1974 United Nations World Food
Conference Set Stage for "Food as a Weapon"
2010 - Food Crisis for Dummies
Achieving 'Self-Funding Local
Sovereignty' as Global Food systems Collapse
A Coup Over Land - The Resource
War Behind Paraguay's Crisis
Agricultural Apocalypse 2010
Español |
A La Caza de Genes "Climáticos"
Español |
Alemania Advierte de una Hambruna
A Loaf of Wheat Bread May Soon
Cost $23 Due to Skyrocketing Food Price Inflation
As Food Prices Sky Rocket, Biotech
Shills Claim Genetically Modified Foods Are 'The Answer'
Bill Gates Calls for Farmers to Be
Replaced with 'Smart Farming' A.I. Technology
Bill Gates Launches Attacks on
Africa's Food Production
Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
- How One of The World's Wealthiest Men is Actively
Promoting a...
Español |
Bill Gates promueve el "Cero Neto"
("Net Zero") como Solución al Cambio Climático
Español |
Bill Gates promueve la "Agricultura
de Vigilancia" - Vandana Shiva
Italiano |
Bill Gates propone di Rimpiazzare
gli Agricoltori con Tecnologia di I.A. "Agricoltura
Bill Gates pushes Vaccinations in
Food Supply to 'Fight Climate Change'
Gates secretly Dictates 'Global Food Policy' too...!
Español |
Biopiratería de Multinacionales
acecha a las Plantas Nativas de América Latina
Biowarfare through the Food Supply
Español |
Carne Artificial - Este tipo de
Carne es una Amenaza para la Salud, la Economía y la
Cereal for the Peasants? - How the Elites use "Skimpflation"
to Control our Eating Habits
Civil Disobedience or Death by
CO² Myth Busted - Why We Need More
Carbon Dioxide to Grow Food and Forests
Colombians Successfully Revolt
Against Seed Control and Agricultural Tyranny
Español |
Comercio Justo y Soberanía
Coming Food Crisis Play into
Global Elite's Demand for Population Stabilization
Español |
Cómo construye Bolivia su
Soberanía Alimentaria ante el alza mundial de Precios
Español |
Cómo el 'One Health' de la OMS dictará "Lo que tú Comas"...
Español |
Cómo empuja la Fundación Gates al
Sistema Alimentario en la Dirección Equivocada
Español |
Cómo la "Escasez de Alimentos" y
el Colapso Económico protegen el Status Quo
Consolidation of Seed Companies
Leading to Corporate Domination of World Food Supply
Español |
- ¿Conspiración
Español |
Continúan las Protestas de los
Agricultores Holandeses con Incendios de Neumáticos en
las Carreteras
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Assault
possible through Food Supply
Italiano |
Crisi Globale del Cibo - Fingere
ha delle Conseguenze
Español |
- ¿Cuál
es el Futuro de los Alimentos?
Depopulation by Food While Making
Devastating Honeybee Loss Reported Across United States
Expected to Impact Food Prices
Ditch Corporate-Controlled
- Groundbreaking New United Nations Report on How to
Feed the...
Do We Face a Global Food Disaster?
Driving Up The Price of Food
Worldwide and Plunging Millions Into Hunger
- Speculation in Agricultural...
Español |
El Control Mundial de los
Alimentos a través de las Semillas Genéticamente
Español |
El Instrumento Del Hambre y El
Control de La Población
- Bunge & Born Hirsch, Cartel Global de Los...
Español |
El Mapa de La Hambruna Mundial y
Del Apocalipsis Social
Food is Grown Worldwide to Feed 10 Billion People
Entire Global Food Supply at Risk
from Disastrous Response to So-Called 'Nitrogen Crisis'
E.U. approves House Crickets and
Mealworms for Human Consumption
Exactly what is Behind the United
Nations and WEF 'Insects as Food Agenda'?
Famine - Behold The Black Rider of
Goldman Sachs and The Pale Rider of Apocalypse
FEMA Contractor Predicts
'Social Unrest' Caused by 395% Food Price Spikes
Food As a Weapon - The Pyramid of
Power: Chapter 8
Food Crisis a Conspiracy?
- Silent Tsunami
Food/Financial Crisis of 2011
Giants Take Over the Industry - Too Much Power in Too
Few Hands
Food Inflation Will Affect Entire
Globe in 2013 - It's Not Just The U.S.
Food Prices Rising - Reaching Near
Emergency Levels, Riots Expected
Fresh Produce Prices to Double or
Triple Following Freak Freezes
- Is Earth in A Magnetic Pole Shift?
From Bill Gates to "The Great
Refusal" - Farmers on the Frontline
Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others
- Main File
Geoengineering Could Cause the
Next Great Famine
Español |
Geopolítica del Hambre
Italiano |
Geopolitica della Fame
Getting Used to Life Without Food
- Wall Street, BP, Bio-Ethanol and The Death of Millions
Giant Multi-Nationals to Dominate Food Production
Global Diets Link Environmental Sustainability and
Human Health
Global Food Crisis Expands
- Diet Hard - With a Vengeance
Global Food Crisis - Pretending
has Consequences
Global Food Crisis - The Other
Global Food Security At Risk As
Crop Biodiversity is Lost
Global "Holodomor" Ahead - The Intentional Destruction of
Global Threat - Gates Foundation
gets 'Diplomatic Immunity' in Kenya - 'Big Red Flag'
GM Crops are Nothing Short of a
Bio-War on Our Food
- Over 800 World Scientists Agree
Goodbye Petrodollar, Hello
Got MilQ? - Fake Milk to Replace
Dairy and Breast Milk
Being Used to Create Floods to Destroy World's Food Supply
Español |
Hacia Una Nueva Crisis Alimentaria
Español |
Hambre e Inanición Visitarán a La
Español |
Hambre S.A.
Español |
Hambre - Un Tsunami Silencioso
of the World's Food System
- Seeds of Destruction
Español |
Holanda cerrará 11.200 Granjas
para cumplir los 'Objetivos Climáticos' |
How Banks and Investors Are
Starving The Third World
- Rising Food Prices and The Egyptian Tinderbox
How Goldman Gambled on Starvation
- or "How Goldman Sachs Staked on Forcing The World's
Poor Into...
How the Gates Foundation is
Driving the 'Food System' in the Wrong Direction
How the WHO's 'One Health' will
Dictate "What You Eat"...
Hunger and Starvation to Visit
Español |
Insectos Modificados Genéticamente
- ¿Son deliberados los Riesgos?
IPCC's Land Report shows the
Problem with Modern Farming is based around Oil, not
Español |
La Agricultura del Carbono -
¿"Genial" para los Gigantes Agroquímicos y los
inversores como Bill Gates, pero...
Español |
- "La
Comida como Arma" - Vinculación con las Protestas de los
Agricultores y la Agenda 2030
Español |
La Estafa de la "Revolución Verde"
de Gates/Rockefeller al Descubierto
Español |
La Globalización de la
Mala Comida y la Mala Salud
Español |
La Insana-Mortal Industria de Los
- Main File
Español |
Transnacionales Toman el Control de La Alimentación en
Español |
Ley Monsanto y el Saqueo de Las
Semillas Indígenas
London's Food Weapon Slams
Kissinger's NSSM 200 Hit List of 13 Nations, and Others
the World Over
Español |
Los Experimentos Agrícolas
promovidos por Bill Gates se han Hundido en África
Italiano |
L'Unione Europea approva Grilli e
Vermi della Farina per Consumo Domestico
Español |
Mercados Alimentarios - Arma de
Destrucción Masiva
- A Multinational Factory of Death
- Main File
Italiano |
Monsanto e Altre Multinazionali
Comprano Terreni Agricoli in Tutto il Mondo - Neo Feudalesimo
Monsanto, The TPP, and Global Food
Español |
Monsanto y Otras Multinacionales
Compran Tierras Agrícolas por Todo el Mundo
- Neo-Feudalismo
Español |
Movimiento de Agricultores en
Holanda llega al Nuevo Gobierno y arremete contra el "Pacto
New Report Predicts Source of Next
NIA Projects Future U.S. Food
Price Increases
No Farmers, No Food...! - A Global
Food Crisis is Coming...
Occupy The Food System
- The World Can Feed Itself, Without Corporate America's
Open Seeds - Biopiracy and The
Patenting of Life
Organic Food Control
- Many Popular Organic Brands Now Owned by Large
Industrial Food Processors
Proofs that We Don't Need GMOs to
Feed the World
Español |
- ¿Qué
tan Grave será la Crisis Alimentaria Mundial?
Español |
Controla el Suministro de Alimentos, Controla a la Gente
Español |
- ¿Quién
está detrás del 'Gran Reinicio de Alimentos'?
Español |
- ¿'Quien'
o 'Que Cosa' Está Matando a Las Abejas?
- Main File
Español |
Reacción en la Cadena Alimentaria
- Otra "Simulación" Globalista se hace Realidad
of Globalism - Hungary and Italy Pass Laws to Protect
Citizens from Insect use in Food
Español |
Rusia ensaya Tecnologías sin
parangón para Aumentar el Rendimiento de los Cultivos
Español |
Se Avecina una Catástrofe de
Hambruna Mundial - ¿Coincidencia o Plan? - Comentarios
de Ernst Wolf
Seeds of Destruction
- A Review of 'Seeds of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda
of Genetic Manipulation' by...
Sign of Things to Come - Singapore
approves '16 Insects for Human Food'
Six Ways Food is Being Used as A
Speculation Drives Up Food Prices
as Bankers Gamble on Hunger
The Bloody Truth about Lab-Grown
Meat - Pharma Food-Biotech on Your Plate
The Digitalization of Agriculture
- Big Tech's Plan to Take Over the Food Supply
The Elites' plan to Orchestrate
The False Claims of GMOs
The Food Bubble
- Democracy Now! Interviews Frederick Kaufman
The Food Bubble - How Wall Street Starved
Millions and Got Away With It
The Fury of Europe's Farmers
shocks EU Technocrats
The Future of Food
The Future of Food and Farming
- Challenges and Choices for Global Sustainability
The Future of Food - Completely
Automated Farms Run by Robots
The Global Food Crisis
- ABCD of Food or How The Multinationals Dominate Trade
Globalist Manufactured 'Food Crisis' of 2023
The Globalization of Bad
Food and Poor Health
The Mainstream Media admits that
we are facing the worst Food Crisis in modern History
The Next Food Crisis Will Be
Caused by Globalist Land-Grabs and Privatization
The Same Financial Firms
Responsible for Our Economic Crisis are Driving Us
Toward a Global Food...
The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry
- Main File
The United Nations Warns That Food
Prices May Rise Up to 20% in 2011
The U.N. seeks Control over
Agriculture - Blames for 'Global Warming'
War on Food and the War on Humanity - Platforms of Control
and the Unbreakable Spirit
The World We Eat In is Changing
Español |
Tú No Eliges los Alimentos que
Comes - Lo hacen 'Ellos'...
Tyrannical "Health Standards" of The New World Order
Ukraine - The Corporate Annexation
United Nations Calls Special Meeting to
Address Food Shortages Amid Predictions of Riots
United Nations Calls on U.S. to
Halt Biofuel Production as Drought Devastates Corn Crop
United Nations Climate-Smart Revolution Begins with
Agricultural Land Grabs
Español |
Un Movimiento Agrario de Última
Generación estalla en Alemania
Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down
of Bill Gates' Empires
We Already Grow Enough Food for 10
Billion People... and Still Can't End Hunger
WEF pushes Ban on Home-Grown Food
to 'Fight Climate Change'
Western Elites and The Threat of
Mass Starvation
Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?
Who is Responsible for The World
Food Shortage
or 'What' is Killing The Bees?
- Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD
- Main File
Why is George Soros Selling Gold
and Buying Farmland?
Why The Food Market Will Be The
Next Bubble to Burst
Why The Forecasts for Food
Production Could Be Entirely Wrong
- Big Trouble Ahead?
World Bank Warns of Food Riots as Rising Food Prices
push World Populations Toward Revolt
You Can Now Only Buy Heirloom Seeds if You are Part of a
Private Members Club in The UK
Additional Information |
2010 - Food Crisis for Dummies
3 Lies Big Food Wants You to
Believe and The Truth Behind Factory-'Farmed' Meat
7 Foods That Should Never Cross
Your Lips
Africa's Kalahari Atlantean Civilization and Technology Fed 6
Billion People
- CCN's Mel Ve
Agenda 21 - Food is The New Gold;
Land is The New Oil
Español |
- ¿Agricultura
Industrial para Alimentar al Mundo?
Español |
Agua de Mar - Un Plasma Marino al
Alcance de Todos
Español |
América Latina responsable del 20
por Ciento del Desperdicio de Comida
An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario
and Its Implications for United States National Security
A New Global Food System
for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Are Edible Organic Gardens the Key
to Food Sustainability?
- Victory Gardens to Save Us from GMO
Argentina - Disappearing Farmers,
Disappearing Food
Artificial Hamburger Meat
Successfully Grown in Vat of Bovine Fetal Cells
Biofuel Caused Food Crisis
- Secret Report: Internal World Bank Study Delivers Blow
to Plant Energy Drive
Biofuels Fallacy
- Why Burning Plants Instead of Fossil Fuels Won't Save
the Climate
BPA in Food Packaging - FDA to Decide by March
BPA Levels in Humans Far Higher Than Previously Thought
Bhutan - Transforming an Entire
Nation to 100% Organic - A Possible Scenario or an
Can Ocean Farms Actually Be More
Sustainable Than Even The Most Environmentally Sensitive...
Cereal Crimes - A Report by The Cornucopia Institute
Cereal Crimes - Natural vs.
Organic Cereal
Changing The Future of Obesity -
Science, Policy, and Action
Climate and Agricultural News
Climate Change and Land
Everywhere But Nothing Else... Not Even A Bee
Corporate Crimes in The Cereal
Aisle - How Companies Are
Fooling You Into Thinking Their Products Are...
Corporate Greed, Intellectual
Property Laws and The Destruction of Human Civilization
Distinguishing Between Yield
Advances and Yield Plateaus in Historical Crop
Production Trends
Poisonous' Economy Heading to 'Catastrophic' Collapse
- Says Acclaimed Economist
Eight Ways to Halt a Global Food
Español |
Estrategias de 'Marketing' - Que
hace la Industria de la Alimentación para Incrementar
sus Ventas
European Union Food Safety Chief
Forced to Quit
- Genetic Modified Lobby Role
Exporting Apartheid to Sub-Saharan
Africa - The Legacy of Nelson
Farms are Climate Enemies and Must
Be Radically Transformed
Español |
Farsa Capitalista - La Falsa
Donación Post Mortem de Los "Súper Ricos"
FDA Stealth-CODEX 2012 Bans
- Can Cause Disease and Mega-Death
Food and Permaculture
Terrorism' - Next Door to The Magic
Food Waste - The Next Food
Forensic Evidence Emerges That
European E.Coli Superbug Was Bioengineered to Produce
Four Best Methods for Off-the-Grid
Food Production
Garden as If Your Life Depended on
It, Because It Does
Food Waste - Half of the World's Food Is Thrown Away
Globesity - How Globalists are Feeding Off The Obesity
How Canned Foods Are Poisoning Us
How to Eat Animals and Respect
Them, Too
How to Expose Food Adulteration in Less Than 5 Minutes
Is There Glue in The Meat You Are
- "Meat Glue" Exposed...
Is The U.S. Food Supply Cursed?
Español |
Laboratorios Experimentales - Los
Hornos Crematorios de "Población Sobrante"
Español |
La Contaminación se ha Convertido
en una Amenaza para la Especie Humana
Español |
La Desnaturalización de la
Español |
La Extinción de Las Abejas - ¿Un
Presagio de Crisis Alimentaria Mundial?
Español |
La Pobreza se Extiende por Todas
Partes - Pero de forma muy Desigual
Italiano |
La Povertà si Estende dappertutto
- Ma in modo Diverso
Español |
La Revolución Agrícola de
Rusia que Puede Salvar al Mundo
Italiano |
La Rivoluzione Agricola
della Russia che Può Salvare il Mondo
Español |
Las 11 Mayores Mentiras del
Sistema de Nutrición Oficial
Español |
Las Abejas Caen en Picada - ¿Hacia
un Apocalipsis Agrícola en EE.UU.?
La Via Campesina Denounces Gates
Foundation Purchase of Monsanto Company Shares
Points for Improving Global Food Security
and The Environment
Losing Just One Pollinator Species
Leads to Big Plant Declines
Loss of Wild Pollinators Serious
Threat to Crop Yields
- Study Finds
Mass Extinction Events - Are We
McDonald's & Biophoton Deficiency
Monsanto and The FDA - 2 Crimes Families Working a
Trillion-Dollar Hustle
Monsanto in Gates' Clothing?
- The Emperor's New GMOs
Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious
Contributions to The Planet
Monsanto's Roundup Threatens
Stability of Global Food Supply
Nanoparticles Destroy Soil and The
Environment - Study Finds
New Study Shows How Existing
Crop-Land Could Feed Billions More
Now Russia Makes an
Organic Revolution
Nutrients Changes in
Vegetables and Fruits - 1951-1999
Obama Misinforming Public About U.S. Dollar and Yuan
Español |
OGM - Violación de La Soberanía
Organic Farming CAN Feed The World
- Don't Believe 'The Incapability of Producing Enough
Food for...
Overpopulation - The Making of A
Español |
Permacultura - Proceso de Diseño
Holístico Para Crear Hábitats Humanos Sostenibles
- Pueblos en...
Español |
Plasma Marino Programado - Ibiza y
Formentera Agua de Mar
Español |
Porqué Las Hamburguesas "Happy
Meal" de McDonald No Se Descomponen
Processed Food - 9 Nasty Truths
About The Meals You Eat
Publish First Public Database on Food Fraud
Research Raises Concerns about
Future Global Crop Yield Projections
the Table - Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System
Resource Revolts - The Year of
Living Dangerously
- Rising Commodity Prices and Extreme Weather...
Revolution at A Snail's Pace
- How The Slow Food Movement Is Tackling Our Biggest
Food Problems
Español |
- Alimento No Perecedero en Caso de Crisis Alimentaria
Small Farms May Be Better for Food
Security and Biodiversity
Sorry Gates - GMO Crops Proven to
Be Ineffective at Fighting World Hunger
Speculating Banks Profit as
World's Poorest Go Hungry
Still No Free Lunch - Nutrient
levels in U.S. Food Supply eroded by Pursuit of High
Español |
Superbacteria E. Coli - Producida con
Bioingeniería Para Causar Estragos en La Población
The Connection Between Big Food/Big Pharma and Nutrition
The Dark Side of Wheat
The Death of Frankenfoods
- Nailing the Coffin Shut
The Denaturing of Nature
The FDA Has Killed Far More People
Than Contaminated Eggs or Lettuce
- Senate Bill 510 Food Safety?
The Global Environment Outlook
Report - GEO-4
- Large File
The Global Environment Outlook
Report - GEO-6
- Very Large File
The New China Syndrome
- Meat, Milk and Motors
- "The
Pollinators" - New Film Shows how 'Decline of Bee
Colonies' could mean Collapse of Food Chain
The System is Going Down Hard
The Use of Nanomaterials in
Consumer Products
11 Biggest Lies of Mainstream Nutrition
Toward Sustainable Agricultural
Systems in The 21st Century
Town in England Transforms
Landscape into Giant Food-Producing Edible Garden
Tunisia and The IMF's Diktats
- How Macro-Economic Policy Triggers Worldwide Poverty
and Unemploy...
Untested Nanoparticles Showing Up
in Thousands of Consumer Products
We Have Enough Land to Feed our
Growing Population - We Just Have to Use it Right - Study Finds
What's Really in The Food?
- The A to Z of The Food Industry's Most Evil
What The USDA Doesn't Want You to
Know About Antibiotics and Factory Farms
Wheat Toxicity - Is Whole Wheat A
Cardiovascular Disease-Promoting Food?
Why McDonald's Happy Meal
Hamburgers Won't Decompose - The Real Story Behind
The Story
Wikileaks Cable Reveals U.S.
Conspired to Retaliate Against European Nations If They
Resisted GMOs
With huge new Vertical Farm
Plenty's Produce could hit more Shelves
Worst Bee Die-Off in 40 Years
You Are Being Warned
- This Strange Weather Phenomenon...
Bird Flu - Gripe
Aviaria |
Bill Gates and WHO call for
Military to Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers during Bird
Flu "Pandemic"
Bird Flu - Another attempt to
'Control the Food System' and Make a Profit
Bird Flu - Another Phony
"pandemic"... this time for Chickens
Bird Flu research Rattles
Bioterrorism Field
Flu should be the Subject of a Criminal Investigation
Bird Flu - They Fooled us Once and
looks like They'll Try to Fool us "Again"...!
Español |
El 'Nuevo Cuento' de la OMS -
Gripe Aviar en Humanos...
Español |
Influenza - El Virus H1N1 - ¿Contaminacion
Casual o Bioterrorismo?
- Main File
Influenza - Virus H1N1 -
Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism?
- Main File
Español |
La Nueva Amenaza de "Pandemia" de
la que todos Hablan - ¿Debería Preocuparse?
Officials Warn of Weaponized H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic Amid
The 'Bird Flu Hoax' is being
Recycled again to create 'Fear and More Profits' for Big
The Great Bird Flu
Hoax - by Joseph Mercola
USDA Found to Be Poisoning Bird
Populations, Causing Mass Die-Offs Involving Millions of
Government Urges Scientists to Censor Findings on New
Strain of Bird Flu
Multimedia: |
Bill Gates and WHO Call for
Military to Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers during Bird
Flu "Pandemic"
'Codex Alimentarius' and Food Safety Modernization Act |
21st Century Inquisition - Codex
Español |
Aclaraciones Sobre el 'Codex
Alimentarius' y La Directiva Sobre Medicina Herbal
Codex Alimentarius and GM Food
Codex Alimentarius Commission
- A Threat to Humankind
Codex Alimentarius Commission - Report of The
Thirtieth Session - Rome, 2-7 July 2007 - Official Report
Codex Alimentarius - Government
and Corporate Control of Our Food Supply
Codex Alimentarius Loves Toxic
Codex Alimentarius Permits a Wide
Range of Dangerous Chemicals in Food
Alimentarius - Shredded the Use of "Scientific Consensus" at
CAC42 Meeting
Codex Nutrition Committee Chooses Malnutrition
FDA Food Safety Modernization Act
- Amendments
- December 19, 2010
Food Safety Bill Invokes Codex
Harmonization and Grants FDA Authority to Police Food
Safety of Foreign...
Deutsch |
Geschichte der
Gesundheits-Tyrannei - Codex Alimentarius
Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral
Food Supplements
Italiano |
Il Codex Alimentarius - Il
Controllo e il Rifiuto della Scienza
Italiano |
Il Codex - Che Cos'è e in che modo
Incide su di Voi e la Vostra Salute
Italiano |
La Commissione del Codex
Alimentarius - Una Minaccia per l'Umanità
Monsanto's Baby - S 510
- The 2009 Food ‘Safety' Bills Harmonize Agribusiness
Practices in Service of...
of Codex Alimentarius Meetings 2012
- Frankfurt, Germany
S. 510 Food Safety Bill is Still
Alive and May Unleash a New Army of FDA Agents
S. 510 - Private Gardens To Be
Stanford Anti-Organic Study Plays
into United Nations Codex Alimentarious Outline for
Global Depopulation
Stealth 'Codex Alimentarius'
Regulations Postponed in U.S... For Now
The History of Health Tyranny -
Codex Alimentarius
The Language of Health Tyranny
- Decoding The Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for
Vitamins and...
Top Ten Lies About Senate Bill 510
Multimedia: |
Codex Alimentarius
- Lecture by Ian R. Crane
Urgent Call to Action On Senate
Bill 510 Food Safety Modernization Act
Svalbard and Seed Banks -
Svalbard y los Bancos de Semillas |
Español |
Añaden 50.000 Semillas a la 'Bóveda
del Fin del Mundo'
Arctic Stronghold of World's Seeds
flooded after Permafrost Melts
Español |
- "Banco
Semillero del Día del Juicio Final" en El Ártico
- Bill Gates, Rockefeller y Los Gigantes de La...
Español |
Baúl de Semilla Global de Svalbard
- Genética, Agroindustria y Planes de Exterminación
- "Doomsday
Seed Vault" in The Arctic
- Bill Gates, Rockefeller and The GMO Giants Know
Something We...
Food Stores - Using Protected
Areas to Secure Crop Genetic Diversity - by
Sue Stolton et.al.
How Seed Banks Work
Italiano |
I Depositi di Semi del Mondo
resistono alla Guerra, agli Incendi e alla 'Pandemia'
Italiano |
- "Il
Caveau Semi per il Giorno del Giudizio nell'Artico" -
Gates, Rockefeller e i Giganti OGM Sanno Qualcosa...
Italiano |
La Banca Semi più Grande del Mondo
contiene un Milione di Colture Alimentari Uniche
Majesterium and The Tipping Point
Seed Banking not an Option for
many Threatened Plants
Seed Vaults can't Save a Third of
Critically Endangered Plants
Svalbard World's Largest Seed Bank
hits One Million Unique Food Crops
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault
Receives a Third Seed Deposit from SSE
World's Seed Vaults hold strong
through War, Wildfire and 'Pandemic'
Multimedia: |
Español |
El ADN y la Semilla de la Re-Civilización - La
Historia Jamás Contada
Español |
La 'Bóveda del Fin del Mundo'
cumple 10 Años
Books-Treatises |
Español |
Barones de la Alimentación 2022 -
Lucro con las crisis, digitalización y nuevo poder
corporativo - by ETC Group
Food Barons 2022 - Crisis
Profiteering, Digitalization and Shifting Power - by
ETC Group
Growth Isn't Possible
- Why We Need a New Economic Direction - by The New Economics Foundation
of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
Multimedia |
Alimentos - El Secreto Más Grande
Es Expuesto -
English, Subtitulos Español
Beekeeper Whistleblower video
proof Aussie Government is Mass Killing Bees
Beware of Massive Food Inflation
- NIA President
S.A.' - La Industria Alimentaria
El Delito de Producir nuestras
Propias Semillas
El Futuro de Los Alimentos
Italiano |
Inc.' - L'Industria Alimentare
'Food Inc.'
- The Food Industry
Food - The Ultimate Secret Exposed
GMO Foods and Intellectual
- The Ultimate Food Fight
- "Home"
- We All Have a Date With The Planet! - Todos Nosotros
Tenemos Una Cita Con El Planeta!
Grave Danger of Falling Food - Bill
Mollison and Permaculture
La Locura del Maíz - Una Planta
entre el Beneficio Económico y el Hambre
Living Soil
Meat The Truth - Global Warming
Mercados Alimentarios - Arma de
Destrucción Masiva:
Muerte Por Hambre en África
Farmers, No Food
Nosotros Alimentamos Al Mundo
NSW Australia Government deploys
Fipronil Bee Killing Traps
Nutrition - What The Mainstream
Schools Miss and Don't Teach
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Peligro de Escasez de Comida
- Bill
Mollison y La Permacultura
Pharmaburger - Food Investigations
Planeta en Venta
Pollo a La Carta - Chicken a la
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The Corporation
The Future of Food
The Maize Craze - Between Profit
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We Become Silent - The Last Days
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