by Gregory Wrightstone
March 10,
CO2Coalition Website

To no one's surprise,
Facebook continues to reject any
and all scientific data that does not support their "consensus"
narrative of
man-made 'catastrophic' warming by rejecting an ad placed
by the CO2 Coalition, Arlington, Virginia.
The ad is based on well
documented and widely used
satellite data published by,
the University of
Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) as part of a project with the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Information is,
"gathered by advanced
microwave sounding units on NOAA and NASA satellites to get
accurate temperature readings for almost all regions of the
Earth," according to the
university website.
"This includes remote
desert, ocean and rain forest areas where reliable climate data
are not otherwise available.
The satellite-based instruments measure the temperature of the
atmosphere from the surface up to an altitude of about eight
kilometers above sea level.
Once the monthly
temperature data is collected and processed, it is placed in a
'public' computer file for immediate access by atmospheric
scientists in the U.S. and abroad."
The ad featured a CO2
Coalition graph that matched satellite temperature data from
1978-2021 with the record of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide,
which is compiled at the Mauna Loa (Hawaii) Observatory of NOAA's
Global Monitoring Laboratory.
Also noted on the graph
is the occurrence of El Niño, a phenomenon of ocean currents known
to warm the atmosphere. The ad's text reads as follows:
"Since the beginning
of the satellite era of temperature measurements (1979), there
were two very large spikes in temperature.
Both were associated
with very strong El Niño.
"Between each of these, little to no warming was observed, yet
CO2 continued increasing in a nearly linear fashion.
stepwise increase in warming was not predicted nor has it been
explained by those promoting the theory that CO2 is the primary
driver of modern warming.
"We are currently in a cool La Niña phase that is expected to
end soon.
It will likely be followed by another El Niño that
will be used by the Climate Industrial Complex to
promote more unfounded fear of runaway CO2-driven warming."

Temperature source:
Global Temperature Update (2023)
CO2 Source: Tans P (2023)
in Atmospheric CO2, ESRL
So, the ad displayed publicly available data from government sources
and suggested an interpretation of the information.
Readers are free to
dispute our analysis. However, to be denied access to it is contrary
to the founding principles of the United States of America - mainly
the freedom of speech and thought.
Nonetheless, Facebook, an American creation and a subsidiary of Meta
with a market capitalization of more than $500 billion, found that
the ad,
"does not comply with
our Advertising Policies."
Well, this humble
geologist finds Facebook's policies anathema to everything noble
about 3,500 years of western civilization.
That puts us on the side
of people as diverse as,
Socrates, John Locke,
Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, William Blake, Mark Twain, Ayn
Rand, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Martin Luther King and Winston
This isn't our first
encounter with censorship.
Last summer, I was
permanently banned by
The offending material
were two charts:
One showed that
carbon dioxide levels were nearly 6,000 parts per million (ppm)
600 million years ago when many animal life forms first appeared
in the Cambrian Era.
Another illustrated a
140-million-year decline of CO2 levels - from 2,500 parts per
million (ppm) to the current 420 ppm.
The target of these
assaults is our communications countering the false narrative of a
climate emergency rooted in the warming effect of carbon dioxide,
which in fact is a beneficial gas essential to life on Earth.
One of the two principles of natural justice recognized in the law
of the English-speaking countries is Audiatur et altera pars,
"Let both sides be
fairly heard"...
Given that on this, as on
many issues, Facebook and their allies in the media no longer allow
the skeptical side of the case to be heard, fact-based information
like that provided in this post will continue to be censored.
Attacks on those standing for honest scientific inquiry into climate
issues have become so common that one might be inclined to shrug
them off.
However, the purveyors of
climate doom are not likely to go away on their own as might some
pesky gnats.
Whether their motivations
are money, power or some perverted, religious regard for Earth
untouched by humanity, the climate cult's ambitions are too much of
a threat to our way of life - and lives - to dismiss.