por Poppalloff
March 10, 2020
Electroverse Website

In an article published February of this year within AGU Advancing
Earth and Space Science, researchers have made a bold claim
regarding the climate forcing effects of CO2:
"As for the near surface response to SSWs,
the models, however, are in good agreement as to this signal
over the North Atlantic:
there is no
indication of a change under 4xCO2 forcing."
The study, entitled "Uncertainty
in the Response of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings and
Stratosphere-troposphere Coupling to Quadrupled CO²
concentrations in CMIP6 Models," makes 3 key points:
The tropospheric signal of
Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSWs) in
the North Atlantic does not change under 4xCO2 forcing.
There is high uncertainty in changes of SSW frequency under 4xCO2
forcing; single models show the rate to be significantly halved or
doubled (in other words, the models are useless, as always).
The boreal polar vortex will form earlier and disappear later under
increased CO2, extending the season of stratosphere-troposphere
So, if
carbon dioxide is proven not to be the force majeure it has
been pegged as, and indeed
the Sun is finally recognized as
the main
driver of our climate, as most of the historical data would suggest,
do you think that we'll get a refund on all the tax that we've paid
in the name of saving the planet…?
I know, I know...
Silly me.
"Shut up and pay your