by Matt Lamb
August 05,
LifeSiteNews Website
Spanish version

Strict vaccine
are 'the only
way forward,'
Professor Joseph
Allen wrote...
Harvard University public health professor said that it's time to
stop playing nice with Americans who have chosen not to receive an
experimental coronavirus vaccine.
The "only way forward," Professor
Joseph Allen
says, is to require Americans to take the experimental vaccines,
which have been
linked to a number of serious side
effects and death.
"It's time to
acknowledge what few in the public health field are willing to
The campaign to persuade all Americans to voluntarily
vaccinations has hit its limit," Allen wrote in a recent essay
for the
Washington Post.
"The only way
out of our covid-19 morass is to mandate vaccines," Allen
He admitted that vaccine advocates have failed to make their case,
criticizing so-called "public health experts" for rarely going on
right-leaning stations like Fox News or Newsmax.
"Time to get out
on Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, Facebook and, yes, even
Newsmax," Allen said.
Allen also urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to
hurry up and approve the vaccine, which was already rushed through
faster than other vaccinations.
The coronavirus vaccines currently on the market only have Emergency
Use Authorization (EUA), although
two-shot (for now)
regimen is
expected to gain full approval by
"There is no
reason for the vaccines to not have full approval from the FDA,"
Allen argued.
He went on to claim,
"These are the
most studied and scrutinized vaccines in the history of the
world," despite their rushed roll-out and the fact that they
have been around for less than a year, as opposed to other shots
which boast decades of data and research.
"And what we
know with certainty is that these vaccines have an impeccable
safety record on par with every other fully authorized vaccine."
The most recent analysis of the federal Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System (VAERS) database shows there have been nearly
500,000 reported reactions to or deaths from the vaccine.
"Data released
[July 23, 2021] show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 16,
2021, a total of
491,218 total adverse events
were reported to VAERS, including
11,405 deaths
- an increase of 414 over the previous week.
There were
48,385 serious injuries
reported during the same time period - up 7,767 compared with
the previous week,"
Children's Health Defense
Professor Allen criticized unions in particular for opposing
mandatory vaccines.
"This will
inevitably face opposition, and, yes, that includes from
unions," Allen said.
"It is
absolutely appalling to see
vaccination rates
around the 40 to 50 percent range for unionized workers such as
New York City's police, firefighters and corrections officers,
as well as 60 percent for the city's Education Department
"Don't want to
call them 'mandates'? That's fine," he continued.
"Then do what
MGM Resorts
the National Football League
did and, instead of mandating, make the burden of being
unvaccinated so high that people comply."
Allen dismissed concerns about civil liberties.
"Why are so many
people acting like this is some kind of affront to our
liberties? It's
to get vaccines for all sorts of things," he said.
While most American adults received a handful of vaccinations as
children, for diseases such as polio, and some might receive a flu
shot once a year, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control's (CDC)
recommended vaccine schedule has dramatically grown in recent years.
By age one, an infant on the CDC vaccine schedule will have received
22 vaccine shots (some for the same disease, in vaccines that are
given in a regimen).
By age 18, that number is 69 shots
- vaccines,
often in a series, against 16 diseases.
Professor Allen has at least one ally in nearby New York City.
Mayor Bill de
Blasio there
required places
such as restaurants and theatres to require all staff and customers
to produce their medical records proving they've had a coronavirus
For a self-styled progressive, de Blasio's rule is discriminatory
particularly against black New York City residents.
Only 35 percent
of black NYC residents have received at least one dose of the
vaccine, the standard required for entry into the public places of