A Declaration from 'The People of
Planet Earth'
Alex Collier and The Andromeda Compendium
- Main File
Message From Space Brothers
- Lecture given by Dr. George Hunt Williamson
Alien Detour
Alien Message to Mankind - "Do You Wish that We Show Up?"
Archive TC
- Main File
Astronomers Capture 234
Signals from Space they Say Could Be Extraterrestrial -
We Are Not Alone
Charles Hall and the Tall Whites ETs
- Main File
Charter of Terra Exigo - A Declaration of Earth's
Español |
Científicos trabajan en "Protocolo de Contacto
Extraterrestre Oficial" para cuando se produzca el
Clifford Stone - And Alien Races
- Main File
Communicating With Aliens
- The Psychological Dimension of Dialogue
Communication With Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Contact and Censorship
- Canadian Crop Circle Researcher Matt Rock Identifies the
Constellation Pisces as Point...
Español |
Contacto ET - Las Implicaciones de los Avances
Post-Contacto en la Ciencia y la Tecnología
Español |
Contacto Extraterrestre del 'Humanoide EBE O-Lie' con
las hermanas checas Ilona e Ivana Podhrazka
Español |
- ¿Contacto
Extraterrestre en KIC 84?
Español |
Contacto y Censura
- Vida en El Universo
Contact? - Sun-like Star identified as the Potential
Source of the "Wow! Signal"
Curbing Close Encounters - The Smear Campaign Against
Description of Alien Encounters
Extraterrestrials from Venus Make Contact in 1952?
Eduard (Billy) Albert Meier
- Main File
Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With
Extraterrestrials -
The Fiftieth Anniversary
of First Contact?
Español |
Archivo Lacerta
- Reptoides de La Tierra Interior
Español |
- "El
Contacto con Extraterrestres podría darse en los
Próximos 10 Años" - Jaime Maussan
Español |
Élites Esconden a la
Humanidad el Conocimiento y el Contacto con Muchas
Civilizaciones Extraterrestres
Elites Hide From Humanity Knowledge and Contact With
Many Extraterrestrials Civilizations
Español |
Elizabeth Klarer - Contactada y Viajera Espacial
Elizabeth Klarer - UFO Contactee and Space Traveler
Engaging Higher Intelligence
Agencies in a Post-Roswell Civilization
- Expression, Repression and Mediation
Español |
Entrevista a
Un Contactado
Español |
Entrevista de Proyecto Camelot a Miriam
Contact - The Implications for Post Contact Advancements
in Science and Technology
Español |
Experiencia de 'Contacto Extraterrestre' del Director de
una Compañía de Computación Quántica
Español |
- ¿Extraterrestres
de Venus hicieron Contacto en 1952?
Extraterrestrial Contact and Integral Theory
Extraterrestrial Contact and the
Galactic Federation - Interview with Elena Danaan
Extraterrestrial Contact as A Prelude to Universal
Extraterrestrial Contact
- Political and Social Implications of “Going
Extraterrestrial Contact
- Why Might ETs Be Interested In Humanity?
First Contact and The Ederman
First Contact
- Gerry Zeitlin Gives an Interview to Karmapolis About
the Plausible Origin
- 'First
Contact' on October 14, 2008?
- The Federation Of Light and Blossom Goodchild
Saucers, Hidden Empire and the Secret of World Control
- Exposing the Covert Counter-Intelligence Program
against Extraterrestrial...
Español |
Gente de Otros Planetas
George Green
- Messages for The Ground Crew
Español |
Hacia Una Exo-Hierología -
Extraterrestres, Contactos Humanos con El Cosmos y un
Profundo Sentido...
Español |
- Hallan
en una Cueva de México Pruebas Concretas de Contacto entre los
Mayas y los Extraterrestres
Harvard Psychiatrist on Alien
Abductions/Contact - "Yes, It's Both Literally and
Physically Happening"
was Supposed to Be the Next 'Stephen King' - Then the
Aliens Came...
Hiding The Truth About Human Looking Extraterrestrials
- UFOlogy’s Grand Deception
Human/ETI Contact in Ancient Times
In 1974 Carl Sagan Sent this
Message into Space - In 2001 we Received this Response
Español |
Informe Celea
- Contacto...
Intelligent Life in the Universe - Something Incredible
Waiting to Be Known...
Interview With Gods
Key to The Extraterrestrial
- NSA Technical Journal Vol XIV No 1
Español |
que el Cristianismo, el Islam y el Budismo dicen acerca
de la Vida Alienígena y el Contacto Extraterrestre
Español |
Los Casiopeos y Laura
Main File
Español |
Los Primeros Contactados
- Siempre han habido Seres Humanos que se Rewlacionaban
con Seres...
Making Contact with Extraterrestrials Through Other
Español |
Marshall Vian Summers y Los Aliados de la Humanidad/The
Allies of Humanity
Main File
Español |
Mímica de Contacto
Extraterrestre por Entidades Ocultas
Mimicry of Alien Contact
by Occult Entities
Miriam Blue Star
- An Interview With Miriam
Nation Split-Minded About ET Contact
- And Why It Might Be So
Theories of Extraterrestrial Contact
- A Brief Inventory of The Leading Paradigms
Español |
Nueve Teorías Sobre El Contacto Extraterrestre - Un Breve Inventario de
Los Principales Paradigmas
Political Spin and
Extraterrestrial Disclosure
- Shaping Public Opinion for "First Contact" With
Predicted Mass UFO Sighting - Will it Force
Disclosure to Occur?
Español |
Primer Contacto
- Gerry Zeitlin da Una Entrevista a Karmapolis Acerca
del Plausible Origen de La...
Español |
Radio Mensajes Provenientes del Espacio Exterior - Documento
Desclasificado de La NSA
Reich's Contact With Space
Scientific Study Adopts Unrealistic Stance on
Extraterrestrial Contact
Scientists say Aliens should have Already Visited Earth
The 1950s Contactee
Movement Revisited
The Aldebaran Mystery…?
The 'Allies of Humanity Briefings'
and The Ethics of Contact
The Armageddon Chronicles
The Cassiopaeans and Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Main File
Challenge of Contact - Joining the Galactic Federation
The Chilbolton 'Arecibo Message'
- Main File
The Ederman Message
- English - Español
The ET Dilemmas and The Issue with Human Contact
The Lacerta Files
- Reptoids of The Inner Earth
The Lam
- Main File
The Race for First Contact - Shaping Public Opinion
for the Open Appearance of Extraterrestrial Races
Toward an Exo-Hierology -
Extraterrestrials, Human Contacts with The Cosmos and a
Deep Sense of...
Towards a Decade of Contact -
for Re-integration into Universe society
UFOs - A Great New Dawn for
- of Enrique Castillo Rincon
UFOs, Aliens, and The Question of Contact - A Report
Español |
Desvío Extraterrestre
Verdants -
The Contact Has Begun - A Trilogy
Español |
Vida Inteligente en el Universo - Algo Increíble espera Ser Conocido
Made Contact!
Christianity, Islam and Buddhism say about Alien Life
and Extraterrestrial Contact
'What if We're the Ants in this Network of
Civilizations?' - UFO Expert says we should Prepare for
Imminent ET...
Witness of Italian Extraterrestrial Contact Case Emerges
- The Friendship Case - Interview With G.de Lama
Would Contact With
Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity?
- A Scenario Analysis
Zeta Reticuli Interaction With Earth
- Main File
Additional Information |
to 2012
- The Galactic
Underworld - Discovery of Life on Mars - Conversation
with B.H. Clow
A Brilliant Flash, Then Nothing -
New "Fast Radio Bursts" Mystify Astronomers
A Guide for Initiating Contact
with Extraterrestrials
Alien Memories and Dreams
Aliens & Demons - from "The Atlantean
Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to
An Approximation to Determine the
Source of the 'WOW! Signal'
Español |
Aparición en Eridur - Enki o Primer Gran Sacerdote
7.000 Años
Population of Fast Radio Bursts at Cosmological Distances
Are Aliens Manipulating Us Through Religion?
Are Ethical ETs Fighting and Dying
For Our Freedom?
A Reptilian Contact Experience
Are We Alone In The Universe?
Are We Grays?
A Search for Life on Earth from
the Galileo Spacecraft
Asemic Texts = Alien Writing?
Español |
Canalizadores e Información
- Main File
Cargo of The Gods?
Channelers and Channeled
- Main File
Español |
Científicos de India descubren una "Señal
Extraterrestre" que vino de Muy Lejos
- "Cowboys
& Aliens" Movie Twists True History of UFOs and ETs in
The Old West
Crop Circles
- Circulos En Los Cultivos
- Main File
Declaration for Citizen Contact
- Announced at Earth Transformation Conference
Español |
De Cómo La Academia Procesa El
Tema del Contacto ET y Algunas Implicaciones Para La
- Main File
Disclosure, Contact and Energy
- Steven Greer's Interview on Coast to Coast AM Radio
with Art Bell
of Peculiar Periodic Spectral Modulations in a Small Fraction of
Solar Type Stars
Discrete Steps in Dispersion
Measures of Fast Radio Bursts
Do Ancient Sumerian Scribes really
describe Extraterrestrial Contact?
Español |
Colegio Invisible
- Una Conversación con Leo Sprinkle
Español |
El Mensaje de los
"Guardianes de la Caverna"
Esotericism and Ufology
- A Different Perspective on The UFO Phenomenon
Español |
- ¿Están
los Alienígenas Manipulándonos a Través de la Religión?
Español |
Advierten Que Cataclismos Unificarán La Conciencia
- Cosmonauta Rusa Popovich
Warn Cataclysms Will Unify Human Consciousness
- Russian Cosmonaut Popovich
Exopolitics - A Comprehensive
Exopolitics And Its Role As a
Catalyst to Space Migration
Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law
Already Passed by Congress
- from "Suppressed Inventions and Other...
First SETI Observations with
China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio
Telescope - FAST
French Contactee confirms
Intergalactic Confederation is 'Seeding Human Worlds'
Galactic Diplomacy
Main File
Getting Ready For Aliens - A Bird's Eye View
Español |
Guerra Espacial y el
Conocimiento de Extraterrestres por el Vaticano -
Wikileaks desvela Emails
Hale Bopp and Heaven's Gate Cult
Half of Humanity Ascends to 5th Dimension on March 21, 2013
- Expert ET Contactee
Hawking - A UK Psyops to Promote
Space Weaponization and A False War Against
How Academia Processes The ET
Contact Issue and Some Implications for The UFO
the Covid-19 'Pandemic' is Preparing Humanity for First
Integration With Universe Society
- Toward a Decade of Contact
Is Russia Preparing For
Extraterrestrial Disclosure?
this ET? - Mystery of Strange Radio Bursts from Space
Español |
La Mitad de La Humanidad Asciende
a la 5ª Dimensión el 21 de Marzo de 2013
- Dicen Expertos en...
Español |
La NASA Reúne a Científicos y
Teólogos para Preparar al Mundo para Contacto
Little Green Gurus
- An Academic Finds Spiritual Significance in Reports of
Human-Alien Encounters
Español |
Los 7 Aspectos Negativos del
Manipulative Extraterrestrials -
Explaining UFO and Alien Denial
Maybe Let's Not Try to Talk to Aliens
Español |
Mecanismos de la Ocultación Extraterrestre
Español |
Mensaje OVNI/ET de Un Cambio Dimensional en 2012
- Traído por un Contactado, Pariente del Dr.
Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts from
Outer Space
- Astronomers Baffled, Admit they Could Be Alien in
Mystery Space Machines of John
Lenard Walson
- Strange Things Above
Main File
NASA brings Scientists and
Theologians Together to Prepare World for
Extraterrestrial Contact
Español |
contrata un Sacerdote Británico para preparar a
Religiosos sobre la Existencia de Vida 'Extraterrestre'
NASA is Getting Ready to Communicate with Aliens
NASA Sponsors Course on How to Talk to Aliens
New Dawn Rising -
Formal Extraterrestrial Contact
- the Ashtar Command
"Alien Writing"
- An Interview with Mario Pazzaglini
Open Contact Law - Alien life Form
ParaSETI - ET Contact via Subtle Energies
Pentagon Plans for Alien Invasion Exist According to
Military Professor
Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - 25 June 2021
Español |
Preparación Para El Contacto
Preparing for Contact
- Tokyo
Quantum Communicating with
Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Español |
Quienes Son Los Ummitas
Ready, SETI, go... Is there a Race to Contact ETs? - If
so, China may be in the Lead...
SETI and Democracy
Silence No More - COINTELPRO and
Station SouthEast - We Are Not Alone!
Español |
- ¿Somos
Sperm Whales - Making Contact
- Sasha Through Lyssa Royal
Statement of Aspirations and Code
of Conduct for Extraterrestrials Interacting with Earth
Ancient Astronauts Theory
The Chilbolton Crop Glyphs - A
Message Finally Received
- In Answer to Carl Sagan?
The Great Filter - Are We Almost
Past It?
'Great Filter Theory' Suggests Humans have Already
Conquered the Threat of Extinction
Invisible College
- A Conversation with Leo Sprinkle
The Man Who Blew The Church of
Scientology Wide Open
- An Interview With 'Dane Tops'
The Message of The Pulsars
Main File
The Most
Commonly Reported Extraterrestrials by Contactees, Abductees and
The Real
Starfleet Academy for Diplomatic Training for ET Contact
The Return of The "Sky People",
Secret Military Agreements & Using Positive Intention
for Extraterrestrial...
The Suppression of UFO
Technologies and Extraterrestrial Contact
- from 'Suppressed Inventions and...
The Unknown Agenda - Are There 'Good' and 'Bad' ETs?
- Project Camelot Interview to Dr. Steven Greer
is Why Most People Haven't Seen Aliens
Three Steps to Integrate The
UFO/Extraterrestrial Reality
Transcending The Hall of Mirrors
- The Simultaneity of Discourse, the Third Space and
Adopting Multiple...
Transgenics and Reverse Incrementalism
Transmission of Information by
Extraterrestrial Civilizations
UFO-Contact From Planet Iarga
UFO-Contact From Planet Ummo - 14 Lightyears Away - A
Perfect Case?
- Main File
UFO-ET Message of Dimensional Shift in 2012
- Brought by Dr. Martin Luther King Relative and
Español |
Una Experiencia de Contacto
Español |
Historia de Engaño
- Definitivamente Nunca Hemos Estado Solos en El
U.N. to Debate Contact With
Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Visionary Communications
to the Future
White (Solar) Brotherhood
- Main File
Will Contact With ETs Lead to
Space Weaponization and Space War?
- Paul Hellyer vs. Stephen Hawking
Will Extraterrestrial “Disclosure”
or Contact Happen in 2012?
Books-Treatises |
Black - Project Preserve Destiny
- by Dan Sherman
A Gift from The Stars -
Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien races - by
Elena Danaan
Alien Contact
- Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed - by Timothy Good
Alien Interview
- Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided
by M.O. MacElroy - by L.R. Spencer
Beyond the Light Barrier
- by Elizabeth Klarer
- A Scientist’s Search for Alien Contact
- by
JF. Vallee
Español |
- por Carl Sagan
Dimensions - A Casebook of Alien
- by Jacques Vallee
Divine Encounters - A Guide to
Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries - by Zecharia Sitchin
Español |
Incidente de
White Sands - por Daniel W. Fry
Extraordinary Encounters
- An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherworldy
Beings - by Jerome Clark
Other Tongues-Other Flesh - by
George Hunt Williamson
Project Preserve
Destiny -
Above Black - by D. Shernan
- Alien Contact and Human Deception
- by JF. Vallee
The LINK - Extraterrestrials in
Near Earth Space and Contact on the Ground
The Secret of The Saucers
- by Ofreo M. Angelucci
UFO Contact from Andromeda
- by Wendelle Stevens
Español |
Yo Visité Ganímedes...
- ...El Mundo Maravilloso de Los OVNIs - por Yosip Ibrahim (José Rosciano Holder)
Multimedia |
Ancient Aliens
- The Film
Contact and Disclosure - The Final Sequence
- by Steven Greer
Fleet arrives to watch Humanity's Liberation - Interview
with James Gilliland
Extraterrestrials and The Positive Timeline
- Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Alfred Lambremont Webre
George Green on Depopulation and
The Pleiadians
- Coast to Coast with George Noory
Italiano |
Caso Amicizia
- Un Contatto Alieno
Español |
La Herencia Universal
- La Educación Prohibida - Ater Tumti - Matías De
Larry King Live Exposes Nuclear Facilities Shutdowns by
Life in The Universe
- Are We Alone?
Español |
OVNIs, Extraterrestres, y La Posibilidad de Contacto
Friendship Case
- An Alien Contact
The Unknown Agenda - Are There
'Good' and 'Bad' ETs?
- Project Camelot interviews Dr Steven Greer
Transcending The Dualistic Mind
- Transpersonal Psychology - John E. Mack
UFOs, Aliens, and The Question of Contact
Español |
Visitantes del Universo - Seres y Maquinas
What Is Coming to Earth?
Have Portals Begun to Open
Related Reports |
Abductions and Abductees
Main File
Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With
Main File
Galactic Federations and Councils
Main File
The Divine and The Manipulative
- Effects on Humanity's...
Main File