by David Wilcock
Spanish version
March 2008
EarthTransformation Website
2012 is NOT about doom, disaster or
Real changes are affecting us in body, mind and spirit.
New scientific breakthroughs prove that consciousness is not a dead,
isolated spark of electrical activity in our nervous system, but
rather part of an energetic field throughout the entire Universe.
Mainstream Western scientists are only beginning to understand that
they missed out on one of the most basic energy fields of the
Universe — a field that can be scientifically measured, and also has
direct effects on how we think and feel, each moment of the day.
Evidence proves that a "global brain" is forming on Earth where
thoughts are increasingly affecting the behaviors of others around
Ultimately this “consciousness field” appears to be a living,
intelligent energy source throughout
the entire Cosmos. Many
people’s idea of "God" is a preliminary step towards understanding
that this Field really does exist.
This field appears to be responsible for the creation of physical
matter AND biological life. It is the chicken AND the egg. Both
already exist, in potential, in the Field!
The DNA molecule appears to originate as an energetic wave in this
Field. These waves, loaded with information, surround you right now
as you read these words — just like radio, satellite TV and
cell-phone signals.
When water runs down the side of a mountain, it captures loose rocks
and rolls them into the bottom of the stream bed. Similarly, waves
in the Field may be gathering up whatever atoms and molecules they
find in a given area – particularly where there is
liquid water –
and then push and nudge those little pieces into forming DNA
Little living critters have already been generated spontaneously, in
an utterly sterilized environment, from nothing more than distilled
water and beach sand that had been super-heated to white-hot levels,
where no living thing could possibly have survived within any
conventional scientific models.
Furthermore, Russian scientists have already proven that plants,
animals and amphibians can be completely re-arranged into other
species — particularly if you catch them in embryonic form. This has
nothing to do with cloning or gene splicing. All they do is zap the
DNA in the embryo with a beam of light. The light beam carries the
‘wave’ of another organism in it.
In one example, a frog embryo was completely re-arranged, with
nothing more than a beam of light, into a salamander. The salamander
grew to full adulthood and showed no signs of ever having started as
a frog. Its babies emerged as salamanders, not frogs. Our little
friend never got sick or died prematurely like normal clones would.
How could a solid, real DNA molecule shift around enough to create
the codes to build an entirely different body?
The key is that DNA
is not a fixed, hard structure. There are indeed many small ‘pieces’
that can break off from one part of a DNA molecule and move around
to another part. Scientists call these little pieces ‘retrotransposons.’
If you ‘energize’ a creature like a salamander with a beam of light
(or other forms of energy), and then re-direct the beam into the
embryo of a frog, the ‘wave’ will re-arrange the frog’s DNA to
create a salamander. This is somewhat akin to how rocks will gather
in a new area if the stream of water shifts on its way down the
This mechanism drives life to evolve on Earth spontaneously, in very
short periods of time. All the clues to explain this process already
exist in the fossil record and in groundbreaking Russian laboratory
experiments with DNA.
Darwin was wrong. Evolution is not
Evolution is part of an
Intelligent Design, and we have not seen the end of the story on
Earth yet by any means.
In our presentations we also lay out comprehensive evidence that
each galaxy is naturally divided up into regions with different
levels of energy "charge", and our entire Solar System is now moving
into a more energetic area. We can visibly measure this change by
what is already happening throughout the entire Solar System.
Various ‘whistleblowers’ have said the Soviet and American
governments knew about this since at least the 1950s, and decided
not to share it with the public in order to avoid panic.
Just like the frog embryo is zapped by the laser beam that has the
‘salamander’ code in it, each planet and moon in our Solar System is
now being zapped with a higher intensity of energy that is creating
measurable changes in temperature, brightness, magnetic field
strength, storms and even the speed of rotation in the case of
All the evidence to prove this already exists in NASA studies — it
just has never been put all together until now. It explains, for
example, why Pluto is getting hotter and hotter even as it drifts
farther and farther away from the Sun. We have gathered well over
100 different mainstream scientific references to make the case.
‘Global Warming’ on Earth is certainly being made worse by our
widespread industrial pollution — but there are greater energetic
causes at work that are creating "global warming" on the Earth AND
on all the other planets, where no SUVs (sunlight-ultraviolet) exist.
This same instreaming energy is also affecting — and changing — our
DNA, as it has in many other periods of Earth’s history. This can be
measured in the fossil record. This new energetic influence is
awakening dormant brain potentials and abilities we would never have
dreamed of — including the "Law of Attraction".
Real scientific evidence shows that all of this is building up to a
stunning conclusion in the year 2012 — as
the Mayan Calendar and
other sources predicted.