by Kingsley L. Dennis
January 25, 2025
from KingsleyLDennis Website






A new series of prophetic visions exploring potential evolutionary futures of humankind based on extraordinary visionary experiences.


Text extracts from: 'Approach to Reality' by A.J. Peterson on Sufism (Roseking Publications, 1983).



I went to bed, too exhausted to experience terror - and immediately entered a semi-sleep state in which I perceived the outline of a huge, stationary shape beside the bedroom door.


This remained throughout the night, but the intense fear experienced formerly did not recur, for I knew it was 'dead' - that it had been detonated, rendered inactive by an intelligence that had all things under control.


I saw the 'shell' clearly and continuously - it was full of atoms of energy drained from various sources and magnetically supercharged, and these poured out like a volcanic flow all through the night.


I did not sleep at all as far as I am aware, but remained in an in-between state, the outpouring suffusing me constantly.


It was radioactive - my essence was saturated with these particles and I felt them stepping-up my own vibration, and forcing entry into the life stream activating my brain.


At one point I was conscious of being inside my brain - the network of chambers were luminous, glowing red and whitish grey - a place of cavities and undulating passages.


Then the explosions began - particles blew-up every few seconds, like giant bombs, the reverberation was terrific.


I knew I must endure it, there was no other recourse - each explosion opened-up a further chamber, and this magically impregnated substance, like ultra-fine rubber film, extruded into the ventricle, filled it, and overflowed into the next one, where more explosions occurred.

I became aware of two Beings who brought me great comfort...


There was still the terror, the fear, rising and falling, but they kept me sane, and explained what was happening, though much remained beyond my grasp.


It seemed I was used as a kind of drain, or filter. Impressions poured through my body, like broken off portions of a larger mass.


Some were in small blocs, relating to particular individuals, the nature of which were explained to me as they passed through my physical form:

the human vehicle apparently serving as an intermediary earthing apparatus...

I was told that this was the point of greatest danger - the blocs were still solid, composed of substantial wedges of 'red' impulses that must not in any way be activated - whose impetus would be uncontrollable if not adequately supervised - but that later the residue would disperse into small pockets, which would assimilate without too great discomfort, becoming more manageable as they split up.


The greater bulk of the flow was sluiced away - I did not touch it; it was as if I had been on the periphery.

That which I took came from specific persons, and there was a reason for this...

Now began an even stranger experience - one that I cannot hope to communicate, although in the main I remember it well.

There was a process of activation which began just below the spine.


At each point of intensity, a set of muscles were brought into movement, constituting an interior 'dance', linked with the cosmos and also the mechanism of the physical body.


As each junction was reached, a sound, like a note of music, exuded from its source - also a perfume, subtle and pungent, and a harmony, absolutely distinctive, and a color, glowing and luminescent.

I remember an elephant near the commencement, threshing wildly at first, as if mad, then 'harmonized' and controlled.


There was a four-petalled flower, brilliantly red, and an incredibly strong ox - but I may have mixed things in memory, as this part is blurred.


A serpent was midway, swaying and hissing, but softly, as if singing - his perfume evoked a subtle ecstasy, like a rising incense.

Then came a blue Krishna, lodged in the heart, dazzlingly beautiful, and the rest I cannot recall.

A little later, I was precipitated suddenly into another intense experience - a cosmic 'dance', linking this time with a sub-level beneath the spinal root, connecting with the elemental and mineral kingdoms.


A further explosion, tremendous in effect, was like the application of dynamite to clear a pathway through rock.


Each explosion had carried an enormous generative heat, and a fallout which at first blanked the consciousness, and then clarified it to a hitherto unknown degree.


It was as if each was the key to a strata of existence.


In this instance, more clearly recalled than those formerly, the relevant 'kingdom' opened to me, and I was welcomed by, and communicated with, some of its inhabitants - the dark and beautiful Being in whose charge it was, and various elementals, objectified by my inner vision as fire spirits and others, in the forms of tiny men.


The musical note of this level was very muted, and darkly infra-red...








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