by Kingsley L. Dennis
Every detail pre-planned:
How it will manifest, I can only surmise...
conscious mind has nothing similar to equate it with - my brain can
only translate impressions of possibilities and approximations, and
even so these may be wide of the mark... but it brings spiritual
opportunity, and work - at a certain time, in a certain place, for
certain people - and this is duplicated all over the earth.
Its intention is to produce a finer and more
complex response, resulting eventually in a specific development -
the end product of which is already in prototype.
When we say quickening, we usually mean a speeding-up of natural development, and the cosmic inflow which regulates that is always with us and can be utilized by the individual at a certain stage anyway.
But this doesn't simply relate to the individual at all - it's universal - everything is affected, all organic life!
A new force, or
influence, is reaching us - coded
to produce precise results that will supersede the old modes of
development - almost a forced process which will have effects unique
in world history as we know it.
Everything useless and inhibiting to this process
will be swept away...
A stepping-up of transformative force must cause resistance... and in this respect, the animal kingdom and all natural life will fare much better than humanity - having followed its own instinctive laws without deviation.
A certain amount was inevitable, but gross depravity is entirely man-made and man-perpetuated, leading to widescale degeneration of the species as a media for conscious development.
It didn't have to happen that way - there was a
choice, and free-will was given to each one of us - but the
consequence is a vast mountain of distorted growth, like a cancer,
in mankind's causative patterns, which influences and affects
incoming souls to the point where it has to be dealt with.
But the coded vibration already beginning to infiltrate, will nullify the residual deviations, and activate a new order of existence... a more natural way of life, with the finer aspects of human nature predominant... creating fresh cultures, where genuine schools will establish vital possibilities for the evolution of consciousness.
I actually saw the descent of such schools into manifestation - they link with the previous history of the earth, long lost to us now, when Beings of a finer development incarnated and were acknowledged for what they were:
It will take a long time for the whole operation to come fully into effect.
You can equate it with a bulb, a shoot, a bud, a flower; but its initial insertion, its 'planting', is a cosmic event, requiring infinite care and preparation on the part of those enlightened lives that are bringing it to birth.
They disseminate, in relevant form to existing circumstance, an organic nutrient the Sufis call baraka, which, correctly absorbed, makes us grow - or more specifically, develop an inner organ of consciousness.
We've forgotten as a race the very meaning of our
own existence.
But a higher law can intervene and move these units round a bit, rearrange them rather differently, so that instead of tomorrow reaping a painful consequence, it is deferred until later, when one could deal with it more ably, perhaps even transmute it entirely with the greater strength acquired in the meantime.
Or a pleasurable sequence may likewise be deferred, to prevent satiety and heedlessness, and suffering brought forward instead to create strength and inner fortitude - but neither effect is rendered obsolete or destroyed.
The laws themselves are not interfered with, and
absorption plus transmutation by a stronger principle, appears the
only way out of experiencing one's own 'effects' - likewise the
Time is a dimension with many gradients, and in some causative strata,
...but the actual physical manifestation is yet to come and is still moving through time towards us.
The tension in national events begins to reflect
it, and everywhere, in every aspect of life, you can see its
Another factor may be that those same individuals possess the power of germination - they could constitute a leaven amongst us, and their interleaving in our lives could cause our own small sparks of immortality to quicken.
It's my personal belief that many are amongst us now...
Video also HERE...
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