by Dr. Joseph Mercola
January 08, 2023
Mercola Website

Hydrogen peroxide sits inside and outside cells of your cells in low
levels, ready and waiting to be generated in greater amounts as soon
as a pathogen is detected by your immune system
Nebulizing hydrogen peroxide into your sinuses, throat and lungs is
a simple, straightforward way to augment your body's natural
expression of hydrogen peroxide to combat infections
In addition to having direct viricidal effects, iodine improves
white blood cell function and thyroid hormone production. This
provides a metabolic boost to white blood cells to increase hydrogen
peroxide antimicrobial properties which is one way your immune
system works to kill pathogens
Vitamin C also increases hydrogen peroxide production when used at
high doses, while vitamin A helps modulate your immune system
Buy a desktop nebulizer and stock food-grade hydrogen peroxide,
Lugol's iodine and some saline. That way, you have everything you
need and can begin treatment at home at the first signs of a
respiratory infection
This is an inexpensive and effective way
to treat COVID-19.
peer-reviewed paper found,
out of 107 sick patients,
there was just
one hospitalization,
no ventilators and zero deaths...
David Brownstein, who has a clinic just outside of Detroit,
successfully treated over a hundred patients with what has become my
favorite intervention for
COVID-19 and other upper respiratory
infections, namely nebulized hydrogen peroxide.
He has published the
results of his work in a study that you can download
Since I first wrote about it at the beginning of April 2020, I've
received impressive testimonials of its effectiveness from friends
and acquaintances who got severely ill and used it.
Brownstein is probably best known for his promotion of iodine and
its supplementation. He was also an early adopter of vitamin D
optimization and nebulized peroxide.
He explains the background that
led him to his current regimen:
"The history goes back about 28 years when I began practicing
holistic medicine.
Of course, we would see people with influenza
and influenza-like illnesses every fall and winter, so I started
searching for things that would help people's immune systems...
We initially started using vitamin C and vitamin D. I started to
check vitamin D levels in 1992.
What I found was the vast majority of my
patients, well over 90%, were deficient in vitamin D, and those
who had more chronic issues and were sicker in general, they
usually had lower levels of vitamin D...
Then I came across
vitamin A.
I originally read the research on how
vitamin A helped third world countries when they had measles
infections and helped... [patients] recover uneventfully if they
had enough vitamin A, so I quickly added vitamin A to the regimen.
A few years later, I learned about iodine. Iodine has direct
viricidal effects.
It has immune system effects.
It helps the white
blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide to fight viral and bacterial
infections, as well as thyroid effects. Iodine got added to the
regimen, and so the original treatment of our patients was vitamins
A, C, D and iodine at high doses for about four days.
What we found was our patients did not develop pneumonia, did not
get hospitalized, did not die from flu and other influenza-like
illnesses at anywhere near the rates that they should have when you
looked at the published rates of problems with these illnesses."
Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone
While attending an oxidative medicine course, Brownstein learned
about hydrogen peroxide.
At that point, he and his staff started
using nebulized hydrogen peroxide and intravenous (IV) hydrogen
peroxide. That was back in the mid-1990s.
So, he has been using nebulized peroxide clinically for 25 years now, which is longer than
anyone I know of.
With each revision of his original protocol, patients seemed to fare
Fast-forward another couple of years, at another medical
course, he learned about the benefits of ozone.
"That was the latest addition to it. What we found over 28 years of
using this therapy is that our patients did well. I never made a
claim that this cured any influenza or influenza-like illness.
it does is it supports the immune system in multiple ways, and
people get over it just like they've gotten over it for eons of
time," Brownstein says.
"If we didn't get over these viral illnesses, we wouldn't survive as
a human species, so it certainly makes sense we'd want a strong
immune system in place when we get exposed to these pathogenic
When COVID-19 came around... we were warned that
we're going to have millions of deaths, and this is going to be
the biggest medical catastrophe in our lifetimes...
Everyone was on edge, and I had a meeting with my staff at the end
of a work week. It was the last Thursday in February.
And I told the
staff that the first 28 years of our holistic practice was truly
practice for this pandemic... And I said,
'I think we've got this covered.'
I said,
'I can't guarantee anyone anything, but we've treated coronavirus
in past years...
Coronavirus is known to be part of
the influenza-like illnesses...
I don't see any reason why this
wouldn't work for this illness as it has worked for the other viral/coronavirus
illnesses that we've been treating'."
107 Patients - One Hospitalization, Zero Deaths
Brownstein and the other physicians in his practice first started
treating COVID patients in the middle of a Detroit winter under full
social distancing and
lockdown restrictions.
As a result, he had to
treat patients who were ill in a drive-through in his clinic parking
They'd stick their arm out their car window, and Brownstein and
his colleagues would do an IV of hydrogen peroxide and vitamin C and
intramuscular shots of ozone.
"I vividly remember the snow coming down on my face mask as I'm
shaking my head like a dog in order to clear my face shield, trying
to put the IV in," he says.
"At the end of the treatment, we would
do ozone. We didn't want to do IV ozone outside because the elements
weren't good, so we decided to do intramuscular ozone.
People who were sick, who couldn't breathe, we'd meet them in the
parking lot. At the end of the IVs, we'd open their car door and
have them stick their rear end out the car door.
We'd put ozone in
each [butt] cheek and send them on their way.
We got them hooked up on a nebulizer too, nebulizing hydrogen
peroxide and iodine. After they started the therapies, usually after
the first nebulized treatment, their airways would open up, and they
could breathe again.
We ended up treating 107 patients that I wrote
about in the published, peer-reviewed [paper].
We had one
hospitalization, no ventilators, no deaths."
The case report, 1 "A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using
Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies," was published in Science,
Public Health Policy, and The Law in July 2020.
For a couple of
months, Brownstein would post video interviews with his patients, in
which they told their story.
He removed all of them after receiving a warning letter from the
Federal Trade Commission, telling him that because there's no
established prevention, treatment or cure for COVID-19, any mention
thereof falls in violation of FTC law.
"In their first letter to me, they said,
'Because there's no human
clinical studies documenting what you say works, you need to remove
So, after we published the [case review], my lawyer wife sent
the FTC a letter saying,
'Here's a published study. We'd like to put
my study on my website without comment.'
And they said,
'No, it's
not a randomized. We want a randomized controlled study.'
So, we felt like we had punched the ball into the end zone, and then
they moved the goal post back 30 yards, but that's where we stand
right now with it.
And we're still treating patients with it. The
study was on 107 patients. We've probably treated 10 more patients
since then, still with good success.
I wrote in the article that the reason I didn't do a randomized
study was it's unethical for me to withhold that treatment from
people when I'm as certain as I can be that the therapy was going to
There's no way I could sleep at night if I was randomizing
people to get the therapy, and others to not get the therapy.
COVID was a new illness. We had never seen it. Nobody had ever seen
it. There were no randomized studies. There's no reason to.
Too many
people were dying. We've already had over 100,000 deaths.
It's just
tragic, and it's really going to be a stain on medicine when the
final autopsy is written on this."
Boosting Your Immune Function Is Imperative
Interestingly, as explained by Brownstein, in addition to having
direct viricidal effects, iodine also stimulates and supports the
immune system.
It increases the killing effect of hydrogen peroxide
production in your white blood cells by improving white blood cell
and thyroid function, which is one way our immune system works to
kill pathogens.
Vitamin C directly increases hydrogen peroxide
production when used at high doses, he says, while vitamin A helps
modulate your immune system.
"Perhaps instead of just relying on masks and social isolation, we
should be talking about the immune system," Brownstein says.
"How do
we support it? And I'd like to throw out the question: Since when
did talking about supporting the immune system become illegal? Since
when do you have to be quiet about it?
Unfortunately, in this time and age, this is where we're at right
now, and it's a sad time...
I've been writing a book on a holistic
approach to viruses. And in this book... I say that this illness is
an example of what's wrong with our country.
The health of our country is in such decline, we finish last or
nearly last in every single health indicator when compared to other
Western countries, and this is why we've got hit so hard with this.
And nobody talks about our health.
All they're talking about is
masks, social isolation and wait for a vaccine.
What about the next virus that comes
What are they going to do about that one?
And my comments on this warp speed vaccine to
the world is, I hope it's safe and effective, but I don't think
I'll be first in line getting this thing, not when it's
bypassing all the safety studies...
What I'd be first in line with is trying to figure out how I'm going
to support my immune system, so when I'm confronted with these
different viruses - because after this one, there's going to be the
next one - you're not going to depend on another warp speed project.
You're going to depend on yourself to get over these things. We can
do it."
How to Do Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide
- The Basics
Video origin
Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is extremely safe.
Brownstein has used
it for 25 years with no ill effects being found. It's also
incredibly inexpensive, and you can administer it at home, without a
In my view, it is one of the absolute best therapies
for viral infections like SARS-CoV-2 or even worse respiratory
viruses that will likely be unleashed in the future.
You need to buy a desktop nebulizer (it needs to produce a very fine
mist and desktop versions are stronger than handheld battery
operated models).
The one I use is the
Pari Trek S Compressor
Aerosol System.
The large battery option is unnecessary as you can
simply plug in the device to run it when you need it.
Please understand, though, that the Pari Trek S is designed to treat
asthmatics and as such only comes with a mouthpiece. While this
would get the peroxide in the lungs where it is needed, it does
nothing to reach the sinuses, which are also likely infected.
is why it would be worth pick up some face masks on Amazon to use
instead of the mouthpiece as they are only about $10.
It is important to acquire this BEFORE you need it, as the sooner
you treat the infection the better your results will be, although
the testimonials are unbelievably impressive even in late stage
It is not necessary to treat yourself preventively, but
only if you are sick or exposed to someone who is.
While I've been using a 0.1% dilution, Brownstein uses an even lower
concentration of just 0.04%. Neither Brownstein nor I recommend
using commercial 3% hydrogen peroxide found in most grocery stores,
however, as it has potentially toxic chemical stabilizers in it.
Then take 3 to 5 ml and put that into the nebulizer and inhale the
entire amount.
You can do this every hour when you are sick until
you start to notice improvement and then back down to every four to
six hours and continue until you are over the illness.
Since you are not using full strength 3% peroxide and diluting it by
30 to 50 times, it is unlikely the stabilizers will present a
problem, but to be safe it is best to use FOOD-GRADE peroxide.
remember not to dilute it with plain water as the lack of
electrolytes in the water can damage your lungs if you nebulize
You will need to use saline or add a small amount of salt to
the water to eliminate this risk.

Brownstein also dilutes the peroxide with sterile water and saline
rather than distilled water.
Using saline prevents the osmotic
differential that can cause damage to lung cells. Brownstein dilutes
the 35% food-grade peroxide as follows.
When nebulizing, Brownstein
also adds one drop of 5% Lugol's solution to the nebulizer as well.
Dilute 35% food-grade peroxide down to 3% by mixing 1 part peroxide
with 10 parts sterile water
Take 3 cubic centimeters (CCs) of that 3% dilution and add it to a
250CC bag of normal saline. This brings it down to a .04% hydrogen
peroxide concentration
Sample Case History
Brownstein relates the case of a 67-year-old male patient.
The man
developed COVID-19 symptoms, and after seven or eight days could not
breathe and went to the hospital where he was diagnosed with
bilateral pneumonia.
After two days of treatment, which included
oxygen, he felt only slightly better, but was released from the
hospital due to a shortage of beds.
"They sent him home on oxygen and told him,
'Only come back if you
can't breathe.' So he goes home, and he calls me on the phone,
crying, 'I'm going to die. They sent me home to die.'
I said to him,
'You're not going to die. Do you have a nebulizer?'
And he said,
And I'm like,
'We need to start nebulizing right
away... Send your wife over. We'll put a nebulizer in the car and
tell you how to do it.'
So, we mixed up the solution for him, and
she brought the nebulizer home.
I called him up at the end of the day. He had done three nebulizer
treatments, and he said that after the second nebulizer treatment
his lungs started to open up. He felt about 70% better and didn't
feel like he was going to die at that point.
He was still coughing and short of breath, but not like he was.
After the third treatment, he said he was even better... So, this
nebulizer thing really does work.
The one thing I'd like your readers to know, the handheld nebulizers
don't work as well. I had a handful of patients who were using a
handheld nebulizer and trying it with the same solution.
They were calling me back saying,
'It's not working.'
When they got
a desktop model, a little stronger model, it worked. So, I encourage
people not to use a handheld nebulizer.
Use a desktop model. It's a
little bit stronger."
Nebulized Peroxide Typically Improves Symptoms Within Hours
This story echoes the experiences of personal acquaintances who have
tried the treatment.
After two treatments, they felt significantly
better. After the third treatment, their breathing was restored and
they were well on their way to a full recovery.
You'd be hard-pressed to find another treatment that works within
Brownstein agrees that this scenario is consistent with what
he has encountered among his own patients.
"Usually, everything feels better within a couple of hours of
starting nebulizing," he says.
When asked about how others in the
medical community have responded to his blog posts about the
treatment, he replies:
"In the middle of the crisis as I was posting... I started hearing
from doctors all over the country, especially in New York and New
They were hospital physicians... They didn't know what to
do. The therapies weren't working.
No. 1, they want the therapy for their family, and No. 2, they want
to help their patients. So, I was hearing from doctors. They were
I heard from a couple of local doctors who sent patients
to us whom they couldn't help.
They had nothing to offer them... and [those patients] got better...
It was really the first time I got a bunch of emails, messages
and phone calls from doctors saying,
'Hey, tell me how it works.
Tell me what you're doing'."
Hydrogen Peroxide Facts
In my April 2020 article, "Could Hydrogen Peroxide Treat
Coronavirus?" I reviewed some of the basic science of how hydrogen
peroxide works, as well as some of the studies assessing its
therapeutic potential.
The most relevant study 2 was published in March 2020 in the
of Hospital Infection.
They studied 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, and
found it killed human coronaviruses, including,
the coronaviruses
responsible for SARS and MERS...
Here are a few additional facts that
explain how and why hydrogen peroxide works so well for respiratory
Hydrogen peroxide freely crosses cell membranes and does not readily
oxidize biological molecules, including lipids and proteins. 3
does however react with iron...!
The presence of free, unbound iron in
high concentrations in pathogens is what allows them to be
selectively targeted by hydrogen peroxide.
High concentrations of iron result in a rapid breakdown of hydrogen
peroxide into hydroxyl radicals and water.
The hydroxyl radical, a
potent oxidizing agent, kills any pathogens present. (Under normal,
healthy circumstances, hydrogen peroxide merely breaks down into
oxygen and water.)
Peroxide is generated by activated phagocytes (pathogen-killing
immune cells) at sites of inflammation. 4
Phagocytes also contain
high amounts of ascorbate (vitamin C), which directly donate
electrons to peroxide to generate the pathogen-killing hydroxyl
radical inside the infected cells.
Vitamin C also helps generate increased amounts
of extracellular hydrogen peroxide, which further boosts the
elimination of pathogens. 5
Hydrogen peroxide is continually generated inside all cells in your
body, including the epithelial lining of your lungs. (Hydrogen
peroxide is present in the air exhaled by healthy human subjects,
and when inflammation is present, more peroxide is found in the
exhaled breath.) 6
The presence of excreted peroxide on these
surface cells in the airways is part of a healthy, at-the-ready
immune response. 7
Aside from its anti-pathogen properties, hydrogen peroxide is also
recognized as an important signaling molecule, both intracellular
and extracellular, influencing and modulating multiple metabolic
processes. 8
In summary,
hydrogen peroxide sits inside and outside your cells in
low levels, ready and waiting to be generated in greater amounts as
soon as a pathogen is detected by the immune system by NADPH Oxidase
Its presence in your human body (at varying amounts depending on
whether infection is present), and the lack of toxic metabolites,
are indicative of its safety and nontoxic nature.
Similarly, as noted by Brownstein, hydrogen peroxide is extremely
safe to use and nebulize at the diluted levels suggested. It's also
All pathogens studied to date have been found to succumb
to hydrogen peroxide, albeit at varying concentrations and for
different amounts of exposure.
So, nebulizing hydrogen peroxide into the sinuses, throat and lungs
is a simple, straightforward way to augment your body's natural
expression of hydrogen peroxide to combat infection.
"There are cheap and effective ways
to treat patients suffering from
and we should be studying this.
We should be allowed to
report on it,
and we should be allowed to study it.
[If we were], we
wouldn't have the travesty
that's happened to our country."
Dr. Brownstein
While individual sensitivities to inhaled peroxide vary, even very
low concentrations (below 3%) have been shown to reliably kill most
pathogens. 9,10,11,12
Through trial and error, Brownstein found,
was the lowest concentration at which patients report significant
improvement, which is why he recommends that level of dilution.
Summary of Treatment
To summarize, here's how I would treat myself or a family member:
At the very first signs of a respiratory infection, dilute
food-grade hydrogen peroxide down to a 0.1% (my recommendation) or
0.04% solution (Dr. Brownstein's recommendation).
If you want, you
can add one drop of 5% Lugol's iodine solution, and nebulize using a
desktop nebulizer.
Start taking quercetin and
zinc, as an adjunctive therapy as soon as
you know you have an infection, as the earlier you start the better.
This treatment is likely ineffective late in the course of the
illness as it works to inhibit viral replication.
If the virus has
already reproduced, it is too late and the horse is out of the barn.
The key is to have everything you need readily available.
Have it in
your possession before you need it.
An ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure, so procure the nebulizer, peroxide and iodine
before you get ill.
If you're exposed to someone who is sick, you can use the nebulized
peroxide as a prophylactic, but if you're healthy, it's not
recommended to nebulize daily.
For prevention, also make sure your
vitamin D level is above 40 ng/mL.
In the later stages of disease, NAC may be really useful. The MATH+
protocol developed by Dr. Paul Marik uses,
vitamin C, thiamine (vitamin B1) and heparin.
Heparin is
administered because COVID-19 is a blood disorder too. There are
clotting complications, and the heparin seems to improve that.
NAC also prevents platelet aggregation and abnormal blood clotting.
It also reduces oxidative stress and increases glutathione levels,
both of which play important roles in this disease.
In my view, quercetin, zinc,
glutathione, vitamin D and nebulized peroxide is a
home run.
"There are cheap and effective ways to treat [COVID-19], and we
should be studying this," Brownstein says.
"We should be allowed to
report on it, and we should be allowed to study it. [If we were], we
wouldn't have the travesty that's happened to our country."
Video origin
Interview Transcript