"Welcome to 'Earth'.
The light you are
seeing comes from all the grids that are laid out in your home.
My energy here has been planted as a beautiful garden. It is
energy that flows from the dirt… from the ground, just as the
white lines you see on my face that formed, as I held the light
for eons.
This is light upon
light. We all thank you for allowing us to merge with the
energies of all who have come to visit us and will continue to
We are so happy that
each of our energies are here to help others on their journey.
Plant the seeds. Go deeper. Use us to go deeper. Earth is a huge
garden and we will assist you. We are all here for you.
The grids will grow. The light
will grow. What you are witnessing at this moment - it was not a
light that passed your window. It was the light of the grids.
Hold onto that
memory. Other skulls will start to connect with us. As you have
seen, there will be more people coming and we look forward to
the party."
Thank you.
Can you tell us about your role within this family of skulls?
"First, remember that we are the magnifiers of energy
from All That Is.
We are the conduits
of light that allows you to heal yourself. Many great Masters
utilize our energy - coming through us to guide you. I am a
for Gaia.
We all serve as their
connection to you, to teach, to bring ancient knowledge and to
help you remember.
My role is to hold
the lines that connect us. All of the skulls in this room, in
this house, all who come to sit with us, I hold the threads,
keeping the light grids strong, so that it is easier for you to
connect with us."
Are the
grids only connecting this family of skulls, or do the they
spread across the planet?
"They are connected to the ancient skulls, not just the ones
that reside here.
There are many
ancient skulls on the planet and we connect with all of them.
But there are filters. Some aren't ready to be awakened - and
some may choose to never be found. They are maintaining energy
within Gaia, but we are all connected.
Those that will
reveal themselves have much to give. More people are attuning to
the vibrations of the stones and they will be listening."
Do the
grids hold the light codes that Halo said are used for healing?
"Yes, but they hold more than just healing energy.
There is information
in the codes. The more you attune to the grids and allow
yourself to be open to hear and feel the higher frequencies,
you'll be more able to receive the information.
There is much there
for everyone."
referred to the light codes as a technology. Does that mean that
we are in a 3D hologram - a matrix, or are we living in a
multidimensional existence?
"Sorry, there is no
All the universes are
multidimensional in nature.
Many universes and many dimensions. There is technology in the
grids. So much information courses through the light codes. More
people see them now as their frequency rises.
When you see them and
hear them, some of the information may be released. We say may,
you see, because many are not ready and others wish to use it
not for the good of humankind.
That is why we do not
share so quickly and openly, this ancient technology, but it is
Moe and
Halo spoke of a history of planet Earth going back to the higher
frequencies of Lemuria and Atlantis Can you tell us more about
Earth's history?
"My friends did a wonderful job.
Earth was a paradise
for eons, but there were forces that have been out there since
the beginning, some of which you know. They do not live in
harmony. They view all that they see as their destiny. They want
it all.
Many planets were
destroyed because of that."
"As you also know, we did not all arrive here at once. Curious,
they followed some of us and have time and again tried to
overwhelm all who were here, but this is a free will planet,
humanity wishes to remain free and it is a long history, this
We have spoken of
this before - the journeys of multiple Lemurian incarnations
from higher frequencies into the 3D incarnation, along with
Atlantis, that began two precessions past.
But can you imagine
all the precessions the planet has gone through, if measured in
your linear time?"
"As time is not a construct for us, we do not view it in this
way, but we have traveled countless precessions (note: a
precession of the equinox takes 25, 920 years.)
Those of us, who hold
the grids have protected Earth as best we can. We have learned
how to combat them and we have recorded much of this history. I
have a small portion of it within me.
You may be aware
that, as the Mayan calendar is encoded, the physical end of
Lemuria and
Atlantis occurred as Earth
passed out of
the Photon Belt 12,960 years
ago, into the dark night, below the eliptic of the Great Central
Only now,
since 2012, has Earth re-entered the Photon Belt,
back into the light and the rising frequencies."
"Through this journey, we are learning and as we learn, our DNA
changes, as does your DNA. So now, we all work to assist Gaia
through the
ascension process."
Are you
still involved on an energetic level in the battles that are
occurring 'above Earth'?
"We are holding space. Putting out light.
We hold light for
all, even those that need to be banished. There are good groups
Pleiadean and
Sirian that fight the dark
forces. There are humans from Earth that are doing the same.
Even your technology
is greater than you know. As you meditate, as you come together
in the ever-growing circle, it helps our family of skulls and
all the others who connect with us.
Some have missions
that are more intense than ours but we are all part of the
What types
of missions?
"To keep the dark forces at bay. To shift energy. To end
duality. To hold back those that would impose their will, until
Gaia returns to 5D.
Killing them
is not the answer and we do not do it in a hateful way. There is
love and light in a certain way that can be transmitted to these
entities that will shift them - over many lifetimes.
They are not ready to
ascend with humanity. They know they cannot enter the higher
So, they believe they
must not lose; which is why they have tried for so long to keep
you in the dark, to prevent you from remembering where you came
from, over many incarnations, and where you are going.
But now the time for
ascension is near and it has taken us eons.
It feels like it has
always been - this is no human emotion, though it may sound like

Did your
group have a similar mission in the time of Atlantis,
understanding that your energies were already underground at
that time? Were you able to impact the people of Atlantis in any
"Our energies were in the ground but the skulls were not. And
yes, we did impact them.
We are similar, yet
we each have our strengths in what we are here to do; just as
you are similar to the Atlanteans. We tried to save the last
incarnation, prevent the last flood, the last destruction, but
It became impossible.
They were stronger.
There were more of them, the dark forces impacting humanity. The
planet was leaving the Photon Belt - leaving the light.
The odds, as you
would say, were against us. Still, those who knew us, took us
into their hearts. They understood who we were and what, all
things considered, now had to be done.
It was a quiet
exodus, away from Atlantis.
Many disappearing in
the dead of nights. Some stayed behind to save others. Some,
assisting the evacuation, waited too long and were caught in the
deluge. Those that escaped took us to other lands. We were
planted around this Earth.
That's why there are
many ancient skulls that have not been found yet."
Was ancient
Egypt one of the lands?
"Yes. In
the Land of Khem, we were the
ancient mystery school."
Can you
speak of that?
"Much of what has been hidden, is now available. Hidden in plain
We have already
revealed the origin of
the Great Pyramid.
As Moe stated:
'In this cycle of
time, two guardians, Lady Nada and
Thoth the Atlantean,
preserved the ancient knowledge within markers that could
never be lost.
Created through
the merging of fifth and third dimensional frequencies,
13,800 years ago. Far away from the heaviness of Atlantis,
Thoth created the Great Pyramid with pure thought.
Pulled down from
the ethers, where thought conceives in an instant. A
structure, manifested into the physical, to balance the
Earth Goddess on her long journey into night.'
"Thoth is your key.
There is more - revealed but hidden - yet easy to find if you
are ready.
Much more still,
cannot be told at this time. Just know that what you all know as
the Mystery Schools goes much deeper than what has already been
revealed. Much deeper."
Is any of
that information revealed in the
it additional?
"Ah, you speak of the Secret of Secrets. There is much to learn
from Thoth's teachings but what is not yet known, goes much
Can you add
to what has been spoken of regarding energy healing?
"Some don't always connect with me. I don't know if that is out
of fear, but those that do connect will feel the grounding with
A lot of people don't
want to ground. They like being up in the higher realms, but my
energy is grounding. I assist in connecting you to Gaia.
She helps keep your
physical and etheric bodies free of excess electronic
energy. Your technology has you inundated. You are being
slowly poisoned and you think it's just inflammation.
Humanity has
forgotten how to let Gaia - and the Sun - assist in maintaining
your good health."
How can we
best ground ourselves?
"Walk barefoot in the sand, on the dirt. Swim in the ocean.
Allow the sun to touch your skin.
Or imagine. Mediate.
Connect with me, and you will feel the excess electrons pour out
of your body, back into Gaia. We have been told it is quite an
amazing feeling for you humans - to feel the very thing that
causes your inflammation, your aches and pains,
to be released."
"Imagine walking on the sand or the stones and feel the
warmth on your feet.
You will know that
you are grounded to this planet Earth. Feel the rush - the
swoosh of energy pour out through your feet. You will feel the
light, and you will feel lighter.
But you have to be
open and understand that in order to journey with the skulls,
you need to be grounded. Your silver chord is strong, but it has
its limits. You know this, but it needs to be repeated.
We are all grounded,
but it is the chord that allows us to travel across the
universes, to travel together in meditation and in dream states
and still come home. You can hold onto us and we will be there.
You are free to
travel but you must keep your feet on the ground."
Do you have
a final message?
"Allow yourselves to love. Open your hearts and overcome your
Do you work. You
truly are who you were waiting for. That is above enlightenment
and love. We watch your ascension and we are proud."