by Pierre Gosselin
May 26 2024
NoTricksZone Website

Wind energy
is an environmental destruction
warns veteran center-left
After the collapse of the Soviet Union and its communist block
satellite countries in 1989, the West stood in awe, amazed by the
environmental and economic wasteland left behind by the inefficient
collective socialist system.
But since then, green radicals have taken over
and it's safe to say that the next generation, in about 2060, will
also stand in amazement before a similar mass wreckage left behind
by the "Green
New Deal."
The future generation will be asking:
"What the
hell were they thinking?"

Source: Windwahn
German journalist Georg Etscheit explains
why in
a commentary at Achgut.com as
Germany moves ahead at full speed with wind energy.
Etscheit names
five environmental reasons why wind energy is leading to a
Communist-scale environmental disaster in his article:
power and its devastating consequences for people and nature."
"The ruthless way in which wind power is
being pushed through in Germany is reminiscent of the brutal way
in which the "concrete faction" wrecked many German cities in
the post-war period.
A wind madness inventory…," comments Etscheit,
saying Germany's drive into
wind energy has "run amok at the expense of people and nature."
Germany plans to add another 10,000 wind turbines
in addition to its current 30,000, which means
2% of Germany's land area will be
destroyed and industrialized, according to Etscheit.
What follows are Etscheit's
five environmental reasons why
Germany's wind energy insanity is a major threat:
Landscape will be blighted,
the addition of 10,000 wind turbines, with a height
of up to 250 meters.
The natural biotope surrounding these
turbines will be irreversibly ruined.
Endangered bird,
like the
red kite, will lose their habitats.
It's estimated that an
absolute collision rate of around 21 per year and wind
"With 40,000 or more wind turbines
planned in Germany, the million mark would soon be
Bats and insects will be severely
"Wind turbines also pose a
significant threat to the 25 or so species of bat
found in Germany…".
"…Wind turbines also have a
significant impact on flying insects, as a study
published in 2017 by the German Aerospace Center (DLR),
Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Oberpfaffenhofen
shows … an estimated five to six billion insects per day
at all German wind turbines during the warm season (200
days from April to October)."
Hazard also for marine fauna
Wind turbines have a negative impact from
pressure and sound waves on some
animal species with an extremely sensitive sense of hearing.
The industrialization of the oceans could
displace native marine mammals.
"If more and more offshore wind farms
are built, this will have
an enormous impact on
the harbor porpoise populations in the North and Baltic
Seas," reads
a statement from the Society for the Rescue of Dolphins.
Infrasound harming people
People near wind turbines often complain
of "severe
health complaints such as insomnia, dizziness,
headaches, depression, tinnitus, hearing and vision
problems, and cardiac arrhythmia", and experts warn this
will increase dramatically, and turbine setback regulations
in Germany are being watered down.
Etscheit argues for a moratorium on the
construction of new turbines but doesn't see this happening in
Germany, where officials are pressing on with the madness "no matter
the costs."