by Rhoda Wilson
December 08, 202
Expose-News Website

interactive world map, developed by
ETC Group and Heinrich Böll Foundation,
has shed light on the
widespread nature of
geoengineering experiments aimed at altering
the climate.
The map identifies over 1,700 projects worldwide,
including carbon capture, Solar Radiation Management,
modification and other methods.
On Thursday, the Daily Mail published an
article titled 'The
geoengineering project next door - Interactive map reveals the
locations of thousands of controversial experiments to alter the
climate - So, is there one in your hometown?'.
But don't get too excited that admissions about
the scale and range of geoengineering operations that have been
occurring for decades are about to be admitted anytime soon.
The article represents what is known as a limited
hangout and those who are attempting to expose the entirety of this
agenda will continue to be spuriously labeled as "conspiracy
For those who are unfamiliar with the term,
limited hangout is a tactic used in media relations, perception
management, politics and information management.
It originated in the espionage trade and involves
admitting or partially revealing some truth while still concealing
the most damaging or crucial information.
This strategy is employed when a cover story can
no longer be sustained, and the goal is to manage public perception
and avoid further scrutiny.
For a list of the types of projects the
geoengineering monitor map recognizes see
They include stratospheric aerosol injection,
colloquially known as
chemtrails, but only in the context of cloud
seeding and blocking sunlight.
Under the section 'weather
modification', the website mentions
firing lasers at clouds to change the Earth's albedo and
includes an article about the US intelligence service weaponising
the weather...
The 2015 article, 'Can
the CIA Weaponise the Weather?', mentions the US
HAARP research program as being closed which indicates it
was unsuccessful and mocks those who believe in chemtrails as
demonstrating the,
"boundless scope of the human imagination."
There appears to be no mention of directed
energy weapons ("DEWs") on the website suspected to be involved
in causing some fires around the world last year.
For its piece of "journalism" the Daily Mail,
based on the geoengineering monitoring map, is using a manufactured
anthropogenic "climate change crisis" as a cover for nefarious geoengineering operations.
How do we know they're nefarious...?
Because if they weren't they wouldn't try to
cover them up or use a manufactured climate change crisis as an
excuse to implement them.
You'll be pleased to know, judging by the
comments under the Daily Mail's article, the public is not
falling for it.
For example,
"Climate change is the justification for most
of this but it's something they are probably causing themselves.
The more damage these cause the louder the call for more
You couldn't make it up."
And Clifford Johnson
"Just leave the world alone.
Nature can sort itself out a lot more
efficiently than Gates and cronies can - no sunlight means no
plants, no insects means no birds, flowers or cereals.
End game:
no normal humans only the mega-rich
living in their bunkers. The 2% want the world to end just shows
you can never trust anyone."
Dan Bolton
"We have a corruption crisis, not a climate
Bill Gates is the biggest threat to our planet and
Comments listed in the "best" section with the
most upvotes are those that provide some home truths.
The "worst" section representing comments
with the most downvotes includes comments in support of
For what it's worth, the following is a summary
of the Daily Mail's article.
At least it highlights how far widespread the
climate cult's destructive practices are and what can only be
described as the insanity of those who are implementing the
Climate Change Cult's
Geoengineering Projects
Geoengineering is the large-scale manipulation of
environmental processes that affect Earth's climate, to halt global
warming, but its effectiveness and potential risks are still being
Bill Gates-backed project is one of
hundreds of geoengineering projects globally, aiming to,
environmental processes to halt global warming by methods such as
injecting chemical aerosols into the atmosphere and sucking carbon
dioxide out of the air.
Gates' project has already launched balloons over
Baja, Mexico, releasing sunlight-reflecting aerosols into Earth's
stratosphere, raising concerns about the potential risks and
consequences of geoengineering projects.
Geoengineering projects also include "ocean
fertilization" and "afforestation," but some scientists are
concerned that these expensive endeavors could backfire, causing
destructive weather patterns and making climate change worse.
An interactive map by ETC Group and
Heinrich Boell Foundation reveals the locations of thousands of
geoengineering projects worldwide, including over 70 in the UK.
Carbon Capture Projects in the UK
In the UK, a £20 million facility in
Northwich, Cheshire, operated by Tata Chemicals Europe, has been
capturing CO2 from a methane gas-fired power plant
since 2022, turning it into sodium bicarbonate.
Climate action groups and scientists have
warned that the benefits of carbon capture are "unproven" and
may make economies dependent on fossil fuels in the long term.
The Sizewell C nuclear power station in
Suffolk, UK, is expected to become operational in the early
2030s and will host a direct air capture ("DAC") plant that can
capture 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 each year.
The DAC plant will use chemical reactions to
extract CO2 from the air and store it underground,
reducing the amount of greenhouse gas that reaches the
atmosphere, or convert it into synthetic fuels.
However, DAC technology has "very heavy
energy requirements" and may have an environmental impact on
land, according to the map creators.
Project Speedbird in Middlesbrough, UK, will
burn biomass to produce sustainable aviation fuel, reducing CO2
emissions by 230,000 tonnes per year, equivalent to
approximately 26,000 British Airways domestic flights.
Seafields, a London-based company, is sinking
huge bales of seaweed to the bottom of the sea floor off the
south coast, claiming it will naturally capture carbon and lock
it away for thousands of years, although experts have raised
concerns about the scientific basis of this claim.
SRM in the UK
A solar radiation management ("SRM") project
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, has tested releasing sulphur
dioxide in the stratosphere to reflect sunlight, but critics
warn that this could cause ozone layer depletion and disrupt
rain and wind patterns.
The creators of the geoengineering map warn
that injecting aerosols could cause droughts in Africa and Asia,
affecting the monsoons and endangering the source of food and
water for two billion people.
US Early Warning System
The US is
building an early warning system to detect geoengineering
projects worldwide, amid concerns that some countries may pursue
poorly-regulated projects in secret, which could have unintended
consequences such as regional droughts, crop failures, and
shifts to the Atlantic jet stream.
