by Fred Dodson
New Dawn 175
July-August 2019
NewDawnMagazine Website

If current trends continue, within the next 20 years, almost
everyone will be
microchipped and dependent on electronics for their
Unless we start counter-acting on it now...
I am going to quote from three different articles to show that is
indeed the direction we are headed before I explain why I won't be
microchipped, implanted or otherwise tracked or made dependent.
A few quotes from the article 'People in Sweden
are Upgrading their
Hands, and it Makes Us a Little Scared':
Many people in Sweden
have been starting to get chipped since the spring of 2018.
People get a chip
surgically inserted between their thumb and index finger which
then replaces all plastic cards, keys, and other things that
people usually have to carry with them.
And if last year
around only 100 people had these chips, then now, according to
the Daily Mail, this number has risen to more than 4,000 people
and it's still growing.
It replaces all
electronic wallets, bank cards, travel cards, and different key
You can use it to pay by simply touching a terminal with your
It's as small as a grain of rice.
Its price together with the procedure is $180.
Some companies even
offer this service to their employees.Skeptics think that first of all, nobody can guarantee that the
personal information contained in these chips will be confidential.
Second, some people are sure that these chips will soon have GPS
trackers in them. 1
A recent article in the New York Times was titled "'Big Brother' in
India Requires Fingerprint Scans for Food, Phones and Finances":
Seeking to build an
identification system of unprecedented scope, India is scanning
the fingerprints, eyes and faces of its 1.3 billion residents
and connecting the data to everything from welfare benefits to
mobile phones.
For other countries, the
technology could provide a model for how to track their residents.
The government has made registration mandatory for hundreds of
public services and many private ones, from taking school exams to
opening bank accounts. 2
And here's an article from The Guardian, 'Alarm over talks to
implant UK employees with microchips':
Britain's biggest
employer organization and main trade union body have sounded the
alarm over the prospect of British companies implanting staff
with microchips to improve security.
UK firm BioTeq, which
offers the implants to businesses and individuals, has already
fitted 150 implants in the UK.
The tiny chips, implanted in the flesh between the thumb and
forefinger, are similar to those for pets. They enable people to
open their front door, access their office or start their car with a
wave of their hand, and can also store medical data. 3
The first article claims that microchips do not have GPS trackers in
them, but it's easy to add trackers as that's already done on
animals and soon to follow with employees.
Not to mention that most
of us already have GPS trackers on them - our phones! In some areas
of the world, GPS tracking implants are already being offered for
"Don't want to lose
your child? Implant a GPS tracker...!"
The reason I believe this
development is almost inevitable is that not enough people are
speaking up against it.
The entire country of
India, more than a billion people, simply accepted the fact
they can now no longer buy or sell without electronic
A lot of people have a
positive view of it. The first article above mocks people who are
skeptical of it, implying that we are old-fashioned.
Some of the online
hashtags used by those who got microchipped reveal positive imagery
they associate with it:
Cyborg, Biohacker,
Bodymod and Digiwell are just a few.
In other words:
"Getting chipped
makes you a Superhuman Android!"
There are numerous
reasons I won't allow myself to get microchipped or implanted.
Nor will I allow all
of my data to be stored in one place.
Nor will I make all
of my buying and selling dependent on one device or on
If someone pulls the
plug, where does all the money go?
Having all activities,
purchases, sales, movements stored and tracked in one place makes a
person exploitable, controllable and hopelessly dependent.
There is
nothing old-fashioned about not wanting to be a slave to technology. That's reason
number one.
Reason number two is more metaphysical:
Metals and electronics
interfere with my spiritual energy-field.
As if it's not enough to
be surrounded by laptops, cell phones and broadcasting towers at all
times almost everywhere in the world, you won't connect my body to
electronic devices! It's not going to
Reason number three:
I don't like what
happened in India, where fingerprinting in exchange for all
sorts of services was made mandatory.
That's only one step shy
of making microchipping mandatory.
The problem lies in
the "mandatory."
When someone tries to
force me to do something, I reject it.
Reason number four is that this was predicted as something
undesirable, thousands of years ago.
Even people such as
myself, who are not particularly religious, are aware of this
passage from the Bible:
It also forced all
people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to
receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so
that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which
is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
This calls for
wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of
the beast, for it is the number of a man.
That number is 666.
My interpretation of
number 666 is the Internet's world wide web.
In Hebrew Gematria,
the letter w has the value 6...
Therefore, 666 can be
translated as www.
In other words,
anyone who isn't connected to the world wide web through his
right hand won't be able to buy or sell.
Does this mean I
believe there will come a time that I will barely be able to
survive because I refuse to be microchipped?
A time where I
have to go underground and join a resistance or militia,
scrambling for food and shelter?
No. That's not the
timeline I choose...
Anyone who knows my
writings also knows that I believe we can choose our own reality by
making the right, conscious choices.
And I am going to choose
one where I stay microchip-free and continue to live a wonderful,
healthy, wealthy and fun life.
Should the day come when they try to force this stuff on free
people, that is going to create a gigantic black-market and currency
systems that are independent of banks.
We will learn to trade
amongst each other again.