by Stephen Smith

April 13, 2020

from Thunderbolts Website





Highest resolution image of the Sun to date.

Credit: University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and NASA.


More proof that the Sun is an electric star

One of the goals for the Picture of the Day is to demonstrate how Electric Universe theory about plasma discharge behavior is a better model for solar activity than conventional theories.


Experiments with a positively charged sphere reveal that a torus forms above the Sun's equator.

Ionized plasma bridges the torus, coupling the sphere's middle and lower latitudes, consistent with the principle of "anode tufting", a plasma discharge effect expected from a positively charged Sun.

Electric discharges in plasma create tube-like magnetic sheaths. If there is sufficient electric charge, the sheaths will glow, sometimes creating other sheaths.


The sheaths are called "double layers."

Powerful electric fields appear between regions in the double layers, which accelerate charged particles.


Sometimes, the stored electrical energy will be catastrophically released in a "Langmuir burst".

According to a recent press release,

"…incredibly fine magnetic threads filled with extremely hot, million-degree plasma" are seen on the Sun.


"The exact physical mechanism that is creating these pervasive hot strands remains unclear…"

Solar filaments have never been seen at this resolution.


Data indicates that they are about 500 kilometers wide, extending for many thousands of kilometers.


To those familiar with Electric Star theory, the strands are Birkeland currents:

rapidly rotating charge vortices...

Electric discharges in plasma form rope-like tendrils:

"funnels" of plasma with electric fields that constrict the current...

As previous Pictures of the Day point out, the constricted channels are known as a "Bennett pinches", or "z-pinches".


The pinched electric filaments remain coherent over long distances, forming helical structures that can transmit power through space. It is that phenomenon that scientists refer to as flux ropes.


Electric fields freely accelerate charged particles, which move outward in opposite directions, activating an electric current that follows the Sun's magnetic field.

Most heliophysicists see the Sun as a giant amplifier, accelerating solar plasmas into space in the same way that sound waves travel through "acoustical wave-guides".


As previously written, it is spicules, rising thousands of kilometers above the photosphere, that carry ionized plasma with them.


Since the Sun is the locus of positive charge with respect to interstellar plasma, electric discharges penetrate the photosphere, allowing electricity to flow into its depths.

The Sun's power comes from the outside in the form of electrical energy carried by Birkeland currents and not from internal fusion fires...