



 -  1974 United Nations World Food Conference Set Stage for "Food as a Weapon"


 -  2010 - Food Crisis for Dummies


 -  Achieving 'Self-Funding Local Sovereignty' as Global Food systems Collapse


 -  A Coup Over Land - The Resource War Behind Paraguay's Crisis


 -  Agricultural Apocalypse 2010


 -  A La Caza de Genes "Climáticos"


 -  Alemania Advierte de una Hambruna Global


 -  A Loaf of Wheat Bread May Soon Cost $23 Due to Skyrocketing Food Price Inflation


 -  As Food Prices Sky Rocket, Biotech Shills Claim Genetically Modified Foods Are 'The Answer'


 -  Bill Gates Calls for Farmers to Be Replaced with 'Smart Farming' A.I. Technology


 -  Bill Gates Launches Attacks on Africa's Food Production


 -  Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics - How One of The World's Wealthiest Men is Actively Promoting a...


 -  Bill Gates promueve el "Cero Neto" ("Net Zero") como Solución al Cambio Climático


 -  Bill Gates promueve la "Agricultura de Vigilancia" - Vandana Shiva


 -  Bill Gates propone di Rimpiazzare gli Agricoltori con Tecnologia di I.A. "Agricoltura Intelligente"


 -  Bill Gates pushes Vaccinations in Food Supply to 'Fight Climate Change'


 -  Bill Gates secretly Dictates 'Global Food Policy' too...!


 -  Biopiratería de Multinacionales acecha a las Plantas Nativas de América Latina


 -  Biowarfare through the Food Supply


 -  Carne Artificial - Este tipo de Carne es una Amenaza para la Salud, la Economía y la Agricultura


 -  Cereal for the Peasants? - How the Elites use "Skimpflation" to Control our Eating Habits


 -  Civil Disobedience or Death by Design


 -  CO² Myth Busted - Why We Need More Carbon Dioxide to Grow Food and Forests


 -  Colombians Successfully Revolt Against Seed Control and Agricultural Tyranny


 -  Comercio Justo y Soberanía Alimentaria


 -  Coming Food Crisis Play into Global Elite's Demand for Population Stabilization


 -  Cómo construye Bolivia su Soberanía Alimentaria ante el alza mundial de Precios


 -  Cómo el 'One Health' de la OMS dictará "Lo que tú Comas"...


 -  Cómo empuja la Fundación Gates al Sistema Alimentario en la Dirección Equivocada


 -  Cómo la "Escasez de Alimentos" y el Colapso Económico protegen el Status Quo


 -  Consolidation of Seed Companies Leading to Corporate Domination of World Food Supply


 - ¿Conspiración Alimentaria?


 -  Continúan las Protestas de los Agricultores Holandeses con Incendios de Neumáticos en las Carreteras


 -  COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Assault possible through Food Supply


 -  Crisi Globale del Cibo - Fingere ha delle Conseguenze


 - ¿Cuál es el Futuro de los Alimentos?


 -  Depopulation by Food While Making Profit



 -  Devastating Honeybee Loss Reported Across United States Expected to Impact Food Prices


 -  Ditch Corporate-Controlled Agriculture - Groundbreaking New United Nations Report on How to Feed the...


 -  Do We Face a Global Food Disaster?


 -  Driving Up The Price of Food Worldwide and Plunging Millions Into Hunger - Speculation in Agricultural...


 -  El Control Mundial de los Alimentos a través de las Semillas Genéticamente Modificadas


 -  El Instrumento Del Hambre y El Control de La Población - Bunge & Born Hirsch, Cartel Global de Los...


 -  El Mapa de La Hambruna Mundial y Del Apocalipsis Social


 -  Enough Food is Grown Worldwide to Feed 10 Billion People


 -  Entire Global Food Supply at Risk from Disastrous Response to So-Called 'Nitrogen Crisis'


 -  E.U. approves House Crickets and Mealworms for Human Consumption


 -  Exactly what is Behind the United Nations and WEF 'Insects as Food Agenda'?


 -  Famine - Behold The Black Rider of Goldman Sachs and The Pale Rider of Apocalypse


 -  FEMA Contractor Predicts 'Social Unrest' Caused by 395% Food Price Spikes


 -  Food As a Weapon - The Pyramid of Power: Chapter 8


 -  Food Crisis a Conspiracy? - Silent Tsunami


 -  Food/Financial Crisis of 2011


 -  Food Giants Take Over the Industry - Too Much Power in Too Few Hands


 -  Food Inflation Will Affect Entire Globe in 2013 - It's Not Just The U.S.


 -  Food Prices Rising - Reaching Near Emergency Levels, Riots Expected


 -  Fresh Produce Prices to Double or Triple Following Freak Freezes - Is Earth in A Magnetic Pole Shift?


 -  From Bill Gates to "The Great Refusal" - Farmers on the Frontline


 -  Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others - Main File


 -  Geoengineering Could Cause the Next Great Famine


 -  Geopolítica del Hambre


 -  Geopolitica della Fame


 -  Getting Used to Life Without Food - Wall Street, BP, Bio-Ethanol and The Death of Millions


 -  Giant Multi-Nationals to Dominate Food Production


 -  Global Diets Link Environmental Sustainability and Human Health


 -  Global Food Crisis Expands - Diet Hard - With a Vengeance


 -  Global Food Crisis - Pretending has Consequences


 -  Global Food Crisis - The Other 'Pandemic'


 -  Global Food Security At Risk As Crop Biodiversity is Lost


 -  Global "Holodomor" Ahead - The Intentional Destruction of Agriculture


 -  Global Threat - Gates Foundation gets 'Diplomatic Immunity' in Kenya - 'Big Red Flag'


 -  GM Crops are Nothing Short of a Bio-War on Our Food - Over 800 World Scientists Agree


 -  Goodbye Petrodollar, Hello Agri-Dollar?


 -  Got MilQ? - Fake Milk to Replace Dairy and Breast Milk


 -  HAARP Being Used to Create Floods to Destroy World's Food Supply


 -  Hacia Una Nueva Crisis Alimentaria


 -  Hambre e Inanición Visitarán a La Humanidad


 -  Hambre S.A.


 -  Hambre - Un Tsunami Silencioso


 -  Hijacking of the World's Food System - Seeds of Destruction


 -  Holanda cerrará 11.200 Granjas para cumplir los 'Objetivos Climáticos'


 -  How Banks and Investors Are Starving The Third World - Rising Food Prices and The Egyptian Tinderbox


 -  How Goldman Gambled on Starvation - or "How Goldman Sachs Staked on Forcing The World's Poor Into...


 -  How the Gates Foundation is Driving the 'Food System' in the Wrong Direction


 -  How the WHO's 'One Health' will Dictate "What You Eat"...


 -  Hunger and Starvation to Visit Humanity


 -  Insectos Modificados Genéticamente - ¿Son deliberados los Riesgos?


 -  IPCC's Land Report shows the Problem with Modern Farming is based around Oil, not Soil


 -  La Agricultura del Carbono - ¿"Genial" para los Gigantes Agroquímicos y los inversores como Bill Gates, pero...


 - "La Comida como Arma" - Vinculación con las Protestas de los Agricultores y la Agenda 2030


 -  La Estafa de la "Revolución Verde" de Gates/Rockefeller al Descubierto


 -  La Globalización de la Mala Comida y la Mala Salud


 -  La Insana-Mortal Industria de Los Alimentos - Main File


 -  Las Transnacionales Toman el Control de La Alimentación en África


 -  Ley Monsanto y el Saqueo de Las Semillas Indígenas



 -  London's Food Weapon Slams Kissinger's NSSM 200 Hit List of 13 Nations, and Others the World Over


 -  Los Experimentos Agrícolas promovidos por Bill Gates se han Hundido en África


 -  L'Unione Europea approva Grilli e Vermi della Farina per Consumo Domestico


 -  Mercados Alimentarios - Arma de Destrucción Masiva


 -  Monsanto - A Multinational Factory of Death - Main File


 -  Monsanto e Altre Multinazionali Comprano Terreni Agricoli in Tutto il Mondo - Neo Feudalesimo


 -  Monsanto, The TPP, and Global Food Dominance



 -  Monsanto y Otras Multinacionales Compran Tierras Agrícolas por Todo el Mundo - Neo-Feudalismo


 -  Movimiento de Agricultores en Holanda llega al Nuevo Gobierno y arremete contra el "Pacto Verde"


 -  New Report Predicts Source of Next Pandemic


 -  NIA Projects Future U.S. Food Price Increases



 -  No Farmers, No Food...! - A Global Food Crisis is Coming...


 -  Occupy The Food System - The World Can Feed Itself, Without Corporate America's Science-Experiment...


 -  Open Seeds - Biopiracy and The Patenting of Life



 -  Organic Food Control - Many Popular Organic Brands Now Owned by Large Industrial Food Processors


 -  Proofs that We Don't Need GMOs to Feed the World



 - ¿Qué tan Grave será la Crisis Alimentaria Mundial?


 -  Quien Controla el Suministro de Alimentos, Controla a la Gente


 - ¿Quién está detrás del 'Gran Reinicio de Alimentos'?


 - ¿'Quien' o 'Que Cosa' Está Matando a Las Abejas? - Main File


 -  Reacción en la Cadena Alimentaria - Otra "Simulación" Globalista se hace Realidad


 -  Rejection of Globalism - Hungary and Italy Pass Laws to Protect Citizens from Insect use in Food


 -  Rusia ensaya Tecnologías sin parangón para Aumentar el Rendimiento de los Cultivos


 -  Se Avecina una Catástrofe de Hambruna Mundial - ¿Coincidencia o Plan? - Comentarios de Ernst Wolf


 -  Seeds of Destruction - A Review of 'Seeds of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation' by...


 -  Sign of Things to Come - Singapore approves '16 Insects for Human Food'


 -  Six Ways Food is Being Used as A Weapon


 -  Speculation Drives Up Food Prices as Bankers Gamble on Hunger


 -  The Bloody Truth about Lab-Grown Meat - Pharma Food-Biotech on Your Plate


 -  The Digitalization of Agriculture - Big Tech's Plan to Take Over the Food Supply


 -  The Elites' plan to Orchestrate Famines


 -  The False Claims of GMOs


 -  The Food Bubble - Democracy Now! Interviews Frederick Kaufman

 -  The Food Bubble - How Wall Street Starved Millions and Got Away With It


 -  The Fury of Europe's Farmers shocks EU Technocrats


 -  The Future of Food

 -  The Future of Food and Farming - Challenges and Choices for Global Sustainability


 -  The Future of Food - Completely Automated Farms Run by Robots


 -  The Global Food Crisis - ABCD of Food or How The Multinationals Dominate Trade


 -  The Globalist Manufactured 'Food Crisis' of 2023


 -  The Globalization of Bad Food and Poor Health


 -  The Mainstream Media admits that we are facing the worst Food Crisis in modern History


 -  The Next Food Crisis Will Be Caused by Globalist Land-Grabs and Privatization


 -  The Same Financial Firms Responsible for Our Economic Crisis are Driving Us Toward a Global Food...


 -  The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry - Main File


 -  The United Nations Warns That Food Prices May Rise Up to 20% in 2011


 -  The U.N. seeks Control over Agriculture - Blames for 'Global Warming'


 -  The War on Food and the War on Humanity - Platforms of Control and the Unbreakable Spirit


 -  The World We Eat In is Changing



 -  Tú No Eliges los Alimentos que Comes - Lo hacen 'Ellos'...


 -  Tyrannical "Health Standards" of The New World Order


 -  Ukraine - The Corporate Annexation


 -  United Nations Calls Special Meeting to Address Food Shortages Amid Predictions of Riots


 -  United Nations Calls on U.S. to Halt Biofuel Production as Drought Devastates Corn Crop


 -  United Nations Climate-Smart Revolution Begins with Agricultural Land Grabs


 -  Un Movimiento Agrario de Última Generación estalla en Alemania


 -  Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates' Empires

 -  We Already Grow Enough Food for 10 Billion People... and Still Can't End Hunger


 -  WEF pushes Ban on Home-Grown Food to 'Fight Climate Change'


 -  Western Elites and The Threat of Mass Starvation



 -  Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?


 -  Who is Responsible for The World Food Shortage



 -  'Who' or 'What' is Killing The Bees? - Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD - Main File


 -  Why is George Soros Selling Gold and Buying Farmland?


 -  Why The Food Market Will Be The Next Bubble to Burst



 -  Why The Forecasts for Food Production Could Be Entirely Wrong - Big Trouble Ahead?


 -  World Bank Warns of Food Riots as Rising Food Prices push World Populations Toward Revolt


 -  You Can Now Only Buy Heirloom Seeds if You are Part of a Private Members Club in The UK


Additional Information


 -  2010 - Food Crisis for Dummies


 -  3 Lies Big Food Wants You to Believe and The Truth Behind Factory-'Farmed' Meat


 -  7 Foods That Should Never Cross Your Lips


 -  Africa's Kalahari Atlantean Civilization and Technology Fed 6 Billion People - CCN's Mel Ve


 -  Agenda 21 - Food is The New Gold; Land is The New Oil


 - ¿Agricultura Industrial para Alimentar al Mundo?


 -  Agua de Mar - Un Plasma Marino al Alcance de Todos


 -  América Latina responsable del 20 por Ciento del Desperdicio de Comida


 -  An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security


 -  A New Global Food System for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals


 -  Are Edible Organic Gardens the Key to Food Sustainability? - Victory Gardens to Save Us from GMO


 -  Argentina - Disappearing Farmers, Disappearing Food


 -  Artificial Hamburger Meat Successfully Grown in Vat of Bovine Fetal Cells


 -  Biofuel Caused Food Crisis - Secret Report: Internal World Bank Study Delivers Blow to Plant Energy Drive


 -  Biofuels Fallacy - Why Burning Plants Instead of Fossil Fuels Won't Save the Climate


 -  BPA in Food Packaging - FDA to Decide by March 31


 -  BPA Levels in Humans Far Higher Than Previously Thought


 -  Bhutan - Transforming an Entire Nation to 100% Organic - A Possible Scenario or an Utopia?


 -  Can Ocean Farms Actually Be More Sustainable Than Even The Most Environmentally Sensitive...

 -  Cereal Crimes - A Report by The Cornucopia Institute



 -  Cereal Crimes - Natural vs. Organic Cereal


 -  Changing The Future of Obesity - Science, Policy, and Action


 -  Climate and Agricultural News


 -  Climate Change and Land


 -  Cornstalks Everywhere But Nothing Else... Not Even A Bee


 -  Corporate Crimes in The Cereal Aisle - How Companies Are Fooling You Into Thinking Their Products Are...


 -  Corporate Greed, Intellectual Property Laws and The Destruction of Human Civilization

 -  Distinguishing Between Yield Advances and Yield Plateaus in Historical Crop Production Trends


 -  'Dramatically Poisonous' Economy Heading to 'Catastrophic' Collapse - Says Acclaimed Economist


 -  Eight Ways to Halt a Global Food Crisis


 -  Estrategias de 'Marketing' - Que hace la Industria de la Alimentación para Incrementar sus Ventas


 -  European Union Food Safety Chief Forced to Quit - Genetic Modified Lobby Role


 -  Exporting Apartheid to Sub-Saharan Africa - The Legacy of Nelson Mandela


 -  Farms are Climate Enemies and Must Be Radically Transformed


 -  Farsa Capitalista - La Falsa Donación Post Mortem de Los "Súper Ricos"


 -  FDA Stealth-CODEX 2012 Bans Vitamins - Can Cause Disease and Mega-Death


 -  Food and Permaculture


 -  ‘Food Terrorism' - Next Door to The Magic Kingdom



 -  Food Waste - The Next Food Revolution



 -  Forensic Evidence Emerges That European E.Coli Superbug Was Bioengineered to Produce Human...


 -  Four Best Methods for Off-the-Grid Food Production


 -  Garden as If Your Life Depended on It, Because It Does


 -  Global Food Waste - Half of the World's Food Is Thrown Away


 -  Globesity - How Globalists are Feeding Off The Obesity Crisis


 -  How Canned Foods Are Poisoning Us



 -  How to Eat Animals and Respect Them, Too


 -  How to Expose Food Adulteration in Less Than 5 Minutes



 -  Is There Glue in The Meat You Are Eating? - "Meat Glue" Exposed...


 -  Is The U.S. Food Supply Cursed?


 -  Laboratorios Experimentales - Los Hornos Crematorios de "Población Sobrante"


 -  La Contaminación se ha Convertido en una Amenaza para la Especie Humana


 -  La Desnaturalización de la Naturaleza


 -  La Extinción de Las Abejas - ¿Un Presagio de Crisis Alimentaria Mundial?


 -  La Pobreza se Extiende por Todas Partes - Pero de forma muy Desigual


 -  La Povertà si Estende dappertutto - Ma in modo Diverso


 -  La Revolución Agrícola de Rusia que Puede Salvar al Mundo


 -  La Rivoluzione Agricola della Russia che Può Salvare il Mondo


 -  Las 11 Mayores Mentiras del Sistema de Nutrición Oficial


 -  Las Abejas Caen en Picada - ¿Hacia un Apocalipsis Agrícola en EE.UU.?


 -  La Via Campesina Denounces Gates Foundation Purchase of Monsanto Company Shares

 -  Leverage Points for Improving Global Food Security and The Environment


 -  Losing Just One Pollinator Species Leads to Big Plant Declines


 -  Loss of Wild Pollinators Serious Threat to Crop Yields - Study Finds


 -  Mass Extinction Events - Are We Next?



 -  McDonald's & Biophoton Deficiency



 -  Monsanto



 -  Monsanto and The FDA - 2 Crimes Families Working a Trillion-Dollar Hustle


 -  Monsanto in Gates' Clothing? - The Emperor's New GMOs


 -  Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions to The Planet


 -  Monsanto's Roundup Threatens Stability of Global Food Supply


 -  Nanoparticles Destroy Soil and The Environment - Study Finds


 -  New Study Shows How Existing Crop-Land Could Feed Billions More


 -  Now Russia Makes an Organic Revolution

 -  Nutrients Changes in Vegetables and Fruits - 1951-1999


 -  Obama Misinforming Public About U.S. Dollar and Yuan


 -  OGM - Violación de La Soberanía Alimentaria


 -  Organic Farming CAN Feed The World - Don't Believe 'The Incapability of Producing Enough Food for...


 -  Overpopulation - The Making of A Myth


 -  Permacultura - Proceso de Diseño Holístico Para Crear Hábitats Humanos Sostenibles - Pueblos en...


 -  Plasma Marino Programado - Ibiza y Formentera Agua de Mar


 -  Porqué Las Hamburguesas "Happy Meal" de McDonald No Se Descomponen


 -  Processed Food - 9 Nasty Truths About The Meals You Eat


 -  Researchers Publish First Public Database on Food Fraud


 -  Research Raises Concerns about Future Global Crop Yield Projections

 -  Reset the Table - Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System


 -  Resource Revolts - The Year of Living Dangerously - Rising Commodity Prices and Extreme Weather...


 -  Revolution at A Snail's Pace - How The Slow Food Movement Is Tackling Our Biggest Food Problems


 - "SAMPA" - Alimento No Perecedero en Caso de Crisis Alimentaria


 -  Small Farms May Be Better for Food Security and Biodiversity


 -  Sorry Gates - GMO Crops Proven to Be Ineffective at Fighting World Hunger


 -  Speculating Banks Profit as World's Poorest Go Hungry


 -  Still No Free Lunch - Nutrient levels in U.S. Food Supply eroded by Pursuit of High Yields


 -  Superbacteria E. Coli - Producida con Bioingeniería Para Causar Estragos en La Población


 -  The Connection Between Big Food/Big Pharma and Nutrition Policy


 -  The Dark Side of Wheat



 -  The Death of Frankenfoods - Nailing the Coffin Shut



 -  The Denaturing of Nature


 -  The FDA Has Killed Far More People Than Contaminated Eggs or Lettuce - Senate Bill 510 Food Safety?

 -  The Global Environment Outlook Report - GEO-4 - Large File

 -  The Global Environment Outlook Report - GEO-6 - Very Large File


 -  The New China Syndrome - Meat, Milk and Motors


 - "The Pollinators" - New Film Shows how 'Decline of Bee Colonies' could mean Collapse of Food Chain


 -  The System is Going Down Hard


 -  The Use of Nanomaterials in Consumer Products


 -  Top 11 Biggest Lies of Mainstream Nutrition


 -  Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in The 21st Century


 -  Town in England Transforms Landscape into Giant Food-Producing Edible Garden


 -  Tunisia and The IMF's Diktats - How Macro-Economic Policy Triggers Worldwide Poverty and Unemploy...


 -  Untested Nanoparticles Showing Up in Thousands of Consumer Products


 -  We Have Enough Land to Feed our Growing Population - We Just Have to Use it Right - Study Finds


 -  What's Really in The Food? - The A to Z of The Food Industry's Most Evil Ingredients


 -  What The USDA Doesn't Want You to Know About Antibiotics and Factory Farms


 -  Wheat Toxicity - Is Whole Wheat A Cardiovascular Disease-Promoting Food?


 -  Why McDonald's Happy Meal Hamburgers Won't Decompose - The Real Story Behind The Story


 -  Wikileaks Cable Reveals U.S. Conspired to Retaliate Against European Nations If They Resisted GMOs


 -  With huge new Vertical Farm Plenty's Produce could hit more Shelves


 -  Worst Bee Die-Off in 40 Years


 -  You Are Being Warned - This Strange Weather Phenomenon...


Bird Flu - Gripe Aviaria



 -  Bill Gates and WHO call for Military to Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers during Bird Flu "Pandemic"


 -  Bird Flu - Another attempt to 'Control the Food System' and Make a Profit


 -  Bird Flu - Another Phony "pandemic"... this time for Chickens


 -  Bird Flu research Rattles Bioterrorism Field


 -  Bird Flu should be the Subject of a Criminal Investigation


 -  Bird Flu - They Fooled us Once and looks like They'll Try to Fool us "Again"...!


 -  El 'Nuevo Cuento' de la OMS - Gripe Aviar en Humanos...


 -  Influenza - El Virus H1N1 - ¿Contaminacion Casual o Bioterrorismo? - Main File


 -  Influenza - Virus H1N1 - Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism? - Main File


 -  La Nueva Amenaza de "Pandemia" de la que todos Hablan - ¿Debería Preocuparse?


 -  Officials Warn of Weaponized H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic Amid Debate


 -  The 'Bird Flu Hoax' is being Recycled again to create 'Fear and More Profits' for Big Pharma

 -  The Great Bird Flu Hoax - by Joseph Mercola


 -  USDA Found to Be Poisoning Bird Populations, Causing Mass Die-Offs Involving Millions of Birds


 -  U.S. Government Urges Scientists to Censor Findings on New Strain of Bird Flu






 -  Bill Gates and WHO Call for Military to Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers during Bird Flu "Pandemic"


'Codex Alimentarius' and Food Safety Modernization Act


 -  21st Century Inquisition - Codex Alimentarius


 -  Aclaraciones Sobre el 'Codex Alimentarius' y La Directiva Sobre Medicina Herbal Tradicional


 -  Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines


 -  Codex Alimentarius Commission - A Threat to Humankind


 -  Codex Alimentarius Commission - Report of The Thirtieth Session - Rome, 2-7 July 2007 - Official Report


 -  Codex Alimentarius - Government and Corporate Control of Our Food Supply


 -  Codex Alimentarius Loves Toxic Fluoride



 -  Codex Alimentarius Permits a Wide Range of Dangerous Chemicals in Food


 -  Codex Alimentarius - Shredded the Use of "Scientific Consensus" at CAC42 Meeting


 -  Codex Nutrition Committee Chooses Malnutrition


 -  FDA Food Safety Modernization Act - Amendments - December 19, 2010


 -  Food Safety Bill Invokes Codex Harmonization and Grants FDA Authority to Police Food Safety of Foreign...


 -  Geschichte der Gesundheits-Tyrannei - Codex Alimentarius

 -  Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements


 -  Il Codex Alimentarius - Il Controllo e il Rifiuto della Scienza


 -  Il Codex - Che Cos'è e in che modo Incide su di Voi e la Vostra Salute


 -  La Commissione del Codex Alimentarius - Una Minaccia per l'Umanità


 -  Monsanto's Baby - S 510 - The 2009 Food ‘Safety' Bills Harmonize Agribusiness Practices in Service of...


 -  Results of Codex Alimentarius Meetings 2012 - Frankfurt, Germany


 -  S. 510 Food Safety Bill is Still Alive and May Unleash a New Army of FDA Agents


 -  S. 510 - Private Gardens To Be Illegal


 -  Stanford Anti-Organic Study Plays into United Nations Codex Alimentarious Outline for Global Depopulation


 -  Stealth 'Codex Alimentarius' Regulations Postponed in U.S... For Now


 -  The History of Health Tyranny - Codex Alimentarius


 -  The Language of Health Tyranny - Decoding The Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for Vitamins and...


 -  Top Ten Lies About Senate Bill 510







 -  Codex Alimentarius - Lecture by Ian R. Crane


 -  Urgent Call to Action On Senate Bill 510 Food Safety Modernization Act


Svalbard and Seed Banks - Svalbard y los Bancos de Semillas


 -  Añaden 50.000 Semillas a la 'Bóveda del Fin del Mundo'


 -  Arctic Stronghold of World's Seeds flooded after Permafrost Melts


 - "Banco Semillero del Día del Juicio Final" en El Ártico - Bill Gates, Rockefeller y Los Gigantes de La...


 -  Baúl de Semilla Global de Svalbard - Genética, Agroindustria y Planes de Exterminación


 - "Doomsday Seed Vault" in The Arctic - Bill Gates, Rockefeller and The GMO Giants Know Something We...

 -  Food Stores - Using Protected Areas to Secure Crop Genetic Diversity - by Sue Stolton


 -  How Seed Banks Work


 -  I Depositi di Semi del Mondo resistono alla Guerra, agli Incendi e alla 'Pandemia'


 - "Il Caveau Semi per il Giorno del Giudizio nell'Artico" - Gates, Rockefeller e i Giganti OGM Sanno Qualcosa...


 -  La Banca Semi più Grande del Mondo contiene un Milione di Colture Alimentari Uniche


 -  Majesterium and The Tipping Point


 -  Seed Banking not an Option for many Threatened Plants


 -  Seed Vaults can't Save a Third of Critically Endangered Plants


 -  Svalbard World's Largest Seed Bank hits One Million Unique Food Crops


 -  The Svalbard Global Seed Vault Receives a Third Seed Deposit from SSE


 -  World's Seed Vaults hold strong through War, Wildfire and 'Pandemic'







 -  El ADN y la Semilla de la Re-Civilización - La Historia Jamás Contada


 -  La 'Bóveda del Fin del Mundo' cumple 10 Años




 -  Barones de la Alimentación 2022 - Lucro con las crisis, digitalización y nuevo poder corporativo - by ETC Group

 -  Food Barons 2022 - Crisis Profiteering, Digitalization and Shifting Power - by ETC Group


 -  Growth Isn't Possible - Why We Need a New Economic Direction - by The New Economics Foundation

 -  Seeds of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation




 -  Alimentos - El Secreto Más Grande Es Expuesto - English, Subtitulos Español

 -  Beekeeper Whistleblower video proof Aussie Government is Mass Killing Bees

 -  Beware of Massive Food Inflation - NIA President


 -  'Comida S.A.' - La Industria Alimentaria


 -  El Delito de Producir nuestras Propias Semillas


 -  El Futuro de Los Alimentos



 -  'Food Inc.' - L'Industria Alimentare


 -  'Food Inc.' - The Food Industry


 -  Food - The Ultimate Secret Exposed


 -  GMO Foods and Intellectual Property - The Ultimate Food Fight

 - "Home" - We All Have a Date With The Planet! - Todos Nosotros Tenemos Una Cita Con El Planeta!

 -  In Grave Danger of Falling Food - Bill Mollison and Permaculture

 -  La Locura del Maíz - Una Planta entre el Beneficio Económico y el Hambre

 -  Living Soil

 -  Meat The Truth - Global Warming

 -  Mercados Alimentarios - Arma de Destrucción Masiva: 1, 2, 3

 -  Muerte Por Hambre en África


 -  No Farmers, No Food

 -  Nosotros Alimentamos Al Mundo


 -  NSW Australia Government deploys Fipronil Bee Killing Traps

 -  Nutrition - What The Mainstream Schools Miss and Don't Teach - Food Matters

 -  Peligro de Escasez de Comida - Bill Mollison y La Permacultura

 -  Pharmaburger - Food Investigations


 -  Planeta en Venta


 -  Pollo a La Carta - Chicken a la Carte


 -  Super Size Me!


 -  The Corporation


 -  The Future of Food


 -  The Maize Craze - Between Profit and Hunger

 -  We Become Silent - The Last Days of Health Freedom


 -  We Feed The World


 -  Why The U.S. Is Becoming an "Underdeveloping Nation" - Chilean Economist Manfred Max-Neef


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 -  Agenda 21 and Earth Charter - Main File


 -  A Healthier Medical and Environmental Industry - Main File


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 -  The Blue-Gold Business - World Wide Water Privatization - Main File


 -  The Future and Beyond - Parameters for A New Civilization - Main File


 -  'Who' or 'What' is Killing The Bees? - Main File



 -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File