by Uri Dowbenko
November 10, 2012
NewDawnMagazine Website
South Africa-based Zulu shaman
Credo Mutwa confirms the story of
reptilian-extraterrestrials in Africa, another hidden chapter of the
lost history of Planet Earth.
Having traveled
throughout the world, Credo Mutwa, says that the "legends" of the
interactions of humans and reptilians are common knowledge in,
Australia among the Aborigines
the cultures of Japan and Taiwan
well as indigenous Native American people like the Mayans, Sioux,
...and many others.
Hopis’ Kachina, for example,
reflects their understanding of the extraterrestrials’ presence on
earth. Now it seems that only so-called Western civilization 'authorities' officially deny the existence of these creatures.
In an interview with
Martin, Credo Mutwa explains the
manipulation of life on earth by these negative entities,
"Our people believe
that we, the people of this Earth, are not masters of our own
lives, although we are made to think that we are."
Referring to the
reptilian race, he says they are called,
means 'the dictators' and 'the ones who tell us the law.' In
other words, they who tell us secretly what we are to do."
The intergalactic con
for Earth-based humanity began with the arrival of the reptilians,
who wasted no time in setting themselves up as "gods" and
"overseers" to the humans living on the planet.
Credo Mutwa says that,
"when the Chitauri
came to Earth, they arrived in terrible vessels which flew
through the air, vessels shaped like great bowls, which made a
terrible noise and a terrible fire in the sky.
The Chitauri told
human beings, whom they gathered together by force with whips of
lightning, that they were great gods from the sky and that from
now on they would receive a number of great gifts from the
Of course, there would
be hell to pay, so to speak, for these alleged "gifts."
Was the
gift of
"religion" one of them?
This then is the essence of history disguised as mythology - or
science fiction.
"These so-called
gods were like human beings, but very tall, with a long tail,
and with terrible burning eyes," Credo Mutwa continues,
describing the real-life version of a prototypical horror movie.
"Some of them had
two eyes, yellow, bright eyes; some had three eyes, the red,
round eye being in the centre of their forehead."
The Zulu shaman then
expresses surprise, when he describes the Darth Maul character in
the Star Wars movie which shows,
"a character exactly
like a Chitauri… with horns all around its head."
Credo Mutwa’s insights
into human-reptilian interactions are credible because they explain
the otherwise unexplainable behavior of warmongers, politicians,
corporate chiefs and others who are "placeholders" in
the Illuminati
control system on Earth.
"One other thing
that our people say is that the Chitauri prey upon us like
vultures. They raise some of us. They fill some of us with great
anger and great ambition. And they make these people they’ve
raised into great warriors who make terrible war.
But, in the end, the
Chitauri do not allow these great leaders, these great war
chiefs and kings, to die peacefully.
The warrior chief is
used to make as much war as possible, to kill as many of his
people and those he calls enemies, and then, in the end, the
warrior chief dies a terrible death, with his blood being
spilled by others."
Explaining why the
spiritual evolution of humanity has been stifled, Credo Mutwa
"These creatures
then took away the great powers that human beings had: the power
of speaking through the mind only, the power of moving objects
with their mind only, the power of seeing into the future and
into their past, and the power to travel, spiritually, to
different worlds…
There are such
creatures, and the sooner skeptics amongst us face up to this
fact, the better it shall be. Why is humankind not progressing?
Why are we running around in a great circle of self-destruction
and mutual-destruction?"
Despite the harsh
realities he describes, Credo Mutwa ends his interview on a positive
He says,
"There is hope!
First of all, there is a God above us. And this God is more real
than most of us believe. God is not a figment of someone’s
imagination. God is not something dreamt-up by old men
and old women in prehistoric times. God exists.
But standing between
us and God are creatures who claim to be gods. And these
creatures we must get rid of in order to get closer to God."