by Heather Mac Donald
November 12, 2024
CityJournal Website
Heather Mac Donald
is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan
Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal,
the author of
When Race Trumps Merit. |

Photo by Aziz Karimov
Getty Images
The latest global climate conference opened Monday in Azerbaijan.
The timing is excellent.
Any doubt regarding the wisdom of the next
Trump administration's likely pullout from such meetings should
be dispelled by the conference photos alone.
Here are tens of thousands of well fed,
well-dressed members of
the global elite:
activists, employees of lavishly funded NGOs,
armies of government bureaucrats, hundreds of heads of state,
...who have all travelled via jet and private
plane to this remote corner of the Earth and who expect that every
minute of their day will be supported by abundant, magically
available energy.
None has sacrificed a single personal comfort to
save the planet.
They assume that their smartphones will draw
on an invisible web of transmitters and that they will be able
to search the Internet and run AI queries at will,
notwithstanding that doing so requires voracious energy use from
a growing archipelago of server farms.
They expect their PowerPoints to be well lit
and their conference and hotel rooms to be heated or air
conditioned as needed.
They are never without their bottled water,
which is carried thousands of miles by carbon-emitting trucks
and planes and kept sterile by plastic containers whose
manufacture requires petrochemicals and plenty of energy.
They do not wait on the sun to shine or the
wind to blow to light their rooms, run their elevators, or power
up their devices; they want energy now and without
You don't have to be a "climate denier" to see
that climate-change politics have become the largest global
grift in history, one that
grows in proportion with each new conference.
It was just a matter of time before Third World
basket-case countries exploited the First World's virtue signaling.
This year's UNFCC
COP 29 conference in Azerbaijan
(COP stands for Conference of the Parties) features the
demand that developed countries fork over billions, if not
trillions, more dollars to the Global South, ostensibly to help
it adjust to climate change.
Those billions will follow all previous
foreign aid into the same sinkhole of corruption
and incompetence.
The grift also includes the green energy enterprises that
survive only thanks to government subsidies and mandates that no
one meets.
When it comes to electric vehicle use, those
mandates would take down the power grid if they were met.
Joe Biden's hilariously
Inflation Reduction Act
transfers close to $400 billion of appropriated taxpayer wages
into subsidies for wind and solar development.
The alleged purity of those
alternative energy sources is based on keeping their
environmental costs off stage.
Climate change conferenciers lead self-important,
globe-trotting lives.
Not a month goes by without an international
convocation somewhere.
In April 2024, the 15th
Petersburg Climate Dialogue took place in Berlin.
In June 2024, the Bonn Climate Change
Conference included the 60th session of the
Subsidiary Body for Implementation and a meeting of the
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice.
The 79th Session of the UN General
Assembly in September 2024 hosted a high-level plenary meeting
on what the General Assembly called the,
"existential threats posed by sea
level rise"... (sic)
The current COP 29 meeting gathers together
climate change veterans as well as an ever-expanding crew of new
It will include the 19th meeting
of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of
the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 19), and the sixth
meeting of the COP serving as the Meeting of the Parties to
the Paris Agreement (CMA 6).
Hot air is acceptable for a good cause...
The New York Times lamented Trump's contempt for climate
change accords long before he won the election. Saving the planet
was another reason to vote for Kamala Harris, the paper urged in its
news pages.
On Monday, the Times added to its long
list of untruths regarding anything Trump-related.
"World leaders gathering in Baku, the capital
of Azerbaijan, on Monday for a global climate summit face a
bleak reality:
The United States, the country
responsible for pumping the most greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere, is expected to soon drop out of the fight
against climate change," the paper wrote on its front page.
The U.S. is not the biggest emitter of greenhouse
China is, and India is coming up fast
It is the self-punishing futility of restricting
American manufacturing and development while America's competitors
do whatever it takes to seize the economic advantage that drove
Trump to pull out of the
Paris Climate Accords the first
time around.
The Times worries that China could assume,
"leadership of international efforts to
address climate change",
...if the U.S. withdraws again.
If China does assume such leadership, it will
not be at the cost of its own manufacturing base and standard of
If these climate gatherings focused on reviving
nuclear energy - the solution to
a "warming" planet - one could take
them seriously.
But nuclear remains an afterthought at best
in the romantic pursuit of "renewable" sources of power, whose
harnessing requires mineral extraction, energy-consumptive
manufacturing, and unsightly and sometimes lethal disruptions of
natural ecosystems.
Trump's realism regarding the self-promoting
theater of climate activism is of a piece with his
refusal to bail Western countries out of their delinquent defense
The climate grift (scam) will
continue and the putative nonprofits that have sprung up around it
will keep multiplying, but at least the American contribution to
elite hypocrisy will be cut back...