by John Stossel
December 13,
JohnStossel Website

Photo by Alexander Hafemann
United States
Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
John Kerry
says it
will take trillions of dollars
to "solve" climate change.
Then he
is not enough money
in any country in the world
actually solve this problem." (sic...)
Kerry has little understanding of money or how
it's created.
He's a
multimillionaire because he married a rich woman.
Now he wants to take
more of your money to pretend to affect climate change.
Bjorn Lomborg
points out that there are better things society should spend money
Lomborg acknowledges that a
warmer climate brings problems.
"As temperatures get
higher, sea water, like everything else, expands. So we're going
to maybe see three feet of sea level rise.
Then they say,
'So everybody who
lives within three feet of sea level, they'll have to move!'
Well, no...
If you
actually look at what people do, they built dikes and so they
don't have to move."
Bjorn Lomborg:
Climate Change, Poverty, and How Governments
WASTE Your Money
People in Holland did
that years ago.
A third of the
Netherlands is below sea level.
In some areas, it's
22 feet below.
Yet the country
That's the way to deal
with climate change:
adjust to it...
"Fewer people are
going to get flooded every year, despite the fact that you
have much higher sea level rise. The total cost for Holland
over the last half-century is about $10 billion," says
"Not nothing, but
very little for an advanced economy over 50 years."
For saying things like
that, Lomborg is labeled "the devil."
"The problem here is
unmitigated scaremongering," he replies.
"A new survey shows
that 60% of all people in rich countries now believe it's likely
or very likely that unmitigated climate change will lead to the
'end' of mankind.
This is what you get
when you have constant fearmongering
in the media."
Some people now say they
will not have children because they're convinced that climate change
will destroy the world.
Lomborg points out how
counterproductive that would be:
"We need your
kids to make sure the future is better."
He acknowledges that
climate warming will kill people.
"As temperatures go
up, we're likely to see more people die from heat.
That's absolutely
true. You hear this all the time. But what is underreported is
the fact that nine times as many people die from cold...
As temperatures go
up, you're going to see fewer people die from cold. Over the
last 20 years, because of temperature rises, we have seen about
116,000 more people die from heat.
But 283,000 fewer
people die from cold..."
That's rarely reported in
the news...!
When the media doesn't fret over deaths from heat, they grab at
other possible threats.
claims, "Climate Change is
Fueling Extremism."
The BBC says, "A Shifting
Climate is Catalyzing Infectious Disease."
U.S. News and World Report
says, "Climate Change will Harm
Children's Mental Health."
Lomborg replies,
"It's very, very easy
to make this argument that 'everything' is caused by
change' if you don't have the full picture."
He points out that we
rarely hear about positive effects of climate change, like
"That's good! We get
more green stuff on the planet.
My argument is not
that climate change is great or overall positive. It's simply
that, just like every other thing, it has pluses and minuses...
Only reporting on the
minuses, and only emphasizing worst-case outcomes, is not a good
way to inform people..."