by Sterling D. Allan
Greater Things News Service
PRWebNews Website
Does the
fate of the planet hinge on this man? He says he’s only
one piece of the puzzle, but others seem to think he is
a keystone. |
28, 2004
When it comes to the "Truth is
Stranger Than Fiction" department, those following the Dr. Dan
Burisch story feel they have found the poster child.
mind-melds with a living extraterrestrial
daily angel visits
designer viruses that incorporate lethal ET strains
remote viewing
human subjects
treaties with
abducted when 9 years old
a Ganesh
particle that conveys healing and possibly immortality
pole shifts
fate of the planet
black ops
bones from heavy-handed handlers
4" x 1/4" scar up the back of his
Dr. Burisch has it all.
But who he is and what he is doing is only half the story.
The other half is the context of the
world in which he lives. He is in lock-down, but wants to leak
information to the outside. Some of his handlers are pro-disclosure,
others are avidly anti-disclosure. Add to the mix the world of the
Internet where anything can be posted, true or not, at the press of
a button, and made available to anyone in the world. Disinformation,
genuine leaks, agendas pitted against agendas, infighting. In the
midst of this is one forum in particular that has taken an almost
cult-like interest in the saga. Some people put nearly everything
aside to focus on what is happening next. Jobs take a back seat,
family takes second priority -- for the sake of the grandchildren.
An insider just posted to the list. Or was it? What clues can be
followed to confirm the truth of the story?
Once, and insider told the group that on such and such a day, at
such and such an hour, they would be activating the
natural stargate at Frenchman’s Mountain East of Las Vegas. They
even told where they would be on the hillside, and where someone
could come and observe from a distance. No one was able to make it
on the short notice, but the group did watch a real-time satellite
image of the location, and watched as the entire mountain began
to "glow" on the screen in front of them from a
government web site that is publicly available.
At times they have been patched in and allowed an instant messenger
chat with Dr. Burisch himself. Others have actually met with
him in person, sometimes with the approval of security, and
sometimes without.
One insider was supposedly knocked off for leaking information to
the group. Others have been demoted or moved to other jobs where
they could not leak sensitive information.
Just who actually is controlling the process on Dr. Burisch’s
side is not clear. They call themselves Maji 12 or
Majestic 12. Some say the Maji in
charge of his project are not
Illuminati nor Luciferian, though
another faction of Maji are.
Somewhere in the mix is a league with a race of extraterrestrials
who want what Dr. Dan Burisch has -- instructions on how to
make the Ganesh particle, which is purported to have healing
and regenerative powers analogous to the Edenic tree of life.
If anything, it is keeping Dr. Burisch alive, when his actions
towards disclosure would spell and end to his usefulness.
Burisch purports to have received the knowledge for the
project in large measure from a telepathic mind-meld with a J-rod
extraterrestrial on whom he worked for one year. Day after day
for one year, he would suit up and enter a special chamber in S4 at
Area 51 to have another investigatory medical session
with the J-rod. At one point, after a bond of friendship had been
forged, the J-rod took him and pulled their heads into contact, and
Dan received a download that left him in a coma for several days.
The J-rod later expired. He was part of an exchange program.
Another faction called the "rogue aliens" supposedly wants
Dr. Burisch dead before he can complete the Lotus Project.
The politics between alien races is purported to be even more
complex than that between the nations of earth. Also in the mix is a
covert group of individuals calling the shots who want to rid the
world population of "undesirable" elements in the gene pool.
Supposedly, they have, or are in process of creating genetically
engineered tools of selective mass destruction that would make
Hitler envious.
Dr. Burisch himself is adamantly opposed to such uses of this
technology, and his objective is to somehow trick his handlers so
that the technology can be used for positive benefit. His
magnanimous spirit lends a hero element to the story that generates
a loyalty by most of those who follow the story as it unfolds day by
day. Others deplore him for even being involved in such projects
that in their estimation amount to playing God and messing with
human destiny. By his own account, Dr. Burisch’ motivation is
to help the human race avoid some of the catastrophes that are
slated unless they change from their present course.
March 15, 2005 is the purported deadline for completion of
the Lotus Project and the signing of a renewed Tau-IX treaty
with the ETs, which will up the number of abductions to 10
million per year. These abductions are done unbeknownst to the
victim. The tissue, DNA and other samples are extracted in
such a way that they are nary traceable, the memory of the event is
Dr. Burisch has recently become the buzz among believers in
the ET cover-up by the powers that be. A press release announcing
his desire to have a Congressional hearing to tell what he knows was
posted on over 6000 web sites, and was featured on Noory’s Coast
to Coast, Jeff Rense, and Lou Gentile radio shows.
Attempts to get Congressional interest in the subject have been in
vain. Meanwhile, with each passing day, the window of time gets more
narrow, tempers get shorter, as the destiny of the entire planet
seems to hinge on this one unfolding saga.
Supposedly, President Bush’s spending like there is tomorrow
is precisely because he knows there is no tomorrow. His trip to
Iraq was to
visit a stargate there and try
to gain access -- the real reason the U.S. is in Iraq.
Quadafi’s sudden change of heart had to do with dickering that
involved stargate trades. Two shredded document have
supposedly been recovered that are memos between President Bush
and Dan Burisch. A Ph.D. professional is reviewing them to
see if they are authentic.
According to the J-rod "yellow book" that shows past,
present, and future developments on earth, the earth is scheduled
for a pole shift on 2012 which will decimate the planet. The scoop
is that J-rods are actually progeny of earthlings traveling
back in time to fix something bad that happened in their history at
this period of time. Prior to 2012, the earth goes through a
serious of tribulations both natural and man-made. These are a
function of choices made by earthlings,
but 2012 is set in stone.
Dec. 22 to be exact, even down to the very hour. The J-rods
supposedly descend from a group of humans that high-tailed it to
Mars and then on to a neighboring star system.
Others following the saga do not believe that inhabitable earth
comes to an end at 2012, but still think that the work being
done by Dr. Burisch could play a pivotal role in helping a
positive shift in earth consciousness, with belief in God in tact --
ascribing the survival to God, not human evolutionary technology
Whatever the case, the saga makes for an interesting read, and stirs
up good questions about who we are in the universe, and how we
should respond to the possibility of extraterrestrials in our midst.
As strange as the Dr. Burisch story may sound at first, there
are scores of people who believe it is mainly true, and are curious
at least, to follow the saga as it unfolds in real time.