



 -  Abp. Viganò warns US Bishops about COVID Vaccine - The 'Great Reset' wants 'Billions of Chronically Ill People'


 -  Alerta a la Humanidad - Las Vacunas Covid-19 son Armas de Destrucción Masiva y podrían Acabar con...


 -  Amnesty for an Apology? - COVID Dictators Looking for Way Out


 -  An Army of Big Biotech Companies is using Psych Tactics to 'Create Vaccine Demand'


 -  An Important Message for Future Generations!


 -  An Inspirational Tribute to 'The Unvaccinated'


 -  Antes de Vacunarnos del COVID ¿no deberíamos Comprobar si Existe? - El 'Porqué' del Negacionismo


 -  Are Athletes dropping Dead from the COVID Jab?


 -  Are PCR Tests 'Secret Vaccines'...?


 -  Arzobispo Viganò advierte a Obispos de EE.UU. sobre Vacuna COVID - El 'Gran Reinicio' quiere 'Miles de...


 -  Beware of Covid PCR Testing and the Relentless "Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate" Campaign...


 -  Biden Administration paid Media $1 Billion for 'COVID Shot Propaganda'


 -  Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India's High Court - Death Penalty Sought


 -  Brilliant! - How Russians Crushed Moscow's 'Vaccine Passports' in Just 3 Weeks


 -  Certificado Digital de Vacunación - El Último Paso hacia la Vigilancia Total


 -  Cinco Formas con las que Intentan Engañarte para que Recibas la "Vacuna" Covid


 -  Come Simuleranno il Successo del Vaccino COVID-19


 -  Cómo Desintoxicarse de la Vacuna COVID


 -  Cómo Falsificarán el Éxito de la Vacuna - Jon Rappoport


 -  Cómo Prevenir y Tratar las Lesiones por la Vacuna Anticovid


 -  Cómo provocan Cáncer las Vacunas COVID


 -  Conoce a la Verdadera 'Docena de La Desinformación'


 -  Consecuencia No Deseada de las Vacunas COVID-19 - Inserción permanente del Código Genético del ARNm

 -  Considerations for FDA Licensure vs. Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 Vaccines


 - 'Conspirología de la Pandemia' - La Vacunación y el Control Global


 -  Contenidos en la Vacuna COVID - 2 Documentos mas revelan los hallazgos con imágenes de Microscopio


 -  Coronavirus 'Disappearing' so Fast that Oxford Vaccine has 'only 50% Chance of Working'


 -  Costa Rica Elimina Obligatoriedad de Mascarillas y Vacunas contra COVID-19


 -  Covid-19 mRNA Shots are legally Not Vaccines


 -  'Covid-19 Vaccine' should be Avoided at All Cost


 -  Covid, Ivermectin and 'Mass Formation Psychosis' - Dr. Robert Malone gives Blistering Interview to Joe Rogan


 -  Covid Jabs have erased 25 years of Health Gains


 -  Covid mRNA Vaccinated emit Strange Fluorescent Glow under UV Light


 -  Covid Vaccines - Consequences on the Soul, Spirit and Life after Death


 -  Covid Vaccines - Weapons of Mass Destruction


 -  Covid Vax Contents - 2 More Documents reveal their Findings with Microscopy Images


 -  Covid Vax Creatures - Live, Self-Aware Critters found under Microscope


 -  Creature nei Vaccini COVID - Vive, creature semoventi trovate al Microscopio


 -  Cronología Target Vacuna Covid-19


 -  DARPA is Working on 'COVID Vaccine' - Implantable Microchip to detect Virus


 - ¿Deberíamos Confiar en 'La Ciencia' de la Industria Farmacéutica?


 -  Denmark Becomes the First Country to Suspend ALL COVID Vaccinations


 -  Denuncia Pública en Argentina a la OMS - La 'Pandemia' del Covid-19


 -  Desarrolladores de la 'Vacuna Oxford-AstraZeneca' vinculados al Movimiento Eugenésico del Reino Unido


 -  Despoblación y Vacunas de ARNm


 -  Detengan el Holocausto


 -  Developers of 'Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine' tied to UK Eugenics Movement


 -  Digital Tyranny and the Rockefeller-Gates WHO "Vaxx-Certificate Passport" - Towards a World War III Scenario


 -  Doctors around the World issue a 'Dire Warning' - Do NOT Get the Covid Vaccine!


 -  Doctors find 'Rectangles and Inverted Pyramids' in Degraded mRNA Vaccines - Scientists dispute Analysis


 -  Doctor with Bioweapons Expertise calls Covid-19 Vaccines "Weaponized Medicine"


 -  Documentary Unveils Disturbing Vaccine Contamination - Plandemic


 -  Does the COVID Jab 'Kill More People than it Saves'...?


 -  Dónde se Deposita la Proteína de la Espiga en el Cuerpo después de la Vacuna o Contagio con COVID-19


 -  DO NOT lock down, DO NOT inoculate, DO NOT FEAR...


 -  Dottore Specialista in Armi Biologiche definisce i Vaccini per il Covid-19 "Medicina Armata"


 -  Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore?


 -  El Fraude de la Inyección - No es una Vacuna


 -  El 'Gran Reinicio' al Descubierto - Schwab, Gates y el Siniestro Complot del FEM y la OMS para Despoblar el...


 -  El por qué Fauci y la Cábala Mundial insisten en Vacunar a tus Hijos...


 -  'El Punto Azul' - Una película


 -  El Vaticano respalda al Big Pharma y se suma a la Campaña de Vacunación Mundial promovida por los Globa...


 -  Engaño Global Desenredándose Rápidamente - Documentos del HHS admiten que CDC Nunca Aisló "Virus...


 -  Estudio del Gobierno Británico confirma el Riesgo de la Vacuna Covid-19


 -  Exactamente ¿en qué 'Ciencia' se basan?


 -  Experimental Covid-19 "Vaccines" and Genocide - UK Medical Doctor


 -  Fauci confesses that Covid Vaccines could never have worked as Claimed


 -  Fauci declares "You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated" - Praises China's insane Lockdown


 -  Fauci makes 'Surprising Concession' regarding COVID-19 Vaccines


 -  Fauci's 'Perjury of Striking Audacity' - Excerpt from RFK Jr.'s book 'The Wuhan Cover-Up'

 -  FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine


 -  FDA Documents show 'CV19 Vax produces a Bioweapon' - Karen Kingston


 -  Fenomenale! Come i Russi hanno ridotto in frantumi "i Passaporti Vaccinali" di Mosca in sole 3 Settimane


 -  Finance 'Guru' reveals Financial Collapse and COVID Jab Data


 -  Forced Vaccination Was Always the 'End Game'


 -  France and Massive Protests against Macron's Compulsory Covid Vaccines


 -  French General says Unvaccinated are "Superheroes"


 -  General francés dice los No Vacunados son "Superhéroes"


 -  Genetically Modified Organons - mRNA Vaccines


 -  Global Elite committing Crimes against Humanity


 -  Google-YouTube reverses policy Banning Critics of Masks and Vaccines - After Years of Silencing the Truth


 -  Governments around the World Offer Extravagant Bribes in Desperate Effort to Increase COVID Vaccine Uptake


 -  Governments launch Cyber Warfare against Citizenry to overcome 'Vaccine Hesitancy'


 -  Gran numero de Científicos y Médicos de Alto Nivel publican Impactante Estudio sobre las Vacunas Covid


 - 'Hagan que la Carga de estar Sin Vacunar sea tan Alta que la gente Cumpla' - Dice Profesor de Harvard...


 -  Have People Been Given the Wrong Vaccine?


 -  How 'Covid-19 Vaccine' can Destroy your Immune System


 -  How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?


 -  How the Endless Boosters will destroy the Immune Function...


 -  How the "Unvaccinated" Got It Right


 -  How they'll Fake the Success of the COVID-19 Vaccine...


 -  How to Detox from the COVID Shot


 -  How to Prevent and Treat COVID Jab Injuries


 -  How to Report a Human Rights Violation with 'We Accuse' - A Step by Step Guide - Vaccines Covid-19


 -  Humans as Bioreactors - How DARPA pioneered the idea behind mRNA Vaccines


 - 'If the DNA is Genetically Altered, it can be Patented' - Dr. Chinda Brandolino


 -  If You Get Jabbed after Watching this You're Beyond Saving...!


 -  Il Vaccino contro il Covid-19 di Astrazeneca cambia Nome


 -  Il Vaccino per il Virus Cinese - Il Pianeta è la Cavia per un vasto Esperimento


 -  Increase in Reactivated Viruses following COVID-19 Booster Shots - Dr. Richard Urso


 -  Informe Final sobre el Covid-19 del Senado de EE.UU.


 -  Injection put into People's arms Instructs the Human Body to Manufacture a Scheduled Toxin - Bioweapon


 -  Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?



 -  Is this why Pediatricians Push Vaccines?


 -  It's 'Gene Therapy' Not a Vaccine - With Dr. David Martin


 -  Japan Drops Vax Rollout - Goes to Ivermectin and ends COVID almost Overnight


 -  La Chiesa Romana - Un Tradimento della Fiducia


 -  La "Ciencia" de la Manipulación - Investigadores elaboran Mensajes de Culpa y Vergüenza - Vacunas


 -  La Crisi del Corona - Sta cambiando la Marea? - "Un Generale Rapido Risveglio"?


 -  La Crisis del Corona-Virus - ¿Está Cambiando la Marea? - ¿"Un Rápido Despertar General"?


 -  La Élite Global Sorprendida 'In Fraganti' cometiendo Crímenes Genocidas contra la Humanidad


 -  La Guerra contra los No-Vacunados No será Olvidada


 -  La Guerra de Frecuencias - Una Guerra por el Mundo


 -  La Pandemia de las 'Personas Sin Vacunar' es una Mentira


 -  La Pandemia delle 'Persone senza Vaccino' è una Menzogna


 -  La Profesión Médica implanta el 'Código de Diagnóstico Digital' de la OMS para los "No Vacunados"


 -  La Sangre de Personas Sin Vacunar podría convertirse en el Activo Más Valioso


 -  Las Artimañas de Bill Gates y Anthony Fauci


 -  Las Grandes Mentiras que Nos Dijeron sobre las Vacunas Anticovid


 -  Las Personas Vacunadas Pertenecen al 'Titular de la Patente'


 -  Las Vacunas contra el Covid-19 Modifican el Genoma Humano


 -  Las "Vacunas" contra el COVID son 'Experimentos Médicos sobre la Humanidad'


 -  Las Vacunas Covid - Armas de Destrucción Masiva


 -  Las "Vacunas" Experimentales de Covid-19 y el Genocidio - Habla Médico del Reino Unido


 -  La Vacuna contra el Covid-19 de AstraZeneca cambia de Nombre


 -  La Vacuna de AstraZeneca - Fuimos Esenciales y Ahora somos Invisibles


 -  La Vacuna del Covid pone en Riesgo a la Especie Humana - Luís Marcelo Martínez, Médico Genetista


 -  La Verdadera Agenda detrás de la Enloquecida Carrera por Inyectar a todos los Niños del Planeta


 -  La Verdadera Razón por la que Google y YouTube Censuran la Verdad sobre las Vacunas


 -  La Vitamina D es más Efectiva que la 'Inyección' de COVID-19


 -  Lo que los Medios de Comunicación se Niegan a decir sobre las Vacunas contra el COVID


 -  Lo Siguiente en la Tiranía del Coronavirus: Vacunaciones Forzadas y "Certificados Digitales"


 -  Los Líderes Mundiales acuerdan 'Etiquetar al Ganado' del Planeta


 -  Los No Vacunados lucen cada vez 'Más Inteligentes'


 - "Los No Vacunados Salvarán a la Humanidad" - Afirma el Premio Nobel Prof. Luc Montagnier


 -  Mainstream Doctors and Scientists appear to be under Mass Covid Vaccine Hypnosis Spell


 - 'Make the Burden of being Unvaccinated so High that People Comply' - Says Harvard Professor...


 -  Masayasu Inoue - A Message from Japan to the World - Fraudulent use of Gene Therapy in Healthy People


 -  Masayasu Inoue - Un Mensaje de Japón al Mundo - Uso Fraudulento de la Terapia Génica en Personas Sanas


 -  Más dosis de Vacunas de ARNm, más Probabilidades de Daño Cardíaco - McCullough y Malhotra


 -  Message to the Unvaccinated


 -  Modified RNA has a Direct Effect on DNA


 -  Momento Chiave per dire NO al 'Passaporto Vaccinale Digitale'


 -  mRNA Vaccines - A Fantastic Fairy Tale


 -  mRNA Vaccines, Transhumanism and the Battle for Our Souls


 -  Muchísimos Estudios confirman que las Vacunas-Covid son Peligrosas


 -  Named Names of the Covid-19 Bioweapon Genocidal Killers


 -  No Creerás lo que Planean Hacer con las "Vacunas" para el Covid-19


 -  No hubo 'Pandemia'


 -  Nombran a los Criminales Genocidas detrás del Arma Biológica Covid-19


 -  Non Abbiamo Bisogno di "Nessun Vaccino Disgustoso" per il Covid 19


 -  No Necesitamos 'Ningún Tipo de Vacuna' contra el Covid-19


 -  No Vaccine has Ever Worked as Promised


 -  Nuevos Códigos de estado de Vacunación contra COVID son usados para Rastrear a Personas - CDC confirma


 -  Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere como Ingenuo... - Obedece a la 'Autoridad


 -  Official discuss 'Changing Covid Patient Count' to make it 'More Scary for the Public' - Leaked Video


 -  Pandemic of the Vaccinated - Vaccines "Cause More Illness than They Prevent"


 -  Peligros a Largo Plazo de las Vacunas Experimentales de ARNm


 -  Perché i Globalisti e i Governi sono così alla Disperata Ricerca di Tassi di Vaccinazione del 100%?


 -  Poisoning the Populace - Population Slaughtered by Drugs, Food, and Designed Diseases


 - ¿Por qué muchos Jóvenes han sufrido Infartos y Paros Cardiacos en los Últimos Años?


 - ¿Qué es la Luciferasa?


 - ¿Qué les espera a las Personas que recibieron la Vacuna antiCOVID?


 -  Qué Países de América Latina han Autorizado al Sector Privado a comprar y aplicar Vacunas contra el Covid-19


 - ¿Qué sucede Dentro del Cuerpo después de recibir la Vacuna Anti-COVID?


 - ¿Quién Diablos le da a la ONU, la OMS y la UE el Derecho de Imponer Certificados Digitales de Vacunas?

 -  Randomised clinical trials of COVID-19 Vaccines - Do Adenovirus-vector Vaccines have beneficial...?


 -  Reflexión en torno a la "Vacuna" desde Europa


 -  Reporte demuestra que la Vacuna es Mucho Más Mortal que el COVID


 -  Rockefeller Foundation funds Behavioral Scientists to Brainwash People into Taking COVID Injections


 -  SARS-CoV-2 is a 'Targeted Eugenics Bioweapon'


 -  Scientists Attempting to Design 'Self-Spreading' Vaccines that Jump from Vaccinated to Unvaccinated Populations


 - ¿Se acerca ya el Ajuste de Cuentas? - El Genocidio del Covid-19 clama por un Tribunal Mundial Independiente


 -  Secondo gli Esperti della FDA i 'Vaccini Covid-19 Stanno Uccidendo' almeno 2 Persone per Ogni Vita Salvata e...


 -  Silenced All-Star Doctors destroy 'COVID Lies' in 5 Hours - Senator Ron Johnson Roundtable


 -  Síndrome de Inmuno Deficiencia adquirida por Vacunación - VAIDS


 -  Single shot of 'Sputnik V' effective against Covid Hospitalization and Deaths among Elderly - The Lancet Study


 -  Stop Holocaust


 -  Switzerland withdraws all Covid Vaccination Recommendations


 -  Technocracy was Born in U.S., Grew Up in China, Now Conquering the World


 -  'The Blue Dot' - A film


 -  The Corona Crisis - Is the Tide Turning? - "A Rapid General Awakening"?


 -  The Covid Vaccine is an 'Integral Part of The Great Reset'


 -  The Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Cover-up


 -  The Documentary the 'Elites' Hope You Never See - 'Uninformed Consent'


 -  The Frequency War - A War for the World


 -  The Global Hoax is rapidly Unraveling - HHS Documents admit the CDC has Never Isolated any "Covid-19 Virus"


 -  The Great Reset Exposed - Schwab, Gates, and the Sinister WEF and WHO Plot to Depopulate the World


 -  The "Killer Covid Vaccine" Worldwide - 7.9 Billion People


 -  The Law Begins to Hammer on Vaccinationists


 -  The Metaphysical Consequences of the 'COVID Jab' in Light of the Occult Matrix and The Way Out


 -  The Monoclonal Antibody Strategy


 -  The More you Vax, the Weaker your Immune System Becomes


 -  The Most Important Podcast you can hear about COVID-19


 -  Theragrippers - Desarrollan un Microdispositivo para Administrar Fármacos en el Tracto Gastrointestinal


 -  There Was No 'Pandemic' - An essay by Denis Rancourt


 -  The Roman Church - A Betrayal of Trust


 -  The Snakes are Coming Out - The Masks begin to Fall Off...!


 -  The Unvaccinated are 'Looking Smarter' every Week

 -  The Vaccine Death Report


 -  The War against the Unvaxxed will Not Be Forgotten


 -  'They Want to Scare Us into Silence'


 - "This is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy - This is Not a Theory... this is Evidence" - D. Martin & R. Fuellmich


 -  Thousands of Japanese Citizens flood streets to Protest WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, Vaccines...


 -  Three Vaccine Manufacturers change Product Names


 -  Top 7 reasons mRNA Covid Jabs are much more Deadly than any other "Vaccine" ever created


 -  Transverse Myelitis - Mysterious Illness caused during 'COVID-19 Vaccine Trials' may lead to Paralysis


 -  Tribunal de Justicia de la U.E. - Los Médicos únicos Responsables de Consecuencias de Vacunas Covid


 -  Twenty States are suing Biden over Vaccine Mandate targeting Federal Contractors


 -  UK Documentary Exposes Lies behind 'Safe and Effective' COVID Vaccine Narrative


 -  Una Singola iniezione di "Sputnik V" efficace contro l’Ospedalizzazione e le Morti degli Anziani da Covid


 -  Un Experto en Vacunas de ARNm habla sobre la Crisis del Covid


 -  Un "Grupo de Sociópatas" está Impulsando la Vacunación Masiva - Dice médico defensor de la Hidroxicloroquina


 -  Un Homenaje Inspirador a 'Los No-Vacunados'


 -  Un Médico con Experiencia en Armas Biológicas dice que las Vacunas Covid-19 son "Medicina Armamentizada"


 -  Vaccinated with a PCR Test even Without Knowing? - Confirmed by Johns Hopkins University


 -  Vaccination Status is Temporary - Boosters for Life Required


 -  Vaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea Pigs


 -  Vaccine for the China Virus - The Planet is the Guinea Pig for a Vast Experiment


 -  Vaccine Hesitancy is 'Highly Informed', 'Scientifically Literate' and 'Sophisticated' - Says MIT Study...


 -  Vaccine-Induced Immune Apocalypse


 - ¿Vacunación Forzada Inconsciente a través de la Comida?


 -  Vacuna contra el Covid-19 desarrollada por un Laboratorio Peruano aún No se ha Probado en Humanos


 -  Video Emerges where 'Fauci and Others' planned for a "Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine"


 -  We Don't Need 'No Stinking Vaccine' for Covid-19


 -  What happens if 'Something Goes Wrong' after You receive a COVID Vaccine?


 -  What I Can Say and What I Cannot Say...


 -  What is Causing the Blood Clots from "Died Suddenly?"


 -  What is Luciferase?


 -  What makes All Vaccines so Dangerous?


 -  What the Media Refuses to Tell You About COVID Vaccines


 -  What to do 'After COVID Vaccines' - A Doctor says...


 -  What will Happen in 10 Years? - The Biggest 'COVID Question'...


 -  When a Vaccine is Not a Vaccine and a Test is Not a Test

 -  Who in Hell gives the UN, WHO and the EU the Right to Impose Digital Vaxx Certificates?


 -  Why are Globalists and Governments so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates?


 -  Why are the Vaxxed Getting Sicker?


 -  Why Big Pharma wants 'Human Vaccine Factories'


 -  Why Doctors are Lying to You


 -  Why do mRNA Vaccines alter your DNA? - To make You Legal Property...!


 -  Why Millions will Regret Getting the Jab - Dr. Robert Malone discusses the International COVID Summit


 -  Why People don't Trust 'The Science' - The Inside-Story of Injection Hesitancy


 -  Will new COVID Vaccine make You 'Transhuman'?


 -  You can be Vaccinated with a PCR Test, even Without Knowing - Johns Hopkins University Confirms

  Additional Information  


 -  All Three Presidents who Declined the Covid Vaccine are now Dead


 -  Asesinato con Vacunas - Demanda contra Bill Gates


 -  A Vaxxing Question


 -  Climate Change might require Vaccinating Populations against Migrating Mosquitoes - The WHO


 -  Cómo los Bolivianos derrotaron los Mandatos de Vacunación del Gobierno Socialista


 -  Could Magnetic Hydrogel explain the 'COVID Vax Magnet Phenomenon'


 -  Covid-19 - La 'Punta de Lanza' para inaugurar una "Nueva Era" de Vacunas de Alto Riesgo y Diseñadas...


 -  Covid-19 Vaccines provide latest Opportunity for 'Establishing a New World Order'


 -  Di Cosa è Morta la Regina Elisabetta...?

 -  Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates - Vaccination Status - WHO 2021


 -  El Futuro de las Vacunas


 -  El Mal Puro y Completo Enmascarado como Pandemia


 -  El Silencio de los Genes


 -  Enloquecimiento - El Mal es una Fuerza Significativa y Real en nuestro Mundo


 -  Escándalo en la Salud Mundial - ¿Partículas Metálicas en las Vacunas que son Atraídas por el Imán?


 - ¿Estamos Siendo Preparados para una Despoblación Masiva?


 -  Están Manipulando las Estadísticas para que Parezca que la Vacuna del Covid-19 Funciona


 -  Estas Vacunas que Agravan la Enfermedad...


 -  Fin del Juego - El virus No Provoca la Enfermedad, es un Tremendo Error de Diagnóstico

 -  G-20 Bali Leaders' Declaration - November 2022


 -  Hotline Vaticana per il Vaccino, Come posso aiutarla?


 -  I Certificati Digitali del Vaccino dopo un Blocco Continuo - Piani per il Mondo Post Coronavirus


 -  Il Futuro del Post-Coronavirus? - Biosensori Iniettabili, I.A. di Rilevazione dei Virus, Robot a una Società senza...


 -  Italianos toman las Calles en Protesta por la entrada en vigencia del 'Pase Covid' para Trabajar


 -  I Trucchi che stanno inventando per "Farti Vaccinare"


 -  I Vaccini Covid-19 offrono l'ultima Opportunità per 'Stabilire un Nuovo Ordine Mondiale'


 -  La Autoridad Reguladora Suiza de Medicamentos rechaza la Aprobación de la Vacuna para el Coronavirus


 -  La Batalla de los Censores


 -  La Pandemia del Coronavirus COVID-19 - El Verdadero Peligro es la "Agenda ID2020"


 -  Los Gobiernos de Todo el Mundo ofrecen Sobornos Extravagantes - Esfuerzo Desesperado por Aumentar...


 - "Mi Nombre es Bill Gates, Rey de Reyes"

 -  OCR Frontline Workers Testimonies - Covid-19 Vaccine - VAERS April 2021


 -  Of WHAT did Queen Elizabeth just Die...?


 -  OMS pide 'Calma' - La Nueva Variante del Coronavirus No es Peligrosa


 - 'Operation Warp Speed' is using a 'CIA-Linked Contractor' to keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret


 - 'Operation Warp Speed' - Your One-Way Ticket to Total Surveillance


 -  Papa Francisco - Un Peón de la Agenda Mundial


 -  Plaga de Mentirosos - El Código de Nuremberg prohíbe 'Procedimientos Médicos Forzados' incluyendo Vacunas


 -  Posible Antídoto para el V-Serum


 -  Prevención del COVID - Una Alternativa Efectiva a las Vacunas


 - ¿Que pasa con los Cuerpos Energéticos y especialmente con tu "Alma" y la Vacuna ARNm para el Covid?


 -  Self-Spreading Vaccines would Deliver All of Humanity into the Hands of Transhumans


 -  Singapore First Country to Stop 'Counting Daily COVID-19 Cases' and treat it Like Normal Flu


 -  Technocrat Scientists are Working on 'Self-Spreading Vaccines'


 -  Te pueden Vacunar con una Prueba de PCR incluso Sin Saberlo - Confirma la Universidad Johns Hopkins


 -  The Case Against Immunizations


 -  The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic - The Real Danger is "Agenda ID2020"


 -  The Grand Merger of 'Big Tech' and 'Big Pharma' - It's About the Data

 -  The Harvard Case of Xu Xiping - Exploitation of the People, Scientific advance, or Genetic Theft


 -  The Hidden Spiritual War Through Us


 -  The Ingredients of Traditional Vaccines

 -  The PREP Act and Covid-19 - Limiting Liability for Medical Countermeasures


 -  The Tricks they're playing to 'Get You Vaccinated'


 -  Tortugas hasta el Fondo - Ciencia y Mitos de las Vacunas


 -  Trudeau suspende Libertades Civiles con decreto de Emergencia Nacional


 -  Tutti e tre i Presidenti che "Hanno rifiutato il Vaccino Covid" adesso sono Morti


 -  Two-tier Societies are Emerging with Dwindling Rights for the Unvaccinated - Why do Governments Consider...


 -  Unleashing the Quantum Dot - A Leap into the Future


 -  Un Nuevo Informe arroja luz sobre el Culto Apocalíptico de las Vacunas

 -  Vaccine Hesitancy - Guidance and Interventions


 -  Vatican Vaccine Hotline, How Can I Help You?


 -  Vaccine Passports - One Passport to Rule Them All



 -  Who Owns the CDC?


 -  WHO says 'Masks don't Prevent Infection' - Fauci says 'Not Mandatory Vaccination'


 -  Why the Rothschilds are Implicated in the 'Covid-19 Hoax'


 -  Will 'Vaccine Refusal' result in a Two-Tier Society?


 -  Yes, SARS-CoV-2 is a Real Virus - Mercola


 -  You can be Vaccinated with a PCR Test even Without Knowing - Johns Hopkins University confirms

  Bill Gates and Covid Vaccines - Bill Gates y las Vacunas Covid


 -  Asesinato con Vacunas - Demanda contra Bill Gates


 -  Before COVID Gates planned Social Media Censorship of 'Vaccine Safety Advocates' with Pharma, CDC, Media...


 -  Bill Gates 'Accordo per Brevetto Covid' con Moderna


 -  Bill Gates 'Covid Licence Agreement' with Moderna


 -  Bill Gates Demands the Right to Censor 'Insane People' who Oppose him on the Internet


 -  Bill Gates è Scioccato dal fatto che Non Piace alle Persone o non Hanno Fiducia in Lui


 -  Bill Gates forse è stato Ingannato...?


 -  Bill Gates has Major Shares in Both Pfizer and BioNTech - FOI revealed he is the Primary Funder of the MHRA


 -  Bill Gates incontra Boris Johnson per discutere l’attuazione del "Programma Globale del Vaccino per Covid-19


 -  Bill Gates is Shocked that People don't Like or Trust Him


 -  Bill Gates meets with Boris Johnson to discuss implementing "Covid-19 'Global' Vaccine Program"


 -  Bill Gates' relationship with Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein revolved around a 'Global Health Investment...


 -  Bill Gates' Vaccine Crime Record - 496,000 Paralyzed Children in India and More...


 -  Bill Gates vuole Far Sparire le "Teorie della Cospirazione" contro di lui


 -  Bill Gates wants "Conspiracy Theories" about him to Go Away...


 -  BioTech admits Bill Gate's 'GMO Factory Food' is a Gene Therapy


 -  Conocedora de la OMS llama la Atención sobre Bill Gates y GAVI


 -  Covid Update - What is the Truth?

 -  Development and pre-clinical evaluation of Newcastle disease virus-vectored SARS-CoV-2 intranasal vaccine...


 -  Digital Vaccine Certificates after Continued Lockdown - Plans for Post-Coronavirus World


 -  Dr. Anthony Fauci plotted 'Global Vaccine Action Plan' with Bill Gates before pushing 'COVID Panic Treatments'


 -  El Plan de Bill Gates para Vacunar al Mundo


 -  Former Bill Gates Vaccine Scientist predicts sharp Population Decline - "Up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated


 -  From Computers to Global Genocide - The Staggering Influence Bill Gates on Public Health Policy around World


 -  Gates Foundation to accelerate Modified mRNA DEATHVAX™ Innovation and Manufacturing in Africa and Globally


 -  Has Mr. Bill Gates been Fooled...?


 -  Il Dr. Anthony Fauci ha tracciato il Piano per il Vaccino Globale con Bill Gates prima di spingere "I trattamenti...


 -  Los Antivacunas suponen un Serio Desafío para los Planes de la OMS


 -  Los Miles de Millones de Bill Gates ¿están Distorsionando los Datos de Salud Pública?


 - 'Pandemic' Lessons Learned - Omicron vs. Bill Gates


 -  President Trump deals 'Huge Blow to Bill Gates' - Withdraws support from 'China-Centric' COVAX


 -  Serial Liar Bill Gates is now Denying Ever talking about 'Digital Vaccine Passports' - But there's Video Proof


 -  The WHO and Big Pharma - Building a Permanent Pandemic Market


 -  Yes, Bill Gates Said 'That'... - Here's the Proof


 Casualties - Dead and Injuries  /  Víctimas - Muertos y Heridos


 -  1.5 Million Injured (50% Serious) and 15,472 Dead - Reported in EU's Database of COVID-19 Shots Adverse...


 -  100% of mRNA Jab Recipients have Heart Implications - Study

 -  100 Years of Suramin

 -  860 Estudios y/o Reportes sobre Peligros Asociados a las Vacunas Covid


 -  3,964 Dead and 162,610 Injuries - European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 "Vaccines"


 -  3.964 Morti e 162.610 Danneggiati - Database Europeo delle Reazioni Avverse di Medicine per i 'Vaccini' COVID


 -  7,766 Deads 330,218 Injuries - European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 "Vaccines"


 -  23,252 Deaths 2,189,537 Injuries following COVID Shots - European Union's Database Adverse Drug Reactions


 -  Al Menos 1 Billón de Muertos o Discapacitados por el Arma Biológica CV-19 - Dr. Betsy Eads


 -  As International Trials begin against the Globalists will a 'Return to Public Executions' be necessary


 -  As serious 'COVID Vaccine Side Effects' grow Dr Fauci Disappears


 -  AstraZeneca ammette gli Effetti Collaterali del Vaccino anti-Covid - "Può causare Trombosi"


 -  AstraZeneca Coronavirus Vaccine to Be Pulled Worldwide for 'Commercial' Reasons


 -  AstraZeneca ritira il suo Vaccino contro il Covid in tutto il Mondo - "C'è un surplus di offerta"...

 -  A Systematic Review of Autopsy findings in Deaths after Covid-19 Vaccination - Drs. Hodkinson, McCullough...


 -  At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV-19 Bioweapon - Dr. Betsy Eads


 -  Atrocità Commesse dai Governi contro i loro Cittadini


 -  Atrocities Committed by Governments against their Citizens


 -  Bill Gates Insider blows whistle on Coming 'Wave' of 'Unprecedented Deaths' among Vaxxed


 -  Biologist Blows Whistle - Covid Shots Killed 17 Million People

 -  BNT162b2 Vaccine Associated Myo/Pericarditis in Adolescents - A Stratified Risk Benefit Analysis


 -  Casualties - External Link - Daily Update


 -  Censored Autopsies Study confirms Covid 'Vaccines' caused 74% of All Deaths

 -  Covid-19 Vaccine-associated Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere - by D.G. Rancourt, M. Baudin, J. Hickey...


 -  Covid Jab 'Deadlier than Covid' for Anyone under 80


 -  Covid Vaxxed are Testing Positive for HIV - Multiple Studies Warn


 -  Dr. Peter McCullough advierte del Peligro de morir por Vacunarse contra COVID-19


 -  El 60% de las Personas Mayores de 50 Años que Mueren por COVID están Vacunados


 -  El Fármaco más Letal de toda la Historia - ¿Por qué nadie Hace Nada para detenerlo?


 -  Elite's Depopulation Agenda is Now Irrefutable


 -  Embalmers finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots that lack Post-Mortem Characteristics - Covid Vaccines


 -  En toda Europa las Muertes son Mucho Mayores Ahora que en los 'Años Pandémicos' de 2020 y 2021


 -  Equipo del Reino Unido presenta una Denuncia por 'Crímenes de Lesa Humanidad' - Corte Penal Internacional


 -  Estrategias para Evitar los Coágulos relacionados con las Vacunas Anticovid


 -  Estudios Confirman que la Vacuna Anticovid produce Más Daños que Beneficios


 -  Excess Deaths and Depopulation - Shall we sit around in our Insouciance and Permit this to Happen?


 -  Experts estimate 20 Million are already Dead due to COVID Vaccination and over 2 Billion Injured


 -  FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot Caused Immunosuppression


 -  FLCCC Treatment Protocol for 'Vaccine Injured'


 -  Former Italian 'Health Minister Roberto Speranza' under Investigation amid Vaccine Scandal


 -  Government reveals the 'Quadruple/Triple Vaccinated' now account for 92% of COVID Deaths across Canada


 -  Heart Issues detected Months after COVID-19 Vaccination - Study


 -  How Accurate are the Covid Vaccine Death and Injury Statistics?


 -  How Have You Changed?


 -  How Many Deaths from COVID Jabs are Hidden or Deleted?

 -  I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol


 -  Is the Vax Worse than We Thought? - Lancet's Swift Censorship


 -  Katalin Karikó desarrolladora de la Tecnología ARNm - Francisco la nombra Miembro de Academia para la Vida


 -  La Administración Biden busca más Abogados para Defenderse de las Demandas por Vacunas


 -  La Crisis Invisible - Historias de Vacunas Jamás Contadas


 -  La impactante Verdad sobre la Agenda de Despoblación Global


 -  Las Alarmantes Tasas de Mortalidad de las Vacunas de ARNm justifican una Acción Urgente


 -  Las Vacunas para el Covid han creado Millones de 'Zombis'


 -  Las Víctimas de las Vacunas Anticovid rompen el Silencio


 -  Los Datos revelan la Tragedia Causada por las Vacunas Anticovid


 -  Médicos y Profesionales declaran Crisis Médica Internacional - Lesiones y Muertes causadas por Vacuna Covid


 -  Morti da Vaccino 'ribattezzati' Morti per Calore


 -  Muertes por Vacunación y ahora 'repentinamente' Muertes por Calor


 -  New Report Stuns the World - Vast Majority of those now 'Dying with Covid' are People vaccinated Against It


 -  Peligrosa Condición en la Sangre es causada por la Vacuna Anticovid


 -  Relato COVID y cambio en la Narrativa Mediática - De "Vacuna Segura" a "Efectos Adversos" y "Sobremortalidad


 -  Se Revela que Vacunas contra el COVID-19 no son "Ni Seguras ni Efectivas" - Organismo de Control de Canadá


 -  Significant 'Covid-19 Vaccine Study' censored by Medical Journal within 24 Hours


 -  The Covid Jabs have Created Millions of 'Zombies'


 -  The Most Devastating COVID Report so far...


 -  The Role of Hospitals, Covid Injections and 5G in Genocide Depopulation


 -  The Shocking Truth about the Global Depopulation Agenda


 -  The 'Smoking Gun' - COVID Restrictions are Not about Health


 -  The Unseen Crisis - Vaccine Stories you were Never Told

 -  The Vaccine Death Report - Evidence of Millions of Deaths and Serious Adverse Events resulting from...


 - Tú eres el 'No Vacunado', tú eres el Problema!" - Y Destinos de las Personas Vacunadas...


 -  UK Team File Complaint of 'Crimes Against Humanity' with the International Criminal Court


 -  Vaccinated People make up Majority of COVID-19 Deaths - CDC Data


 -  Vaccination Deaths and now 'suddenly' Heat Deaths

 -  Violations of the Nurenberg Code - Covid Vaccines - by Hannah Rose and Team


 -  What is mRNA? - Here's a Crash Course on What it Does




 -  Dr. Peter McCullough advierte del Peligro de morir por Vacunarse contra COVID-19

 -  Over 2 Billion will Suffer Gruesome Vaccine Injuries - World War 3 Global Catastrophe - Dr. David E. Martin


 -  Temas Vinculados a las Vacunas Genéticas anti-COVID - Dra. Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse en una Asamblea...

 -  Vaccine Stories you were Never Told



 -  5G Remote Kill Vector - Activates Graphene Oxide injected into the Body


 -  '98% to 99% of the Vaccination Vial is Graphene Oxide' - La Quinta Columna


 -  Activating 5G Towers could Kill People who took COVID-19 Vaccines - Analysts Warn...


 -  Biodegradable Graphene


 -  Cómo Eliminar los Nanorobots, la Nanotecnología y el Grafeno que se encuentran en las Vacunas COVID


 -  Dra. Chinda Brandolino sobre Transhumanismo y Neurocontrol


 -  Dr. Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna connects the "Vaccine Graphene Oxide Nanotechnology" to the...


 -  El Óxido de Grafeno en todas las Vacunas convierte a los Vacunados en Bombas de Tiempo Caminantes


 - 'El Óxido de Grafeno tiene su Banda de Absorción en 5G'


 -  Grafeno - El Material para Controlarnos


 -  Graphene-based "Neuromodulation" Technology is Real


 -  'Graphene Oxide has its Absorption Band in 5G'


 -  Graphene Oxide in all Vaccines makes the Vaccinated Walking Time Bombs

 -  Graphene Radio Frequency receiver Integrated Circuit


 -  Grafeno - El 'Material Mágico' inventado en 2004 que está Cambiando la Industria y la Civilización


 -  How to remove 'Graphene Oxide' in Covid Vaccines from the Body

 -  How to remove the Nanobots, Nanotech and Graphene found in the COVID Injections


 -  Identificación de Patrones en Sangre de Personas Vacunadas - Puntos Quánticos de Grafeno GQD


 -  La Microscopia Elettronica a Scansione e Trasmissione rivela Ossido di Grafene - Vaccini CoV-19


 -  La Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido y Transmisión revela Óxido de Grafeno - Vacunas Cov-19


 -  Las Vacunas llevan Nanopartículas de Óxido de Grafeno - Confirmado según los Análisis del Vial


 -  Métodos Genéticos y Ópticos de Control


 -  Patrones en Vacunas Covid - Nanopulpos y Nanotubos de Carbono-Grafeno


 -  Programmed Death - mRNA Vaccine Nanoparticles used to Control Appetite and Emotions in Populations

 -  Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy reveals Graphene Oxide - Cov-19 Vaccines


 -  Science Team reveals Graphene, Aluminum, LNP Capsids, Peg and Parasites in 4 Cov-19 Vaccines


 -  Sixty Uses of Graphene - The Ultimate Guide to Graphene's - Potential Applications in 2019



 -  Dr. Young Reveals Graphene, Aluminium, LNP Capsids, Parasite in 4 Vaccines

 -  Physiological Saline Containing Graphene



 -  Protocolo CDS para Eliminar Nanopartículas Magnéticas de las Vacunas Covid-19 - Andreas Kalcker


 -  Qué tienen que ver el Oxido de Grafeno y la Nanotecnología en las Vacunas Covid con el 5G

  Immunity - Inmunidad  

 -  Inmunidad Natural y el Covid-19


 -  Is Natural Immunity more Effective than the COVID Shot?


 -  La OMS Re-escribe la definición de "Inmunidad de Rebaño" para impulsar la "Vacuna-Covid"


 -  La Vacuna Covid-19 - ¿Tiene como Objetivo la Inmunidad o la Despoblación?


 - 'Naturally Acquired Immunity' to Covid-19 - 135 Research Studies Affirmed, Documented, Linked, and Quoted


 -  Nearly Half of all U.S. Covid Cases are this 'New Variant' JN.1


 - 'Risk for Future Generations'? - Peru clashes with Pfizer over Big Pharma's 'Legal Immunity' Covid-19 Vaccine...


 -  The Case for Natural Immunity vs. COVID Shots


 -  The Covid-19 Vaccine - Is the Goal Immunity or Depopulation?


 -  WHO Changes definition of "Herd Immunity" to eliminate Pre-COVID Consensus


 -  Why 'Natural Immunity' is a 'Political Problem' for the 'Regime'

  mRNA Technology - Tecnología mRNA  

 -  Breaking Study sheds more Light on whether an RNA Vaccine 'Can Permanently alter DNA'


 -  COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Assault possible through Food Supply


 -  Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine


 -  Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Technology, Signals the Worst-Case Scenario about Covid-19 Vaccines


 -  El Dr. Robert Malone inventor de la Tecnología MRNA señala el Peor Escenario sobre las Vacunas Covid-19


 - "Herd Stupidity" - The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the Gene-based mRNA "Vaccine" and "The Pinnacles of...


 -  How Wrong and Blind can Doctors Be? - Covid and Vaccines...


 -  Il Dr. Robert Malone Inventore della Tecnologia mRNA Segnala lo Scenario Peggior sui Vaccini Covid-19


 -  Introducción a las Vacunas de mRNA - Cómo Funcionan, por qué son "Más Limpias" que las tradicionales y...


 -  Las Inyecciones Covid-19 mRNA legalmente 'No Son Vacunas'


 -  La Vacuna mRNA COVID ¡NO ES una Vacuna!


 -  More Evidence the COVID Fake-Vaccine is 'Embedding MAC Addresses'


 -  mRNA and COVID-19 Vaccines Likened to 'Software Updates' for Your Body


 -  mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines are really 'Gene Therapy' and Not Vaccines - Ethicist


 -  mRNA Jabs are an 'Operating System' designed to Program Humans - Moderna Admits


 -  mRNA Technology to be Applied to other Diseases


 -  Over 500 Deaths Now following mRNA Experimental Injections - The CDC

 -  Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons

 -  SARS-CoV-2 RNA Reverse-Transcribed and Integrated into the Human Genome


 -  Sobre las Nuevas "Vacunas" de mRNA


 -  The mRNA COVID Vaccine is NOT a Vaccine!


 -  Useless Eaters - Drug Them, give Them Computer Games, let Them Eat Bugs

  Nanotechnology - Nanotecnología  

 -  Bill Gates admits 'Testing Nanotech on Public' with mRNA Vaccines


 -  Comentarios sobre Nanotecnología hallada en Vial de AstraZeneca - Ingeniero Christopher Montenegro


 -  Cómo Eliminar los Nanorobots, la Nanotecnología y el Grafeno que se encuentran en las Vacunas COVID


 -  Dr. Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna connects the "Vaccine Graphene Oxide Nanotechnology" to the...


 -  Hallazgo de 'Nanobots' en Vacunas Covid en 96 Millones de Ciudadanos en Japón - Estado de Emergencia


 -  Hydrogel Biosensor - Implantable Nanotech to be used in 'COVID Vaccines'?


 -  Identificación de Patrones en 'Vacunas de Coronavirus' - Nanorouters


 -  Ingeniero Christopher Montenegro comenta sobre Nanotecnología hallada en Vial de AstraZeneca

 -  Intra-body nano-network - Brief summary - por Mik Andersen


 -  Japan declares State of Emergency after 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid Vaccinated


 -  Japan declares State of Emergency - 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid Vaccinated


 -  La Evidencia Muestra que ya se ha Implementado un Sistema de Identificación Biológica


 -  Las Vacunas llevan Nanopartículas de Óxido de Grafeno - Confirmado según los Análisis del Vial


 -  Magnetic Nanomaterials are in the Covid-19 Jabs, Masks and Swabs


 -  Nanostructures in Covid "Vaccines" are Not Self-Assembling - They are being Constructed by Micro-Machines


 -  Nanotubos Inyectados en las Vacunas Covid - Resonancia con 5G y Alteración Cerebral


 - 'Operation Coronavirus' is working Hand-in-Hand with the 'Nanotech Agenda'


 -  Patrones en Vacunas Covid - Nanopulpos y Nanotubos de Carbono-Grafeno


 -  Vacunas y Nanoides



 -  Vaccines insert Nanobots in our Bodies Turning us into HUMAN 2.0 - Says Dr. Carrie Madej

 - "Viruses Don't Exist" Dr. Robert Young explained - Nanotech inside People is a Weapon

  Pfizer and Moderna  

 -  Agenda to Depopulate the Planet through COVID Vaccination - Revealed by Gov. Reports and Pfizer Documents


 -  Autoassemblaggio di Strutture in Tempo Reale rivelate in 2 Anni di Studio su Iniezioni di Pfizer e Moderna per...


 -  Bill Gates 'Accordo per Brevetto Covid' con Moderna


 -  Bill Gates 'Covid Licence Agreement' with Moderna


 -  Bill Gates has Major Shares in Both Pfizer and BioNTech - FOI revealed he is the Primary Funder of the MHRA


 -  Blackrock and Vanguard rake in Billions - Omicron Variant makes Moderna and Pfizer shareholders more than...


 -  Caught Red Handed - Fauci, Gates and Moderna responsible for COVID Pandemic


 -  CEO of Pfizer Arrested by the FBI - Charged with Fraud, Media Blackout as #PfizerGate Trends


 -  Come Pfizer Bullizza e Ricatta Paesi per i Vaccini COVID


 -  Consumers are Rejecting 'The Great Reset'


 -  Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents they tried to have Sealed for 55 years

 -  Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event - Reports of Pf-07302048 (Bnt162b2) - Pfizer

 -  Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood After Anti-COVIDmRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech


 -  DARPA and Moderna teamed up to create 'mRNA Gene Therapy Injections' which led to Deadly COVID "Vaccine"


 -  Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer's Depopulation Agenda - Evidenced by its Own Documents


 - "El Cáncer es nuestro Nuevo Covid" - CEO de Pfizer, Albert Bourla


 -  El Expediente Ursula von der Leyen - Presidenta de la Comisión Europea


 -  FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot Caused Immunosuppression


 -  Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Vaccinate a Human


 -  How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots

 -  Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human...

 -  It Started Before the Outbreak - A BioNTech-"Pfizer" Vax Project Timeline


 -  La Evidencia No Miente - Estas Vacunas causaron Más Fallecimientos que Vidas Salvadas


 -  La FDA quiere Ocultar Documentos por 75 Años porque serían Incriminados por Autorizar las Vacunas Covid-19


 -  La Fiscalía Europea entorpece la Investigación de las relaciones de Von der Layen con Pfizer


 -  Las Vacunas de Pfizer llevan a Ursula von der Layen ante un Tribunal Belga


 -  La Velenosa Pillola Covid di Pfizer


 -  La Venenosa Píldora Covid de Pfizer


 -  Los Acuerdos de Pfizer Divulgados - 'Buena Razón por la que Pfizer lidió por Ocultar Detalles de Contratos'


 -  Los Papeles de Pfizer - Crímenes de Pfizer Contra la Humanidad


 -  Los Trapos Sucios de la Falsificación de los Ensayos Clínicos de la Vacuna de Pfizer

 -  Manufacturing and supply Agreement Pfizer-Albania - Coronavirus Vaccine


 -  Microscopic Images/Video of Pfizer-BioNTech 'Vaccine' Vials - 'Structures' present respond to Wi-Fi


 -  Moderna confirms Link between COVID mRNA Vaccines and Cancer


 -  Moderna Rep admits Everyone is Part of a 'Huge COVID-19 Vaccine Experiment'


 -  mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines are Associated with more Serious Harms than Originally Claimed


 -  mRNA Jabs are an 'Operating System' designed to Program Humans - Moderna Admits


 -  New Safety Concerns about the COVID Shots arise

 -  NIH-Moderna Confidential Agreements


 -  Nuovi Guai per von der Leyen - Procura Europea indaga sulle sue Trattative con Pfizer per i Vaccini Covid


 -  Pandemic of the Vaccinated - Vaccines "Cause More Illness than They Prevent"


 -  Pfizer and Moderna Investors Run for the Exits


 -  Pfizer Appears to Have Corrupted the Entire Western World


 -  Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine - The 'Life-Saving' Drug that Seems to be Killing People

 -  Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports


 -  PfizerGate - Official Government Reports thousands of People Dying every Week due to COVID-19 Vaccination


 -  Pfizer ha Mentito...! - Dopotutto, il Vaccino mRNA può cambiare il tuo DNA - Studio


 -  Pfizer launches 'Final Study for COVID Drug' that's Suspiciously Similar to 'Horse Paste' aka Ivermectin


 -  Pfizer Lied...! - mRNA Shot can change your DNA after All - Study


 -  Pfizer reconoce ante el Parlamento Europeo que sus Vacunas No Inmunizaban - 'Era la Velocidad del Mercado'

 -  Pfizer's Power - Report by Public Citizen


 -  Pfizer's Shots aren't Safe and were Never Shown to Be


 -  Pfizer's Unconscionable Crimes - Past and Present


 -  Pfizer "Vaccine" Kill 200 to 'Save' One?


 -  'Pharma/EU Cabal' set Trap for Reiner Füellmich

 -  Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions... - Pfizer and Moderna


 -  Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures revealed in 2-Year Study of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 Shots


 - 'Risk for Future Generations'? - Peru clashes with Pfizer over Big Pharma's 'Legal Immunity' Covid-19 Vaccine...


 -  The Pfizer Papers - Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity

 -  The Pfizer Papers - Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity - by Naomi Wolf


 -  The Real Reason why Moderna is Suing Pfizer


 -  The Story of Pfizer Inc. - A Case Study in Pharmaceutical Empire and Corporate Corruption


 -  The Ursula von der Leyen File - EU Commission President


 -  Transhuman 101 - Moderna Declares COVID Vaccine to Be an 'Operating System'


 -  Transhuman 101 - Moderna Dichiara che il Vaccino COVID è un 'Sistema Operativo


 -  Un Nuevo Estudio revela los 'Terribles Efectos Tóxicos' de la Vacuna de ARNm de Pfizer


 -  Ursula Von der Leyen enfrenta una Investigación por Corrupción sobre Contratos con Pfizer


 -  Why Pfizer CEO Albert Bourlo Arrested


 -  'Your Government is Lying to You in a way that Could Lead to your Death' - Says former Pfizer Vice President




 -  COVID-19 al Descubierto

 -  Dr. Naomi Wolf reveals shocking details in "The Pfizer Papers"

 -  FDA approved Digital Pill that contains Microchip that Transmits Information once swallowed - Pfizer Bourla


 -  Microtecnología Compleja dentro de la Vacuna Pfizer


 -  Viruela del Mono - Efecto de Vacuna COVID-19 y 5G

  Spike Protein - Proteina Spike  


 -  Artificial Spike Proteins and the End of Human Health


 -  Beneficios del Dandelión o 'Diente de León' sobre la Toxicidad de la Proteína Spike o espiga de la inyección...


 -  Bromelain, NAC and Spike Disintegration - A "Missile Defense" Approach


 -  Cómo las Vacunas Anticovid Paralizan la Función Inmunológica


 -  COVID Jab Spike Protein remains Six Months after Jab


 -  El Consejo Mundial de Salud revela cómo Desintoxicarse de la Proteína Spike


 -  Guía sobre la Desintoxicación de la Proteína Espiga - por Consejo Mundial para la Salud


 -  Is NAC and Bromelain effective in breaking down the Spike Protein? - Researchs says YES!


 -  Libérese de las Secuelas del COVID con estos Protocolos


 -  Possible Antidote for the 'V-Serum' Vaccine and the Current Spike Protein Contagion

 -  Predicted structural Mimicry of Spike Receptor-binding motifs from Highly Pathogenic Human Coronaviruses

 -  SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2


 -  These Natural Substances Neutralize Covid Vaccine Spike Proteins


 -  The Spike Protein is the Killer - Beware of mRNA "Vaccines"


 -  The Spike Protein Protocol - What We All can do to Stay Healthy

 -  Uncanny Similarity of Unique Inserts in the 2019-nCoV Spike Protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag


 -  World Council for Health reveals 'Spike Protein Detox'





 -  Are Spike Proteins being Released onto Cities? - Dr. Lee Merritt

  Therapies-Antidotes / Terapias-Antídotos  

 -  Algo Relacionado con el Coronavirus


 -  A 'Natural Approach' to the Comprehensive Control of SARS-CoV-2


 -  Cambios Importantes en el Tratamiento del COVID-19 que Salvarán Vidas - Vitaminas C y D

 -  Clinical Rationale for SARS-CoV-2 Base Spike Protein Detoxificationin Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury


 -  Clinical Rationale for Spike Protein - Detoxification in Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury


 -  COVID-19 Vaccine Injury is a Syndrome not a Disease - Treatment


 -  Protocolo del Dr. Mercola para la Desentoxicación de la Vacuna Anticovid


 -  Dissolution of 'Spike Protein' by Nattokinase - Holy Grail of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification


 -  Doctor Explains how you can Use an Antidote after 'Forced COVID Jabs'


 -  Dos Nuevos Tratamientos para las Secuelas por el COVID y las Vacunas


 -  El Consejo Mundial de Salud revela cómo Desintoxicarse de la Proteína Spike


 -  Elimine los Efectos Secundarios de la Vacuna Anti-Covid con estos Tratamientos Efectivos


 -  Existe un 'Interruptor de Apagado' para Detener los Efectos Secundarios de la Vacuna Anticovid

 -  Holistic Therapies for Diseases associated with RNA viruses


 -  How to remove 'Graphene Oxide' in Covid Vaccines from the Body

 -  I-RECOVER - Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol


 -  Ivermectin - A Covid Defeater - Main File


 -  Ivermectina - Una Vencedora contra el Covid - Main File


 -  La Insólita Razón por la que no nos recomiendan esta Eficaz Vitamina para tratar el COVID


 -  Libérese de las Secuelas del COVID con estos Protocolos

 -  Potentiate Your DNA - A Practical Guide to Healing and Transformation with the Regenetics - by Sol Luckman


 -  Protocolo del Dr. Mercola para la Desintoxicación de la Vacuna Anticovid


 - ¿Se Arrepiente de Haberse Puesto la Vacuna? - Haga esto para Desintoxicarse


 -  Something to Do with Coronavirus


 -  Suramin - È un Possibile 'Antidoto al Vaccino COVID'?


 -  Suramin - Is this a Possible 'COVID Vaccine Antidote'?


 -  The Great Regression must be Followed by the Great Detoxification if we are to Survive as a Species


 -  World Council for Health reveals 'Spike Protein Detox'

  Book- Treatises  

 -  Compendio de Estudios de Expertos para Eximir a sus Hijos de las Vacunas

 -  Corona Vaccines from the Spiritual Perspective - Consequences on Soul and Spirit and the Life after Death

 -  Covid-19 and the Global Predators - We Are the Prey - by Peter Breggin

 -  Covid Operation - What Happened, Why It Happened and What's Next - by Pamela Popper


 - "Cualquiera que te diga que las Vacunas son Seguras y efectivas está Mintiendo" - por Vernon Coleman

 -  How to Stop your Doctor Killing You - by Vernon Coleman

 -  Lies My Gov't Told Me - And the Better Future Coming - by Robert W. Malone

 -  Racial/Ethnic Variation in Nasal Gene Expression of Transmembrane Serine Protease 2 (TMPRSS2)

 -  Rethinking next-generation Vaccines for Coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and other respiratory... - by A. Fauci

 -  The Real Anthony Fauci - by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

 -  The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race - by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

 -  Vaccine Immunology - by Stanley A. Plotkin, Walter A. Orenstein and Paul A. Offit

 -  Vaccine-Nation - Poisoning the Population One Shot at a Time - by Andreas Moritz


 -  Advertencia a Toda la Gente a Nivel Mundial sobre la Vacuna para el Coronavirus

 -  Biden 'Falsely Claims' Covid spreading because of Unvaxxed


 -  Bill Gates destroza las Vacunas Actuales de COVID - Se burla de una Nueva Opción


 -  Bill Gates nos Pone al Corriente de los Planes de la Élite


 -  Científicos de Moderna dejan al descubierto el Origen de la Toxicidad de la Vacuna

 -  Clots up to 4 feet Long - Embalmers, Doctors and Scientists


 -  Conectando los Puntos hacia el Amor Propio - David Icke y las Vacuna

 -  Connecting the Dots towards Self-Love - David Icke and Vaccines

 -  Covid-19 Round Table in DC with Sen. Ron Johnson

 -  Covid-19 Vaccines are 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' - Could Wipe out the Human Race

 -  Covid-19 Vaccines Depopulation - David Icke

 -  Covid Injections indeed change the Human DNA


 - ¿Cuanto Tiempo Vive un Vacunado?

 -  Died Suddenly

 -  Don't Get Jabbed - Powerful Video on "Killer Vaccine" that Needs to be Watched by Everyone


 -  Dra. Carrie Madej - Vacuna COVID-19, Transhumanismo y el Ser Humano Versión 2.0

 -  Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID-19 Vaccine, Transhumanism and Human Ver. 2.0

 -  Dr. Carrie Madej - First U.S. Lab examines "Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed

 -  Dr. Robert O. Young Exposes Evil Agendas of the Wealthy and Powerful and the Purpose of the Vaccine

 -  Dr. Robert Malone interviewed by Joe Rogan - Full interview

 -  Dr. Robert Malone - "The Covid-19 Vaccine Causes the Virus to Become More Infectious"


 -  El Futuro Nos Pertenece - ¡Por La Libertad...!


 -  El Gran Reseteo - Documental


 - "El Gran Reseteo" - La Película Completa


 -  El Papa - Vacunarse es un "Acto de Amor"


 -  El Video Magistral sobre la Vacuna Covid - Lo que No nos Cuentan...

 -  Fact Checking the 'Fact Checkers' - Bill Gates, ID2020 and Vaccine Microchips

 -  FDA Documents show CV19 Vax Produces a Bioweapon - Karen Kingston Interviewed by Greg Hunter

 -  Gates, Fauci and Covid-19 - Exposure of a Fake Pandemic, Economy Collapse and Vaccines

 -  Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates Call for Mass Vaccination and Global Governance

 -  Kill Grid - The Vax, 5G and Smartphones are Inextricably Linked


 -  La Corrupción de la Industria Farmacéutica - Peter Gøtzsche


 -  La Marea Anti 'Justicia Social' hace Tambalearse al Establishment Médico de los EE.UU.


 -  La película 'El Punto Azul'


 -  Las Vacunas del Covid-19 - Entrevista a María José Albarracín en Canal 5


 -  La Vacuna Experimental Transgénica nos Convierte en OMG Patentados - Dra. Chinda Brandolino


 -  La Vacuna Peruana Covid-19 - Mancomunidad Regional de Los Andes


 -  Los Médicos sobre el uso de Mascarillas - "No Sirven de Nada al Aire Libre"


 -  Los Secretos de las Vacunas Experimentales Covid-19 de ARNm Sintético - Respondiendo Preguntas Clave

 -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandemic' and Vaccines


 -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandêmicos' e Vacinas


 -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandemic' y las Vacunas

 -  MD Whistleblower leaking Plans for 'Staged Viral Release' triggering United Nations 'Takeover and Depopulation'

 -  mRNA 'Vaccine' Genocide 2021-2022 - Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff


 -  Murió Repentinamente - Documental


 -  Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere Ingenuo

 -  Personality Changes after Covid Vaccine

 -  Pope Francis "urges people" to Get Vaccinated against Covid-19

 -  Pope urges people to receive Covid-19 Vaccine


 - ¿Por qué Cambia Repentinamente la Personalidad de la gente tras la Inyección COVID ARNm?


 -  Prof. Christian Perronne en debate sobre el COVID en Luxemburgo, lo dice Todo! - 12 Enero 2022


 -  Questa è la Battaglia che potrebbe farci Vincere la Guerra


 - ¿Quien es el Conspirador ahora?


 -  Reflexión en torno a la "Vacuna" desde Europa - Dr. Sergio Mejía Viana

 -  Shot Dead The Movie


 -  'Si el ADN está Genéticamente Alterado, está Patentado' - Dra. Chinda Brandolino

 -  The Biggest Corruption Scandal in Human History

 -  'The Blue Dot' movie

 -  The Greater Good - Vaccines

 -  The Great Reset - Documentary

 -  There is No Variant... Not Novel... No Pandemic! - Dr David E. Martin with Reiner Fuellmich

 -  The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6

 -  This is the Battle that could WIN us the War


 -  Todo sobre las Vacunas - Dra. Maria Jose Martinez Albarracin

 -  Uninformed Consent


 -  Vaccines and New World Order - Dr. Pierre Gilbert 1995 Video

 -  Vaccines - The Most Censored Video on the Web



 -  Vacunas - El Video mas Censurado de la Red



 -  Vacunas y el Nuevo Orden Mundial - Dr. Pierre Gilbert 1995 Video

 -  Vaxxed 3 - Authorized to Kill


 -  Vernon Coleman - Esto no Podría posiblemente Suceder - ¿Verdad?

 -  Vernon Coleman - This Couldn't Possibly Happen - Could it?

 -  Virus - The Biggest Fraud Against Humanity - Dr. Robert O. Young

 -  WHO, GAVI and Covid-19 - Audition with Dr. Reiner Füllmich for International Lawsuit Nuremberg II

 -  World leading Physicians and Scientists are analyzing the Covid Injections

  Related Reports  

 -  5G - The Great Connection Risk and Control - Main File


 -  Big-Pharma Industry - The Healthcare Rip-Off - Main File


 -  Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci - Main File


 -  Depopulation of Planet Earth - Main File


 -  Global Reset - Great Reset - Main File


 -  The Global Elite - The Transnational Capitalist Class - Main File


 -  The New World Order - Main File


 -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File