by Kingsley L. Dennis
January 04, 2025
KingsleyLDennis Website
Spanish version

Now that the world has entered into 2025, I may take a little time
to share a few words.
This year I decided to be quiet over the festive
period and to take a step back instead of making efforts to bring
out social media posts giving wishes for the end of another year.
I wanted a break...!
I closed down the computer, stopped checking my
phone so regularly for messages, and played a lot of music that I
like. I have a pile of books that I wish to get through also.
On New Year's Day, the 1st of
January, I opened the first of the new books and started reading.
The book is a biographical exploration of the
life and work of
Rodney Collin-Smith, who was a
pupil of the teacher P.D. Ouspensky and who was involved in
propagating ideas based on the
Fourth Way work of G.I.
The book is titled, 'Rodney
Collin - A Man who wished to Do Something with his Life'
(by Terje Tonne).
Rodney Collin died at the young age of 47
(1956), in Cuzco, Peru, whilst leading student groups in inner
development work.
Yet what struck me was the subtitle:
'a man who wished to do something with
his life...'
To me, this identifies an inner longing that we
all share (or at least can empathize with), and yet is a trait or
feature which is more recognized in modern life by its absence.
Modern life is now characterized more
by its busyness, and by its absorption of our time and
energy rather than our meaningful contribution
We may wish to 'do' something with our lives, yet
doing without 'being' more often becomes a lacklustre gesture.
Very few people know much about Rodney Collin, or are even aware of
him, and yet he did so much in his lifetime.
As an individual person, he achieved a lot.
Although he wrote and published a few books,
he was neither well known nor widely recognized by the external
world, either during his time or now.
But that doesn't really matter - does it? -
as each person cannot (or should not) be measured by recognition
from the external world.
Why not...?
Simply because, in my opinion,
the external world operates along a different
mode of consciousness and awareness in regard to the path of
inner growth.
And to a large degree, the external world is
why would we want to be recognized, or strive
for recognition, from a realm where values, norms, and moralities
are conditioned by a consensus thinking that has no spiritual or
metaphysical foundation?
If there ever was a time for discernment between the corrupted
realms of toxic materialism and mind-washing (quite literally), and
the path of human authenticity, then that time is most definitely
upon us.
It seems to me that there is a feeding frenzy
going on in the world right now.
And I am not only talking about the global
players (and let us remember that anyone who has high-profile
visibility is most likely to be a puppet-player, for
'real players are rarely seen on the
This is not 'conspiracy thinking,' it is the way
things are, and have been.
Only that most people, most of the time, live
upon the surface of reality, and perceive only through surface
This is not an accusation, it's just the
way things are, and have been.
If you cannot play the Game well, then
it's probably best not to play at all (on their playground).
And if you know the Game well, then
you are most likely not wishing to play it by their rules for
you know better.
People who talk a lot don't know
Those that know most, say the least.
That's just the way things are, and have
And so, discernment is key now,
only that it requires a little distance from events.
That's why I personally feel that one of the best
strategies for moving forward - into 2025 and beyond -
to create a healthy distinction between what
is allegedly going on in the world, and one's own human
condition (authentic self) and sense of groundedness.
Whilst it is important to know, to some degree,
what is going on in the world, it is equally (if not more)
important to not become energetically and emotionally entangled in
these events.
Those of us concerned with the development of the
human condition realize that we are simultaneously travelling a
parallel path, where we can establish a space for the human being
(and our 'Beingness') that is not affected by the increasing
toxicity of a low vibrational environment.
It is our responsibility to,
focus, and place our attention, onto the
constructive aspects of the human path forward.
And to do this with grace and charm.
It is as simple and as hard as that...
As I once wrote:
'To work harmoniously with people, with
courtesy, respect, and correct manners, is a prerequisite for
any achievement in human development.
It is as simple and as hard as that.'

This is similar to a quote I am fond of, which
may also be appropriate to share here:
'A number of people working, thinking,
feeling and offering themselves together with each one
consciously involving his or her essential being, are capable of
producing a thing of amazing beauty.'
Omar Ali-Shah
And so, the question comes down to each person
engaging with 'his or her essential being.'
What we need right now is not another styled
New Age, or
new world order, or
anything else along those lines.
What we are really in need of is an age of
With so much fakery, pseudo-truths, and
simulation going on around us, we are falling further away from
the authentic and the genuine.
So maybe, I suggest, we should each reflect on
where we are standing right now (or where we are sitting right now),
and the relationship to our essential self.
Too much of the time we are being pulled away
from ourselves and into the maelstrom of commenting, debating, and
arguing about life events.
Yet the more we are engaged in discussing, or
following, these events, then the more we are carrying their
And the more we carry this contaminated
energy, the more we exist under a spell.
There is a spell upon us, and we are being
distracted from the essential.
We are being lulled away from recognizing the
innate noble condition of the human spirit (or soul). And the last
thing we really want is to lead soulless lives...
So - what is the 'essential'...?
I shall leave you here with a tale that I have shared several times
over the years, and which is a favorite of mine.
I call this tale 'The Essential.'
Enjoy - and peace be with you:
A lion was captured and imprisoned in a
reserve where, to his surprise, he found other lions that had
been there for many years, some even their whole life having
been born in captivity.
The newcomer soon became familiar with the
activities of the other lions and observed how they were
arranged in different groups.
One group was dedicated to socializing, another to show
business, whilst yet another group was focused on preserving the
customs, culture and history from the time the lions were free.
There were church groups and others that
had attracted the literary or artistic talent.
There were also revolutionaries who
devoted themselves to plot against their captors and against
other revolutionary groups.
Occasionally, a riot broke out and one group
was removed or killed all the camp guards and so that they had
to be replaced by another set of guards.
However, the newcomer also noticed the
presence of a lion that always seemed to be asleep.
He did not belong to any group and was
oblivious to them all.
This lion appeared to arouse both
admiration and hostility from the others.
One day the newcomer approached this solitary
lion and asked him which group he belonged to.
'Do not join any group,' said the lion.
'Those poor ones deal with everything but the essential.'
'And what is essential?' asked the newcomer.
'It is essential to study the nature of the fence'...