Aletheia Luna
April 06, 2024
LonerWolf Website

Synchronicity reveals
the meaningful connection
between the subjective and
objective world.
Carl Jung
For the lone wolf and spiritual wanderer, the awakening journey can
often feel confusing and, at times, lonely.
This is where synchronicity can be like a light shining in the
darkness for us, guiding the way and affirming that we're on the
right path.
Do you keep seeing the same repeated numbers,
colors, words, or images all the time?
Do you wonder what on earth is happening?
Don't worry, you're not going crazy. You're just
experiencing synchronicity...!
In this guide, I'll share with you types of synchronicity, how to
welcome more synchronicity into your life, how to interpret it, and
What is Synchronicity?

Synchronicity is a term originally
coined by psychologist Carl Jung that refers to deeply
meaningful coincidences that mysteriously occur in your life.
When you experience synchronicity, you'll have experiences that seem
far too significant to be mere day-to-day serendipitous encounters.
Some people describe these as,
Synchronicity can manifest in an endless number
of forms.
For example, those who experience synchronious
events usually report seeing or hearing meaningful names, numbers,
words, or symbols.
What is the Purpose
of Synchronicity?

There are various theories surrounding the purpose of synchronicity
(which you'll learn about a little later).
But for the lone wolf and spiritual wanderer on a path of inner
awakening, synchronicity can be seen as a powerful 'wink' from the
Universe telling us that yes, we're on the right track...
We can also see synchronicity as a form of guidance from the
Higher Self or Soul.
In other words,
it's a way of showing you where to go and
what to do next in your life as you proceed through your
spiritual awakening journey.
Synchronicity is often experienced most commonly
by those who are walking a path of self-actualization, spiritual
transformation, and enlightenment.
Coming across a form of synchronicity can be powerful confirmation,
a ray of guidance, or a sign of hope for lone wolves on the
spiritual journey.
Common Forms of Synchronicity

Synchronicity is different for everyone - it's dependent on our
unique needs and desires at any given moment in life.
But there are a few common forms of synchronicity out there, such
Seeing repeated numbers (such as 11 11,
2:22, 7:07, 5:55, etc.)
Thinking about something, then
mysteriously having it happen
Being in the right place at the right
Dreaming about people/animals/places,
then seeing them repeatedly in real life
Seeing repeated symbols (such as the
infinity sign, the triangle, the Tree of Life, etc.)
What's the Difference
Between Serendipity and Synchronicity?

Serendipity is when
something good accidentally happens...
For instance,
we may need cash to pay for unexpected vet
bills and find some in our jacket pocket that we've just put on.
Synchronicity, on the other hand, is not just a
single experience of good fortune.
Synchronicity is a string of events that seem
to be highly symbolic and meaningful in nature.
If serendipity is like the breadcrumb,
synchronicity is the trail that leads us toward a new destination.
Synchronicity can be seen as a lesson, affirmation, or message from
One example of synchronicity is hearing the same name over and over
again (in books, on TV, on number plates, in dreams) and later
discovering that the name is a location where you finally find your
soul place.
Synchronicity Examples

Here are some examples of synchronicity:
Overhearing a couple of strangers talk
about something that is of great significance to your own
life that you've desperately needed guidance with.
Watching episodes of your favorite TV
shows that all somehow have the same underlying
Getting the exact message you need the
most at the exact right time (e.g. if you're going through a
divorce, depression, betrayal, major life change, etc.).
Meeting the exact right person at the
exact right time (e.g., a partner, friend, teacher, etc.).
Seeing the same symbols or images
repeated everywhere (e.g., in magazines, on commercials, on
buildings, on tattoos).
Glancing at the clock the exact same time
of the day for many days on end (and seeing 11:11, 14:14,
23:23, 2:22, etc.).
Reoccurring signs that seem to lead you
somewhere special (e.g., your ideal job, home,
Hearing the same song repeated many times
in unusual circumstances
Strange alignments of birth dates between
friends, partners, colleagues, etc.
How many of these experiences can you relate to?
6 Theories About Synchronicity
(From Skeptics to Believers)
What exactly is synchronicity?
Let's examine some popular worldviews:
Hindus believe synchronicity is a
manifestation of Brahman or the fundamental connection of
all living things within the universe
Behavioral Economists would
classify synchronicity as a form of confirmation bias. For
example, if you're told to look for yellow cars, you'll
start seeing a lot more of them than you initially thought
Quantum physicists attribute
synchronicity to the "non-local" mind (or universal
Skeptics call synchronicity
Apophenia or the practice of seeing connections and patterns
in random and/or meaningless data
Spiritual seekers believe
synchronicity is a sign from their Higher Self or Soul
Psychologists (particularly those
who follow Jungian theories) believe synchronicity comes
from the unconscious mind and collective unconscious
Whatever causes it, synchronicity is far too
common and too intriguing an experience to overlook or quickly
dismiss and forget about.
As the author of You Are Not So Smart, David McRaney
Just remember that meaning comes only from
The only person who can understand why a
synchronious experience occurs and what it means is you.
What Creates

So, what actually creates synchronicity?
Common explanations for the origins of
synchronicity include the following:
The unconscious mind.
We get warning messages in our dreams, so
why can't we get them in waking life as well? Our
unconscious mind influences a lot of our behavior, and at
the same time, can also communicate with us. Spiritual signs
and omens (or instances of synchronicity) are the
unconscious mind's way of guiding us.
Harmony of energy.
As everything consists of tiny vibrating
atoms (aka. energy), synchronicity could also be a
manifestation of global/environmental harmony, where the
frequencies and vibrations of the moment sync together in
perfect equilibrium (or Oneness) producing uncanny
Law of attraction.
This theory states that good and bad
events in life are caused by your thoughts and feelings.
Thus "like attracts like," which possibly explains why
synchronicity occurs.
Psychic abilities.
Synchronicity is also thought to be a
manifestation of psychic abilities where, for example, we
intuit that a certain person will call us or a significant
event will befall us, and it does.
Personal Experience
Here is an illustration from my own life of
For some reason, the number 9 has been
extremely significant in my life.
When I need confirmation of anything, paying
attention to number 9 is one of the most obvious places to look
for me.
I was born on the 9th, my partner
was born on the 19th, my partner's mother was born on
the 29th, my partner's uncle was born on the 29th,
my three siblings were born in the 9th month of the
year, and both myself and my partner share number 9 as our
favorite number.
What are the chances?!
How to Welcome More Synchronicity
into Your Life

When you remain connected to the Divine,
She will
speak to you
- in
patterns and connections,
signs and
and all
sorts of gifts.
When magic
to the
surface of your awareness, and your life,
you know
you're blessed.
It makes
life a wild adventure.
It's also
a source of incredible strength,
coming to
you when you most need it...
Phyllis Curott
Have you ever thought that perhaps the synchronicity in your life
right now is a message in disguise?
Whether you're a skeptic or not, I encourage you to take action and
see where you're led.
Welcoming synchronicity into your life is simple. Here are some
basic practices and mindset shifts to adopt:
Be mindful and aware.
Practice alertness and pay attention to
the present moment.
Be open and receptive.
Maintain an open-minded outlook towards
synchronicity. This will enhance your receptibility towards
such an experience.
Be humble.
Sometimes what you desire or think is
"best" for yourself isn't. Learn to have a very loose hold
on what you desire. In this way, you won't be imposing
yourself on Life, but you will allow Life to impose itself
on you (in the form of synchronicity).
Be trusting.
Trust that synchronicity will appear in
your life and when it does, trust your intuition and follow
the paths presented ahead of you. When you learn to trust
yourself, you also learn to trust Life.
Follow your instincts.
Listen to what your gut instinct is
telling you - your unconscious mind is vast, limitless, and
extremely wise. Doors are being opened for us all the time,
and when we listen to our instincts, we can actively see
Other spiritual tools/practices you might like to
use to increase the synchronicity in your life include:
Prayer - mentally or verbally
express your desire to receive synchronicity (you don't have
to be religious to pray - you can pray to whatever you
believe in).
Sigils - sigils are
intention-infused symbols that are used to communicate to
your unconscious mind and they can be used to increase the
synchronicity in your life.
How to Interpret Synchronicity - 7

Perhaps you've had an increase in synchronicity lately.
You might be wondering,
"What does it mean and how can I correctly
interpret it?"
By learning how to correctly interpret the signs
and omens that appear in your life, you'll be able to know when
you're on the right path, when you're making the wisest choices, and
when you're living aligned with your deepest needs and values.
Again, synchronicity is a powerful guide during the spiritual
awakening process and essential for lone wolves choosing their own
paths in life.
Sometimes synchronicity heralds new doors (or opportunities)
that may open in your life.
Other times, synchronicity is simply trying to teach you a lesson,
for instance, to stop pursuing the relationship/job that you've set
your heart on because it won't work out.
Here are some of the most accurate ways to interpret synchronicity:
1. Meditate and go inwards
Ask yourself, "What does this synchronicity mean?".
Wait for images, feelings, or words to enter
your mind. If you still feel doubtful, repeat the same practice
three times and see what answer you get.
2. Tune into your body

Your body is a repository of wisdom, and it will tell you the
truth no matter what your mind tries to make you believe.
When you think you know what the synchronicity means, tune into
your body. Do you get any goosebumps, shivers, or feelings of
expansion as though an inner lightbulb has gone off?
If this is the case, you've likely found the
right explanation.
If, on the other hand, your body doesn't experience any notable
changes, you probably haven't found the right answer. Keep
3. Use a pendulum
Pendulum dowsing is a powerful way of getting a direct answer
from your unconscious mind. Simply get a pendulum (or a
make-shift one) and ask it a question that demands a "yes/no"
For example, you may like to ask,
"Does this synchronicity mean that this
path is right for me?"
Read more about
pendulum dowsing.
4. Find patterns

One easy way to interpret the synchronicity in your life is to
find patterns in your behavior.
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LonerWolf has been a two-person labor of love
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Any amount, big or small, would mean the
world to us.
What issues or questions have been
emerging a lot in your life at the moment?
What has been the biggest source of
anxiety/frustration you've been dealing with?
Synchronicity often arises when we need
answers and solutions. Find the patterns and relate them back to
your synchronicity.
5. Explore the hidden symbolism
Synchronicity is symbolic in nature.
For instance, you might see a black dog all
the time in your dreams and waking life, which symbolizes
negativity/bad choices.
Or you might keep seeing the repetitive number "111," which
symbolizes "being number one," or the repeated number 222, which
symbolizes "duality."
Reflect on what symbolism is present in your synchronicity.
What does that symbolism mean to you...?
Yes, you can consult a symbol dictionary or
look up the meanings online. But remember, the most important
meaning is the one you create and believe in...
6. Use oracle and tarot cards

Renowned psychologist Carl Jung once commented on the
Chinese divination method of I Ching:
"For more than thirty years I have
interested myself in this oracle technique, or method of
exploring the unconscious, for it has seemed to me of
uncommon significance."
Thanks to the I Ching, Jung developed his
theory which he coined synchronicity.
I'm sure if Jung was alive today he would believe the same
about oracle and tarot cards.
One of the easiest ways of interpreting synchronicity is to
consult an oracle or tarot deck, and there's no shortage of
options out there!
I recommend reading intuitively at first and paying attention to
what feelings emerge within you. You can pick up affordable
decks online such as the
Vintage Wisdom Oracle.
Before pulling cards, it's always best
to ground and center yourself,
preferably through some form of meditation.
Then, shuffle the cards and stop when you intuitively feel the
need to pause. Pull the card from the top of the deck and turn
it over.
Pay attention to the feelings you get from the image - are they
positive and welcoming, neutral, or unfriendly and negative?
Depending on what type of card you receive you'll have your
Tarot and oracle cards are wonderful tools to help reveal the
very core meaning of the synchronicity you're experiencing.
7. Listen to your dreams
Your dreams reveal a lot about the synchronicity occurring in
your life - they are, after all, the language of the unconscious
You can either try to passively analyze your dreams or actively
try to "incubate" (or create) dreams that help to answer your
To practice dream incubation, think about the synchronicity that
has been happening in your life lately about half an hour before
bed. Write down your question or draw a picture that symbolizes
your synchronicity and put it under your pillow.
This practice will help to prime your unconscious mind and
prepare it to give you answers during your dreams. When first
waking in the morning, record your dreams in a dream journal.
Do this for one week and see what patterns
8. Ask for guidance

When you're still feeling stuck and confused by the
synchronicity bombarding you or mysteriously poking you all the
time, this is where others can be our mirrors and reflect back
to the wisdom deep within us.
Asking for guidance from a trusted friend or spiritual guide can
be tremendously helpful as they may be able to see your
situation more objectively.