Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,

the actual head of the WHO was the 3rd most powerful person in the TPLF, a Communist Revolutionary Party in Ethiopia that was listed as a terrorist organization in the 90s and, as a political arm of a minority ethnic group (6%), reportedly conducted systematic discrimination and human rights abuses against

 the majority ethnic group.






 -  After Covid, Monkeypox - The Same Circus again...?


 -  Analisi del Testo della Negoziazione dell'ottobre 2023 del "Trattato/Accordo sulla Pandemia dell'OMS"


 -  Analysis of the October 2023 Negotiating Text of the "WHO's Pandemic Treaty/Agreement"


 -  An Unauthorized History of the 'WHO' - Ignored Warnings...


 -  Argentina withdraws from WHO


 -  Así se Financia la OMS - La Influencia de Bill Gates en las Decisiones sobre la Salud Mundial


 -  Banco Mundial exportó Aparatos de Prueba de Diagnóstico de Covid-19 en los años 2017 y 2018


 -  Banco Mundial y OMS - Su Relación con el Corona-Plan


 -  Big Pharma Inside the WHO - Confidential Analysis of Unreleased WHO Expert Working Group Draft...


 -  Bill Gates and WHO call for Military to Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers during Bird Flu "Pandemic"


 - "Bill Gates' Dream" to Control the Planet through the World Health Organization is becoming Closer to Reality


 -  Bill Gates has Major Shares in Both Pfizer and BioNTech - FOI revealed he is the Primary Funder of the MHRA


 -  Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover


 -  Bioterrorism - WHO and What is The Threat?



 -  'Bombshell Revelations' as WHO advance Preposterous Power Grab - Sasha Latypova Exposes


 -  Censored Autopsies Study confirms Covid 'Vaccines' caused 74% of All Deaths


 -  Climate and Public Health - A Two-Headed Inquisition


 -  Climate Change might require Vaccinating Populations against Migrating Mosquitoes - The WHO


 -  Cómo Pacientes de COVID Murieron por Fines de Lucro - Los Hospitales


 -  Conocedora de la OMS llama la Atención sobre Bill Gates y GAVI


 -  Covid-19 "Positive Cases" down 62% since World Health Organization Updated 'PCR Guidance'


 -  Criminal Charges to Be Filed Against Dr M. Chan and WHO for Mass Murder


 -  De la Varicela al Mpox - La OMS y mejor No Llamar a las Cosas por su Nombre...


 -  Denuncia Pública en Argentina a la OMS - La 'Pandemia' del Covid-19


 -  DO NOT lock down, DO NOT inoculate, DO NOT FEAR...


 -  Dr. David Martin calls for the Destruction of the World 'Health' Organization (WHO)


 -  El 'Gran Reinicio' al Descubierto - Schwab, Gates y el Siniestro Complot del FEM y la OMS para Despoblar el...


 -  El Mito de las Vacunas - Sus Peligros y Consecuencias


 -  El 'Nuevo Cuento' de la OMS - Gripe Aviar en Humanos...


 -  El Plan para Diez Años de Enfermedades Infecciosas


 -  En los Próximos diez días la Prueba de PCR en los Estados Unidos será Declarada Inválida


 -  En medio de la Guerra en Ucrania, la ONU inicia un Proceso para definir Mecanismos Internacionales ante...


 - ¿Es la Virología una Pseudociencia?


 -  Excess Deaths and Depopulation - Shall we sit around in our Insouciance and Permit this to Happen?


 -  Frenemos la 'Toma de Poder Ilimitado' de la Organización Mundial de la Salud - ¡NO al "Tratado de Pandemias"!


 -  From Computers to Global Genocide - The Staggering Influence Bill Gates on Public Health Policy around World


 -  Fundación Rockefeller y la OMS se asocian para Controlar futuras "Pandemias del Cambio Climático"


 -  Gates, Fauci, Daszak 'Charged with Genocide' in International Criminal Court


 -  Gates, GAVI, and WHO Administered Fake Malaria Vaccines to Asia, India and Africa


 -  Geneva - The Head of the Snake


 - "Globalists Doomed" as Trump cuts U.S. Funding to WEF and UN Agenda


 -  Health Officials admit Bill Gates runs the World


 -  Health Tyranny Postponed? - WHO, the Reckless Power Grab


 -  How COVID Patients Died for Profit - Hospitals


 -  'I Have No Faith in the WHO' - 'The Leadership Should Face Criminal Charges and Be Shut Down' - S.Bannon


 -  Influenza - El Virus H1N1 - ¿Contaminacion Casual o Bioterrorismo? - Main File


 -  Influenza - Virus H1N1 - Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism? - Main File


 -  Información Privilegiada de la OMS denuncia a Bill Gates y a la Dictadura de la Salud Global de GAVI


 -  Is the WHO an Undercover Terrorist Organization?


 -  Is Virology a Pseudoscience?



 -  It's Time to Dismantle 'WHO' the World Health Organization


 -  Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder


 -  Journalistin erstattet Anzeige gegen WHO und UN wegen Bioterrorismus und der Absicht des...


 - ¿La Armamentización del Dinero? - La Moneda Digital del Banco Central (CBDC)


 -  L'Amministrazione Trump passa a Ritirare Formalmente gli Stati Uniti dall'OMS


 -  La OMS (accidentalmente) confirma que COVID No Es Más Peligroso que la Gripe


 -  La OMS admite que la Viruela del Mono es un 'Efecto Secundario' de la 'Vacuna' Covid


 -  La OMS asumirá el Sistema de Certificación Digital COVID-19 de la UE para "Establecer un Sistema Global"


 -  La OMS Cambia los Criterios de la Prueba de PCR para 'Encubrir los Falsos Positivos'...


 -  La OMS Confirma que la Prueba de PCR es Defectuosa - No tiene Validez


 -  La OMS finalmente Admite que las Pruebas de PCR crean 'Falsos Positivos'


 - "La OMS ha Actuado como Instrumento de Manipulación Mundial" - Covid-19


 -  La OMS, la ONU y la Realidad de la Codicia Humana


 - ¡La OMS Planea un Golpe Insidioso en 194 Países! - Llamada de Atención Internacional...


 -  La OMS Re-escribe la definición de "Inmunidad de Rebaño" para impulsar la "Vacuna-Covid"


 -  La Organización Mundial de la Salud es Controlada por Grupos Privados


 -  La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declarada Terrorista por miembro del Parlamento Europeo


 -  La Organización Mundial de la Salud, OMS - ¿Una Organización Delictiva?


 -  La Organización Mundial de la Salud planea imponer la "Agenda de Salud Global" de Gates y Big Pharma...


 -  La 'Pandemia' del Covid-19 No Existe


 -  La Planificación a 'Largo Plazo' de la ONU, la OMS y el Fondo Económico Mundial


 -  La Predominante Narrativa Sin Sentido del Coronavirus - Desmentida en menos de media hora...


 -  La Profesión Médica implanta el 'Código de Diagnóstico Digital' de la OMS para los "No Vacunados"


 -  Las Artimañas de Bill Gates y Anthony Fauci


 -  Like Clockwork...! - The WHO has just declared Monkeypox a "Public Health Emergency"...


 -  L'OMS Conferma che il Test PCR per Covid-19 è Difettoso


 -  L'OMS usa le Celebrità e gli Influencer per Cercare di Manipolare il Pubblico - Ma Funziona…?


 -  Look "WHO's" Talking! - Vaccine Scientists confirm Major Safety Problems


 -  Los Expertos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud Mienten - Pueden ser Acusados de Crímenes Contra...


 -  Médicos Italianos desobedecen la 'Orden de No Realizar Autopsias' y descubren que el 'Protocolo de la OMS...


 -  Mensaje de Alerta sobre el COVID-19 - Profesionales de la Salud Unidos


 -  Milei sigue los Pasos de Trump y la Argentina se Retira de la OMS


 -  Monkeypox - Technocracy's next wave of 'Crimes Against Humanity'


 -  'Non Credo nell'OMS' - 'La Leadership Dovrebbe Essere Incriminata e Imprigionata' - Steve Bannon


 -  Nuremberg Trial 2.0' is in Preparation - WHO and World Leaders will have to Answer for 'Crimes Against...'


 -  OMS pide 'Calma' - La Nueva Variante del Coronavirus No es Peligrosa


 -  Organized Confusion by the WHO


 -  Por qué la OMS es una Organización Corrupta y Dañina


 -  President Trump to Withdraw the United States from the "Corrupt Globalist Scam" known as the W.H.O.


 - ¿Quién Diablos le da a la ONU, la OMS y la UE el Derecho de Imponer Certificados Digitales de Vacunas?


 - ¿Quiénes son estos "Desconocidos" que Encarnan el Nuevo Orden Mundial?


 -  Technocrats running 'The WHO' present a Real and Present Danger


 -  Ten Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 is an 'Imaginary and Theoretical Virus'


 -  The 'Campaign against Ivermectin' - WHO's Chief Scientist served with Legal Notice for Disinformation and...


 -  The Covid-19 Endgame - Global Governance, "Digital Tyranny" and the Depopulation Agenda


 -  The Covid-19 'Pandemic' Does Not Exist


 -  The Entire World is Clamoring for the Global Pandemic Treaty


 -  The Forced Medication of All Citizens


 -  The Great COVID Death Coverup


 -  The Great Reset Exposed - Schwab, Gates, and the Sinister WEF and WHO Plot to Depopulate the World


 -  The Law Begins to Hammer on Vaccinationists


 -  Them vs. Us - The United Plan to Escape Global Tyranny from the WHO


 -  'The Plan' - Proof that the 'pandemic' was Planned with a Purpose


 -  The REAL Solution to the 'UN Madness'


 -  The Snakes are Coming Out - The Masks begin to Fall Off...!


 -  The WEF and WHO - Are they running a 'Death Cult'?


 -  The WHO admits Monkeypox is 'Side Effect' of Covid 'Vaccine'


 -  The WHO and Big Pharma - Building a Permanent Pandemic Market


 -  The WHO calls for Global System of Surveillance - Plus more Authority over Nations and Billions more in Funding


 -  The WHO confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed


 -  The WHO is Pursuing Aggressive Vaccine Production


 -  The WHO's Proposed Treaty will Increase Man-Made 'Pandemics' - Final version: Sept. 3, 2023


 -  The WHO - The Most Dangerous Global Treaty ever Proposed


 -  The WHO, the UN and the Reality of Human Greed


 -  Thousands of Japanese Citizens flood streets to Protest WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, Vaccines...


 -  Trump Administration moves to Formally Withdraw U.S. from WHO


 -  Trump retira nuevamente en 2025 a EE.UU. de la OMS por "Falta de Independencia" y "Mala Gestión"


 -  Una Ex-Representante pide Abandonar Inmediatamente la OMS


 -  What I Can Say and What I Cannot Say...


 -  WHO admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce 'COVID False Positives' - Right On Cue for Biden...


 -  WHO and The Pandemic Flu "Conspiracies" - The BMJ and The Bureau of Investigative Journalism Report...


 -  WHO changes definition of "Herd Immunity" to eliminate Pre-COVID Consensus


 -  WHO changes PCR Test Criteria to 'Cover-up False Positives'...


 -  WHO declares Monkeypox a "Global Threat"... Or something...


 -  WHO Exposed - How Health Body changed 'Pandemic Criteria' to Push Agenda


 -  WHO finally admits Flu is 'DEADLIER' than COVID-19...!


 -  WHO finally admits PCR Tests create 'False Positives'


 -  WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown

 -  Who in Hell gives the UN, WHO and the EU the Right to Impose Digital Vaxx Certificates?


 -  WHO List Reveals Flu Advisors with Financial Ties to Pharma, Vaccine Manufacturers


 -  WHO Murdered Africa? - The Creation of the AIDS Virus by the World Health Organization


 -  Who owns the World Health Organization and their Plan to Vaccinate the Planet?


 -  WHO pushes for a 'One World Government' by issuing Guidance to National Parliamentarians


 -  WHO says 'Masks don't Prevent Infection' - Fauci says 'Not Mandatory Vaccination'

 -  WHO-Sponsored Genocides - A History of Eugenics in the United States


 -  WHO suffers Defeat as Countries Massively oppose Globalist Plans


 -  WHO Will Use Polio Vaccines to Depopulate Underdeveloped Nations


 -  World Health Organization Fails Miserably at Pandemic Response


 -  World Health Organization - Gates Foundation now Second Largest Funder after U.S. Government


 -  World Health Organization Scandal Exposed - Advisors Received Kickbacks From H1N1 Vaccine...


 -  World Health Organization Soon to Classify Aging as a Disease - Opening the Flood Gates for New...


 -  World Health Organization's updated guidance for PCR COVID-19 testing will likely lower positive cases


 -  World Health Organization - The WHO has been set up to Operate as a One World Government


 -  World Health Organization to Tax Your Internet Usage to Fund Vaccines in Third-World Countries


 -  World Health Organization (WHO) uses Celebrities and Influencers to try to Manipulate the Public - Is it Working?


 -  World Health Organization (WHO) using COVID to push Climate Change Agenda - Tucker Carlson


 -  YouTube amplía su Censura hacia Terapias Alternativas como "Formas de Desinformación Médica"

  Additional Information  

 - "Big Pharma" atrapada Espiando a La Organización Mundial de La Salud


 -  Big Pharma Caught Spying on The World Health Organization


 -  Cómo Crear una Falsa Pandemia


 -  'Coronavirus Scandal' breaking in Merkel's Germany

 -  Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates - Vaccination Status - WHO 2021


 -  Digital Tyranny and the Rockefeller-Gates WHO "Vaxx-Certificate Passport" - Towards a World War III Scenario


 -  How Did a Disease with no Symptoms 'Take Over the World'?


 -  How to Create a False Pandemic


 -  Neumonía Bacteriana - Un Peligro Latente por el Uso Prolongado de Mascarillas

 -  The Pandemic Treaty


 -  Why We Must #ExposeBillGates

  One Health (Health for All)  

 -  Cómo el 'One Health' de la OMS dictará "Lo que tú Comas"...


 -  How the WHO's 'One Health' will Dictate "What You Eat"...


 - 'One Health' - La Toma de Control Global de Todo - La OMS y Bill Gates


 - 'One Health' - The Global Takeover of Everything - The WHO and Bill Gates


 - 'One Health' will give WHO's Dictator General power to initiate Climate Lockdowns


 -  The "One Health" Agenda


 -  Why a Global Government is the 'Ultimate Goal' of Billionaires - "The Goal is for You to Own Nothing"



 -  The WHO and possible Worldwide Soft Coup - Emergency Broadcast

  Pandemic Treaty - Tratado Pandémico  

 -  Bill Gates' relationship with Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein revolved around a 'Global Health Investment...


 -  Biologist Blows Whistle - Covid Shots Killed 17 Million People


 -  Covid Failed to do 'the Job' - Bill Gates is making a Second Run at Culling the Population


 -  Dissecting "Disease X" and the Pandemic Agreement


 -  El Tratado contra la Pandemia de la OMS está Abandonado - Por ahora...


 -  El 'Tratado de Pandemias' de la OMS es el nuevo Libro Sagrado del Imperialismo


 -  El Tratado de Pandemias de la OMS - Uno de los 'Brazos de La Bestia'


 -  Enabling a Global Health Dictatorship - The WHO 'Pandemic Treaty' and Amendments to the I.H.R.


 -  Globalists plot Worldwide Genocide via 'WHO Pandemic Treaty'


 -  How We Can Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty


 -  Los Antivacunas suponen un Serio Desafío para los Planes de la OMS


 -  Los Gobiernos deben Rechazar nuevas Enmiendas al 'Reglamento Sanitario Internacional' de la OMS


 -  Masayasu Inoue - A Message from Japan to the World - Fraudulent use of Gene Therapy in Healthy People


 -  Masayasu Inoue - Un Mensaje de Japón al Mundo - Uso Fraudulento de la Terapia Génica en Personas Sanas


 - "Pandemic Treaty" will hand WHO keys to Global Government...!


 -  Perché il COVID ha Risparmiato l'Africa?


 -  Sin Acuerdo sobre el 'Tratado Internacional de Pandemias'


 -  The Back Door to "Global Tyranny" - The World Health Order (WHO) and the "Global Pandemic Treaty"


 -  The Chilling Reason they won't declare the 'Pandemic' Over - 'Pandemic Treaty' is a Spreading Plague


 -  The Horrifying Secret Agenda of the UN and WHO - Total Enslavement of Humanity Through a "Global Health...


 -  The Scheming of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci - A 'Formidable and Nefarious' Partnership


 -  The UN's New Rules for 'Ruling the World' and what does Secretary-General of the UN António Guterres...


 -  The WHO Pandemic Agreement - A Guide


 -  The WHO Pandemic Treaty Danger - Philipp Kruse


 -  This is what The Globalists Really Fear...!


 -  Tratado de la OMS contra la 'Pandemia' - ¡La lucha continúa...!


 -  What You Need to Know about the 'WHO Pandemic Treaty'


 -  Why has COVID Spared Africa?


 -  Why is Everyone Concerned about The WHO...?


 -  WHO's Pandemic Treaty is Dead - For Now...




 -  Cae el Acuerdo de Pandemias de la OMS y el Director dice que este 'No es un Fracaso'...


 -  Exponiendo los Orígenes de la OMS y los Peligros de su Nuevo Tratado Global


 -  La Organización Mundial de la Salud y las Enmiendas al Reglamento Sanitario Mundial - Emilio Carrillo

  Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus  

 -  El Expediente Tedros - ¿Se convertirá el Jefe de la OMS en el hombre Más Poderoso del Mundo?


 -  El Foro de Davos 2024 incluye "Preparación para la Enfermedad X" con presencia de Tedros Ghebreyesus


 -  Il Direttore del OMS dice "Non si Può Tornare indietro a Come Era Prima" - La Sua Soluzione? Un NOM...


 -  Il Dossier Tedros - Il Capo dell'OMS diventerà l'uomo Più Potente del Mondo?


 -  Is WHO Director Tedros a Terrorist? - Global Ties to Bill Gates, Clinton Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China and...


 -  Revisiting the last time "Tedros the Terrorist" declared Mpox an International Health Emergency


 -  Tedros Adhanom Gebhreyesus - Money, Blood and Conscience: A novel of Ethiopia's democracy revolution


 -  The Tedros File - Will the Head of the WHO become the Most Powerful Man in the World?


 -  The WHO's trumpeting of 'Cancer Vaccines' is a Smokescreen...!


 -  WHO Chief Tedros Ghebreyesus faces Allegations of Genocide


 -  WHO Director Must Resign Now - U.S. Congress


 -  WHO Director says the World 'Cannot Go Back to the Way Things Were' - His 'Solution'? A New World Order...



 -  Cae el Acuerdo de Pandemias de la OMS y el Director dice que este 'No es un Fracaso'...

 -  The W.H.O and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General


 -  Final Report of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

 -  How to Prevent the Next Pandemic - by Bill Gates

 -  Lies My Gov't Told Me - And the Better Future Coming - by Robert W. Malone

 -  On Tyranny - Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century - by Timothy Snyder


 -  Banco Mundial y OMS - Su Relación con el Corona-Plan


 -  Científicos de la OMS Cuestionan la Seguridad de las Vacunas


 -  Cómo la OMS fue Secuestrada por Donantes Privados

 - 'Cutting Off the Head of the Snake' in Geneva


 -  Dr. Peter McCullough advierte del Peligro de morir por Vacunarse contra COVID-19


 -  El Futuro Nos Pertenece - ¡Por La Libertad...!


 -  La OMS, la ONU y su plan de Golpe de Estado Global contra nuestras Libertades - Dra. A. Stuckelberger

 -  OMS - ¿En Quién Confiar? - Sobre la Organización Mundial de la Salud y sus Intereses


 - ¿Qué se está Negociando en estos momentos en la OMS y cuáles son sus Implicaciones?

 - "The Plan" - WHO plans for 10 years of Pandemics, from 2020 to 2030

 -  The WHO and possible Worldwide Soft Coup - Emergency Broadcast

 -  The WHO Pandemic Treaty Danger - Philipp Kruse

 -  TrustWHO - Documentary on World Health Organization

 -  'We Have the Evidence' - Reiner Fuellmich on suing the WHO

 -  WHO, GAVI and Covid-19 - Audition with Dr. Reiner Füllmich for International Lawsuit Nuremberg II

 -  WHO's to Thank...

  Related Reports  


 -  Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci - Main File


 -  Face Masks in the COVID-19 Era - Main File


 -  Ivermectin - A Covid Defeater - Main File


 -  Killer Vaccines - Main File


 -  The Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'... - Main File


 -  Viruses - An Instrument in World Depopulation - Main File


 -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File