by Paul Joseph Watson
April 21,
Summit Website

Despite continued efforts to flood the world with global
warming propaganda, more and more people are responding "meh"
while turning away.
Technocrats who created
the global warming scam in
the first place appear compelled to continue in the same
direction, regardless of resistance.
total rejection will dethrone
relentless Propaganda,
Climate Change
Skepticism is Growing.
Re-education programs are failing.
Two recent polls have found that despite relentless propaganda
promoting the
man-made global warming narrative,
climate change
skepticism is growing globally...
A survey conducted by a
group within the University of Chicago asked Americans whether
humans were causing all or most of climate change.
Whereas 60 per cent
held this belief five years ago, that figure has now slumped to
49 per cent...
A recent IPSOS poll which
covered two-thirds of the world's population also found that nearly
four people in every 10 (40%), believe climate change is mainly due
to natural causes.
"Perhaps the most
surprising statistic from the Energy Policy Institute at the
University of Chicago (EPIC) survey is that 70% of Americans
are unwilling to spend more than $2.50 a week to combat climate
writes Chris Morrison.
"Nearly four in 10
Americans said they were unwilling to pay a couple of dimes.
Despite decades of
relentless green doomsday agitprop designed to corral
populations into living under a collectivist Net Zero-ordered
society, it appears that the vast majority of Americans are
unwilling to pay even the chump change in their back pockets to
stop the climate changing."
Such skepticism is quite
frankly astonishing given that,
the 'official
narrative' on man-made climate change has been vehemently
amplified by every single major government entity, corporation,
media outlet and cultural institution in existence...
The fact that 'the
regime' is still struggling to convince huge numbers of people that
climate change is both the fault and humans and representative of an
existential threat represents a massive failure of
re-education and brainwashing.
As we highlighted yesterday (TikTok
to Censor Content that Challenges 'Global Warming Dogma'),
social media giants are now increasingly characterizing any
skepticism of climate change as a forbidden opinion.
TikTok has become the latest platform to announce that any content
challenging the sacred dogma of global warming will be 'fact
checked' and removed...