by FwmStaff
June 01, 2022
FreeWestMedia Website

The 75th World Health Assembly,
Palais des Nations in Geneva.
Last week
the World Health
was held in
The member
states of the
World Health
Organization (WHO)
met on
controversial amendments
to the
International Health Regulations,
among other
Countries such as Australia, Britain and
the United States expressed support for the amendments
and called on other countries to do the same, effectively giving
away their sovereignty,
writes Australian MP Stephen
However, countries are massively opposing the plans of the
"Great news!"
announced Andrew...
On May 25, Africa Day,
Botswana read a statement on behalf of 47 African
member states.
The country said it
would not support the "reforms", which Africans
are very concerned about.
Other countries also
expressed reservations about the amendments and expressed no
support, including,
South Africa
Brazil said it would
rather leave the WHO than subject its people to the new amendments.
Ultimately, the WHO was forced to take a step back.
"But they haven't
given up yet.
Rather, they have
formed a new working group to 'provide technical recommendations
on the proposed amendments', which will be re-tabled in 2024 at
the 77th Health Assembly along with the pandemic
treaty," Andrew said.
He noted that in the US
the Republicans are strongly pushing back and have
introduced bills that should
prevent the WHO from gaining even more power.
Andrew stressed that
citizens must continue to increase pressure on the ESG agenda.
ESG stands for
"Environmental, Social, and Governance"...
Globalists are
increasingly applying these ideological non-financial factors to
identify economic "risks and growth opportunities".
WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown
by Stephen
Andrew Mirani
May 30,
OneNation Website

Technocrats seek to take over the world, many national
leaders are pushing back, notably those from the
southern hemisphere.
highlights the total failure of 'Sustainable
Development' that promised to restore southern nations
to economic prosperity.
Instead, they got twice the plundering as before.
Brilliant news out of Geneva today!
As most of you know, the World Health Assembly has spent the
past 7 days considering
Biden's 13 controversial
amendments to the International Health Regulations.
Official delegates from wealthy developed nations like Australia,
the UK, and the US spoke in strong support of the amendments and
urged other states to join them in signing away their countries'
The first sign, however, that things might not be going the
globalists' way, came on Wednesday, the 25th of May,
which just happened to also be Africa Day.
Botswana read a statement on behalf of its 47 AFRO members,
they would be
collectively withholding their support for the 'reforms', which
many African members were very concerned about...
Multiple other countries
also said they had reservations over the changes and would not be
supporting them either.
These included,
Brazil, Russia,
India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia...
Brazil in particular said
it would exit WHO altogether, rather than allow its
population to be made subject to the new amendments.
In the end,
the WHO and its
wealthy nation supporters were forced to back down...
They have not given up
though - far from it. Instead, they did what they always do and
At their request, a new working group was convened to make
"technical recommendations on the proposed amendments" which will be
re-submitted along with the Pandemic Treaty, at the 77th
Health Assembly meeting in 2024.
There has also been lots of pushback from Republicans in the US,
with a number of them introducing new bills giving the US
Congress/Senate powers to override any WHO mandates or directives
issued as part of any international agreements.
One, called the 'No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate
Approval Act' has 15 co-sponsors and was introduced to the Senate on
Thursday by Republican Senator
Ron Johnson, who
"The sovereignty of
the United States is not negotiable".
Here in Australia, we
need to keep the pressure up on our own parliaments, both Federal
AND State, up the ante, and don't ever look sideways.
Just brace for the digital ID now, and as the Federal Parliament
reboots we need to push back at all costs on that from this week
moving forwards.