials are in the Covid-19 Jabs, Masks and Swabs
Nanostructures in Covid "Vaccines"
are Not Self-Assembling - They are being Constructed by
Español |
Nanotubos Inyectados en las
Vacunas Covid - Resonancia con 5G y Alteración Cerebral
- 'Operation
Coronavirus' is working Hand-in-Hand with the 'Nanotech
Agenda' |
Español |
Patrones en Vacunas Covid -
Nanopulpos y Nanotubos de Carbono-Grafeno
Español |
Vacunas y Nanoides
Vaccines insert Nanobots in our
Bodies Turning us into HUMAN 2.0 - Says Dr. Carrie Madej
- "Viruses
Don't Exist" Dr. Robert Young explained - Nanotech
inside People is a Weapon
Pfizer and
Moderna |
Agenda to Depopulate the Planet
through COVID Vaccination - Revealed by Gov. Reports and
Pfizer Documents
Italiano |
Autoassemblaggio di Strutture in Tempo
Reale rivelate in 2 Anni di Studio su Iniezioni di Pfizer e
Moderna per... |
Italiano |
Bill Gates 'Accordo per Brevetto
Covid' con Moderna
Bill Gates 'Covid Licence
Agreement' with Moderna
Bill Gates has Major Shares in
Both Pfizer and BioNTech - FOI revealed he is the
Primary Funder of the MHRA
and Vanguard rake in Billions - Omicron Variant makes
Moderna and Pfizer shareholders more than...
Caught Red Handed - Fauci, Gates
and Moderna responsible for COVID Pandemic
CEO of Pfizer Arrested by the FBI
- Charged with Fraud, Media Blackout as #PfizerGate
Italiano |
Come Pfizer Bullizza e Ricatta
Paesi per i Vaccini COVID
Consumers are Rejecting 'The Great
Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents
they tried to have Sealed for 55 years
Cumulative Analysis of
Post-Authorization Adverse Event - Reports of
Pf-07302048 (Bnt162b2) - Pfizer
Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on
the Blood After Anti-COVIDmRNA Injections from
DARPA and Moderna teamed up to
create 'mRNA Gene Therapy Injections' which led to
Deadly COVID "Vaccine"
Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer's Depopulation Agenda - Evidenced
by its Own Documents
Español |
- "El
Cáncer es nuestro Nuevo Covid" - CEO de Pfizer, Albert
Español |
El Expediente Ursula von der Leyen - Presidenta de la
Comisión Europea
FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot
Caused Immunosuppression
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes
Vaccinate a Human
How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails
Countries for COVID Shots
Intracellular Reverse
Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human...
It Started Before the Outbreak - A
BioNTech-"Pfizer" Vax Project Timeline
Español |
La Evidencia No Miente - Estas Vacunas causaron Más
Fallecimientos que Vidas Salvadas
Español |
La FDA quiere Ocultar Documentos
por 75 Años porque serían Incriminados por Autorizar las
Vacunas Covid-19
Español |
Fiscalía Europea entorpece la Investigación de las
relaciones de Von der Layen con Pfizer
Español |
Las Vacunas de Pfizer llevan a
Ursula von der Layen ante un Tribunal Belga
Italiano |
La Velenosa Pillola Covid di
Español |
La Venenosa Píldora Covid de
Español |
Los Acuerdos de Pfizer Divulgados
- 'Buena Razón por la que Pfizer lidió por Ocultar
Detalles de Contratos'
Español |
Los Papeles de Pfizer - Crímenes
de Pfizer Contra la Humanidad
Español |
Los Trapos Sucios de la
Falsificación de los Ensayos Clínicos de la Vacuna de
and supply Agreement Pfizer-Albania - Coronavirus
Images/Video of Pfizer-BioNTech 'Vaccine' Vials -
'Structures' present respond to Wi-Fi
Moderna confirms Link between
COVID mRNA Vaccines and Cancer
Moderna Rep admits Everyone is
Part of a 'Huge COVID-19 Vaccine Experiment'
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines are
Associated with more Serious Harms than Originally
mRNA Jabs are an 'Operating
System' designed to Program Humans - Moderna Admits
New Safety Concerns about the
COVID Shots arise
NIH-Moderna Confidential
Italiano |
Nuovi Guai per von der Leyen -
Procura Europea indaga sulle sue Trattative con Pfizer
per i Vaccini Covid
Pandemic of the Vaccinated -
Vaccines "Cause More Illness than They Prevent"
Pfizer and Moderna Investors Run
for the Exits
Pfizer Appears to Have Corrupted
the Entire Western World
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine -
The 'Life-Saving' Drug that Seems to be Killing People
Documents Analysis Reports
- Official Government Reports thousands of People Dying
every Week due to COVID-19 Vaccination
Italiano |
Pfizer ha Mentito...! - Dopotutto,
il Vaccino mRNA può cambiare il tuo DNA - Studio
Pfizer launches 'Final Study for
COVID Drug' that's Suspiciously Similar to 'Horse Paste'
aka Ivermectin
Pfizer Lied...! - mRNA Shot can
change your DNA after All - Study
Español |
Pfizer reconoce ante el Parlamento
Europeo que sus Vacunas No Inmunizaban - 'Era la
Velocidad del Mercado'
Pfizer's Power - Report by Public
Pfizer's Shots aren't Safe and
were Never Shown to Be
Pfizer's Unconscionable Crimes -
Past and Present
Pfizer "Vaccine" Kill 200 to
'Save' One?
Cabal' set Trap for Reiner Füellmich
Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial
Constructions... - Pfizer and Moderna
Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures
revealed in 2-Year Study of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19
- 'Risk
for Future Generations'? - Peru clashes with Pfizer over
Big Pharma's 'Legal Immunity' Covid-19 Vaccine...
The Pfizer Papers - Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity
The Pfizer Papers - Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity
- by Naomi Wolf
The Real Reason why Moderna is
Suing Pfizer
The Story of Pfizer Inc. - A Case
Study in Pharmaceutical Empire and Corporate Corruption
The Ursula von der Leyen File - EU
Commission President
Transhuman 101 - Moderna Declares COVID Vaccine to Be an 'Operating System'
Italiano |
Transhuman 101 - Moderna Dichiara
che il Vaccino COVID è un 'Sistema Operativo
Español |
Un Nuevo Estudio revela los
'Terribles Efectos Tóxicos' de la Vacuna de ARNm de
Español |
Ursula Von der Leyen enfrenta una
Investigación por Corrupción sobre Contratos con Pfizer |
Why Pfizer CEO Albert Bourlo
Government is Lying to You in a way that Could Lead to
your Death' - Says former Pfizer Vice President
Español |
COVID-19 al Descubierto
Dr. Naomi Wolf reveals shocking
details in "The Pfizer Papers"
FDA approved Digital Pill that
contains Microchip that Transmits Information once
swallowed - Pfizer Bourla
Español |
Microtecnología Compleja dentro de
la Vacuna Pfizer
Español |
Viruela del Mono - Efecto de Vacuna COVID-19 y 5G
Spike Protein -
Proteina Spike |
Artificial Spike Proteins and the End of Human Health
Español |
Beneficios del Dandelión o 'Diente
de León' sobre la Toxicidad de la Proteína Spike o
espiga de la inyección...
Bromelain, NAC and Spike
Disintegration - A "Missile Defense" Approach
Español |
Cómo las Vacunas Anticovid
Paralizan la Función Inmunológica
COVID Jab Spike Protein remains
Six Months after Jab
Español |
El Consejo Mundial de Salud revela
cómo Desintoxicarse de la Proteína Spike
Español |
Guía sobre la Desintoxicación de
la Proteína Espiga - por Consejo Mundial para
la Salud
Is NAC and Bromelain effective in
breaking down the Spike Protein? - Researchs says YES!
Español |
Libérese de las Secuelas del COVID
con estos Protocolos
Possible Antidote for the
'V-Serum' Vaccine and the Current Spike Protein
Contagion |
Predicted structural Mimicry of
Spike Receptor-binding motifs from Highly Pathogenic
Human Coronaviruses
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs
Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2
These Natural Substances
Neutralize Covid Vaccine Spike Proteins
The Spike Protein is the Killer -
Beware of mRNA "Vaccines"
The Spike Protein Protocol - What
We All can do to Stay Healthy
Uncanny Similarity of Unique
Inserts in the 2019-nCoV Spike Protein to HIV-1 gp120
and Gag
World Council for Health reveals
'Spike Protein Detox'
Are Spike Proteins being Released
onto Cities? - Dr. Lee Merritt
Therapies-Antidotes / Terapias-Antídotos |
Español |
Algo Relacionado con el
A 'Natural Approach' to the
Comprehensive Control of SARS-CoV-2
Español |
Cambios Importantes en el
Tratamiento del COVID-19 que Salvarán Vidas - Vitaminas
C y D
Clinical Rationale for SARS-CoV-2 Base Spike
Protein Detoxificationin Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury
Clinical Rationale for Spike
Protein - Detoxification in Post COVID-19 and Vaccine
COVID-19 Vaccine Injury is a
Syndrome not a Disease - Treatment
Español |
Protocolo del Dr. Mercola para la
Desentoxicación de la Vacuna Anticovid
Dissolution of 'Spike Protein' by
Nattokinase - Holy Grail of COVID-19 Vaccine
Doctor Explains how you can Use an
Antidote after 'Forced COVID Jabs'
Español |
Dos Nuevos Tratamientos para las
Secuelas por el COVID y las Vacunas
Español |
El Consejo Mundial de Salud revela
cómo Desintoxicarse de la Proteína Spike
Español |
Elimine los Efectos Secundarios de la Vacuna
Anti-Covid con estos
Tratamientos Efectivos
Español |
Existe un 'Interruptor de Apagado'
para Detener los Efectos Secundarios de la Vacuna
Holistic Therapies for Diseases
associated with RNA viruses
to remove 'Graphene Oxide' in Covid Vaccines from the Body
I-RECOVER - Post-Vaccine Treatment
Ivermectin - A Covid Defeater
- Main File
Español |
Ivermectina - Una Vencedora contra
el Covid
- Main File
Español |
La Insólita Razón por la que no
nos recomiendan esta Eficaz Vitamina para tratar el
Español |
Libérese de las Secuelas del COVID
con estos Protocolos
Your DNA - A Practical Guide to Healing and Transformation
with the Regenetics
- by Sol Luckman
Español |
Protocolo del Dr. Mercola para la
Desintoxicación de la Vacuna Anticovid
Español |
- ¿Se
Arrepiente de Haberse Puesto la Vacuna? - Haga esto para
Something to Do with Coronavirus
Italiano |
Suramin - È un Possibile 'Antidoto al Vaccino COVID'?
Suramin - Is this a Possible 'COVID
Vaccine Antidote'?
The Great Regression must be
Followed by the Great Detoxification if we are to
Survive as a Species
World Council for Health reveals
'Spike Protein Detox'
Book- Treatises |
Español |
Compendio de Estudios de Expertos
para Eximir a sus Hijos de las Vacunas
Vaccines from the Spiritual Perspective - Consequences on Soul and
Spirit and the Life after Death |
Covid-19 and the Global Predators
- We Are the
- by Peter Breggin
Operation - What Happened, Why It Happened and What's Next
- by Pamela Popper
Español |
- "Cualquiera
que te diga que las Vacunas son Seguras y efectivas está
Mintiendo" - por Vernon Coleman
How to Stop your Doctor Killing
- by Vernon Coleman
My Gov't Told Me - And the Better Future Coming
- by
Robert W. Malone
Racial/Ethnic Variation in Nasal
Gene Expression of Transmembrane Serine Protease 2
next-generation Vaccines for Coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and
other respiratory... - by A. Fauci
The Real Anthony Fauci
- by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. |
The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying
Bioweapons Arms Race - by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. |
Vaccine Immunology - by
Stanley A. Plotkin, Walter A. Orenstein and Paul A.
Vaccine-Nation - Poisoning the
Population One Shot at a Time - by Andreas
Multimedia |
Español |
Advertencia a Toda la Gente a
Nivel Mundial sobre la Vacuna para el Coronavirus
Biden 'Falsely Claims' Covid
spreading because of Unvaxxed
Español |
Bill Gates destroza las Vacunas
Actuales de COVID - Se burla de una Nueva Opción
Español |
Bill Gates nos Pone al Corriente
de los Planes de la Élite
Español |
Científicos de Moderna dejan al
descubierto el Origen de la Toxicidad de la Vacuna
Clots up to 4 feet Long -
Embalmers, Doctors and Scientists
Español |
Conectando los Puntos hacia el
Amor Propio - David Icke y las Vacuna
Connecting the Dots towards
Self-Love - David Icke and Vaccines
Covid-19 Round Table in DC with
Sen. Ron Johnson
Covid-19 Vaccines are 'Weapons of
Mass Destruction' - Could Wipe out the Human Race |
Covid-19 Vaccines Depopulation
- David Icke |
Covid Injections indeed change the Human DNA |
Español |
- ¿Cuanto
Tiempo Vive un Vacunado? |
Died Suddenly |
Don't Get Jabbed - Powerful Video
on "Killer Vaccine" that Needs to be Watched by Everyone |
Español |
Dra. Carrie Madej - Vacuna
COVID-19, Transhumanismo y el Ser Humano Versión 2.0
Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID-19
Vaccine, Transhumanism and Human Ver. 2.0
Dr. Carrie Madej - First U.S. Lab
examines "Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed
Dr. Robert O. Young Exposes Evil
Agendas of the Wealthy and Powerful and the Purpose of
the Vaccine
Dr. Robert Malone interviewed by
Joe Rogan - Full interview
Dr. Robert Malone - "The Covid-19
Vaccine Causes the Virus to Become More Infectious"
Español |
El Futuro Nos Pertenece - ¡Por La
Español |
Gran Reseteo - Documental
Español |
- "El
Gran Reseteo" - La Película Completa
Español |
El Papa - Vacunarse es un "Acto de
Español |
El Video Magistral sobre la Vacuna
Covid - Lo que No nos Cuentan...
Fact Checking the 'Fact Checkers'
- Bill Gates, ID2020 and Vaccine Microchips
FDA Documents show CV19 Vax
Produces a Bioweapon - Karen Kingston Interviewed by
Greg Hunter
Gates, Fauci and Covid-19 -
Exposure of a Fake Pandemic, Economy Collapse and
Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates
Call for Mass Vaccination and Global Governance
Kill Grid - The Vax, 5G and
Smartphones are Inextricably Linked
Español |
La Corrupción de la Industria
Farmacéutica - Peter Gøtzsche
Español |
Marea Anti 'Justicia Social' hace Tambalearse al
Establishment Médico de los EE.UU.
Español |
La película 'El Punto Azul'
Español |
Las Vacunas del Covid-19 -
Entrevista a María José Albarracín en Canal 5
Español |
La Vacuna Experimental Transgénica
nos Convierte en OMG Patentados - Dra. Chinda
Español |
La Vacuna Peruana Covid-19 -
Mancomunidad Regional de Los Andes
Italiano |
Los Médicos sobre el uso de
Mascarillas - "No Sirven de Nada al Aire Libre"
Español |
Los Secretos de las Vacunas
Experimentales Covid-19 de ARNm Sintético - Respondiendo
Preguntas Clave
Judy Mikovits - 'Plandemic' and
Portuguese |
Judy Mikovits - 'Plandêmicos' e
Español |
Judy Mikovits - 'Plandemic' y las
MD Whistleblower leaking Plans for
'Staged Viral Release' triggering United Nations
'Takeover and Depopulation'
mRNA 'Vaccine' Genocide 2021-2022 - Testimonies
from the Victims and Medical Staff
Español |
Murió Repentinamente - Documental |
Español |
Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere Ingenuo
Personality Changes after Covid Vaccine
Pope Francis "urges people" to Get
Vaccinated against Covid-19
Pope urges people to receive
Covid-19 Vaccine |
Español |
- ¿Por
qué Cambia Repentinamente la Personalidad de la gente
tras la Inyección COVID ARNm?
Español |
Prof. Christian Perronne en debate
sobre el COVID en Luxemburgo, lo dice Todo! - 12 Enero
Italiano |
Questa è la Battaglia che potrebbe
farci Vincere la Guerra
Español |
- ¿Quien
es el Conspirador ahora?
Español |
Reflexión en torno a la "Vacuna"
desde Europa - Dr. Sergio Mejía Viana
Shot Dead The Movie
Español |
el ADN está Genéticamente Alterado, está Patentado'
- Dra. Chinda Brandolino
The Biggest Corruption Scandal in
Human History
'The Blue Dot'
The Greater Good - Vaccines
The Great Reset - Documentary
There is No Variant... Not
Novel... No Pandemic! - Dr David E. Martin with Reiner
The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6 |
This is the Battle that could WIN
us the War
Español |
Todo sobre las Vacunas - Dra.
Maria Jose Martinez Albarracin
Uninformed Consent
Vaccines and New World Order - Dr.
Pierre Gilbert 1995 Video
Vaccines - The Most Censored Video
on the Web
Español |
Vacunas - El Video mas Censurado
de la Red
Español |
Vacunas y el Nuevo Orden Mundial -
Dr. Pierre Gilbert 1995 Video
Vaxxed 3 - Authorized to Kill
Español |
Vernon Coleman - Esto no Podría
posiblemente Suceder - ¿Verdad?
Vernon Coleman - This Couldn't
Possibly Happen - Could it?
Virus - The Biggest Fraud Against
Humanity - Dr. Robert O. Young
GAVI and Covid-19 - Audition with Dr. Reiner Füllmich for
International Lawsuit Nuremberg II
World leading Physicians and
Scientists are analyzing the Covid Injections
Related Reports |
5G - The Great Connection Risk and
Control - Main File
Big-Pharma Industry - The
Healthcare Rip-Off
- Main File
Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci -
Main File
Depopulation of Planet Earth
- Main File
Global Reset - Great Reset
- Main File
The Global Elite - The
Transnational Capitalist Class
- Main File
The New World Order
- Main File
Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates
- Main File