by Dr. Joseph Mercola
December 16, 2023
Mercola Website

They're working hard
to hide these basic facts from you
because if the facts got out
about the animal cell-based meat sector,
hardly anyone would want to touch the stuff,
much less eat it.
Find out what they desperately
don't want you to know...
Story at-a-glance
Dutch investigative journalist Elze van Hamelen reports
on the "tsunami of fake foods" being rolled out by the
biotech industry
meats are not about your health or the environment's;
they're a tool to phase out farmers and ranchers and
replace them with an ultraprocessed food product that
can be controlled by patents
Creating lab-grown meat is "insanely expensive" and
plagued by bacterial and viral contamination
Despite the pharmaceutical-style manufacturing,
lab-grown meat isn't considered a pharmaceutical
product, which means no human testing is required
Hamelen recommends directing your food dollars not to
corporate supermarket chains or fake food products but
to 'small farmers growing real food'
Lab-grown meat may one day represent 80% or more of the "meat"
consumed worldwide (watch far
below video), 1 a dramatic departure from the
way humans have eaten for centuries.
Speaking with
Catherine Austin Fitts of "The Solari Report," Dutch
investigative journalist Elze van Hamelen reports on the
"tsunami of fake foods" 2 being rolled out by the biotech
industry - and what this means for human health.
The Dutch government is among those investing heavily in lab-grown
meat, using technologies made to develop pharmaceuticals.
While fake meat is touted
as the solution to 'save the planet' and end world hunger,
it's plagued by technological challenges that make it,
Fake meats are not about
your health or the environment's:
they're a tool to
phase out farmers and ranchers and replace them with an
ultraprocessed food product that can be controlled by patents...
Remember that if
government and corporate entities are able to take
control of the food supply
via fake food, they also control the people...
How Biotech
Grows Meat in Labs
To make fake meat, cell lines are taken from a living organism.
They're then manipulated
to grow quickly and consistently.
"What are cells that
proliferate quickly?
Either cancers
or fetuses. They have cells that proliferate very
quickly," van Hamelen says. 4
For lab-grown meats,
biotech is cryptic about what types of cell lines are actually used.
Normally, cells grow in a structure in your body. The cell lines
being grown in bioreactors in labs are grown in a thin film or
growth medium.
In the body, the growth
medium is your blood, van Hamelen explains, a complex substance that
laboratories try to replicate using fetal bovine serum (FBS)
- blood taken from living calf fetuses.
"It's really gruesome
how this is harvested," she says, 5 pointing out that
this negates the narrative that lab-grown meats are made without
FBS is often used to grow
cultured cells because of the proteins and vitamins it contains.
A 2013 study stated,
"In many common
culture media, the sole source of micronutrients is fetal bovine
serum (FBS) …" 6
When lab-grown chicken
made by U.S. startup
Eat Just debuted in Singapore
in 2020 - marking the first
cultured meat to be sold at a
restaurant 7 - it was produced using FBS.
In order to develop synthetic "blood" instead, precision
fermentation, using genetically engineered microbes, is used, along
with artificial hormones, which can't legally be added to food in
the European Union.
Micronutrients and
minerals must also be sourced, making the process,
"insanely expensive,"
van Hamelen says. 8
How expensive...?
Use of FBS-free medium
may cause cultured meat to cost over $20,000 per kilogram...
A report from the Good
Food Institute (GFI), a nonprofit group behind the alternative
protein industry, 10 suggested that if the cost of FBS-free
mediums could be reduced, it would drive down the cost of cultured
meat by 90%.
This, however, is
"[T]he report
provides no evidence to explain why these micronutrient costs
will fall," Joe Fassler, The Counter's deputy editor,
wrote in an in-depth exposé about the actual science behind
lab-grown meat. 11
May also Put Lab-Grown Meat out of Reach
In precision fermentation, GE microbes such as yeast and bacteria
are fermented in brewery-style tanks under high-tech, sterile
Contamination must be
controlled down to 2 parts per billion, van Hamelen says,
"because as soon as
there is a contamination... it becomes riddled with bacteria,
and you don't have a cell culture, you have a bacteria culture."
GFI's report assumes that
cultured meat facilities of the future will be food-grade, as
opposed to pharmaceutical-grade - the latter of which would increase
costs even further.
But a report by chemical
engineer David Humbird for Open Philanthropy 13
found that cultured meat may remain too expensive to ever come to
market, assuming pharmaceutical-grade specifications and aseptic
"clean rooms" would be necessary due to the slow growth rate of
culture cells.
This makes them extremely vulnerable to contamination from bacteria
and viruses.
Humbird told Fassler:
"Bacteria grow every
20 minutes, and the animal cells are stuck at 24 hours.
You're going to crush
the culture in hours with a contamination event... There are
documented cases of, basically, operators getting the culture
Not even because the operator themselves had a
cold. But there was a virus particle on a glove. Or not cleaned
out of a line. The culture has no immune system.
If there's virus
particles in there that can infect the cells, they will. And
generally, the cells just die, and then there's no product
You just dump it."
Paul Wood, a
former pharmaceutical industry executive, added,
"We're saying, guys,
it has to be pharmaceutical-grade because the process is going
to demand it. It's not whether someone will allow you [to run at
food-grade specs.] It's just the fact you can't physically do
it." 15
Adding to the issues, the
human body has vessels that not only deliver nutrients to cells but
also get rid of toxins.
In the fake meat growing
process, there is no vessel system, so the culture starts to
generate toxins, and there's no way to get rid of them.
An exposé in Wired points to a number of the technological
challenges that van Hamelen speaks of, 16 direct from
employees at Upside Foods, one of two companies allowed to
sell cultured meat in the U.S.
Wired reported:
"One former employee
says that between the factory opening in November 2021 and the
summer of 2022, they saw dozens of attempts to use the
bioreactors to produce sheets of tissue, but they rarely
resulted in usable meat.
At times, production
runs were ruined by contamination that meant the meat was
unsuitable for turning into a product, the former employee says.
Former Upside employees describe how batches of meat
growing in the custom-made bioreactors would frequently be
ruined by contamination and have to be incinerated.
'Once they had
any indication it was contaminating, they would try to just
stop the run, get the cells, and get any results out of it
that they could,' says a former employee with knowledge of
the process'."
Meanwhile, despite the
pharmaceutical-style manufacturing, lab-grown meat isn't considered
a pharmaceutical product, which means no human testing is required.
"If this is brought
to market, it's a human experiment," van Hamelen says. 18
Fake Food Has Roots
in Central Control
Van Hamelen also describes a
war against Dutch farmers that has
emerged, threatening to push them off the land they've farmed for
As small and mid-sized
farms close their doors, governments and corporate entities can
scoop up the land, leaving consumers with no choice but to eat the
fake lab-grown, animal-free foods they're offering.
You can hear about this in-depth van Hamelen's report and podcast
for "The Solari Report" - Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: The People
Who Feed Us. 19
"In 2021, the
European Union's Natura 2000 network released a map of
areas in the Netherlands that are now protected against nitrogen
Any Dutch farmer who
operates their farm within 5 kilometers of a Natura 2000
protected area would now need to severely curtail their nitrogen
output, which in turn would limit their production," Roman
Balmakov, Epoch Times reporter and host of 'Facts
Matter,' says. 20
Dutch dairy farmer
Nynke Koopmans, with the Forum for Democracy, believes
the nitrogen problem is made up.
"It's one big lie,"
she says.
"The nitrogen has nothing to do with environmental.
It's just getting rid of farmers."
Another farmer said if
new nitrogen rules go into effect, he'd have to reduce his herd
of 58 milking cows down to six.
Nitrogen scientist Jaap C. Hanekamp, Ph.D., was working for a
government committee to study nitrogen, tasked with analyzing the
government's nitrogen model.
He told Balmakov: 21
"The whole policy is
based on the deposition model about how to deal with nitrogen
emissions on nature areas. And I looked at the validation
studies and show that the model is actually crap.
It doesn't work. And
doesn't matter. They still continue using it. Which is, in a
sense, unsettling. I mean, really, can we do such a thing in
terms of policy?
Use a model which
doesn't work?
It's never about
innovation, it's always about getting rid of farmers."
Fake Food a
'Dangerous Chapter' in 'the Great Poisoning'
Once you get rid of farmers, the only food choices left will be
lab-grown products, insects and other synthetic foods.
According to Fitts'
Solari Report: 22
"Synthetic food and
lab-grown meat represent a new and dangerous chapter in what I
call 'the Great Poisoning.'
Despite an economics
that makes no sense - and clear indications that these products
are repugnant to consumers - money is apparently no object.
Staked by massive infusions of venture capital and
burgeoning public-private partnerships, items like cricket flour
and lab-cultured 'eggs' have already made their way into grocery
stores - with non-existent or misleading labeling designed to
get past unwary consumers' defenses.
As Elze's research
shows, this is a multipronged attack, with synthetic foods also
targeting pets and livestock.
There is every
indication that governments, corporations, and others are
serious about establishing a tightly controlled food system that
replaces real food and real meat with synthetic, pharma-inspired
One way you can fight
back, aside from supporting farmers producing real food using real
farming, is to contact your representatives and encourage them to
vote in favor of the Prime Act.
Introduced by U.S. Rep.
Thomas Massie, the Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat
Exemption (PRIME) Act would allow farmers to sell meat processed
at smaller slaughtering facilities and allow states to set their own
meat processing standards.
Because small slaughterhouses do not have an inspector on staff - a
requirement that only large facilities can easily fulfill - they're
banned from selling their meat.
The PRIME Act would lift
this regulation without sacrificing safety, as random USDA
inspections could still occur. 23
Ultimately, the Act would
make meat much more affordable and available.
The answer to food safety and security lies in a decentralized food
system that connects communities with farmers growing real food
sustainably and distributing it locally.
Van Hamelen
recommends directing your food dollars not to corporate
supermarket chains but to small farmers or their
Sources and
1 Rumble,
Children's Health Defense, Pharma Food: Biotech on Your
Plate With Elze van Hamelen November 16, 2023, 9:30
2, 22 The
Solari Report February 1, 2023
3, 9, 11, 14, 15 The
Counter September 22, 2021
4 Rumble,
Children's Health Defense, Pharma Food: Biotech on Your
Plate With Elze van Hamelen November 16, 2023, 11:51
5 Rumble,
Children's Health Defense, Pharma Food: Biotech on Your
Plate With Elze van Hamelen November 16, 2023, 14:07
6 Biomed
Res Int. 2013;2013:597282. doi: 10.1155/2013/597282. Epub
2013 May 27
December 18, 2020
8 Rumble,
Children's Health Defense, Pharma Food: Biotech on Your
Plate With Elze van Hamelen November 16, 2023, 14:31
10 Techno-Economic
Analysis for the production of cultivated meat February 2021
12 Rumble,
Children's Health Defense, Pharma Food: Biotech on Your
Plate With Elze van Hamelen November 16, 2023, 15:30
13 Engrxiv,
Scale-Up Economics for Cultured Meat December 28, 2020
16 Rumble,
Children's Health Defense, Pharma Food: Biotech on Your
Plate With Elze van Hamelen November 16, 2023, 17:00
17 Wired
September 15, 2023
18 Rumble,
Children's Health Defense, Pharma Food: Biotech on Your
Plate With Elze van Hamelen November 16, 2023, 18:00
19 The
Solari Report August 17, 2023
20 The
Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food
21 The
Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:16
23 Human
Events May 6, 2020