by Dr. Joseph Mercola
December 27,
Mercola Website

Kathryn Edwards, a member of Pfizer's data safety monitoring
board (DSMB), was previously a paid adviser to Pfizer. DSMBs
are supposed to be independent, and aren't if members have
previous relationships with the company
autopsies found "highly unusual tissue inflammation" in
people who died shortly after getting the jab, and
investigators suspect the inflammation observed would be
fatal. They also found spike protein in the tissues of the
deceased, but not another key part of SARS-CoV-2. This
suggests the actual virus was not part of the problem; the
only possible source of the spike protein was the jab
from the German health insurance provider BKK, which covers
about 10.9 million Germans, show 2.05% of COVID jab
recipients sought medical care after their jab
largest German statutory health insurance dataset, which
encompasses 72 million Germans, show massive increases in
sudden and unexpected deaths after the COVID jabs rolled out
13, 2022, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis petitioned the Florida
Supreme Court for a statewide grand jury investigation of
crimes and wrongdoing committed against Floridians related
to the COVID-19 jabs. He also established an independent
Public Health Integrity Committee to analyze and assess
federal health guidance before they're implemented in
Contrary to the official narrative (and hence popular belief), the
COVID shots have no demonstrated safety.
In Episode 298 of The Highwire,
Del Bigtree interviews (video at bottom page) attorney Aaron Siri about the
various lawsuits his firm has brought to reverse COVID jab mandates.
Siri describes a recent deposition of Dr. Kathryn Edwards, a
world-leading vaccinologist who sat on
Pfizer's data safety
monitoring board (DSMB).

Dr. Kathryn Edwards
This five-member committee oversaw the
safety of Pfizer's jab.
A DSMB is supposed to be an independent
group of experts, whose responsibility it is to monitor patient
safety and treatment efficacy data while a clinical trial is
Not-so-Independent Safety Monitoring Board
As noted by Siri in the deposition, since the DSMB is supposed to be
independent, it's crucially important that all the members of that
board have no potential conflicts of interest and are in fact truly
independent of the drug company whose product they're evaluating.
In the case of Edwards,
she was a paid adviser to Pfizer before she
was hired (by Pfizer) to be on the DSMB for their COVID jab...
According to Edwards, this fact is irrelevant, because that prior
relationship did not influence the work she did on the board.
"I say what I believe based on my expertise," she told Siri.
you don't think financial incentive can sway people's judgment at
all?" Siri asked.
"It does not sway my judgment, Sir," she replied.
"Then why have an independent DSMB?" Siri asked. "Why doesn't Pfizer
just have some of its employees on it?"
"Because we are independent; we are independent from Pfizer in this
assessment," she replied.
But just how can an independent advisory
committee possibly be "independent" if members have prior
relationships with the company?
Another noteworthy tidbit from that deposition was Edwards' comment
that she reviewed "lots of reactions and adverse events" from the
COVID jab trial.
Yet the public has continuously been told
there are
no 'bad' reactions.
So, what was she looking at?
And why, if there
were "lots of reactions," did the DSMB conclude that there are no
safety concerns?
Of course, we know at least some of what she was looking at.
trial documents 1 have been released showing the company amassed nine
single-spaced pages' worth of "adverse events of special interest"
(see pages 30 through 38), 2 including 1,223 events with fatal
outcomes between December 1, 2020 and February 28, 2021 alone.
whistleblower who worked on Pfizer's Phase 3 trial has also come
forward with evidence showing data were falsified, patients were unblinded and follow-up on reported side effects lagged way behind.
Why didn't any of these issues concern the DSMB...?
Was it because
there really was no independent DSMB...?
What German
Autopsy Data Have Revealed
In a mid-December 2022 Substack article, the anonymous writer who
goes by the moniker "A Midwestern Doctor" reviewed German autopsy
data, which demonstrate: 3
The presence of "highly unusual tissue inflammation" in people who
died shortly after getting the jab. As noted by the author,
"Pathologists had not observed this phenomena before the COVID-19
vaccines, and they suspected this inflammation would be fatal."
The presence of COVID spike protein in the tissues of the deceased,
whereas another key part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was absent. This
suggests the actual virus was not part of the problem; the only
possible source of the spike protein was the jab.
The most recent and "most definitive" study on this subject,
according to A Midwestern Doctor, examined 35 people who died within
20 days of getting the COVID jab.
After thorough autopsy
examination, 10 of the deceased were determined to have died from
causes other than the jab.
Among the remaining 25, most died from causes that, in general, have
frequently been linked to vaccination. Five died from myocarditis,
which could potentially be linked to the shot.
In three of those
five cases, the COVID jab was determined to be the definitive cause
of the myocarditis that led to their death.
As noted by A Midwestern Doctor,
"These results are very important
for convicting the vaccines if it can also be proven that a large
number of unexpected deaths are occurring following vaccination."
it turns out, that's exactly what excess mortality data tell us.
Insurance Provider Data Show Rise in Doctor's Visits
A Midwestern Doctor also cites data from the German health insurance
provider, BKK, which covers about 10.9 million Germans.
One of the BKK board members, Andreas Shöfbeck, discovered concerning trends in
their data, which he sent to the Paul-Ehrlich Institut, an agency of
the German Federal Ministry of Health.
No good deed goes unpunished in the era of COVID censorship,
however, so Shöfbeck was summarily dismissed from the board as
thanks for his contribution to public health and safety.
dataset showed 2.05% of COVID jab recipients sought medical care
after their jab.
A Midwestern Doctor
continues: 4
"This concerning safety signal prompted... the AfD [Alternative for
Germany, a conservative political party]... to file the German
equivalent of FOIA [Freedom of Information Act request] for the rest
of the insurance data...
Recently AfD obtained AOK Sachsen-Anhalt's data, which once
analyzed, demonstrated that many of the conditions we associate with
COVID-19 injuries noticeably increased when the vaccination campaign
initiated... [C]onditions which rose five-fold or more were:"

"AfD also submitted a FOIA request to KBV, the association which
represents all physicians who receive insurance in Germany and thus
the largest insurance dataset available."
Insurance Dataset Reveal Rise in Sudden Deaths
The larger statutory health insurance dataset from KBV, which
encompasses 72 million Germans, show massive increases in sudden and
unexpected deaths after the COVID jabs rolled out.
The following graph is from a press conference presentation by data
analyst Tom Lausen (see video below; it's in German, but you
can enable English subtitles). 5
No mainstream media attended the press

As noted by A Midwestern Doctor: 6
"...one way that
individuals have analyzed the unusual changes in health
following the vaccination campaigns has been to assess how far
they fall outside of the expected range of variation...
I did a quick calculation for the above graph and found that 2021's
increase from 2016-2020 was 37.7σ [sigma], while 2022's was 41.0σ.
This is quite a big deal (the rarity of an event happening by chance
increases exponentially as the σ increases).
For context, a 7σ event has a 1/390,632,286,180 chance of
spontaneously occurring (it is thought to occur once in a billion
years)... (I was not able to find a reference on the probabilities
for the even higher σ events observed here).
Given these numbers, it is very difficult to argue that these events
were not caused by something.
In this regard, we are also quite
fortunate that while the vaccines were rushed to the market over a
period of time far too short to establish safety, that process still
took a year.
Because of this lag, it is possible to refute the commonly cited
argument that these changes were due to COVID-19 or the lockdowns,
as these only occurred in 2020..."
Dramatic Rise
in Heart-Related Fatalities
Lausen also presented a graph for German fatalities per quarter
involving cardiac problems. 7,8
These six death certificate codes all
correspond to "sudden deaths" with cardiac cause. As you can see,
heart-related mortality more than doubled in the first quarter of
2021 from the year before, and nearly tripled from the five-year

Some have argued that since few shots were given in early 2021,
heart-related deaths would not have increased until the second
quarter if there was a correlation between the two.
However, other
data show there was a rapid rise in COVID jab doses administered
during the first quarter of 2021 (see graph below), so it's not
outside the realm of possibility that there is a correlation.
Also, as with all-cause mortality, the fact that heart-related
deaths did NOT spike during 2020 suggests COVID-19 had nothing to do
with the rise that occurred in the first quarter of 2021.

Data Analyst Calls
for Immediate End to COVID Jabs
In the conclusion of his presentation, Lausen calls for the
immediate suspension of the COVID jabs until correlation between the
shots and death can be conclusively ruled out.
He also calls for: 9
Autopsies on all
who died suddenly to determine what the massive increase is
due to
recording of the COVID jab status of all deceased
individuals, and the brand used, and regular publication of
these data
evaluation of the KBV data by German health authorities
Informing all
doctors and the population at large about the increase in
diseases being reported post-jab
publication of KB e V data linked with COVID jab data held
by the Paul Ehrlich Institute and the Robert Koch Institute
(Germany's public health institute)
The Shots Also
Have Negative Effectiveness
In addition to not being safe, by any standard, the COVID shots are
also negatively effective, meaning after 90 days, both Moderna's and
Pfizer's shots make you more susceptible to COVID.
As shown in the graphic below, Danish data reveal Omicron cases
among the jabbed rose dramatically after three months for both
injections, giving Pfizer a negative effectiveness of 76.5% at 90
days' post-jab and Moderna a 39.3% negative effectiveness.

As noted in a series of Twitter posts by Chris Martenson Ph.D.: 10
"If you've been vaccinated, and feel like you've been getting sick
more often than your unvaccinated friends, your impression is
The only rational, scientific, ethical, and moral response
is to #StoptheShotsNow for everyone under 50 who is healthy.
Anything less is profiteering, politics, or personal failure. Or
assault and/or homicide if you're a doctor."
Governor Calls for Grand Jury Investigation
I've reviewed data on side effects and excess mortality in the U.S.
in several previous articles, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently
did what many of us have been calling for in light of those data.
December 13, 2022, he petitioned the Florida Supreme Court for a
statewide grand jury investigation of crimes and wrongdoing
committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 jabs. 11
According to the governor's press release:
"The pharmaceutical industry and the FDA have refused to release
patient-level data for independent researchers.
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna have
received FDA approval for pediatric and adult patients and continue
to be marketed as safe and effective, even though the vaccines do
not prevent transmission and adverse events have been minimized and
disregarded by the Biden Administration and Big Pharma.
In response, Governor
DeSantis has filed a petition to impanel a
statewide grand jury to investigate crimes and wrongs in Florida
related to the COVID-19 vaccines and further recommend enforcement
Establishes Independent Public Health Committee
DeSantis is also implementing autopsy surveillance of post-jab
sudden deaths, and has established a Public Health Integrity
Committee, an independent group of expert researchers,
"charged with
assessing federal decisions, recommendations, and guidance related
to public health and health care... to ensure that Florida's public
health policies are tailored for Florida's communities and
The Committee, which will be overseen by Florida surgeon general Dr.
Joseph Ladapo, consists of the following members:
Jay Bhattacharya,
MD, Ph.D.
Martin Kulldorff,
Tracy Beth Høeg,
MD, Ph.D.
Joseph Fraiman,
Christine Stabell
Benn, MD, Ph.D.
Bret Weinstein,
Steven Templeton,
As noted in the
governor's press release: 13
"The Biden
Administration and pharmaceutical corporations continue to push
widespread distribution of mRNA vaccines on the public,
including children as young as 6 months old, through relentless
propaganda while ignoring real-life adverse events.
At today's roundtable the Governor and health experts discussed
data covering serious adverse events. These risks include
coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell's palsy,
encephalitis, appendicitis, and shingles.
'Health care professionals should always communicate the risks
of a medical intervention to their patients in a manner that is
clinically appropriate and meets standards of ethical practice.
President Biden and Big Pharma have completely prevented that
from happening - it is wrong,' said Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo.
'With these new actions, we will shed light on the forces that
have obscured truthful communication about the COVID-19
Sources and
1 PHMPT.org
5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse
Event Reports
2 PHMPT.org
5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse
Event Reports, Pages 30-38
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 A
Midwestern Doctor December 13, 2022
8 Meryl
Nass Substack December 19, 2022
10 Twitter
Chris Martenson December 15, 2022
11, 12, 13 FLgov.org
December 13, 2022