by Scott Douglass
January 20, 2024
Thunderbolts Website

How do celestial objects form in
the cosmos?
At all cosmological scales in standard cosmology,
from condensation of dirty snowball
comets in a primordial nebular cloud
to gradual accretion of planets forming
in a disc around a star
to gravitational collapse and compression
of gas and dust in molecular clouds forming stars,
...generations of astronomers believe that only
gravitational processes govern formation of the objects observed in
the universe.
Independent researcher Stuart Talbott has spent over a decade
juxtaposing theoretical predictions and explanations of the
standard model with those of
plasma cosmology and
the electric universe.
In the EU Model, it is experimentally verified
plasma phenomena of
Birkeland currents
and the
Bennett pinch, or
Stuart dissects recent science headlines that
provide new opportunities for such juxtaposition: