Bayer has just purchased
Monsanto for 62.5 billion
dollars, cementing one of the most unholy business marriages of
all time.
The two companies are
equally yoked with a history of evil and self-serving business
practices are concerned, and it's important for the public to
know what this massive business merger means.
The Bride
Monsanto is the company that is responsible for creating and
marketing products like,
...plants that are
engineered to resist the herbicide Roundup so that fields can be
saturated with chemicals that kill weeds, but not the modified
Rather than increase
crop yields as promised,
GMOs have increased the use of
herbicides and caused an alarming outbreak of
herbicide-resistant "superweeds".

Despite claims to the
glyphosate (the active ingredient in
Roundup) has been shown
to cause cancer and other illnesses.
GMO crops in India
and Central America have caused a deadly epidemic of kidney
disease in those countries, and health in America has plummeted
alongside the rise of GMO products.
Monsanto has become well-known as a company that falsifies
documents, lies to the public, strong-arms farms and businesses
into buying their products, and covers up wrongdoing.
They have been sued
many times, and are currently facing a very large lawsuit
involving thousands of people with claims that they
have cancer caused by
Monsanto's "safe" herbicides.
The Groom
Bayer has been a household name for generations, but many people
are unaware of its sordid history.
This company began in
under the name of I.G. Farben.
In lawsuits, I.G.
Farben has been accused of crimes against humanity during World
War II - when the effectiveness of their pharmaceuticals was
tested on Jewish people who were kidnapped, enslaved, or
purchased to use as "human guinea pigs".

Bayer admits to using
slave labor, although it has done its best to minimalize its
connection to I.G. Farben.
And it's no wonder
they would rather people be unaware of their roots - I.G. Farben
was the company that
developed Zyklon B… the
poisonous gas used to kill millions of Jews in gas chambers
during WWII.
A Match
Made in Hell
Monsanto has its own
ugly little toxic secret:
Agent Orange.
Monsanto created this
chemical for use in warfare during the Vietnam war, and it was
sprayed in large amounts (some 12 million gallons) to kill
foliage in South Vietnam.
Although not meant to
be a toxin to humans, Monsanto's product proved to be a powerful
teratogen - sickening millions
and causing horrific birth defects that continue to be a problem
even in the children and grandchildren of those exposed.
Many children in
Vietnam today lie dying in orphanages due to disabilities caused
by the toxin, and in America veterans of the Vietnam war and
their descendants suffer from a long list of hundreds of health
problems associated with Agent Orange exposure.

Ash Anand / NEWSMODO Source: Supplied
These two massive companies deserve to be tried for crimes
against humanity, rather than be allowed to team up.
By distancing
themselves from their histories and covering up their
wrongdoing, they have managed to continue to do billions of
dollars of business despite the damage they've done to society.
Bayer has announced that once the purchase is complete, the name
"Monsanto" will disappear.
In this way, I.G.
Farben and Monsanto will quietly blend into one "family" name…
and Bayer will hide two companies with a horrible history.
They will continue to
benefit from their terrible past, building on a history of
building a financial empire by taking advantage of the very
people they claim to help - and then refusing to take
responsibility for the damages they do.
Uncertain Future for the Rest of Us
This new union will come with a special bonus:
Monsanto is
facing a huge number of serious lawsuits in the near future
that could do real damage to the company.
Now, they will have
the added money and corporate backing of Bayer - and, with a
name change, the hope that the public will soon forget who is
responsible for the tainting of our entire food chain and the
epidemic of autoimmune illness that is sickening people at
unheard of rates.

This union will close
a perfect vicious cycle that Monsanto alone couldn't quite
GMOs require Monsanto's herbicides to grow
herbicides cause resistant weeds that require more
herbicides to eradicate
herbicides cause diseases in everyone who consumes GMO
Now, Bayer's drugs
can be prescribed for the ailments that Monsanto's products
cause - keeping the cycle of toxic chemicals and high-priced
drugs all in the same family.
The losers in all of this? Clearly, everyone but Monsanto and
By allowing this to take place, the Department of 'Justice'
has created the world's largest seed and chemical company - a
company that will control 77% of all seed corn and 58-97% of all
cotton, soybean, and canola markets.
This promises to be
more expensive for farmers and to make it much more difficult
for the public to have choices as to how their food is grown.
Please, share this article and let others know what is
If the public is
aware of the merger, they will know to watch Bayer carefully and
to take the steps needed to be informed about where their food
is coming from and who is benefitting from it.
Jeff Hays
Jeff Hays
"Movies that Make Movements"