by Michael Snyder
June 23, 2024
EndOfTheAmericanDream Website

When I first started researching this, I could hardly believe that
it was true.
A company in Switzerland known as "FinalSpark"
has constructed,
a bizarre hybrid biocomputer
that combines lab-grown miniature human brains with conventional
electronic circuits...
This approach saves an extraordinary amount of
energy compared to normal computers, but there is a big problem.
The lab-grown miniature human brains keep
wearing out and dying, and so scientists have to keep
growing new ones to replace them.
Stem cells that are derived from human skin
tissue are used to create the 16 spherical brain "organoids"
that the system depends upon.
I realize that this sounds like something
straight out of a really bad science fiction movie, but it is
actually happening.
Scientists at FinalSpark are calling their hybrid computer "the
Neuroplatform", and it is being reported that it only
uses "a fraction of the energy required to power a traditional set
Swiss tech startup FinalSpark is now selling
access to
biocomputers that combine up to
four tiny lab-grown human brains with silicon chips.
This new bioprocessing platform, called the Neuroplatform,
uses small versions of human brains to do computer work instead
of silicon chips.
The company says it can fit 16 of these
mini-brains onto the Neuroplatform and use a fraction of
the energy required to power a traditional set up.
The platform, currently adopted by nine institutions, integrates
hardware, software and biology to construct a processing system
that is energy-efficient and high-performing.
This "breakthrough" is being hailed as a way to
save a gigantic amount of energy.
But what about the lab-grown human brains that are being
enslaved to run the Neuroplatform...?
Each of the 16 mini-brains is made up of approximately 10,000
living neurons, and they are kept alive by a "microfluidics
system that supplies water and nutrients for the cells"...
Rather than merely integrating biological
concepts into computing, FinalSpark's online platform ‘taps'
into spherical clusters of lab-grown human brain cells called
A total of 16 organoids are housed within
four arrays that connect to eight electrodes each and a
microfluidics system that supplies water and nutrients for the
The approach, known as wetware computing, in this case harnesses
researchers' abilities to culture organoids in the lab, a fairly
new technology that allows scientists to study what are
essentially mini replicas of individual organs.
During their short lives, the mini-brains are
literally trained to perform certain tasks
using a reward and punishment system...
Researchers do this by training the organoids
through a reward system. The organoids are rewarded with
dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure (and
Meanwhile, as "punishment," the organoids are exposed to chaotic
stimuli, such as irregular electrical activity.
If the enslaved mini-brains do what they are
supposed to do, they are rewarded with lots of pleasure.
If the enslaved mini-brains do not do what they
are supposed to do, they are hit with lots of "irregular electrical
In other words, these miniature human brains are tortured until they
learn to obey.
Reading that should literally make you sick.
What these scientists are doing is so incredibly evil.
Final Spark claims that the miniature human brains use "a
million times less power than their silicon counterparts"...
Swiss technology firm Final Spark has
successfully launched Neuroplatform, the world's first
bioprocessing platform where human brain organoids (lab-grown
miniaturized versions of organs) perform computational tasks
instead of silicon chips.
The first such facility hosts the processing
prowess of 16 brain organoids, which the company claims uses a
million times less power than their silicon counterparts.
Final Spark hopes that their new "technology"
will become the primary energy source for the AI revolution.
Because at this point training AI models uses a
colossal amount of conventional energy...
According to Final Spark's estimates,
training the popular large language model GPT-3 that powered
ChatGPT in its initial days alone consumed 10 GWh of energy.
This is a whopping 6,000 times more energy
than an average European city consumes in an entire year.
Replacing silicon chips with bioprocessors could lead to drastic
energy savings. Final Spark allows research labs to experience
the power of biological processors on the Neuroplatform.
To a lot of people out there, this is going to
sound really great.
FinalSpark insists that the processor that it has created
will use a million times less energy compared to a normal silicon
There is just one enormous problem.
The mini-brains keep dying and must be
regularly replaced...
At first they would die "in just a few hours",
but now they are apparently living for
up to 100 days...
FinalSpark faced many challenges in its early
years since the organoids would die in just a few hours. The
company has worked on this shortcoming and improved its MEA
systems to ensure that organoids live for 100 days.
These "organoids" are literally worked to death.
They are
hooked up to electrodes and worked
until they can work no more...
FinalSpark has made working these varied
components possible through an innovative setup called
Multi-Electrode Arrays (MEAs), where the three-dimensional
masses of brain tissue are placed.
Each MEA has four brain organoids that interface with eight
These electrodes perform the dual role of
stimulating the organoids and recording the data they process.
Data transfer is done through digital analog converters with a
16-bit resolution and a 30 kHz frequency.
A microfluidic system provides life support
for the MEAs, and cameras can monitor their overall operation.
Have you ever seen "The
I was reminded of that film as I researched all of this.
Just like in that movie,
human energy powers the entire
And just like in that movie, those that power the system are
The creators of "the Neuroplatform" insist that
this is perfectly okay because the mini-brains are not (?)
sentient beings.
Whether that is true or not, what they are doing is still very
Creating miniature human brains and using them to power a
computer may be a way to save a lot of energy, but it also perfectly
illustrates how far our society has fallen...