by Dr. Oliver Tearle
Loughborough University
March 07, 2023
InterestingLiterature Website
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Perhaps the most famous idea in all of Plato's work is
the Allegory of the Cave.
This much-discussed (and much-misunderstood)
story is a key part of Plato's Republic, a work which has the
claim to be the first ever literary utopia.
The Republic, Plato and a
number of other philosophers discuss the ideal society, focusing on
education, political leadership, and the role and responsibility of
the individual within society.
The Allegory of the Cave represents a number of the core
ideas of Plato's thinking in one short, accessible parable.
But what is the meaning of this allegory?
Before we offer an analysis of Plato's idea,
here's a summary of what he says about it in The Republic.
One of the key ideas on Plato's Republic is his theory of
forms, where 'forms' means much the same as 'ideas'.
And the Allegory of the Cave represents
Plato's approach to ideas.
We are invited to imagine a group of people
sitting in an underground cave, facing the walls.
They are chained up and they cannot move
their heads.
Behind them, a fire is forever burning, and
its flames cast shadows onto the cave walls.
Between the fire and the cave walls, there is a road, and people
walk along this road, carrying various objects:
models of animals made of stone and wood,
human statuettes, and other things.
The people who walk along the road, and the
objects they carry, cast shadows on the cave walls.
The people who are chained in the cave and facing the wall can
only see the shadows of the people (and the objects they carry):
never the actual people and objects
walking past behind them.
To the people chained up in the cave, these
shadows appear to be
reality, because they don't
know any better.
Reality, to these people chained in the cave, is only ever a
copy of a copy:
the shadows of the original forms which
themselves remain beyond our view.
But someone comes and unchains the people in
the cave.
Now they're free.
Let's say that one of them is set free and
encouraged to look towards the fire behind him and his fellow
He can now see that the things he took for
reality until now were merely shadows on the wall.
But this knowledge isn't, at first, a good thing.
The revelation is almost overwhelming.
The light of the fire hurts his eyes, and
when he is dragged up the slope that leads out of the cave, and
he sees the sun outside, and is overwhelmed by its light.
In time, however, he comes to accept that the sun is the true
source of light in the world, the cause of the seasons and the
annual cycle of things.
And he would come to feel sorry for those who
remain behind in the cave and are content to believe that the
shadows on the cave wall are reality.
Indeed, the people who remain behind in the
cave believe he wasted his time in going outside and simply
ruined his eyes for nothing.
But the man who has been outside knows there is no
going back to his old beliefs...:
his perception of the world has changed
He cannot rejoin those prisoners who sit and
watch the shadows on the wall.
They, for their part, would resist his
attempts to free them, and would sooner killer him than be led
out of the cave, as he was.
And so if the man who has seen the sun returns to the cave, his
eyes will take time to adjust back to the darkness of the cave
and to the shadows on the wall.
He will now be at a disadvantage to his
fellow cave-dwellers, who have never left the cave and seen the
An allegory is a story that has a
double meaning:
as The Penguin Dictionary of Literary
Terms and Literary Theory puts it, an allegory has a primary
or surface meaning, but it also has a secondary or
under-the-surface meaning.
This is certainly true of Plato's Allegory of
the Cave.
But what is its secondary meaning?
Although The Republic is classified as a
work of philosophy, it is structured more like a dialogue or even a
play (though not a dramatic one), in that it takes the form of a
conversation between several philosophers:
Socrates, Glaucon, Plato
himself, and a number of other figures are all 'characters' in
the Republic.
The Allegory of the Cave, as Plato's
comments indicate, is about the philosopher seeing beyond the
material world and into the 'intelligible' one.
The symbolism of the cave being underground is
significant, for the philosopher's journey is upwards towards higher
things, including the sun:
a symbol for the divine, but also for
truth (those two things are often conflated in religions:
Jesus, for example, referred to himself as 'the way, the
truth, and the life' in John 14:6).
Plato insists, however, that the philosopher has
a duty to return to the material world, to the world of the cave and
its inhabitants (or prisoners), and to try to open their eyes to the
It is no good leaving the cave behind.
The philosopher must return down into the cave
and face ridicule or even persecution for what he has
to say:
he has to be prepared for the unpleasant fact
that most people, contented with their mental 'chains' and their
limited view of the world, will actively turn on anyone who
challenges their beliefs, no matter how wrong those beliefs are.
People come to love their chains, and being shown
that everything you've believed is a lie will prove
too much (as Plato acknowledges) for many people, and
even, initially, for the philosopher.
It is curious how prophetic Plato was:
his teacher and friend Socrates would
indeed be ridiculed by Aristophanes in his play
Clouds, and later he would be put on trial, and
sentenced to death, for his teachings.
In other words,
those people who have seen the ideal world,
have a responsibility to educate (inform)
those in the material world rather than keep their knowledge to
So we can see how Plato's Allegory of the Cave
relates not only to the core ideas of
The Republic, but also to Plato's
philosophy more broadly.
There are several further details to note about the symbolism
present in the allegory.
One detail which is often overlooked, but which
is important to note, is the significance of those objects which the
people on the road are carrying:
they are, Plato tells us, human statuettes
or animal models carved from wood or stone.
Why is this significant?
These objects cast their shadows on the walls of
the cave, and the people chained in the cave mistake the shadows for
the real objects, because they don't know anything different.
But the objects themselves are copies of
things rather than the original things themselves:
statues of humans rather than real humans,
and models of animals rather than the real thing...
So, as
Robin Waterfield notes in his
excellent notes to his translation of Plato's Republic,
the objects are 'effigies' of real things, or
reflections of types.
This means that the shadows on the wall are
reflections of reflections of types, therefore.
So (as Waterfield puts it),
the shadows on the wall might represent, say,
a kind of moral action, while the objects/statues/effigies
themselves are a person's thoughts on morality.
When these thoughts are observed in the material
world (i.e., on the cave wall), we are observing a moral action
somebody has taken, which is a reflection of some moral code or
belief (the effigy that cast the shadow)...
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