



 -  About Facebook


 -  Acclaimed Journalist and Author explains what Social Media is Doing to Society


 -  Activists Claim Purge of Facebook Pages


 -  A Look into Facebook's Potential to Recognize Anybody's Face


 -  Another Facebook Executive issues Warning about its Disastrous Effect on Psychology and Society


 -  As Facebook becomes TikTok, a new 'Feeds' tab ditches the Algorithm

 -  Association of Facebook Use with Compromised Well-Being - A Longitudinal Study


 -  Big Tech Companies agree to Work together in 'Internet Freedom Crackdown'


 -  Big Tech Giants want to Prove they are 'American Gods' - Anyone watching 'the Watchers'...?


 -  Big Tech 'Indenture entire Populations into Servitude' to Corporations and Governments - Snowden


 -  Bulgarian Privacy Activist Buys A Million Facebook IDs For A Sandwich, Essentially


 -  Capitalismo de Vigilancia - Algoritmos para Manipular la Opinión Pública y la Caída de Facebook


 -  Causa del Apagón Global de Facebook y Servicios - Experto explica cómo se puede "Desconectar una parte..."


 -  CIA Gets in Your Face(Book)


 -  CIA's "Vengeful Librarians" Track Facebook


 -  Cinco Razones para No Dejarse Atrapar por Facebook


 -  Come Facebook diventa TikTok, una nuova scheda "Feed" elimina l'Algoritmo


 -  Cómo Facebook se convirtió en un Cómplice de la Censura y de las Agencias de Inteligencia de EE.UU.


 -  Cómo Facebook y Google Financian Masivamente el Periodismo en Todo el Mundo


 -  Con la Censura Unilaterale di un Presidente in Carica Big Tech ha Dimostrato che è più Potente di qualsiasi Gov.


 -  Conservative Lawyers file Major Lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Zuckerberg and Dorsey


 -  Cosa Succederà se Facebook e Google si Impossessano del Mondo?


 -  Dejar Facebook antes de que nos deje a Nosotrxs


 -  Día Mundial Sin Facebook - 28 de Febrero


 -  Digital Addiction increases Loneliness, Anxiety and Depression


 -  Di quale Stimolo in più Avete Bisogno per Abbandonare le Reti Sociali?


 -  Doctors Warn About 'Facebook Depression' in Teens


 -  Documentos revelan 'Portal Secreto de Twitter' que el Gobierno usó para Censurar contenidos sobre COVID-19

 -  Does Posting Facebook Status Updates Increase or Decrease Loneliness? An Online Social Networking...


 -  Don't Replace Facebook - Disrupt It!


 -  Edward Snowden Exposes Unsettling Truth about What Facebook Really Is


 -  El Duopolio de Facebook y Google está Acabando con Todos los otros Medios Digitales


 -  El Experimento de Facebook y Sus Raíces con La CIA


 -  El Imperativo de Reemplazar Google y Facebook


 -  El Matrimonio de Big Data con Big Brother - China crea Sistema para Evaluar Conducta de sus Ciudadanos


 -  El Nocivo Efecto de 'Confesar' nuestros Problemas Personales en Redes Sociales


 -  El Poder Político de Facebook


 -  El Riesgo que Corremos Abandonando al Mundo a Google y Facebook - Monopolios Peligrosos

 -  Envy on Facebook - A Hidden Threat to Users' Life Satisfaction?


 - ¿Es Facebook una 'Máquina de Destrucción Masiva'?


 -  Espionaje en La Red - 'Facebook' Es de La CIA


 -  Este Inquietante Documental en Netflix exhibe 'El Lado Oscuro' de Facebook, Twitter y otras Redes Sociales


 -  Even Bigger Big Brother - Facebook Purchases Israeli Facial Recognition Company


 -  Ex-Empleados de Facebook y Google Luchan contra la Tecnología que Construyeron


 -  Ex-Facebook Chief Sean Parker warns Site Was Built to Exploit People's Weaknesses


 -  Ex-Impiegati di Facebook e Google Lottano contro la Tecnologia che hanno Costruito


 -  Facebook and Global Warming - Extending its Legacy of Science Denial


 -  Facebook and the Electroencephalography Dictionary


 -  Facebook as the Ultimate Government Surveillance Tool?


 -  Facebook at 517 Million Users Suppresses ET/UFO Disclosure With Cointelpro Spying, Censorship


 -  Facebook Bans Pages Calling for Palestinian Uprising


 -  Facebook becomes Godzilla News Outlet for Disinformation


 -  Facebook Buys At What Privacy Cost?


 -  Facebook Causes 'Psychotic Episodes and Delusions', Claims Study


 -  Facebook Censors Prominent Political Critics


 -  Facebook Dangerous Individuals and Organizations List


 -  Facebook DC Connection - CIA


 -  Facebook descubre un Peligro Imprevisto en el desarrollo de la Inteligencia Artificial


 -  Facebook - ¿Es de La CIA?



 -  Facebook, Google and YouTube Censorship at an All Time High - What Ever Happened to Free Speech?


 -  Facebook is A Giant Data Mining Operation with Numerous Government Connections


 -  Facebook is Tracking Your Every Move on the Web - Here's How to Stop It

 -  Facebook is Working on a Smartphone that Can Read Thoughts

 -  Facebook Knows More about You than the CIA


 -  Facebook, la CIA y los Clinton


 -  Facebook - La Normalización de lo que Nunca debió ser Normal


 -  Facebook, las Redes Sociales y el Simulacro del Empoderamiento


 -  Facebook Mind Control Experiment was Nothing Compared to the Deliberate Manipulations of The Mass...


 -  Facebook o la Devaluación de la Privacidad y la Normalización de la Vigilancia


 -  'Facebook' o La Inocencia de La Tecnología IV


 -  Facebook Partners with Globalist Atlantic Council to Interfere in Elections around the World


 -  Facebook - ¿Red Social o Agencia de Espionaje?


 -  Facebook - Rete Sociale o Agenzia di Spionaggio?


 -  Facebook says its 'Rules Apply to All' - Company Documents reveal a Secret Elite that's Exempt

 -  Facebook's Emotional Consequences - Why Facebook causes a Decrease in Mood and why People still...


 -  Facebook's History of Tracking You - It's Complicated...


 -  Facebook's 'Secret Blacklist' Exposed - Hitler, Hamas and... Hillbilly Militia Squad?


 -  Facebook's War on Cognitive Liberty


 -  Facebook, the CIA and the Clintons


 -  Facebook Tracks You Even After Logging Out


 -  Facebook Unlike - Users Flee, Sales Drop, Scramble for Relevance


 -  Facebook Using Deep Data Mining to Destroy Privacy


 -  Facebook y el Diccionario de Electroencefalografía


 -  Facebook - You Don't Own Your Face, We Do...


 -  Facebook y Redes Sociales - Medio Conveniente Para Espionaje


 -  Firefox's new Privacy Feature stops Facebook Seeing what Else you Do Online


 -  Five of the Darkest Facebook Secrets


 -  Frances Haugen isn't a Whistleblower


 -  Google and Facebook Accused of Bypassing iPhone's Privacy Settings to Spy on Owners to Build Ad...

 -  Google and Facebook - Alliances With Intelligence to Make Privacy Obsolete


 -  Harvard Professor Exposes Google and Facebook


 -  Hegel, Filósofo de la Conciencia Absoluta, da Buena Razón para dejar de Perder Tiempo en Redes Sociales


 -  How Facebook and Google provide Massive Funding to Journalism around the World


 -  How Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA...


 -  I Asked a Privacy Lawyer What Facebook's New Terms and Conditions Mean for You


 -  Il Duopolio Facebook e Google sta Distruggendo Tutti gli altri Media Digitali


 -  India Rechaza Plan de Facebook para Explotar a los Más Pobres del Mundo con Internet Privado


 -  India Rejects Facebook Plan to Exploit World's Poorest with Private Internet


 -  Is Big Tech merging with Big Brother?


 -  Is Facebook Envy Making You Miserable?


 -  Israelis Call Off Operation After Facebook Fiasco


 -  It's Official - Facebook Is the Department of PreCrime


 -  La Agenda de Facebook - Una Matrix dentro de otra Matrix


 -  La Empia Trinità - Facebook come Dato di Fatto, Governo come Verità, Big Pharma come Dio


 -  La Sobrecarga de Información es un Arma de Control


 - ¿Las Redes Sociales nos están Convirtiendo en Idiotas?


 -  Le Spie Sempre di Più Usano Facebook e Twitter per Prendere Dati


 -  L'Imperativo di Sostituire Google e Facebook


 -  L'India Rifiuta il Piano di Facebook per Sfruttare i Più Poveri al Mondo con Internet Privato


 -  Los Orígenes Militares de Facebook


 -  Los Secretos de Silicon Valley - Lo que el Big Tech No Quiere que Sepas


 -  Los Secretos Servicios de Facebook - Espionaje en La Red


 -  Man Buys 1 Million Facebook Users’ Personal Information for $5


 -  Mark Zuckerberg Awarded CIA Surveillance Medal - Facebook


 -  Medios de Comunicación en Línea - La Promesa y el Peligro


 -  Mejor Elimine su Cuenta antes que Publicar esto en Facebook


 -  Non Continuare a Permettere che Facebook Controlli le Tue Notizie - Dice Snowden al Mondo


 -  No sigas Permitiendo que Facebook Controle tus Noticias - Dice Snowden al Mundo


 -  Not all Speech is "Created Equal" says Facebook Security Officer


 -  No todo Lenguaje es "Creado Igual" dice Oficial de Seguridad de Facebook


 -  Online Media - The Promise and the Peril

 -  Passive Facebook usage Undermines Affective Well-Being - Experimental and Longitudinal Evidence


 -  People are Horrified After Downloading their Facebook Data - They Keep Texts, Phone Calls and More...


 -  People who like Embarrassing or Angering Others find Social Media more Addictive - Study says...


 - ¿Porqué estamos Todavía utilizando Facebook?


 - ¿Porqué me Vigilan, si no soy Nadie?


 -  'Privacy Is a Casualty' of Google and Facebook's Success - Senator Al Franken


 -  Privacy Lawyers Sell Out Facebook Users for $10 Million


 -  Profesor de Harvard Expone a Google y Facebook


 - ¿Qué más Estímulos Necesitas para Abandonar las Redes Sociales?


 - ¿Qué Pasará si Facebook y Google se Apoderan del Mundo?


 - ¿Quiere Ser Feliz en 2017...? - ¡Sálgase de Facebook!


 -  Secrets of Silicon Valley - What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know

 -  Seeing Everyone Else's Highlight Reels - How Facebook Usage is Linked to Depressive Symptoms


 -  'Shadow Banning' is Just the Tip of the Iceberg - We're All Digital Ghosts Now


 -  Showdown in Europe - Tech Giants Brace for Sweeping EU Privacy Law

 -  Snapchat vs. Facebook - Differences in Problematic use, Behavior change attempts, and Trait social reward...


 -  Soros-funded "Media Matters" caught Secretly Plotting with Facebook to Stop Alternative Media


 -  Spies Increasingly Using Facebook-Twitter to Gather Data


 -  Stop Letting Facebook Control Your News - Says Snowden to the World


 -  Study Shows that Reducing Use of Social Media Can Reduce Depression and Loneliness


 -  Surprising Numbers of Teens Refuse to Use Social Media


 -  The Battle for Facebook


 -  'The Creepy Line' - A New Documentary on the Power of Tech Giants


 -  The Enormous Implications of Facebook Indexing 1 Trillion of Our Posts


 -  The Facebook Agenda - A Matrix within a Matrix


 -  The 'Facebook' Catch - With Friends Like These...

 -  The Facebook Experiment - Quitting Facebook Leads to Higher Levels of Well-Being

 -  The Facebook Experiment - The Happiness Research Institute, 2015


 -  The Facebook Files - Show 'Brazen and Aggressive' Censorship


 -  The Founding of Facebook - The Accidental Billionaires - A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal


 -  The Imperative of Replacing Google and Facebook

 -  The Interplay between Facebook use, Social Comparison, Envy, and Depression


 -  The Last Days of Facebook?


 -  The Military Origins of Facebook


 -  The New Gatekeepers - How proprietary Algorithms increasingly Determine the News We See

 -  Threats to belonging on Facebook - Lurking and Ostracism

 -  Toward an Integrated and Differential Approach to the Relationships Between Loneliness, Different Types...


 -  Trilateral Commission Technocrat Served as Director of Facebook


 -  Una Filtración revela que Facebook exime de sus Reglas a una 'Élite Secreta'


 -  Unholy Trinity - Facebook as Fact, Government as Truth, Big Pharma as God


 -  Want to be Happy in 2017? - Get Off Facebook!


 -  We made Facebook as 'Addictive as Cigarettes' on Purpose - Says former Employee


 -  What I Can Say and What I Cannot Say...


 -  Who Created Facebook to be the Ultimate Surveillance Tool?


 -  Why Are We Still Using Facebook?


 -  Why doesn't Facebook just Buy Your Data if it's so Valuable?


 -  Why we should Reject Mark Zuckerberg's Dehumanizing Vision of a "Metaverse"


 -  With Unilateral Censorship of a sitting US President, Big Tech has proven it's more Powerful than any Govern...


 -  You May Have Been a Lab Rat in a Huge Facebook Experiment


 -  Zuckerberg warns that AI Companies 'Trying to Create God'... but he will "Save Us"...


Additional Information


 -  Are My "Friends" Even Real People? - Revealed That Air Force Ordered Software to Manage Army of Fake Virtual People


 -  Billionaire Tech Moguls intend to Remake America's Schools


 - "Celebrities"


 -  Compare the NSA's Facebook Malware Denial to its Own Secret Documents


 -  Conozca la Nueva Red Social Cifrada 'Anti-Facebook' Respaldada por Anonymous


 -  El Futuro de la Humanidad depende de un Código de Ética para el Diseño de la Tecnología


 -  Esta Mujer Predijo en 1994 el Lado Oscuro de las Redes Sociales de forma Increíblemente Lúcida


 -  Exposed The Covert, Real-Time Spying on Youtube, Facebook and Blogs


 -  Facebook Sufre Histórico Retroceso - ¿El Principio Del Fin o Una Mala Temporada?


 -  Have 'Tall Gray Alien Leaders' just been Captured by the Galactic Federation?


 -  How to Break Archon Programming


 -  Il Giappone rende ufficiale il Sistema che forgia Elites di Esseri Umani - Nuovo Sistema Educativo


 -  Invasive Surveillance Technology Awaits - Have You Posted Your Pictures on The Internet?


 -  Japón formaliza el Sistema forjando Seres Humanos Élites - Nuevo Sistema Educativo


 -  La Religión del Dataísmo y el Posible Fin del Homo Sapiens


 -  Latest Docs Show Financial Ties Between NSA and Internet Companies - Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook


 -  Netflix, Facebook and the NSA - They’re All in it Together


 -  NSA, GCHQ Using Data from 'Leaky' Smartphone Apps to Spy


 -  NSA Prism Program Taps into User Data of Apple, Google and Others

 -  Russia to Pass Fake News Law that would Fine Social Networks $793,000


 -  Social Media is Driving a Global Epidemic of Loneliness among Millennials


 -  Social Media, Smartphones and Police Create a Stasi Web of Surveillance


 -  Study Shows Mass Government Surveillance Silences Unpopular Opinions


 -  The Age of Tyrannical Surveillance - We're Being Branded, Bought and Sold for Our Data


 -  The Jewish Hand Behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...


 -  The Oligarch Takeover of U.S. Media


 -  The Pentagon is Building a 'Self-Aware' Killer Robot Army Fueled by Social Media


 -  The Rise of 'Corporate Nations'


 -  The Tortured Case for Deleting 'Instagram'


 -  U.S. Government Software Creates 'Fake People' on Social Networks to Promote Propaganda


 -  Vladimir Putin avverte sul Dominio "Big Tech" degli USA - Davos


 -  Vladimir Putin warns of US 'Big Tech' Dominance - Davos


 -  Were Facebook and Social Media Blackouts due to Capture of Tall Gray Aliens?


 -  When Capitalism Meets Civic Tech

 -  Why Facebook Lost 6 Million U.S. Users



 -  Wikipedia creará una Red Social para Combatir la Ignorancia que Facebook Fomenta




 -  Consumers are Rejecting 'The Great Reset'


 -  Enter the Bizarre World of Mark Zuckerburg's 'Metaverse' - 'Blurring the Lines' of Reality with NWO Transhuman


 -  Facebook Construirá el Metaverso - Una Plataforma de Realidad Virtual Corporativa


 -  Lawless Frontier - Crime and Punishment in the Metaverse


 -  Meta-Facebook-Instagram slapped with 8 Lawsuits over Algorithms that hook Youth and Ruin their Lives


 -  Meta Facebook - Metaverso Solamente


 - 'Meta' - Il Distacco Finale dalla Realtà?


 - 'Meta' - The Final Disconnect from Reality?


 -  Metaverse è la 'Libertà' inflitta dai Tiranni Tecnologici


 -  Metaverse - Augmented Reality Pioneer warns 'It could make Reality Disappear'


 -  Metaverse is 'Freedom' Meted Out by Technological Tyrants


 -  The Continued Unraveling of Mark Zuckerberg's 'Malicious Metaverse'


 -  The Metaverse - Reality Occulted




 -  Come Facebook 'Spia' le Vostre Conversazioni su WhatsApp - "Il Grande Fratello"


 -  Cómo Facebook 'Espía' tus Conversaciones de WhatsApp - 'El Gran Hermano'


 -  El Cofundador de 'Telegram' revela el "Secreto" por el que hay una Fuga de Usuarios de WhatsApp a su...


 -  Forget WhatsApp - CIA has Tools to Hack almost All Social Media Platforms


 -  Fundador de Telegram advierte de 'El Peligro de WhatsApp' en duro Comunicado - 'Deberías borrar WhatsApp'


 -  It's Time to Break-up Facebook - 'Start by breaking off WhatsApp and Instagram'


 -  Lucha de Titanes - Skype se Blinda ante la Nueva Amenaza de WhatsApp


 -  Tus Datos Personales que WhatsApp comparte con EE.UU. - ¿Estabas al tanto?

  Book- Treatises  

 -  Behind the Mask of Facebook - A Whistleblower's Shocking Story of Big Tech Bias and Censorship - by R. Hartwig

 -  Controligarchs - Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to... - by Seamus Bruner

 -  Experimental Evidence of Massive-scale Emotional Contagion through Social Networks

 -  False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and/or Satirical 'News' Sources

 -  Leveraging Billions of Faces to Overcome Performance Barriers in Unconstrained Face Recognition

 -  Lobbying Report - Facebook, Inc.


 -  Mediterranean Council for Intelligence Studies - Yearbook 2012

 -  No More FOMO - Limiting Social Media Decreases Loneliness and Depression

 -  Pandora's Vox - On Community in Cyberspace

 -  Persona Management Software


 -  Team Themis - Corporate Information Reconnaissance Cell - November 3, 2010

 -  Under Surveillance - Examining Facebook's Spiral of Silence Effects in the Wake of NSA Internet Monitoring







 -  ¡Censura en Facebook!


 -  CIA Sifts Social Media Sites



 -  Cómo 'Nos dejamos Manipular' por las Redes Sociales



 -  'El Dilema de las Redes Sociales' - Un Documental que nos Afecta a Todos

 -  Facebook, Google, Yahoo are Spying Tools - Julian Assange

 -  Facebook Killed the Private Life


 -  Facebook Parenting - For The Troubled Teen


 -  Is the Internet Being Used to Shape Our Reality?


 -  La Cara Oculta de Facebook


 -  Monsters Inc. - Amazon, Google and Facebook


 - ¿Porqué me Vigilan, si Soy Nadie?

 -  Stare Into the Lights My Pretties

 -  The Creepy Line - Social Media's Manipulation of Society

 -  The Face Behind Facebook


 -  The Truth About Facebook - A CIA Profile Database


 -  Zuckerberg's Virtual Reality Photo - Our Future in the Matrix


Related Reports


 -  Google and The Internet - Main File


 -  The NSA - The Super Secret National Security Agency - Main File


 -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File