That seems to be what those crop artists were telling us at
Wayland’s Smithy on May 29, 2009:

The new crop picture shows also seven “eclipse” symbols in its
central tail (white numbers 1 to 7), as well as seven streamers
hanging off below (yellow numbers 1 to 7):

Both of those features suggest that a solar storm
may impact Earth
on July 7, 2009, as has already been suggested by several other crop
pictures from April or May (see
bishopcannings or
The new crop picture also shows a small, horizontal, four-circle
band just between its head and its long tail (blue arrows, left or
right above). That feature closely resembles a crop picture from
July 20, 2008 which told us about eclipses (see
Indeed, the suggested date of July
7, 2009 for an upcoming solar storm will be a penumbral lunar
eclipse (below image).

“If directed at Earth, a coronal mass ejection is harmless to
people, but slams into Earth's magnetic field, thereby distorting it
into the shape of a jellyfish buffeted by a strong current. The most
severe CMEs may cause geomagnetic storms capable of
satellites, radio communications or power systems”
“Coronal mass ejections typically disturb Earth's magnetic field,
distorting it into the shape of a jellyfish buffeted by a strong
current. This interaction also energizes electrically charged
particles, trapped within Earth's magnetosphere, and so causes
bright auroral displays”
Have English crop pictures ever predicted severe solar storms
Andy Thomas noted several years ago (see
“The ‘galaxy’ crop pictures of 1994 displayed Mars, Saturn, Jupiter
and the Moon in the constellation Cetus, exactly where they would
appear on April 6-7, 2000. When that date finally arrived, the Earth
encountered a very powerful solar storm, and an aurora borealis was
seen across many European or American countries, much further south
than would normally be the case.
Some wonder whether those crop
pictures were trying to tell us, that something important would be
happening to our Sun on that night? It seems beyond coincidence. It
also seems to show that the intelligences behind those crop pictures
have the power of premonition.”
Once we study this new crop picture further, a more complete report
can be made. No need to be too concerned!
Other severe solar storms
impacted on Earth in 2000 or 2003 (as noted above), but hardly
anyone took any notice, apart from some professional astrophysicists
who became very excited.
Finally, we would like to thank Steve Alexander for use of his
excellent aerial photographs, which make scientific analyses such as
this possible.
Harold Stryderight
The CMM Research Group

I don’t think I am the only person who will recognize the formation
near Wayland Smithy to be a jellyfish. It is a wonderful, unexpected
shape and it looks nothing like I’ve ever seen before in the fields.
Wondering what that could mean I searched the internet for an
explanation and I run across Japanese mythology which speaks of
Ryūjin, a dragon king. Ryujin, wanted to eat a monkey’s liver to
cure a rash. He sent the jellyfish to fetch a monkey, but the monkey
tricked the jellyfish.
When the jellyfish returned empty-handed, the
outraged dragon king beat the jellyfish until all of its bones were
This is why the jellyfish has no bones.

I like the coincidence of a jellyfish and a
dragon in one story
knowing that Dragon hill is so close to this formation.
Annemieke Witteveen
A jealousy fish
A particular sensational formation is “the jellyfish”. Although the
image shows, as usual within the crop circle phenomenon, an abstract
geometrical configuration, it is obvious enough that a jellyfish
wants to be expressed.
When I read the reactions on crop circle connector that appeared
immediately after its discovery I was surprised by the interesting
astronomical and astrophysical idea’s that were found. It seemed to
make sense indeed, but I was nevertheless left with the feeling
there had to be more.
Reflecting on the astrophysical comparison with the earth magnetic
field that looks more or less like a jellyfish, one could ask why
the circle makers didn’t directly choose for the image of the
magnetic field? Taking the tentacles in consideration it becomes
obvious that the image really wants to get the idea of a jellyfish
After all, no smooth magnetic contour-lines can be seen. It
are the tentacles that do it.
They are an exception on the geometry.

picture 1
magnetic field under the influence of solar wind.
Apart from the typical tentacles you can also reason towards the
other direction, meaning that there is not a real jellyfish
expressed but one that is tending towards geometrical abstraction.
Because of these geometrical shapes associations can be made with
eclipses and meaningful numbers. So, it would also be discredit to
hold the formation for only a symbol. The different interpretations
seem to have their value.
I would like to come forward more with the idea’s that stand for the
jellyfish as a symbol. In particular the jellyfish as a symbol for
tormentation I believe is most appropriate, although different
meanings can also be the case.
I think that the jellyfish as a symbol will become extra relevant in
the time we are going through right now. As if we are to meet more
and more jellyfishes on
our transformation journey towards the near
end of
As if the jellyfish aspect in our existence has become
activated and that we collectively having to learn to deal with it.

picture 2
A Jellyfish
Confronting the momentary phase of global developments in which
humanity finds itself, more and more irritations or situations of
torment can easily appear. In practice it will most commonly be
about learning to let go all sorts of attachments.
These can vary
from material possessions to claiming to be right. On top of this
there is an interesting phonetic resemblance between ‘jellyfish’ and
both ‘jealousy’ and ‘selfish’. The combination of jealousy and
selfish seems to make jellyfish (or jealousy fish as you wish). So
from this angle it becomes clear that having to let go of
attachments concerning close relationships can as well easily be the
So, we may learn to deal with selfish jealousy.
Initially, it
doesn’t matter to much if it is about hidden jealousy or recognized
jealousy. But as soon as jealousy gets recognized than it becomes
apparent that it needs the kind of treatment that gives it its
proper place. Many people find jealousy or selfishness a negative
thing and therefore an unwelcome something.
So, they develop a
tendency to push it beside or act as if it does not exist. Nature
teaches us that such a tendency does not really work. In fact it
often turns out to course misery in the shape of disease or
Is one able to acknowledge the selfish jealousy, than that will work
out as an advance towards release. It makes us more honest with our
selves so that it becomes easier to direct the energy in a creative
and positive way.
You can read more about this formation and
also about others at my
As soon as I saw this magnificent jellyfish formation I dug out my
dissertation I wrote in 2004, because it includes some relevant
The jellyfish are the most beautiful and wondrous creatures of the
ocean. They can also be the deadliest animal on earth... Jellyfish
are 98% water. They can reproduce both sexually and asexually, and
they have a three-part lifecycle. If they are not brooded in the
belly of the fish, their larvae form by colonizing on the seabed.
Sexually, egg and sperm are released into the water. Once
the larvae form a second strata, which can come in the form of a
'polyp hybrid colony' (low organization of hybrids supported by a
stem). Individuals then split off from their colony form adults. In
asexual reproduction, the medusa simply release their denominations
in mid-water.
This happens on a curious sidereal cycle (in alignment
with the planets and the stars) or synodic lunar-cycle (in alignment
with the moon) every 29.45 days (Lee, 1986).
"This... star alignment
pattern has been dubbed the 'Harmonic Concordance' by John Mirehiel
[and] also is the call to the Spirit of humankind to awaken to the
idea that we are, in fact, spiritual beings sharing a physical
(Erotokritou, 2004).
My course was music industry management & popular music, but by the
third year I was totally bored so I decided to say the whole music
industry is totally out of synch with the realities of the universe.
In fact, the international standard to which all instruments and
computers are made is at a different pitch to the harmonics of the
sphere on which we live!
A used to be at 432 to 435 but today it's
440. The first efforts to change it from its natural (based on the
human bel canto singing voice, like all instruments used to be,
historically from the time of Verdi) was Joseph Geobbels in 1939.
Bit of a soapbox flashback there, sorry... anyway, if you want to
post any of that you are most welcome.
Hamish Jackson
First time in ten years following
Agroglyphs that I need to disturb
you, sorry.
But I cannot give up to say some interesting thing: The
ship from Mr. Spock in the actual Star Trek movie (2009) is called
"The Jellyfish", the bearer of the strange and dangerous "Red

Alex MacDowell
On May 30 this year 55 pilot whales beached themselves on the shores
of Cape Town, South Africa.
See story:
On May 29 the “jellyfish” crop formation appeared at Waylands
Smithy, perhaps relating to the warming of and pollution in the
oceans, which gives rise to an unhealthy overabundance of
jellyfish, and perhaps an omen about the whales beaching
themselves just one day later. At least one respected animal
communicator was told by the whales that they beached themselves
due to getting sick from the pollution in the oceans.
Then on June 2,
the formation at Milk Hill appeared, which to me
resembles a group of whales swimming in circles, in an abstract sort
of way. This seemed to me to be a fitting tribute and honoring of
our whale friends’ extraordinary “group” passing.
It is hard to see
the details of the formation from the photographs, but if you look
at the diagrams, you can see the details very clearly, which to me
fairly accurately reflect the image of many whales, with their eyes,
mouths and fins, as they all swim in circles, one inside another.
One for all and all for one.
Information and message from the beached whales, as communicated by
Anna Breytenbach (
“The majority of the whales
were sick and dying… as a result of swimming in some sort of
chemical effluent in the ocean, to the northwest of Cape waters.
This invisible toxic stream affected them internally in such a way
as to cause slow die-off. With that their immune systems also
crashed, making them very susceptible to and ill from parasitic
infections. A few of them were physically fine, having withstood
this - but they weren’t going to leave their family members.
So they
swam ashore with the dying ones. One for all. They beached because
they wanted to die. They chose the Cape beach so as not to have to
navigate the stormy, rough seas around Cape Point in their weakened
state, and because they want humans to witness (the) whales’ dying,
on the bigger/planetary level too.
They said “the Mother” (the
ocean) is being poisoned, and so are they. It’s time humans woke up
to this and witnessed the effects. They predicted that there will be
more strandings in the next moon cycle (which I found interesting
given that the International Whaling Commission sits again in the
last week of June apparently.)
The whales appreciate the compassion
and care that people showed in trying to return them to the water,
but would have wished to be given the choice, i.e. pointed out to
sea/re-floated once, and then left to die in peace if and when they
returned. Humans holding vigil for them with understanding would
have been far better than the forceful, violent means ultimately
In between the above thought forms are the emotions and
soulfulness of their consciousness that cannot be expressed in words
by this mere human…”
PS: You may notice that the
pilot whales have a slight resemblance
to dolphins in some aspects, and it is very interesting to note that
the “whales” depicted in the Milk Hill formation of June 2,
milkhill2009, resemble a sort of a cross between a dolphin and a
Submitted with love and respect for the whales
Brad Laughlin
Jellyfish as a spiritual symbol can represent
Power and Light,
Balance, Trust in Spirit, Abundance, Acceptance, and Intent.
common facts about Jellyfish are that they are transparent; have been around for 500 million years; rely on currents of the oceans and
winds for movement; head toward the Polar Regions during warmer
seasons; only eat what is necessary to survive; and sting to protect
We can learn a lot from Jellyfish about living in harmony with
Mother Earth. Go with the flow and float through hard times. Trust
in Spirit to provide and listen to your instincts. Live in
Balance. Ancient cultures, including Mayan and Celtic, looked to
animals and nature for guidance both spiritually and physically. It
could be that the essence of true spiritual knowledge is held within
the transparent form of Jellyfish.
Are we drifting aimlessly and not
actively crossing the currents that lead us toward our goals of
living harmoniously with natural forces?

This is a photo I took of a jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
in California.
Lavender Tucker
Jellyfish Crop Circle and the
Schumann Resonances.
I am no expert, but I have a desire and a want to know these
things and their meanings. Quite by accident, I think the last
two recent crop circles have much more to say and are possibly
Since, I'm no expert, I'll leave the
analysis to you and yours and without further delay, here is the
related article (click below image) which shed some "light" on
the jellyfish crop circle.

And the same jellyfish type lightning is now on this website. What
would happen to an aircraft if they were struck by one of these?
Stephan Joseph
The second animal of the season is a Jellyfish.
Jellyfish brings an understanding of the proper use of softness
rather than rigidity. It calls for an ability to alter one’s
previous rigid concepts of the circles meanings to include direct
messages about and from the Earth’s creatures.
Jellyfish is able to float on and in water. It has the
ability to
move in emotional waters without fear. It understands that properly
using its emotions represent life itself.
If the Oceans and the life that lives there become unbalanced, then
it allows for another species to take advantage of that imbalance.
This is just what Jellyfish did.
There has been a major ‘bloom’ of
Jellyfish in all the oceans worldwide.
Jellyfish = imbalance
So far we have as follows:
Octopus = intelligence over emotions (fear).
Jellyfish = imbalance.
Diana Roth/animalspirits (since 1998)