by Anna Hunt
January 25, 2018
WakingTimes Website

Considering the high rate of wheat consumption, one wouldn't suspect
that the wheat industry has created a massive problem.
Yet, looking at the facts
surrounding this industry and this food source will give you pause.
The documentary 'What's With Wheat' examines the dynamics that shaped
modern wheat and the business around it. It offers insights from
many experts in the field who've conducted extensive research to
help you understand why wheat has become so problematic for many
The film gives
unprecedented details of why wheat may be one of the key reasons
behind many health issues.
The Wheat
Wheat has transformed dramatically since the inception of modern
industrial agriculture.
Almost everything about
wheat has changed. The way it's raised, the hybridization, the way
it's processed, and the amount that we're eating.
These changes have done little good when it comes to the environment
and our health. First of all, through modern chemical farming, the
food industry has destroyed the nutritional value of the wheat
In addition, the overuse
of agrochemicals is slowly destroying our soil.
fertilization leaves your foods and your crops deficient in
vital minerals trace elements, micronutirents, because the soil
is not getting those nutrients.
Your soil is becoming desertified."
Vandana Shiva
activist and author of
Who Really Feeds the World
Furthermore, due to our
over-consumption of wheat, we are also destroying the body's ability
to digest it. As a result, many people are now faced with insidious
health problems.
Often, it takes them
years to realize that wheat is to blame.
"At a time as our
diets are getting more and more nutrient void, and richer and
richer in inflammatory compound, we are creating a perfect storm
of events for chronic illness."
Sarah Ballantyne, Ph. D.
Health Advocate
Role of the
Chemical Industry
Modern wheat wouldn't be what it is today without the chemical
The agrochemical revolution really started after World War II. At
that time, corporations that produced chemicals for warfare needed a
new market, and the agricultural industry was the perfect fit.
Sadly, instead of focusing their efforts to make plants healthier,
the chemical producers focused on the yield of the plant.
With wheat in particular, they were definitely effective. Today, we
have a pervasive abundance of wheat. It is heavily subsidized,
making it a cheap ingredient available for food products.
In support of the wheat industry, corporations and politicians have
effectively sold the public on the idea that wheat needs to be an
important part of our diet.
"690 million tons of
wheat that are produced every year indicate just how much money
is at stake. This is a very difficult time for those who are
more concerned about the truth and about what's best for our
health, versus the powers that be, who don't want people to know
the truth about wheat."
Sayer Ji
Founder of
This abundance of modern
wheat means that the plant and the byproducts of its production are
now used to make many products. We are most familiar with wheat in
foods such as breads and pastas.
But, it is also present
in food additives, preservatives, flavorings, cosmetics, personal
care products, supplements, medications, and drinks.
One of the most popular chemicals used in wheat production is
glyphosate, branded as Roundup.
Interestingly, it is also
the most contested. Regardless of countless red flags surrounding
its safety, glyphosate use has increased multi-fold over the last
few decades.
In 1990, wheat crop in the U.S. was sprayed with over 497,000 pounds
of glyphosate. In 2014, this increased 35-fold, to over 17.7 million
pounds sprayed just in that one year (Trends
in glyphosate herbicide use in the United States and globally.)
Glyphosate is, of course, just one of the chemicals that producers
spray on wheat fields.
In fact, farmers typically use chemicals as
many as ten times during the growing process. This includes sprays
they put on seeds to make them sprout. Hormone sprays are used to
make the stalks strong and to make the plants seed at the same time.
Furthermore, fumigants
are used during the warehousing stage.
Finally, producers will
use even more chemicals during the food processing stage to speed up
the production process.
"The same things that
protect wheat from insects and disease, are the same things that
are the most inflammatory for our bodies."
Cindi O'Meara
Nutritionist and founder of Changing Habits
Effect on the
Today's methods of growing wheat and producing wheat foods are
creating a host of health problems for many people.
Many scientists believe that part of the problem stems from modern
wheat's effect on
the gut microbiome.
microbiome is a group of organisms that help us get the
nutrition that we need. They help make vital nutrients and enable
proper digestion of food.
In addition, these
beneficial bacteria support immune system function and the
production of neurotransmitters.
"Glyphosate wreaks
havoc on our microbiome. It inhibits our ability to have access
to certain minerals, because it acts as a chelating agent.
And it down regulates
our ability to utilize Vitamin D."
David Perlmutter, MD
neurologist and author of
Grain Brain
As a result of increased
wheat consumption, many people's gastrointestinal track does not
function properly.
Consequently, the
microbiome becomes less effective and more hostile.
Have you ever considered why non-celiac gluten sensitivity is more
common now than ever before? Many researchers into the wheat dilemma
believe it's because of modern wheat and its chemicals.
gluten sensitivity can manifest itself into,
Because of the wide
variety of symptoms, doctors have a difficult time diagnosing gluten
sensitivity. As well, there is no way to test for it.
The problem of gluten sensitivity is amplified by the approach that
the medical system uses to treat it. Instead of addressing the
issue, doctors often address the symptoms.
Yet, the only way to
really treat the symptoms of gluten sensitivity is to stop consuming
Further details surrounding the wheat dilemma are discussed in the
full below documentary, 'What's With Wheat':
What's With Wheat?