by Angelika Sareighn
August 19, 2004
GalacticDiplomacy Website
This is a possible,
plausible and currently active model for ET contact and the
establishment of mutually beneficial relationships which will assist
the Earth's entry into the galactic community as a conscious,
self-determining and empowered member.
Each new relationship will be founded upon the collective agreement
that the loving support of the spiritual evolution of humanity is
the paramount objective of contact and all subsequent interactions.
In tandem all new ET associations will support and uphold the right
of humanity's loving stewardship of the planet and assist our
increased understanding of how to promote respectful and harmonious
interactions with all of Gaia's diverse species, life forms and
Contact will begin through the individual initiative of
starseeds, walk-ins and those with open minds,
open hearts and
strong integrity - who in loving awareness of their own star
heritage - project the invitation in a thought-form of light to our
ET neighbor's. These thought-forms will clearly convey that we are
ready to establish and take responsibility for a mutually edifying
Next, small groups of these inviting human-starseed hosts will join
together in common vision around the planet. Awakened to self and in
communication with the many Earthly kingdoms including but not
limited to the animal, plant, mineral and delvic groups, all will
honor the many voices of Gaia and unite with the goal of raising
consciousness on the planet, healing the environment and goodwill
for all.
These individuals and groups will reach out into our galactic
community with consciousness, using the intuitive gifts of
telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsensience and the other psychic
abilities spiritually evolved beings all share, beginning the
process of communication.
Becoming our first galactic ambassador's and diplomats of an
awakened humanity, such individuals will become responsible for
shepherding the planet into its galactic role as member and peer.
Educational relationships will begin and be established with willing
ET groups in alignment with the enlightened humanity's objectives.
Physical contact will next begin as high-minded motives and
integrity are used as foundations for further activities together.
Then small groups will subsequently build bases upon the land, after
acquiring Gaia's permission and support, for the sites of sustained
ET contact. Gaia will further provide adequate portals and vortexes
for physical, inner and extra-dimensional travel and the travel of
consciousness to our sister planes of reality.
These initial bases will accommodate the viewing and eventual
landing of ET craft, and provide meeting and resting facilities for
human-ET exchanges.
In the future we will be utilizing our combined resources in 5th
dimensional light technologies and architecture. For now landing
platforms, housing and all other necessary constructs will be
erected and made available to the chosen ET groups in sustained
contact with the site specific galactic diplomats in
residence and visiting.
Eventually, the numbers involved in such ET interactions will
increase and the collective consciousness will be stimulated with a
new model for galactic awareness.
Gently and in harmony
with the evolution of consciousness upon the planet, all of humanity
will awaken to perceive the new model of reality and all our brother
and sister communities of space.