We need to think about what it is like to be a member of a
synthesized species which is going through a special case of
evolution, a rapid metamorphosis, where we can actually determine
our own evolutionary direction, when the ramifications of that
unthinkable thought are now about to bring about a turning point in
our history. It is about the new civilization we are about to create
out of the new planetary vision.
Let us postulate that we have broken the godspell, we have arrived
at a consensual, planetary, understanding and definition of the
generic human as a genetically engineered species now coming out of
racial adolescence into species first maturity, the individual
cognizant of the ability to control and direct the nature and
trajectory of his and her own personal evolution and able and
expected to contribute to the collective consciousness and
determination of the racial evolutionary trajectory.
The awareness and comprehension of this fundamental, generic, racial
self knowledge I have called genetic enlightenment. By "genetic
enlightenment" I mean what it is like once you have broken the
godspell, the deepest dye in the fabrics of both Eastern and Western
culture. Many seemingly enigmatic items are resolved and there is a
great deal to be done.
It becomes immediately clear that we can move
beyond both eastern and western metaphor; beyond religion, atheism,
the old new age; beyond Jungian archetypal and mythological
interpretation, beyond our strange, dangerous and contradictory mix
of mammalian, turfish, violent theo-political politics and
compassionate ideals. We will finally be ready for alien contact
interaction and matriculation into stellar society. We can reach a
planetary unity we have never known before and a peace so profound
it will be almost humorous.
How long will it take? Probably as long
as we have lived under our Constitution.
The Trajectory of Realevolution
A cardinal result of our confusion about who and what we are causes
us to be at a loss as to what the thrust and direction, the
trajectory of that evolutionary dynamic might be. When we,
collectively, recognize the validity of the new paradigm and restore
our true history to ourselves we will gain a critical major
advantage in that we will be positioned to understand not only our
unique synthetic nature but our unique evolutionary trajectory. This
will mark a cardinal turning point in our history.
Once the locked-in, slave-code legacies and the conflicts they
engender, both species wise and in the individual, are seen for what
they really are, it becomes clear that the thrust, the direction, of
our Realevolution is toward greater and greater expansion of
freedom, compassion, understanding, cooperation, intelligence,
consciousness, dimensional perception, conscious personal and
species orchestration and control. It raises and enhances the
individual’s level of importance, the scope of the individual’s
choices and enlarges the arena of exploration. It points towards
immortality and beyond, to transforms of our nature hardly
imaginable now.
The message is that liberated human nature and
existence is open ended, forward creative, poetic, rhapsodic,
expanding, exciting and enticing.
The Demographics of Our Realevolution
The evolutionary demographic profile of the species, at any given
time, tends to be that of a bell curve. The segments of the
curve are composed of gene pools with different focuses and
different functions. Perhaps two percent of the population,
at any
given time, will be located at the very leading edge of the curve.
These are the futants, those who are genetically programmed to be
the evolutionary scouts of future dimensions, scenarios, and
Rather than kill them, jail them, shun them, we had
better learn to recognize their function, sort out the valuable
parts of their reports of the future, and honor their contribution
to the evolutionary progress of our species.
IQ Meets CQ.... and EQ?
Genetic enlightenment will afford derivative major advantages in
psychology, sociology, and education.
Once recognizing the nature and direction of our realevolution we
will be positioned to understand the details of its mechanism. The
current agenda of the DNA intelligence is to produce neurological
systems that can use themselves as an instrument and bodies
sophisticated enough to house them. There are a number of survival
functions necessary to protect, preserve, and further that goal and
the species.
These functions are accomplished by specific gene pools
of individuals. Individual, personal realevolution recapitulates the
realevolution of our species and this involves the individual moving
through different gene pools at different ages and stages. Education
is most effectively accomplished in gene pool contexts at the time
the child, adolescent or adult is evolving through or specializing
in a particular gene pool.
IQ, intelligent quotient is defined in
realevolutionary terms as an
estimate of the degree of proficiency of an entity to receive,
process, transmit information from external and internal sources,
testable and measurable against a relative peer scale.
Just as one can test to determine if an entity possesses some degree
of intelligence so one can test to determine if an entity has some
degree of consciousness. Just as with intelligence, once determined
in an entity, one can devise relative criteria and scales to measure
the extent of the spectrum of awarenesses and the degree and focus
of each kind of awareness, its integration and the degree of
conscious use by the entity of its input and data. Let us call this
the consciousness quotient: CQ.
How primitive are we still? Tests for a consciousness quotient,
do not seem to be a concept with which our collective consciousness
is comfortable just yet. Not just a test to determine a verifiable
state of awareness. Not just a test to see if we can be Turinged by
some program or entity. A test of consciousness quotient would
determine the entire range of awarenesses of the entity, human or
otherwise, and the degree of development and intensity, quality and
focus of each part of that spectrum.
The democratic ideal is twisted with regard to consciousness as it
is with IQ.
Yes, all humans are created equal as far as their
rights are concerned but we all don’t have the same abilities or
degrees of capabilities or intelligence or consciousness.
such a recognition is seen by some to be less than politically
correct, or a denigration of some individuals.
How primitive are we? If the notion of a CQ is touchy, try
EQ, an
individual’s evolutionary quotient, and a relative scale measure of
an individual’s evolutionary development and potential. We
continually make ad hoc judgments, many times for the sake of our
own security and safety, about the relatively evolved or devolved
physical, mental and consciousness characteristics and signals of
others just as we are doing continually about their manifest IQ. A
parent or teacher or psychologist expects a statement like “This
person has a higher IQ than that person” to be sophisticated and
socially acceptable. If, however, one dares broach the notion of a
consciousness quotient, CQ, communicatory flags go up; there is
disconcertion, confusion, and even conflict.
Advance the concept of
an EQ, an evolutionary developmental quotient, and things get really
squirrelly. Once we are adjusted to the concept of the individual,
from conception on, recapitulating the stages of species evolution,
we will begin to take the notions of CQ and EQ as given. We will
need them to recognize the developmental stage of a child or adult
in order to determine in which gene pool context he or she should be
educated in or contribute to at that point, thereby most effectively
promoting and accelerating her or his personal realevolution.
The recognition that the stages of realevolution are stages of
conscious evolution will facilitate the resolution of the perennial
academic problem involving other than “normal” states of
consciousness. At this primitive stage, we cannot even agree on what
constitutes the real or “legitimate” elements of the spectrum of
human consciousness. If an investigator’s paradigm --- or
consciousness --- does not happen to have the capacity for some
perception, sensitivity or ability, its reality is often denied, a
priori, in other humans. It may not even be admitted for testing or
the investigation turned into an inquisition using magicians as the
inquisitors instead of Dominican monks in the public square of some
“learning” channel.
We argue about the reality of various kinds of
extrasensory perception, non-local communication, transcendental
states, and perceivable dimensionalities and never seem to be able
to come to definitive conclusions --- unless, of course, the
Pentagon needs remote viewers. Consciousness in, consciousness out.
Once we have understood realevolution as essentially a process of
consciousness development, the paranormal modalities will be
recognized as advanced, evolved functions along the real-evolutionary
Timothy Leary, Ph.D., the
Tesla of
psychology, developed an elegant
schema to identify the types of consciousness at each stage of
real-evolution, past, present and coming. I have included a summary
of it as
Appendix B. It is a road and flight map of real-evolution.
Note well the simple but profound advice:
“The answer to all human
problems is to recognize your genetic stage, go to the place where
your genetic peers hang out, and in that secure place prepare
yourself for the future stages inevitably awaiting you.”
We need institutions and governments that are built intrinsically on
and for those characteristics, to support and further the evolution
of the species and the individual as a primary function. The
structure of constitutions and laws should promote the greatest
degree of freedom of expansion and exploration by the individual and
the species.
Well, you say, here in the U. S., the Constitution is an advanced
and enlightened document, which has solved many of those problems,
at least in this country. I submit that the Constitution, certainly
advanced and relatively enlightened when it was conceived and put in
place, was an ingenious solution, created by deists, for maintaining
some semblance of peace between the Colonial religious factions,
restraining the religious mayhem always under the surface.
there is no indication of any anticipation that there would ever be
a resolution of those differences, no anticipation of a common
definition and understanding of human nature. The Constitution, as
unique and effective as it is as a set of rules of order in a
primitive situation, has become a locked-in legacy. It barely
continues to balance the powers, long term, and prevent the takeover
of the government and imposition of theocracy or fascism.
The extraordinary element remaining is the seed of evolutionary
suggestion clearly intended by its authors as expressed by Jefferson
when he said:
“I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and
constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with
the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more
enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and
manners and opinions change. With the change of circumstances,
institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might
as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a
boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their
barbarous ancestors.”
A planetarily consensual conception of the generically human will
enable us to derive improved forms of constitutions and develop
systems of representation of individual input and voting far more
adequate and accurate than our current systems of representation by
strangers. That would be a first step. They will render outmoded our
current systems that are modeled, to one degree or another on the
residue of slave-code religious rules.
They will be determined
democratically by direct input from the entire population and
constructed to further and abet the realevolution of the individual
and the species. We, in the U.S., are in need of a second
Constitution. To that purpose I have included a proposal in
Appendix C.
The essence of the proposal is that we now have a tool, through the
relatively awesome power of the electronic medium, in the “open
source” approach to programming and system development that will
afford us a means to moving beyond outmoded representative
government by the mediocracy to far more intelligent forms by direct
input by each citizen.
It is evident that the current serious crisis of world peace is
largely due to the “my god is better than your god” conflicts, the
sad playing out of the same kind of wars in which we were used as
pawns by the Anunnaki. The second major factor is economic:
competition for limited resources which is further exacerbated by
the corruption of the powerful oppressing the weak. How primitive
are we?
We need only examine every economic system attempted or
implemented through history to comprehend that all forms, to this
point, have been successful only to a point in limited
circumstances. Every serious economic and political structuring has
proven to have benefits but equally serious limitations and
drawbacks due to conflicts over what and who a human individual is
and, therefore, what the rights of the individual are relative to
other humans and the state; what is considered moral, just; whether
there should be winners and losers; who should be taken care of and
why; and, to put it in modern academic jargon, who is the “other”.
Certainly, the potential for human degeneracy is always extant and
partly at cause, but the more fundamental Babel-factoring of our
species still hinders us from taking conscious part in our realevolution which is on schedule regardless. The new paradigm
will, eventually, see our political and economic systems as
mirroring our rapid though confused realevolutionary stages and
consciously and intelligently and compassionately developing
evolving, dynamic systems commensurate with our now and future
Artificial intelligence, ironically, will probably have
to be used to determine rapidly adjusting economic systems for the
benefit of all.
It’s All Over For The Current Consensual Worldview
Actually, it has been "all over" for some time now. Several works by
various authors may be noted as turning point markers just previous
to the introduction of Sitchin’s thesis.
Joseph Campbell’s master work, The Masks of God, surveyed and
elucidated the entire field of mythology. He accepted the basic
premise that the "gods" were mythological. However, he was compelled
to question the basic working premise of mythology that mythology
had arisen through the naive proto-"science" of early human minds
attributing human characteristics on the sun, moon, stars, and the
phenomena of nature: storms, lightning, winds, etc.
He found very significant the fact that the
genealogies of the "gods" were the same
in India as they were in the Norse countries ---- the names were
different because of the difference in languages but the
genealogical relationships were identical ---- and had to conclude
that something had begun in the "little Sumerian mud garden"
spread to the rest of the world. This was totally contradictory of
the working premise of then and current mythology but he let it go
at noting its significance. This was a demarcation for the
introduction of Sitchin’s radical paradigm.
In 1976 Julian Jaynes of Princeton published his The Origin of
Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind, examining the
evolution of human consciousness in an erudite study that covered
the classics, mythology, archaeology, religion and history. He
accepted the unquestioned premise that the "gods" were mythological
as did Campbell.
He concludes that, because previous to 1250 B.C.
humans claimed to talk to the gods, get instructions from them, hear
them speak, worked for them, all men previous to that turning point
in time, must have been hallucinating schizophrenes because, the
gods being unreal, mythic, they must have been hearing them in their
heads (!!). In retrospect , Jaynes’ work can be seen as the last
extreme effort to make professional, academic sense out of the
puzzling history where the only two choices were the gods were
imaginary, mythic or they were real. it took Sitchin to provide the
definitive validity of the "real" choice.
Sitchin first published also in 1976 and has produced some nine
volumes since.
In 1996 Samuel P. Huntington published The Clash of Civilizations
and the Remaking Of World Order. Mr. Huntington presents a
of global politics in terms of the interactions between
civilizations, a "civilizational" approach, with the intention or
providing insight into how to avoid the clashes between
civilizations which he sees as the greatest threat to world peace
and, conversely, how "an international order based on civilizations
is the surest safeguard against world war".
The concept of a
new world order, in itself, can be an idealistic
and benevolent goal although the perverted notion of such put forth
by some devolved politicians has set back an constructive progress
in that direction considerably. The League of Nations and,
currently, the United Nations are certainly steps in the right
direction. The imposition of world domination by economic,
political, military, or theocratic coercion are retrograde and
primitive attempts doomed to well deserved failure.
The conflicts
and wars covering the planet are, in their transparently theo-political
base, robot--like attempts to run the Realevolutionary videotape in
reverse and mark the beginning of a final, very slow denouement of
that godspell phenomenon.
To bring it down to the here and now: if America, or any country or
culture is going to be an example for the rest of the world, there
is no other choice but for it to set a Realevolutionary example and
style. It will require thinkers and scholars and innovators and
futants from every discipline in every culture and country and
religion to assimilate the vast amount of history, information,
ooparts, traditions and technology which have been
rediscovered and
recovered over the last one hundred and fifty years from all parts
of the world and to transform their religions and cultures
How long will it take? The view from 2100 (A.D.) sees
it only begun in the 21st century and not totally completed by 2200.
Consciousness In, Consciousness Out
The new paradigm, elucidating our unique genesis and subsequent
unique evolution (at least on this planet: it may happen similarly
with synthesized species elsewhere) as, in a very real sense, an
artificial intelligence, frees us to conceive the real questions we
need to ask ourselves and the answers not only our science but the
entire racial pool of experience and knowledge needs to provide with
regard to AI.
One of the most important contributions our restored
history provides relates directly to the novel wild card concept of
self-aware artificial consciousness in that it furnishes a wealth of
information on the sociobiology of the creation of a synthetic
species and the resulting, evolving social relationship between the
creators and the created, between
the Anunnaki and us.
Specifically, concerning the question as to whether Artificial
Intelligence can actually be achieved and how we should go about it,
our history is a strong source of a positive answer. The Anunnaki,
even while here, according to the recovered records of their deeds
and interactions, besides genetically inventing humans, quite
clearly had developed robots and androids, some of the latter being
so sophisticated that, it is written, it was difficult to tell one
from a human or an Anunnaki. We can profit from the
experience in both creating a new species and in their development
and use of robots and sophisticated androids as well as the awesome
invention of a species such as we.
The realization of our half-alien genetic makeup and
relationship to the Anunnaki stretches our perspective to afford an
effective way for us to begin to grasp the topic of alien presence
on this planet. It also enables a, previously unattainable,
unassailable integrity individually and as a race which will be
essential to entering into direct contact with alien species, either
in the future or with ones that are already here on the planet. We
shall finally enter stellar society as a mature race which knows who
and what it is, what is good for it and what is not; with whom or
what it could interact, with whom and what it would be dangerous to
make contact; with the minimum of preconceptions as to how things
should be.
Until we know who and what we are we will probably not be
allowed into stellar society. Until we break the godspell and stop
looking up for Daddy to come back, looking for some solution or
salvation from outside, we will be in danger of getting Borged by
whomever shows up here. The topic of alien contact is probably the
most dramatic of examples of how narrow and primitive our focus is.
It is a fact and the gradual insinuation of it into our collective
consciousness has progressed in the last fifty years.
A Retrospective View From 2100
The elements that characterize the new civilization are a
collective, consensual awareness of our generic humanity as a
planetary unity, a recognition of a common, known history from the
beginning of the race as a genetically engineered species, a
globally common conception of human nature and its evolutionary
direction, a multi-dimensional sociobiology capable of reflexive
self-analysis, a psychology devoted to fostering the positive
evolutionary development of the individual over the entire spectrum
of consciousness, a unified scientific field expressed through a
profound natural language based on self-referential consciousness,
an ecological, non-competitive, ubiquitously helpful economics, an
integral systems approach to the management of the material realm,
with the primary focus on the transcendental as the essential human
With the demise of godspell religions and the dawning of a generic,
planetary, definition of human nature the social context and
educational process will undergo a profound revolution. The
orientation will not be to a creationist or a Darwinian evolutionary
context but to a generic, planetarily common real-evolutionary
context. We will be finally free to understand our common species
predecessors and our bicameral species heritage in perspective. That
perspective will afford us the detailed information concerning the
stages of developmental real-evolution we have passed through to this
point. We will be able to understand and utilize the
realevolutionary map of those stages as laid out by Leary in the
first-of-its-kind schema in
Appendix B
and even better ones to follow.
The awareness of the historical stages and trajectory of
real-evolution will make us conscious of the agenda of DNA, of our
genetic coding: survival and ever increasing conscious control over
our own existence. We might say that we are totally determined to
determine our own determination. Gene pools (groups throughout the
population that are predominantly programmed for certain functions
for survival of the species) will be recognized for what they are
and valued.
Once conscious of the nature and purpose of these
specialized populations and how they map on to the stages of
realevolution we will see that we may move from gene pool to gene
pool, adsorbing the ancient wisdom of each for survival and personal
learning and expansion. Moving from gene pool to gene pool will be a
natural process of an individual’s unique personal real-evolutionary
There will be a mutual respect and positive recognition
between gene pools beyond just tolerance, and the only rule
necessary will be a consensually agreed prohibition of any gene pool
doing anything that will harm or obstruct the function of another
gene pool. The gene pool golden rule. It also brings us full circle
around to the children, us in the future. I project a realevolutionary scenario for the treatment and education of the
children of the 21st century to develop as follows.
A further refinement of the gene pool concept will be its
incorporation into the educational process: the stages of the
recapitulatory developmental process of the human child will be
mapped onto the various gene pools but without assigning
hierarchical ranking to them. A child will have the opportunity to
experience the best features of the various phases of human
evolutionary experimentation.
The quintessence of the hunter, the
gatherer, the agriculturist cultures presented by those steeped and
expert in the context will put the student in tune with deep genetic
roots, survival methods, cooperation and creativity. The crafts,
industrial, mechanical, engineering, construction, building gene
pools; the arts, literary, musical pools; the military, police, and
civil servant gene pools all have some essence of their orientation
to reality to offer as insight into a facet of human nature and
The domestic, child-bearing and rearing, cooperative,
social, political, educational, pools will certainly all contribute
to the recapitulatory phases of a child’s development, each at its
proper time.
The children will be encouraged to be their own philosophers from
the earliest age according to their capacity at any age and stage.
They will be encouraged to make their own decisions about reality
and to explore and follow their own unique evolutionary development
and to respectfully make their unique contribution to the ongoing
conversation about the ideal trajectory of our collective species’
evolution. Language, reason, logic will be understood to be a
product of certain stages of our realevolutionary
perception of
three dimensional reality.
They will be taught the nature of reality
in the most expanded scientific and philosophical context we know,
and introduced to the concept of action which enhances others while
it enhances us. They will be enabled to continue the process of
personal realevolution on their own. In peace.
What to do after genetic enlightenment has broken the
godspell, the
looking-to-the-sky-for-daddy-to-return, master-slave attitude, the,
deepest dye in the fabrics of all cultures? In the immediate future,
the god games we shall play as our own evolutionary artists are
immortality; self directed, conscious evolution; four-dimensional
consciousness; life under a law of everything; practical
transcendence; the development of AI as a subordinate species and
for use in surrogate operations. For starters.
Physical immortality,
possessed by
the Nefilim, withheld from humans, will be transformed,
from “religious” afterlife reward to the dominant characteristic of
the dawning phase of our racial maturation. We will be our own
"gods", our own genetic credentials, play our own god games with an
unassailable species identity enabling us to step confidently into
stellar society.
But what of us individually? Once the ancient, subservient godspell
is dispelled we are freed, individually, to go one on one with the
universe. We will operate as our own "gods", according to our own
genetic credentials, play our own god games according to our own
transcendental choices, creating our own confident realities. We
will perfect systematic self-supersedure as a means of conscious
evolution to an art form.
The characteristics that mark the new human are:
an unassailable
personal integrity
relativistic epistemology
profound compassion
robust depth of informational data
understanding of the universe in
terms of a full unified field
broad-spectrum competence
transcendental competition
facility in dimensional shifting
preference for dyadic operation
a profound ability to enjoy, to
play the games most enjoyable and satisfying to generic "gods"
expanded capacity to literally have great fun creating new
realities, with the primary focus on the multi-dimensional
And to
play those “god” games in the context of
relative immortality and,
eventually, habitual four-dimensional consciousness.
We have at hand the cumulative data and information to initiate the
planetary unification process. Let us make it so for the children.
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