Crystal Skulls
- Cráneos de Cristal |
Bill Homann
- Journeys With The Crystal Skull
Skull Comparison
Español |
Entrevistas con Los Cráneos de Cristal - Parte IV: Tierra
Interviews with The Crystal Skulls - Part
Four: Earth
of The Crystal Skulls Explorers
Español |
Calaveras de Cristal
The Crystal Skull
- extracted from 'Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation'
Mysterious Crystal Skulls
Other Strange Skulls - Otros Cráneos Extraños |
Skulls are Unearthed in 1,000-Year-Old Cemetery
Alien Monsters
- "Alien"
- Skulls from Ica, Peru and Merida, Mexico |
Atacama Humanoid Still a Mystery - Stanford
University Research |
Español |
- ¿Cráneos
"Alienígenas"? -
Cráneos de Ica, Perú y Mérida, México
Italiano |
Crani Oblunghi trovati completamenti intatti
in una Nuova Regione del Perù
Español |
Descubierta en Perú una Cabeza Momificada de un Recién
Nacido con Elongación Craneal Natural
DNA Analysis of Paracas Elongated
Skulls Released - Unknown to any Human, Primate, or Animal
DNA Results for the Elongated Skulls
of Paracas
Elongated Skulls found in completely New
Region of Peru
Elongated Skulls in Utero - A Farewell to the
'Artificial Cranial Deformation' Paradigm?
Giant Human Skeleton Found in
Saudi Arabia
Español |
- ¿Hubo
Una Raza de Gente Que Tenía Cuernos?
Initial DNA Results for the
Testing of Peruvian Elongated Skulls |
Is Homo Capensis - the Big Brain
Conehead - Earth's High Cabal and Covert Controller? |
Español |
La Evolución que Relatan los
Español |
La Misteriosa Religión que Veneraba Cráneos Humanos hace
11.500 Años
Malta - The Skulls of the Mother
Modified Human Crania from Göbekli Tepe provide
Evidence for a New Form of
Neolithic Skull Cult
Neanderthal Genes influence Human
Head Shape
Neanderthal Introgression sheds
light on Modern Human Endocranial Globularity
Neurocranium versus Face - A
Morphometric Approach with Classical Anthropometric
New DNA Results Released from the Paracas Elongated Skulls
Español |
Publicados Nuevos Resultados de ADN de los
Cráneos Alargados de Paracas
Skull of a
Non-Human Specie
Skulls Found in Africa and in Europe Challenge Theories of Human
Strange Egg-Shaped
Skulls Uncovered All Over The World Mystify Scientists
Español |
Cráneos "Alienígenas" son Desenterrados en un Cementerio de 1,000
Años de Antigüedad
The Looming Collapse of the Artificial Cranial
Deformation Paradigm
The Mystery of Malta's
Long-Headed Skulls
The Starchild
- Main File
Italiano |
Grande Scoperta che mostra La Storia Oculta del Nostro Pianeta
Español |
Un Gran
Descubrimiento que Demuestra La Historia Oculta de Nuestro
There a Race of People that Had Horns?
Multimedia |
Giant Skulls Found
Project Camelot: Bill Homann - Journeys with
The Crystal Skull
Español |
Raza Híbrida - ¿Una Raza Secreta?
Secret Space - Ancient Texts Can Tell Another Story...
Watchers 10
Treatises and Books |
Español |
Antiguedades Peruanas -
por Mariano Eduardo De Rivero y Ustariz, y Johann Jakob
von Tschudi
Peruvian Antiquities -
by Mariano Eduardo De Rivero y Ustariz and Johann Jakob
von Tschudi
Related Reports |
Humanity's History and Ancient Civilizations
- Main File
Life in The Universe
- Main File
Myths and Legends of The Giants
- Main File
Origin of Life and Man
- Main File
The Occult Reptilian Saga
- Main File