by Ivan Petricevic
January 19, 2018

from Ancient-Code Website






It's been exactly 10 years

since our life changing trip to India.

Feeling full of wanderlust today.




It almost sounds like a fairytale city, right?


Something you'd expect to see from a science fiction movie, placed in a distant future on Earth.


However, the truth is there is a city on Earth where people live without Money, Religion or Politics, in other words, it is a paradise on Earth.


Meet Auroville.


This city was founded in 1968 and is considered an international city by UNESCO, where people from 50 different countries, nationalities and cultures live.


According to the city's website,

"Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities.


The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity."

Somehow, they manage to live together without issues, they don't have a political system in place, there's no religion and the best part (perhaps) there isn't any money in Auroville.


Here, instead of money people live through a system of exchanges.


As if the entire idea of the city isn't catchy, the buildings of Auroville are futuristic, built on an experimental architecture that is constantly in development, and changing.




This Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis)

belongs to the Ficus (fig tree) family and is now probably

a little more than a hundred years old.

Banyans have the peculiarity of producing aerial roots

which grow down from the branches towards the ground

and take root to become new trunks.

(The diameter of this banyan is now kept

at approximately fifty meters so that it remains

in proportion with its surroundings.)



The buildings in Auroville are futuristic, and a structure has been set in place that helps its inhabitants make use of optimizable, renewable energy.


Their goal is a clean environment which is why many efforts are put into reuse and recycling, it's basically a self-sustaining eco-city.




Known as heart of Auroville,

the city of dawn...

the place where you can seek yourself.



There also isn't a lack of food as the city is sustained by multi-cropping fields, countless fruit trees that are spread across fifteen farms, having a total area of 160 hectares.


The city was founded by Mirra Afassa, aka 'The Mother of Auroville'.







According to Ms. Afassa,

"There should be a place on Earth that no nation could claim as their own; where all human beings of good will who have a sincere aspiration could live freely as citizens of the world, obeying one single authority, that of the supreme truth."




the ideal human township,

where there is no concept of currency.

A must visit place in India.


"A place of peace, concord, and harmony where all the fighting instinct in man were used exclusively to overcome the cause of their sufferings and miseries, to overcome their weaknesses and ignorance, and to triumph over their limitations and disabilities.


A place where the needs of the spirit and interest of progress precedence over the satisfaction of desires and passions or the pursuit of pleasure and material enjoyment."