Once upon a time,
many years ago, shortly after I had qualified as a doctor, I
got a job as a GP.
I'd always wanted to work as a GP and I'd
worked in hospitals for just one year.
This is a true story, by the way.
In those days, young doctors were thrown in at the deep end.
When I sat down behind the desk to see my first patients it
was the first time I'd been in a doctor's surgery since I'd
been poorly as a kid and my mum had taken me to see our GP.
I can't remember what was wrong with me. I can however
remember that the GP smoked a pipe and puffed at it
So, I sat down behind the desk and pressed a button which
rang a bell in the waiting room. And then I started to look
for the forms I'd need in order to write prescriptions, sick
notes and so on. I didn't have a clue which forms were for
Things were different in those days.
First, there was no appointments system.
Patients didn't ring up to fix an appointment a week, a
fortnight or three weeks ahead. They just turned up in the
morning or the evening. Five days a week. And Saturday
That was the first difference.
Second, there were no computers. Everything was far, far
more efficient. Medical records were kept on bits of
cardboard in a little folder. The folder went where the
patient went.
The third difference was that if patients weren't well
enough to make it to the surgery, or were too frail to
manage a bus journey, they could ring up, or send a message
if they didn't have a telephone and ask for the doctor to
visit them at home.
Lots of patients didn't have the
telephone. I had some patients who didn't have electricity.
You think I'm making this up but I'm not. I once took a
consultant cardiologist to visit a patient of mine in his
The cardiologist spent ages looking for a socket so
that he could plug in his ECG machine. He was terribly
disappointed when I told him there were no sockets because
there was no electricity.
They had oil lamps and a coal
Sometimes if the patient were elderly or very ill or had
just come out of hospital, the doctor would call in anyway - to see how things were. GPs even visited their patients when
they were in hospital - just to check up on things.
wasn't special or unusual. This was normal.
And I'm not talking about 100 years ago. I'm talking about
the 1970s.
Those of you who think I'm making this up, ask someone
older. They'll confirm what I'm telling you. If you really
want to know what it was like, I've written 15 books about a
young country doctor in rural England.
I found that I learned more about people if I saw them in
their own surroundings. And you learn more about people when
they aren't in a consulting room.
There was a fourth big difference.
Doctors didn't work the same sort of hours as accountants
and librarians.
When I was a hospital doctor I worked ridiculous hours. When
another junior doctor was on holiday, I once worked a 168
hour week. Even when I was asleep I was on call and I didn't
sleep more than two or three hours at a time.
And as a GP, I worked hours that would be considered
ridiculous these days.
GPs used to provide a 24 hour service for 365 days a year.
You could ring your GP any time of the day or night,
weekends and bank holidays included. And he or she or a
partner would come and visit. It would almost certainly be a
doctor you knew or had seen before.
At night I'd ask
patients to turn on all the lights so that I could find
their house quickly and easily.
A doctor could take the
patients' little cardboard records folder with him so that
he was up to date and could add in anything new. Brilliantly
The record cards never seemed to get lost. And they
never had an outage or a virus or got hacked.
And I have to say that night time visits were one of the
best bits of being a GP.
Driving home at 4.00 am, having
helped someone out of a bad attack of asthma, it was
impossible not to feel content. It was the only time of my
life when I was up and around to see the sunrise.
And there was one other thing.
Doctors were very independent minded in those days. They
didn't take kindly to being told what to do by bureaucrats
and politicians.
But then things changed and everything went wrong. It was
the beginning of Agenda 21 - though I didn't realize it at
the time. The start of the new world order, the very
beginning of the new normal. Out with the old, out with
tradition and in with the new.
The bureaucrats and the rule makers buggered up everything.
They insisted that GPs introduced appointments systems and
they created a health care system where patients are the
least important element.
Britain, incidentally, was probably affected more than
anywhere else in the world because Britain used to have the
best GP service anywhere. You could see your GP at any time
of day or night - every day of the year.
Britain has gone
from having the best family doctor service anywhere to
having what is probably the worst. GPs still do night calls
in other countries.
Today, the only place you're likely to come face to face
with your GP is on the golf course.
In various books of mine I've written before about how
things went wrong. New rules about working hours and the end
of a sense of vocation among young doctors all destroyed
what we had.
Doctors who retired were unable to keep their licences because of bureaucracy
- thereby depriving the
community of years of wisdom and caring skills.
This probably sounds mad but it was, of course, all part of
the plan to reduce the quality of health care and to kill
The service provided by GPs in many countries, but
particularly the UK, has been deteriorating for years but it
reached the pits in the early part of 2020 when many GPs
pretty well closed their doors for no reasons other than
misplaced fear, trust in drug company inspired government
lies and, I'm afraid, good old-fashioned laziness.
If GPs
had examined the evidence about covid-19 they would have
seen through the tissue of lies deliberately and wickedly
spread by politicians and advisors around the world.
And, of
course, they would have seen the truth about the
experimental jabs which I have for many months now said will
kill far, far more people than the rebranded flu.
From March 2020, the service provided by most GPs (family
doctors) in the UK has varied between appalling and
virtually non-existent.
Hospital care has been cut back
because of pseudoscientific social distancing rules and
pointless and damaging lockdowns but it is the GP service
which has really been destroyed - by GPs themselves.
Could doctors really be so stupid as to believe the
nonsensical statistics provided by the Government and its
advisors? Were GPs cowed by the Government's threats that
anyone who spoke out would lose their job and their license
to practice?
If that were the case then those doctors should
have been hounded out of their jobs and forced to retrain as
traffic wardens.
Or were many of those doctors simply lazy
and eager to grab a chance to enjoy a long, well-paid
holiday from their responsibilities?
During the cold winter months patients who were allowed an
appointment - usually with a nurse or assistant of some kind
- were forced to wait outside in the rain and cold. Was this
part of the culling process?
Nothing would surprise me.
Relatives were told that they could not accompany patients.
This wasn't science or medicine.
It was
politicized black
Doctors complained that their 40 hour working week
was too onerous. There was talk of GPs working one day a
week because of the stress of the job. The establishment
supported this.
It was by no means the first time that doctors have done
crazy things because they were told to do them. Doctors
deliberately removed yards of intestine because they were
told it would help their patients.
Other doctors removed or
destroyed part of the human brain because they thought it
would eradicate mental illness.
Millions of patients became
hooked on the hideously addictive benzodiazepine drugs
because doctors were told they were safe and effective - and
then ignored the evidence and prescribed them by the lorry
After March 2020, GPs in the UK started to demand that
patients consult via the telephone or the internet.
evidence shows clearly that this is an impossible way to
practice medicine.
Diagnoses are missed and the death rate
in the next year or two will rocket as a result.
are so disillusioned that they don't bother calling their GP
- not because they are afraid of Covid but because they know
that the service provided is darned near useless and
virtually non-existent.
When the NHS bosses in the UK suggested that GPs should see
more patients face to face, instead of insisting on the
phone or the internet the British Medical Association, the
doctors' trade union, responded by complaining that the
change was a reaction to media coverage 'rather than based
on the needs of the profession'.
'Needs of the profession'.
Does anyone in the BMA or the medical establishment give a
damn about the needs of patients? I doubt it.
And yet, miraculously, GPs in the UK managed to see their
patients when they were giving thousands of covid-19 jabs - at £12 something per jab. Indeed, the rush to push needles
into innocent and ignorant members of the public has been
another excuse for the fact that GPs cannot provide a
half-way decent service for their patients.
In the UK, there were between 25 and 27 million fewer
appointments with GPs between March and August 2020 - 25 to
27 million fewer appointments than there are in a normal
What were all the GPs doing?
Hiding behind their
How many million will die because of that?
The basic problem is that today's medical schools teach half
truths; they never teach students how to think or criticize
the system.
After all, what system is going to teach people
to question itself?
Students are educated by rote; taught in the way that dogs
are taught tricks. Wisdom is a disadvantage. Common sense is
eradicated. Young doctors are incapable of making informed
decisions and that suits the pharmaceutical industry just
If you don't question perceived notions then how do
you ever learn? How does a profession ever progress?
Young doctors are never exposed to the truth or to the
questioning of 'accepted' beliefs or to proper debate with
people like me. Because of my habit of questioning authority
I used to be invited to speak at medical and nursing
schools. No more...
So medical schools churn out platoons of unquestioning
prescription signing zombies. Originality is a dirty word.
Good doctors need insight, imagination and intuition and the
capacity to make diagnostic leaps; sideways if necessary.
Good doctors need to be able to observe and they need to be
able to think. Great discoveries are invariably made by
outsiders and mavericks.
Such skills are not simply not
encouraged; they are now not allowed. As a result the
medical profession is packed with drudges, unthinking, too
frightened of losing their jobs to show any spirit.
Today's doctors do not have the courage to question the
establishment or to have original ideas because they are
employed and like all other employees they are frightened of
losing their jobs.
Moreover, NHS doctors are employed by the
Government; they are civil servants.
Today's doctors are
bought, body, mind and soul, and do not seem to have the
courage to stand up for whatever principles they might have.
They do not dare disagree with their administrative bosses
because they are hired hands. They do not dare stick up for
their patients because they live in fear of bureaucratic
And so they vaccinate, and they perform unnecessary
operations and they prescribe drugs which they should know
are unsafe.
Tonsils and lengths of intestine are ripped out
by surgeons who don't seem to have the foggiest notion of
the harm they are doing. Healthy breasts are slashed off
Doctors do not have the courage to stand up
for their patients because they have lost their
independence; they are simply civil servants; they have sold
their souls for a fat salary, short working hours and a
wonderful pension.
They are so beholden to their employers
that they dare not even stand up to bullying, they dare not
even speak out when they see things happening which they
know, in their hearts, are wrong.
Their spirits have
The modern medical establishment elevates its official
beliefs into an orthodoxy, always suggesting that they are
right because they are, well, right and that the absence of
evidence is not to be allowed to interfere with the
acceptance of their conclusions.
This is
tabloid science.
For example, the supporters of vaccination deal with
opposition not by debate but by denouncing anyone who
disagrees. It's the same approach as is used by global
warming advocates.
Critics armed with science are
in the same way as critics of the climate change nonsense
are demonized and dismissed as flat-earthers or global
warming deniers.
Anyone who disagrees with the establishment is a dangerous
heretic - to be excluded from all debates, and condemned and
Science in general and the medical profession in particular
have been hijacked by politically correct lobbyists.
Dissenters, daring to question the new orthodoxy of the
group-think obsessionals, are guilty of thought crime and to
be vilified and suppressed.
Group think unoriginality
oppresses and suppresses.
Any doctor who does not stick to the rules will be refused a
license and prevented from practicing. I have been warning
for years that any doctor who opposes, questions or in any
way criticizes vaccination will be removed from the medical
register before you can say 'scientific bigotry'.
And now
it's happening.
It is today more dangerous for a doctor to be ahead of his
time (which is to say, critical of well-established but
ill-advised and dangerously nonsensical medical practices)
than it is for him to be behind his time.
The doctor who
dares to criticize the acknowledged mainstream is still a
dangerous heretic who must be crushed.
Over the last five decades I have made many forecasts about
medical hazards. Most have already been proved entirely
But accuracy is no
defense against ridicule,
abuse, scorn and skepticism; indeed, since being correct
makes the authoritarians fearful, the ridicule, abuse, scorn
and skepticism are enhanced.
No part of the mainstream media
or the important internet platforms would now allow me to
say any of these things.
They have been preparing for the global reset for many
For example, in the world of medicine the common purpose
controlled medical establishment has for years now been
suppressing dissent and debate - especially on issues which
might prove essential for the development of the new world
All this helps explains why doctors have stayed so silent
when they should have spoken out.
And it explains why so many doctors are still not seeing
patients face to face for ordinary consultants but are
giving experimental jabs without looking at the evidence and
questioning the rationale.
It explains why mortality rates from cancer and heart
disease are going to soar in the coming years - that's not a
difficult prediction to make.
And it explains why so many doctors of my age and experience
are ashamed of the medical profession they see now.
Is it going to change?
Are things going to improve?
Only if we insist on change. It's up to us.
Doctors are too happy with the present state of affairs.
They're doing very little work and
making tons of money...