An Introduction to Galactic Mathematics
by Robertino Solàrion
As time goes by and as we come across more and more information concerning the "occult sciences," we find a sort of inconsistency in numbers, especially when dealing with the period of time known as one cycle of "the Precession of the Equinoxes."
The Precession of the Equinoxes is the period of time that it takes the Earth to pass through one complete cycle of the Constellations of the Zodiac.
Our spring equinox is now aligned with the Constellation of Pisces, about 10° into that constellation, going in a "backward" direction towards the end of the Constellation of Aquarius. It takes this planet 72 years to pass through 1° of the Zodiac, or 25,920 years to complete one full cycle.
Often one sees other numbers: the Mayas said the cycle lasted for exactly 26,000 years; other people casually round the number off to 25,000 years. The Mayas were only 80 years off the mark because their celestial numbering system revolved around the number 52 (or 4 X 13, or 2 X 26). This special variation of the Precession Cycle will be dealt with in the future.
The geometry of the Great Pyramid of Egypt is based upon the assumption that the Earth Year lasts for 365.25 days exactly.
Yet our scientists say, and can certainly demonstrate scientifically, that our Sidereal Year (the time that is required for the Earth to complete one exact revolution around the Sun) supposedly consists of exactly 365.2563599 days and that our Tropical Year (the interval between two consecutive returns of the Sun to the point of the spring equinox) consists of exactly 365.2421990 days.
But let's change our angle of perception just a bit. One cycle of 25,920 years at exactly 365.25 days per year gives us a total of 9,467,280 days.
Thus, we could say that one cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes lasts for almost nine and a half million days.
9,467,280 ÷ 365.2563599 = 25,919.54867 years
9,467,280 ÷ 365.2421990 = 25,920.55361 years
25,920.55361 - 25,219.54867 = 1.004494 years
The difference in the number of Tropical Years in a period of 9,467,280 days and the number of Sidereal Years in that period is only slightly greater than exactly 1 year, to be exact, only 43 hours 18 minutes.
Question: what would be the average lengths of these years over a period of 9,467,280 days if the difference were exactly one year?
Here's the math that determines these average lengths.
25,920 X 365.2563599 = 9,467,444.848 days
25,920 X 365.2421990 = 9,467,077.798 days
9,467,444.848 - 9,467,077.798 = 367.05 days
9,467,444.848 - 9,467,280 = 164.848 days
9,467,280 - 9,467,077.798 = 202.202 days
164.848 ÷ 202.202 = 0.815263943 ratio
202.202 ÷ 164.848 = 1.226596622 reciprocal
164.848 ÷ 365.25 = 0.451329226
202.202 ÷ 365.25 = 0.553598904
0.451329226 + 0.553598904 = 1.004928130 years
Assumption : over a period of time of 25,920 years of exactly 365.25 days each, these two ratios would even out at 0.45 and 0.55 for a total of 1 exact year.
365.25 X 0.45 = 164.3625 days
365.25 X 0.55 = 200.8875 days
164.3625 + 200.8875 = 365.25 days
164.3625 ÷ 200.8875 = 0.81818181 ratio
200.8875 ÷ 164.3625 = 1.22222222 reciprocal
9,467,280 + 164.3625 = 9,467,444.3625 days
9,467,280 - 200.8875 = 9,467,079.1125 days
9,467,280.3625 ÷ 25,920 = 365.2563411 days
9,467,079.1125 ÷ 25,920 = 365.2422497 days
9,467,444.3625 - 9,467,079.1125 = 365.250000 days
When compared to a precise value for the year of exactly 365.25 days, the number of days in excess of 9,467,280 days is in a relationship to the number of days fewer than 9,467,280 days of 45:55, or 9:11.
Thus, over a period of 25,920 years of exactly 365.25 days (i.e., axial rotations) each, the correct average lengths for the Sidereal and Tropical Years would be the following:
Sidereal Year = 365.2563411 days
Tropical Year = 365.2422497 days
The differences between these two derived periods and the values currently put forth by astronomers involve only matters of seconds per year, a discrepancy which should not be considered too important over such a long period of time. Even our own modern years have atomic "leap seconds" inserted into them from time to time.
Because the difference between these two derived values for the Sidereal and Tropical Years is equal to 365.25 divided by 25,920; and because the difference between 9,467,444.325 days and 9,467,079.1125 days is precisely 365.250000 days, we can therefore conclude, just as the Egyptian astronomers told us with the Great Pyramid, that the correct average length of one Earth Year over a period of one cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes is unequivocally and exactly 365.25 days!
According to the Egyptians, this exact year of 365.25 days coincided with the Star Sirius or "Sothis," as they referred to it. They used this star to calculate the exact start of each new year, so as not to get our of synch with the Precession of the Equinoxes. The Egyptian Sothis Period, as it was called, supposedly lasted for 1461 years. What is the significance of this number?
First of all and most obviously, 1461 is the number of days in 4 full years if the Pyramid Year of exactly 365.25 days is used. 365.25 X 4 = 1461 (and 1461 ÷ 3 = 487).
Secondly and more importantly, 1461 is a reference to a cycle of years. As such, it must somehow be reconciled to the Precession Cycle of 25,920 years. But the number 25,920 is not evenly divisible by 1461.
The nearest closest number than can be divided into 25,920 is 1440.
25,920 ÷ 1440 = 18
1461 - 1440 = 21
18 X 1461 = 26,298
26,298 - 25,920 = 378 excess years (or 18 X 21)
However, one orbit by the Planet Earth around the Sun requires 360°, as well as 365.25 axial rotations. Four years equal four orbits. 4 orbits X 360° = 1440°
Significantly, the difference between the number of axial rotations in 4 years and the number of orbital degrees in 4 orbits is 21, which is also the difference between the Egyptian Sothis Period and the nearest equivalent number of years that can be reconciled with Precession.
4 years = 1461 axial rotations
4 orbits = 1440 degrees
Eventually, after the passage of a number of years, enough increments of 21 days will accumulate in excess of the number of degrees to, in effect, create the possibility for a "statistical adjustment" of the cycle to reflect the fact that the number of days in a given even cycle of years would exactly total the number of degrees in a given even cycle of orbits.
Such a point in Time and Space would theoretically allow the calendar to be modified to show exactly 360 days per year, as the Egyptians and Sumerians once recorded.
365.25 - 360 = 5.25 days
5.25 X 72 years = 378 days
378 - 360 = 18
72 years X 365.25 days = 26,298 days
72 orbits X 360° = 25,920°
26,298 - 25,920 = 378
After the passage of 72 years of 365.25 days each, or after the passage of 72 orbits of 360° each, enough days would have accumulated in excess of 72 X 360 to allow the calendar to be modified to show the passage of 73 "Orbit-Years" of 360 days each, plus 18 extra days. And keep in mind that, as was stated above, 72 Earth Years are required for the Precession of the Equinoxes to "precede" by one degree.
Then, after the passage of 20 such periods of 73 Orbit-Years, an additional 360 days would have further accumulated, requiring that an additional Orbit-Year be added at the end of the twentieth cycle.
360 ÷ 18 = 20
73 X 20 = 1460
1440 years X 365.25 days = 525,960 days
1461 orbits X 360° = 525,960°
20(72 X 365.25) = 20(73 X 360) + (20 X 18), or 525,960 = 525,960
1440 X 365.25 = (1460 X 360) + 360
1440 X 365.25 = 1461 X 360!
If we were to refer to the Precession of the Equinoxes as "One Galactic Hour," then 1 Galactic Hour would contain 18 Egyptian Sothis Periods of Orbit-Years.
By the end of 1 Galactic Hour there would be a total statistical correction by Orbit-Years ("systemic leap years," so to speak) to reflect the numerical difference between 26,298 orbits of 360° each and 25,920 years of 365.25 days each.
25,920 years X 365.25 days = 9,467,280 days
26,298 orbits X 360° = 9,467,280°
25,920 years = 26,298 orbits
378 = 360 + 18
1461 - 1440 = 20 + 1
(20 + 1) X 18 = 378
378 + 25,920 = 26,298
Square Root of 378 = 19.4422222222! And 19.442222 ÷ 4 = 4.860555!
The Square Root of the numerical difference between 26,298 orbits and 25,920 years is 19.4422222222, a number that is in direct sequence with the excess amount of Galactic or Cosmic Precession in 25, 920 years, which is 1.944°.
This can be shown as follows :
The annual movement of the Precession of the Equinoxes involves a rate of Zodiac passage of exactly 50.27" per year. One complete 360° movement is equivalent to a movement of 1,296,000 seconds.
360° X 60' X 60" = 1,296,000 seconds
1,296,000" ÷ 50.27" = 25,780.783 years
If we now multiply an annual rate of Precession of 50.27" by 25,920 years, we get a movement by the Planet Earth of 361.944° in 25,920 years.
At first glance, this excess movement of 1.944° would seem to invalidate the earlier calculations involving the Egyptian Sothis Period - but don't forget the numerical similarity of 1.944° with 19.4422222222, the Square Root of the excess within the Sothis Period.
Therefore, it is the conclusion here that just as the Earth itself has to "precede" by 50.27" every 1 Earth Year, so also does this entire Solar System have to "precede" with respect to the Cosmos by 1.944° every 1 Galactic Hour. Eventually, just as with the Sothis Period, this excess Cosmic Precession which occurs at the end of every Galactic Hour would total an additional even 360°.
The following calculations are performed in order to show at what point in Time and Space this additional accrual of 360° would first be reached.
25,920 X 50.27" = 1,302,998.4"
1,302,998.4" ÷ 3600" (or 1°) = 361.944°
25,920 years = 361.944°
1.944° excess ÷ 25,920 years = 0.000075° per year
360° ÷ 0.000075° excess per year = 4,800,000 years
Thus, after the passage of 4,800,000 Earth Years, there is again enough excess accrual to allow the insertion of an additional Earth Orbit-Year as a systemic leap year.
This greater cycle may therefore be called a "Great Cosmic Precession Cycle." It should be noted in passing, however, that the number 4,800,000 is not evenly divisible by 25,920; so this Cosmic Cycle is itself an intermediary cycle. Both cycles finally resolve evenly at year number 129,600,000, the lowest number into which they can both be evenly divided. This might be termed 2 "Galactic Seasons," each with a duration of 64,800,000 Earth Years (or 25,920 X 2500).
More about these longer Galactic Time Periods will be forthcoming in a future article. But as stated above:
129,600,000 ÷ 25,920 = 5000
129,600,000 ÷ 4,800,000 = 27
Note that 25,920 divided by 2 equals 12,960. These are definitely integrated "magical numbers"! Just think about it, people - a lot of galactic happenings can transpire in 100 million years!
The number 25,920 is an almost sublime number in many respects. It is evenly divisible by all of the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 48, 54, 60, 64, 72, 80, 90, 108, 120, 144, and many other higher numbers. Notice what is absent from this list: 7, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19, and 21. In fact, none of the cycles involving Precession is evenly divisible by any of those latter numbers.
For one of these cycles to be evenly divisible by any of those "odd numbers," it must first be multiplied by that number! For these numbers to come into play in terms of Galactic Mathematics, enormously long periods of time must be considered and from our short-lived Earth-bound perception really have no immediate relevance. But curious things exist in our history to alert us to these seemingly "eternal" periods. The Mayas had a cycle called the "Atautun" which lasted for 64,000,000 years.
The Hindus have a cycle called the 100 Years of Brahma. It lasts for a whopping 311,040,000,000,000 (311.04 trillion) Earth Years, after which time the Universe itself dies and is reborn as a totally new Creation. In the mathematics developed here one "Galactic Night or Day" would equal 311,040 Earth Years (or the equivalent of 12 Galactic Hours of 25,920 years each)! In fact, all of the Hindu Ages and what-not fit perfectly into this mathematical system, indicating a highly skilled mathematical civilization in æons long forgotten.
This article is called an "Introduction" to Galactic Mathematics because here only the Planet Earth is considered. This entire mathematical structure can be applied to all the other planets in this Solar System, as well as the Sun, the Moon and the Planet Nibiru. 2 + 2 = 4, even in the Pleiades. These additional calculations will be made available from time to time, but suffice it to say here that Nibiru's 3600-year orbit is not evenly divisible into 25,920 years.
It takes 5 Galactic Hours of 25,920 years each before Nibiru and Earth/Tiamat's combined cycle can complete itself.
5 X 25,920 = 129,600 Earth Years = 36 Nibiruan Years
Notice how all of these numbers leap in and out of one another, overlapping in some of the strangest places, connecting history and mythology to science and mathematics!
Galactic Mathematics is an almost flawless, perfect numbering system. It shows the structural relationships of numbers, not just their linear progression, as most people today think of and use numbers in their linear decimal system. The existence of Galactic Mathematics alone proves that everything in the Universe is connected.
So, what is the use of all this knowledge, because none of us will live for even 26,000 years? In normal times, probably not too much, except to know it as an occult oddity (separate completely from "numerology," it must be added); but ours are NOT normal times. Mayan scholars - linguists, archeologists, anthropologists, astronomers, everyone! - all agree that this particular Mayan cycle will terminate on the Winter Solstice of 2012 CE. And by deduction, this date can be tied into the cataclysm years set forth by Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky, as has been demonstrated in related material.
We all feel that we're on the brink of a "new age of enlightenment." The Hindu Iron Age is about to end and the sequential Golden Age will be reborn. This knowledge is as timeless as the Earth herself. A periodic cleansing of the Earth is imminent, and we who know that it is coming are indeed privy to some dynamite information.
In the Buddhist religion there are "myths" of three Heavens: the lowest, in which we reside, is "the Heaven of the Radiant Gods"; higher up the scale is "the Heaven of the Completely Lustrous Gods"; and at the top echelon is "the Heaven of the Richly Rewarded Gods."
The Buddhists have a divine sequence of 64 great world destructions, each composed of 4 Immensities, much like the four Yugas or "ages" of Hinduism. The first 7 destructions are by water and affect only our domain of the Heaven of the Radiant Gods. The eighth destruction is by fire, cleansing everything from the Heaven of the Completely Lustrous Gods on down. Then the 7 by water repeat to be followed by a 16th (or second 8th) by fire, as above. This cycle repeats 63 times; but the 64th destruction (the 8th 8) is by wind, demolishing even the Heaven of the Richly Rewarded Gods. Then the cycle of 64 starts all over again.
One of these great cycles is about to end, on or before the year 2013 CE. In all likelihood, we are approaching the simultaneous ending of the current "Kali Yuga" of 432,000 years and the Mayan "Atautun" of 64,000,000. There was also a "Heracleitus cycle" in Ancient Greece, lasting for 10,800 years. It, too, must be ending. And as far as where we are in the Buddhist cycle of 64 (NB: akin to the Mayan number!), it wouldn't be too far off the bet to wager that we're on the verge of a "destruction by wind."
Passage through the Photon Belt every 12,960 years, after a period of 10,800 years of darkness (notice the similarity to Heracleitus!) is really nothing compared to the magnitude of events coming in 2012. To enter the Photon Belt simultaneously with a fullscale destruction by wind is certain to take our breaths away! Let's hope that this date of 2012 is "off" by a few stray years and that "doomsday" occurs sooner rather than later.
Who wants to wait?!
Finally, isn't it interesting indeed that so many ancient peoples, especially the Hindus, used numbering sequences for their cosmic periods that can now be shown to form the essence of Galactic Mathematics?
Those peoples were much, much smarter than we give them credit for!