"Technocracy is the science of social engineering,

the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services

to the entire population."
What is Technocracy? - The Technocrat - 1938

Technocracy is to the transformation of society,

as Trans-humanism is to the transformation

of the people who would live in it.





 -  2022 - El Año que se Avecina


 -  A Deeper Understanding of Technocracy


 -  A Digital Coup d'Etat


 -  Agenda 2030 and the "New Economic World Order" - Coming This Year?


 -  Agenda 21 and The Steady-State Techno-Corporatocracy - An Introduction


 -  Ahora es Crucial Entender a qué nos Enfrentamos


 -  Analisi del Piano Generale del "Great Reset" della Global Elite


 -  Analizando el Plan Maestro del 'Gran Reinicio' de la Élite Global


 -  Are Corporations Poised to Overtake Countries?


 -  Bank for International Settlements Declared 'Bastion of Global Technocracy'


 -  Beyond the Great Reset - 10 Official Documents on Human-Machine Hybrids


 -  Biodiversity - The Genetic Takeover of All Living Things


 -  Blending Reality - The WEF calls for 'Creation of Metaverse Identity' in latest push for Digital Dystopia


 -  Breaking Down the Global Elite's 'Great Reset' Master Plan


 -  Bugie, Propagandisti e Il Gran Reset


 -  'Cabal Leaders' go to Antarctica to Surrender to Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance


 -  China is A Technocracy


 -  China's Plan to Build Global Technocracy using Artificial Intelligence


 -  China's Technological System to Control Dissenters


 -  Climate Lockdowns are Coming


 -  Comprendere più Profondamente la Tecnocrazia


 -  Conquering Earth - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars


 -  Desde los Bloqueos a "El Gran Reinicio" - "The Great Reset"


 -  Desenmascarando a los Criminales detrás del Gran Reinicio


 -  Despotismo Tecnificado - El Fin de la Revolución Digital...



 -  Digital Public Infrastructure for 'One Earth, One Family and One Future'


 - 'Disinformation' isn't the Problem - Government Cover-ups and Censorship are the Problem


 -  Divide, Conquer, Reset and then Scientific Dictatorship


 -  Dividi, Conquista, Ristruttura e poi Dittatura Scientifica


 -  Earth Doomed - Humans must Flee to Colonize Outer Space - Elon Musk Unplugged


 -  El Delirio Verde Anti-euro-asiático de Biden y la carrera de Estados Unidos hacia la Irrelevancia


 -  El Estado Tecnocrático es el Enemigo Mortal del Individuo


 -  El 'Gran Reinicio Distópico' y la Lucha - Reducción de la Población y la Esperanza para los Hijos de los Hombres


 -  Elon Musk and Twitter-'X' - Main File


 -  El Origen de la Tecnocracia - Neofeudalismo, Campesinos y Horcas


 -  El Plan para un Sistema Global de Esclavitud


 -  El Reseteo Global - El Gran Reinicio - Main File


 -  Esta es la Razón por la que Millones todavía Creen en las Absurdas Mentiras de COVID


 -  Flashback 2016 - Technocracy will Rise Out of the Ashes of Western Civilization


 - 'Formación de las Masas' - La Ciencia Aplicada a la Ingeniería Social


 -  Foro Económico Mundial - La Institución detrás de 'El Gran Reset'


 -  Four Billionaire Technocrats are Creating an Alternate, Autocratic Reality


 -  Gemelos Siameses - Tecnocracia y Transhumanismo


 -  Global Instability and the Rise of Technopopulism


 -  Global Reset - Great Reset - Main File


 -  Global Smart Grid - Technocracy Endgame


 -  Global Technocracy and The 'Great Reset' is coming like a Bullet Train - Covid-19


 -  Global Technocrats likely behind Trudeau's 'Sudden Reversal of Emergency Orders'


 -  Grafeno - El Material para Controlarnos


 -  Here is the Web of Technocrat Propagandists who Silence Truth


 -  How Technocracy is Using Unseen Enemies to Panic the World


 -  How to Escape from a 'Sick Society'


 -  How to Explain Technocracy to Idiots


 -  Il Tecno-Populismo - Un Nuovo Regime di Governo Europeo


 -  Initiation Into The Incunabula - The Occult Technology of Power


 -  Italia - Terreno Fertile per una Scalata Tecnocratica


 -  Italy - Fertile Ground for Technocrat Takeover


 -  It's Crucial to Understand what We're Up Against


 -  It's Now Crucial to Understand what We're Up Against


 -  Killing Us Softly - Klaus Schwab's "Great Narrative" for the Global Borg


 -  Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum - Main File


 -  Klaus Schwab says 'We Must Force Humanity into Collaboration'


 -  Klaus Schwab y el Foro Economico Mundial - Main File


 -  La Cina è una Tecnocrazia


 -  La Esperanza de una Tecnología Humanizada


 -  La Fase Apocalittica della Tecnocrazia e del Transumanesimo - In Arrivo Presto


 -  La Invasión de Rusia a Ucrania ¿hace parte de 'El Plan'...?


 -  La Marcha de los Tecnócratas


 -  La Quarta Fase di Schwab


 -  Las Razones por las que ya No Debería Utilizar Google y Gmail


 -  La Tecnocracia es una Locura, Antihumana y Fallará


 -  La Tecnocracia Global y el 'Gran Reinicio' vienen como un Tren Bala - Covid-19


 -  La Tecnocracia se Puso de Moda


 -  La Tecnocrazia avrebbe il Dominio su una "Presidenza Biden


 -  La Tecnocrazia è Insana, Anti umana e Fallirà


 -  La Vacuna mRNA COVID ¡NO ES una Vacuna!


 -  Le Elite Tecnocratiche dietro il 'Grande Reset' Globale


 -  Liars, Propagandists and The Great Reset


 - 'Líderes de la Cábala' van a la Antarctica para Rendirse a los Extraterrestres y a la Alianza de la Tierra


 -  L'Instabilità Globale e l'Ascesa del Tecnopopulismo


 -  L'invasione della Russia in Ucraina fa Parte del 'Piano'...?


 -  Lo que Hitchcock Enseñó a los 'Ingenieros Sociales'


 -  Los Médicos están Despertando al Torbellino de la Retorcida Agenda Tecnocrática


 -  Lo Stato Tecnocratico è il Nemico Mortale dell'Individuo


 - 'Mass Formation' - The Applied Science of Social Engineering


 -  Masters of Deceit - The Government's Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control and Brain Warfare


 -  Mezclando la Realidad - FEM pide 'Creación de una Identidad Metaversa' en empuje a la Distopía Digital


 -  Millennials Increasingly Turning to Technocracy as Alternative to Democracy - Pew Research


 -  Monkeypox - Technocracy's next wave of 'Crimes Against Humanity'


 -  Movimiento de Agricultores en Holanda llega al Nuevo Gobierno y arremete contra el "Pacto Verde"


 -  Next on the Agenda - The Great Reset Fraud


 -  New World Disorder and the Demise of Capitalism


 -  OpenAI as we knew it is Dead - Now it's a 'Loose Cannon' in the hands of a Megalomaniac Technocrat


 -  Origin of Technocracy - Neofeudalism, Peasants and Pitchforks


 -  Pact for the Future - A Planetary Technocracy to Manage Global Crises on behalf of the Global Corporatocracy


 - "Pandemic Treaty" will hand WHO keys to Global Government...!


 -  Pasos para el Dominio Mundial: Primero, Destruir a la Humanidad...


 -  Physicians are Waking Up to Maelstrom of Technocracy's Twisted Agenda


 -  Planetary Regime - The Globalists' Blueprint in Their Own Words


 - "Population Bomb" - Paul Ehrlich blathers on about the "End of Civilization"


 -  Populist Revolt Spreading Across the West


 -  Prossimo Punto sull'Agenda - La Frode del "Grande Reset"


 - ¿Qué es la "Psicosis de Formación Masiva"?


 -  Rebuilding Babel - Toward the Endgame of Technocracy


 -  Requisitos Necesarios de la Tecnocracia


 - ¡Resistencia a la Cuarta Represión Industrial...!


 -  Scientism - The Technocratic Worship of Science


 -  Slavery Ahead - The Technocratic Convergence of Humans and Data


 -  Smart Grid - The Implementation of Technocracy?



 -  Space-Based Technocracy - Asgardia Exceeds 1,000,000 Citizens


 -  Steps to World Rule: First, Destroy Humanity...


 -  Sustainable Chaos - When Globalists Call for a 'Great Reset'


 -  Techné, Terraformación y el Impulso Trascendental - Un Imperativo Evolutivo


 -  Techne, Terraforming and the Transcendental Impulse - An Evolutionary Imperative


 -  Techno-Authoritarianism - China and Deep State have Joined Forces


 -  Technocracy and Backlash - Macron's Victory in France is Less than What It Seems


 -  Technocracy and the Rise of the Police State


 -  Technocracy Being Woven into Our Society



 -  Technocracy - Critics slam 'UN Climate Scientists' bid for Dictatorial Power


 -  Technocracy Depends on the Digitalization of Money - CBDC


 -  Technocracy Inside Your Body - Not Science Fiction...


 -  Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail


 -  Technocracy's Hidden Agenda for Total Domination


 -  Technocracy - The Operating System for the New International Rules-Based Order


 -  Technocracy was Born in U.S., Grew Up in China, Now Conquering the World


 -  Technocracy would Dominate a 'Biden Presidency'


 -  Technocrat Billionaires Plot Leaving 'Dying' Earth


 -  Technocratic Governance Seen as Ruling in China and Asia


 -  Technocratic Totalitarianism - My Speech in the Parliament of Romania


 -  Technocrat Scientists are Working on 'Self-Spreading Vaccines'


 -  Technocrats prepare to Meet a 'Never-Ending Parade of Biological Threats'


 -  Technocrats running 'The WHO' present a Real and Present Danger


 -  Technocrats turn to Ethicists to 'Save their Soul'


 -  Technopopulism - How Technocracy and Populism are Fitting Together


 -  Tecnocracia Dentro de Tu Cuerpo - Esto No es Ciencia Ficción...


 -  Tecnocracia y Contragolpe - La Victoria de Macron en Francia es Menos de lo que Parece


 -  Telosa - A Technocratic City 'In The Making'


 -  Telosa - Una Città Tecnocratica 'In Sviluppo'


 -  Ten Reasons why Human Flourishing has Reversed


 -  The Apocalyptic Phase of Technocracy and Transhumanism - Coming Soon...


 -  The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is 'A Bastion of Global Technocracy' - Bloomberg


 -  The Battle for the World


 -  The Brave New World of 2030 - "You'll Own Nothing, and You'll be Happy"


 -  The Control Grid


 -  The Demiurge of Technocracy - Recreating the World in Their Image


 -  The 'Dystopic Great Reset' and the Fight Back - Population Reduction and Hope for the Children of Men


 -  The Elite Technocrats behind the Global 'Great Reset'


 -  The 'Evil Twins' of Transhumanism and Technocracy


 -  The Fatal Attraction of Techno-Fascism


 -  The Fury of Europe's Farmers shocks EU Technocrats


 -  The 'Great Technocrat War' against Hydroxychloroquine


 -  The Hope for a Humanized Technology



 -  The March of the Technocrats


 -  The Mind of a Technocrat is Rooted in The Religion of Scientism


 -  The mRNA COVID Vaccine is NOT a Vaccine!


 -  The Real Reason Why the United Nations Wants Control Over the Internet - Technocracy


 -  The Rise of 'Corporate Nations'


 -  The Rockefellers created 990 "Climate Change" Institutions, Foundations and Activist Groups

 -  These 25 Companies are More Powerful than Many Countries


 -  The Sequel to his Great Reset is the 'Great Swindle' - Klaus Schwab

 -  The Sixth Mass Extinction - Fact, fiction or speculation?


 -  The Slippery Slope to Cyborg Theocracy


 -  The Technocracy's 1984 Predictive Programming


 -  The 'Technocratic Global Death Cult' will cull the Human Population


 -  The Technocratic State is the Mortal Enemy of the Individual


 -  The Technological Revolution and The Future of Freedom



 -  The Techno-Optimist Manifesto - Proof that Technocrats Live in a Simulacrum


 -  The Trilateral Commission and Technocracy - A short 'Conspiracy-free' history of the New World Order


 -  The Trilateral Commission Link to UFO/Alien Mania? - John Podesta


 -  The Ugliness of War and Technocracy - A look at Weapons of War in the Digital Age...


 -  The WHO - The Most Dangerous Global Treaty ever Proposed


 -  They're finally Revealing the Deep State - Here's Why...!


 -  This is Why Millions Still Believe in the Absurd COVID Lies


 -  Three Disruptive Technologies that will Transform the World into Technocracy within 10 Years

 -  Time for a Great Reset of the Financial System


 -  Transhumanism - Main File

 -  Transhumanism - Bowing Down to a 'Techno-Industrial God'


 -  Twelve Challenges for a Post-Covid Shattered World


 -  Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns


 -  Una Comprensión más Profunda de la Tecnocracia


 -  U.N. and Bill Gates behind "Digital Public Infrastructure" for Global Control


 -  United Nations 2.0 - A Whole-Of-World Technocracy


 -  United Nations (UN) digital World Brain seeks to 'Track Everything and Everyone'


 -  Unmasking the Villains Behind the Great Reset


 -  Useless Eaters - Drug Them, give Them Computer Games, let Them Eat Bugs


 -  Vatican goes 'Full Technocracy' with 'Council for Inclusive Capitalism'


 -  War in Ukraine is the WEF's Doorway to Global Technocracy


 -  Welcome to 'Life Inside a New World Order'


 -  What is Technocracy?

 - "...Who Masters those Technologies, in some way, will be the Master of The World" - Klaus Schwab


 -  Zbigniew Brzezinski and The Trilateral Commission - Main File

  Additional Information  


 -  Artificial Wombs could Replace Women say Scientists


 -  'Big Data' isola Milioni per la 'Lotta al Coronavirus'


 -  'Big Data' Segregates Millions in China's 'Coronavirus fight'


 -  Data, Data Everywhere... But Not One Ounce of Wisdom


 -  Event 201 - 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' run a Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation 3 Months Ago!


 -  From "Event 201" to "Cyber Polygon" - The WEF's Simulation of a Coming "Cyber Pandemic"


 -  Global Warming Swindle - A Scheme to Redistribute Wealth


 - ¿Gobernado por la Emoción sobre la Razón? - El Perturbador Culto de Greta Thunberg


 -  Governed by Emotion over Reason? - The Disturbing Cult of Greta Thunberg


 -  Greta - Estás siendo Utilizada como un Peón para la Tecnocracia


 -  Greta Thunberg es una Tapadera que Oculta un Suculento Negocio a cuenta del Cambio Climático


 -  Greta - You are Being Used as a Pawn for Technocracy


 -  How Automation and Globalization has Killed the Middle-Class


 -  How to Explain the World Economic Forum's Agenda to Idiots


 -  Ingeniería Social y Eugenesia



 -  Invasion of the 'New Normals'...


 -  Is this what's Behind Italy's Outrageous 10% Mortality Rate from COVID-19?


 -  Italy's Meloni says Technocrats may join New Government


 -  La 'Agenda 2030' de las Naciones Unidas - La Fuerza Impulsora del COVID-19


 -  La 'Agenda 2030' delle Nazioni Unite - La Forza che Manovrea dietro il COVID-19


 -  La Invasión de los 'Nuevos Normales'...


 -  La Voluntad de Propósito - Cruzar el Umbral Venidero de la Humanidad


 - "L'Occhio di Sauron" e la Pandemia del Controllo


 -  Manipulating Matter - The Scientific Dictatorship as a Project in the Reconfiguration of Reality


 -  Mars Ho! - The Technocrat Cult of Outer Space


 -  Meloni dell'Italia dice i Tecnocrati possono unirsi al Nuovo Governo


 -  Neofeudalism and Peasants with Pitchforks - Corporate Power Destroys Democracy


 -  Neofeudalismo y Campesinos con Horquillas - El Poder Corporativo Destruye la Democracia


 -  Radical New Economic System will Emerge from Collapse of Capitalism


 -  The Biggest Lie 'Tech People' tell Themselves - And the Rest of Us...


 -  The Chaos "IS" The Plan...


 -  The Controlled Demolition of Europe


 -  The 'Eye of Sauron' and the Pandemic of Surveillance


 -  The Faustian Face of Modern Science - Understanding the Epistemological Foundations of Scientific...


 -  The Fraud of Climate Change and the Drive for Control


 -  The Looting Conspiracy in the American "Empire"


 -  The Merging of Government with Artificial Intelligence


 -  The Oil-igarchs - How and Why Big Oil Conquered the World


 -  The Spirit of Sophia - Against Moloch and the Machine


 -  The Universal Religions


 -  The Venus Project and the New World Order - A Critical Review


 -  United Nations 'Agenda 2030' - Driving Force behind COVID-19


 -  United Nations New Urban Agenda in Latin America calls for Paradigm Shift


 -  United Nations wants $4-$6 Trillion to Prop Up its 'Failing Global Warming Program'


 -  Western Companies Bow to China Bullying to Censor Mentions of Taiwan, Tibet as 'Separate Countries'


 -  Will the 'Real' Elon Musk please Stand Up? - Tweet This!


 -  World's Elite Discuss 'The Davos Plan' to Capitalize on Coronavirus and Roll Out the NWO

  Smart Cities (SMART = Self-Monitoring-Analysis and Reporting Tech) - Ciudades Inteligentes

 -  15-Minute Cities are 'Complete Impoverishment and Enslavement of All the People' - EU Lawmaker


 -  5G Corporate Grail - Microwave Radiation: Smart Cities/Dumb People?


 -  5G, Grial Corporativo - ¿Ciudades Inteligentes con Gente Tonta?


 - "5G Technology" will be the Backbone of Smart Cities - says The Trilateral Commission


 -  Agenda 21 in China and the Technocratic Vision for Global Dictatorship


 -  Agenda 21 'Smart Cities' Are Here! - Orwell's Dystopic Nightmare Comes True


 -  Así será 'The Line' - La nueva Ciudad Distópica en Arabia Saudita


 -  Automated Apartheid - Walking through Hebron 'Smart City'


 -  British Protest the "15-Minute Cities" where they will become Prisoners of the State

 -  Centering People in Smart Cities - A Playbook for Local and Regional Governments


 -  Città Intelligenti - Prigioni Digitali del Great Reset


 -  Contra las Ciudades Inteligentes y la Vigilancia Totalitaria


 -  Dystopia or Utopia - Google's City of the Future in Toronto


 -  El Posible Colapso Financiero del Megaproyecto faraónico de Arabia Saudí


 -  Empty Half the Earth of its Humans - Drive them into Smart Cities


 -  Exposed how Climate Racketeers aim to Force Us into 'Smart Gulags'


 -  Guerra a la Humanidad a través del Campo Energético


 -  How 'Smart Cities' will Lock-up Humanity inside open air Concentration Camps


 -  How will We Live in the Year 2065? - Cities, Cyborgs and Social Science


 -  Is India's 100 Smart Cities Project a Recipe for Social Apartheid?


 -  Las Nuevas Ciudades Inteligentes


 -  Neom - Is Saudi Arabia Constructing the future Babylon?


 -  Net Zero Housing - The Dark Side of 'Smart' Living and Personal Autonomy


 -  Pioneer Smart Cities chart a Course towards a More "Ethical" and "Responsible" Future - The WEF in the Face...


 -  Planean las Primeras Ciudades Solo Para las Élites


 -  Saudi Arabia is Building a $500-Billion New Territory Based on Tech and Liberal Values


 -  Smart Cities - An Attempted Crime against Humanity


 -  Smart Cities - Digital Prisons of the Great Reset


 -  Smart Cities Explained


 -  The Globalist Vision - "15-Minute" Prison Cities and the End of Private Property


 -  The New SmartCities


 -  The Origins of the "Smart City" Agenda - How Mass Imprisonment is being Normalized


 -  There is nothing 'Smart' about Surveillance Cities


 -  The Technologies Building the Smart Cities of the Future

 -  Total Data Domination - 5G, IoT, AI Surveillance and the Smart City


 -  Trump's call for Building 'Freedom Cities' - Globalists' Plan for 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' Control Grid


 -  Understanding Smart Cities - 15-Minute Cities and How We Win


 -  Urban Thinkers Turn to Religion to Help Build Smart Cities


 -  Ushering in a Totalitarian Police State in Cashless "Smart Cities"


 -  When Capitalism Meets Civic Tech



 -  Discipline and Punish - The Birth of the Prison - by Michel Foucault

 -  Smart Cities as Panopticon - by Lachlan Robb and Felicity Deane

 -  The 15-Minute City - A Solution to Saving our Time and our Planet - by Carlos Moreno


Tyranny - Tiranía



 - "Bastille 2022" - Building a Worldwide Movement Against "Corona Tyranny"


 -  FEMA - Blueprint for Tyranny


 -  Genesis or Simulacra? - Kissinger's reach Beyond the Grave


 -  Global Tyranny... Step by Step - The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order


 -  History Warned Us about Technocracy's coming Tyranny


 -  How the Great Reset is 'Accelerating into Global Tyranny'


 -  How to Win the War Against Tyranny


 -  La Tiranía de la Tecnocracia - La Nueva Normalidad No Es Normal


 -  New World Order ELF Psychotronic Tyranny


 -  Perchè la Tecnologia favorisce la Tirannia


 -  Popping the A.I. Bubble


 -  Por qué Caminamos Sonámbulos hacia la Tiranía - Sobre la Tecnocracia...


 -  Technocracy's Tyranny - The New Normal Isn't Normal


 -  Technology as Tyrant - A Glimpse into a Dystopian Technocratic World


 -  The Hidden Tyranny - The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976


 -  The History of Health Tyranny - Codex Alimentarius


 -  The Times of Tyranny


 -  The Tyranny of Convenience - The Gravest Danger to Your Liberty is Your Complacency


 -  The Tyranny of Faith - Reflections on The Death of a Patriarch


 -  The Tyranny of Modern Scientism


 -  Why Technology favors Tyranny


 -  Why we are Sleepwalking into Tyranny - On Technocracy...




 -  Between Two Ages - America's Role in the Technetronic Era - by Zbigniew Brzezinski

 -  Elite Transformation in Advanced Industrial Societies - Empirical Assessment of the Theory of Technocracy

 -  Foundation Trilogy - by Isaac Asimov

 -  How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State - by Derrick Bronze

 -  Macroshift - Navigating the Transformation to a Sustainable World - by Ervin Laszlo 

 -  New International Economic Order (NIEO) - Origin, Elements and Criticisms

 -  Nudge - Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness - by R.H. Thaler and C.R. Sunstein

 -  Technocracy Rising - The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation - by Patrick M. Wood

 -  Technocracy - The Hard Road to World Order - by Patrick Wood

 -  Technopopulism - The New Logic of Democratic Politics - by Christopher Bickerton and Carlo Invernizzi Accetti

 -  The Crowd - A Study of the Popular Mind - by Gustave Le Bon

 -  The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism - by Patrick Wood

 -  The Psychology of Totalitarianism - by Mattias Desmet

 -  The Question Concerning Technology - by Martin Heidegger

 -  The Technocracy Study Course - An Outline of those Elements of Science and Technology essential to an...



 -  El Sistema Criminal detrás del Globalismo, Bill Gates y Elon Musk


 -  España, Reino Unido y Australia a la Vanguardia del 'Totalitarismo Global'

 -  Freemason Technocrat Elon Musk

 -  Laura Aboli Delivers Epic Speech on the Transhumanist PsyOp of 'Transgenderism'


 -  L'Elite Globale e il Colpo di Stato del Coronavirus - Con Patrick Wood

 -  Plandemic - The Event 201

 -  The Global Elite and The Coronavirus Coup D'état with Patrick Wood

 -  'The Great Reset' - Davos, Soros, Gates, the UN, Trump and Covid-19

 -  They call it THE GREAT RESET - "Planned to the smallest detail"


 -  Todo lo que está Ocurriendo - El Nuevo Orden Mundial y Covid-19

 -  What is Technocracy, Who are the Technocrats and What is their Agenda

  Related Reports  

 -  Depopulation of Planet Earth - Main File


 -  George Soros and The Rothschild - Main File


 -  Globalization - The Octopus of The New World Order - Main File


 -  Klaus Schwab


 -  Rockefeller Internationalism - Main File


 -  The Bushes' Clan and The New World Order - Main File


 -  The Global Elite - The Transnational Capitalist Class - Main File


 -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File