by Angelika Whitecliff
GalacticDiplomacy Website
Initiating Contact with benevolent extraterrestrial beings
is for many a step in the positive direction of taking greater
responsibility for your lifeıs choices and actions.
You have removed
yourself from the ranks of those who remain passive, those who wait
instead of using enterprise to create the new reality, and you
become a catalyst for the vision of empowered and harmonious
interactions that hails the advent of an 'Awakened Humanity'.
Here is held the
enlightened idea that all consciousness, all beings, are connected
back to our originating source via love and that the creator is
within all the created. Nothing separates us but our own
self-awareness and this need not be an isolationist state, but a
world with open borders to the galaxy and beyond.

Initiating Contact also
implies that you have or are ready to embrace a framework of reality
in which we are not alone or isolated, nor are we the only evolved
being with the capacity for abstract thought, a desire to improve
ourselves and a spirit for adventure and goodwill that impels us
outward to meet our neighbors.
Spiritual study (and now the study of string theory in quantum
physics), as well as telepathic and physical contact with ET
friends, provides us with the tools and capacity to
conceptualize the idea of life existing - not only in our dimension
at a specific frequency (or life wave) that we identify by our five
senses - but that life can and does exist at other frequencies and
dimensions. It is possible to create a bridge of communication to
such civilizations and beings through the inner senses alone.
This is what the
first phase of Initiating Contact is all about, expanding beyond
the five senses to embrace and develop your extrasensory abilities
and spiritual will power.
Physical contact is for many the ultimate goal. Such events are
happening right now around the planet. Many humanoid and other types
of respectful and highly developed beings are going to the greatest
lengths to avoid distressing or frightening people as they reach out
to those who are ready and those who sincerely hold a long term goal
for such contact experience. Yet physical contact is NOT the
final goal or one of the highest importance, this pedestal is
held for our spiritual development alone as the highest achievement
and the main reason why we are here in the first place.
Contact is only relevant if it in some way promotes a greater
personal and transcendental understanding of your true eternal self.
Contact is only desirable if it in some way can inspire you to live
your life more fully and to hold firmer your own vision for the
planet transformed into the world of your dreams. ET ships in the
sky are a sign of the support and encouragement of other races.
Yet a sighting in and of
itself is not what is important, it is what you allow this
confirmation of the vaster universe to do for your own state of mind
and heart.
General Tools
and Practices for Preparing for Contact
Contact preparation is an ongoing discipline that relies upon your
spiritual development and the studies which support such
In order to advance, you
must be consistent, patient and put in the practice to achieve the
desired results - just like in any activity that requires skills to
be developed such as ballet, chess, playing a musical instrument
Meditation is the key to self-mastery, including the key to
overcoming your deepest fears. A daily meditation practice is
the first step to preparing and being prepared for contact at
all levels. Meditation can take many forms, but basically it is
a tool for silencing the mind and inner chatter so that you can
learn to hear your own higher guidance.
It is from this
place of inner silence that you also begin to develop your
ability to receive and send telepathic communications. Once you
learn to hear your own divine voice you develop discernment and
wisdom, and eventually it becomes very difficult for anyone or
any being to deceive or manipulate you.
In yoga there is a disciple know as Pranayama which is
designed to specifically teach how to control and manipulate the
breath for heightened consciousness, greater physical endurance
and developing the central nervous system to accommodate higher
energy frequencies. Learning to control the breath is important
to both the telepathic and physical contact experience. For
telepathic communications the breath can be used to help settle
the mind and to expand that inner silence to better facilitate
sending and receiving messages. In physical contact, deep and
focused breathing can help one to overcome the natural fears
which may arise and attempt to take control of an unique
Practice breathing in slowly and deeply for a count a five,
pause a moment, exhale slowly to a count of five, then pause
again for a moment. Bring your full attention inside yourself to
that place between breaths. (This place between breaths in which
all air is exhaled is the state from which inner stillness can
be found.) Hold that place of stillness a moment and then breath
in again slowly and deeply to the five count. Each time you come
back to the place of a full exhalation and the pause, focus on
bringing the stillness into more and more of the breath cycle
expanding the momentary pause to include the breathing in until
in reaches the full breath pause.
This breathing exercise should be done every day for ten minutes
prior to your meditation practice. Expand the five count over
time to a six count and then a seven count and beyond but do
not go beyond what feels comfortable. This exercise is meant to
help you increase your deep, focused breath while staying
completely relaxed and at peace. Any strain means you are
attempting to move ahead too quickly.
Eventually a 15 or
even 20+ count may be achieved.
Telepathic communications take you into an arena in which you
will experience heightened frequencies in and around your body.
This is not a problem for a healthy and fine tuned body, but in
can create stress for those whose bodies are not adapted. In the
physical contact experience, even more preparation is often
needed to get the body to a state of its optimal frequency
capacity. Fortunately, there are many dietary things we can do
to optimize ourselves and our vibrations.
Foods & substances
that lower your bodyıs energy &
Refined Sugar,
sweets and candies
(Fruit, especially organically grown, is an excellent
alternative to candy & sweets.)
Soft drinks with
sweeteners and corn syrup
not drink beverages ice cold, this shocks the internal
Red Meat
of the Humanoid ETs who visit us tell us to work our way to
a vegetarian diet. First eliminate red meat, then chicken
and lastly fish. The vegetarian diet of mostly vegetables
and fruit brings the body to optimum health and frequency.)
*Special Note on
BELIEFS: If you believe that you cannot maintain
health without meat, then you may create health problems for
yourself if you cut out meat from your diet without first
changing this belief structure. Our minds create our reality.
What is suggested in these guidelines is information that many
of our own spiritual masters and several ET groups have offered
us as insights to optimize the body for more refined spiritual
energies. But this cannot happen without the mind, body and
belief systems brought into harmony. Thus it is your own
responsibility to self-examine and determine what is appropriate
for your current state of health and well being.
EXERCISES: An important part of any contact (or life)
experience is feeling that you are prepared for whatever
happens, and knowing that you are ultimately protected no matter
what challenge presents itself. These exercises will help to
establish this foundation and may be done once a week or more as

They are suggested
specifically by the very loving humanoid beings of
through their contactee Sixto Paz Cruz of Peru.
Go to an
isolated place in nature with a friend at night. For one
hour, part ways walking in different directions and spend
the time alone in the silence and solitude continue
strolling or find a place to sit and contemplate. In the
darkness of night find and experience that inner knowing
that you are protected and looked after. This exercise can
be used to calm the nerves and to more deeply connect with
your own inner resources.
Eventually the silence will be welcome and in it you will
experience a heightened sense of unity with all life.
Face your fears
in meditation. Think of a thing that frightens you greatly
in life and hold that thought in meditation. Follow the
thought of that fear and allow it to lead you. Some people
will see or experience in their mindıs eye a story of an
event that led to such a fear, and others will just feel
helpless without much input.
As you confront
that which makes you afraid, ask yourself why you feel
helpless. Envision a new way of dealing with this threat and
find a way in which you are not helpless at all. In facing
your inner fears, you bring greater peace and ease to your
life and fortify your own sense of what you are truly
capable of achieving.
VISION: Many of our ET friends tells us that no matter what
the challenges, we must learn to hold our own vision of a better
world and not let anything tear this from us. This is the hope
for our future, our path out of war, hate, pollution, poverty,
global warming and all our planetary ills.
It is our belief that
we can make a difference, that we CAN create the world of our
dreams, and doing work to support this inner vision.

Any and all work is
important work as long as it feeds or cultivates the creation of
this better world. We all have a role to play and many helpful
ETs are here to support and encourage us to live to our full
Most ET races communicate through thought transference, also
known as telepathy
Contrary to long standing myths,
telepathy has nothing to do with trying to penetrate someone else's
brain in order to extract what they are thinking. Trying to intrude
inside another persons head will reap little in terms of information
and will probably give them a headache as well (from you pushing
your energy into their space). This is poor psychic etiquette and
Telepathy follows the same guidelines as meditation. It requires a
person to quiet their minds and internal chatter and once inner
silence is achieved, then the 'real' communications are heard. In
meditation this is the access point to the voice of the higher self.
When communicating telepathically, this same silent vastness is the
gateway to all the frequencies imaginable and thus the internal
transfer station for sending and receiving, for exchanging ideas and
information with other beings.
As stated earlier the information of what another is thinking is not
found by entering them, it is found by entering yourself. It is
found through the achievement of mastering your own internal
clutter, by refining that which is coarse in perception within you,
by creating a pathway that knowingly connects you to the all that
is, that great 'oneness' that all consciousness shares.
Telepathic communications do not take only one form either. They can
and do sometimes come as words, internal verbal sentences, but they
also come as images, pictures that travels to your mindıs eye as
well as gestalts of pure knowing. Sometimes it is as if someone has
just downloaded you with a whole block of information that you
recognize as a complete structure without having to pull apart the
pieces. Thus telepathy can put to work a whole array of spiritual
senses in order to convey the ideas and information fully and in an
accessible form.
Yet one must keep in mind that the information, even telepathically
conveyed, is still subject to an individualıs perceptions and
filters of reality. If a topic is weighty or emotional for someone,
it will be especially influenced by oneıs own subjective views and
biases. Just as four people can witness the same event and relate
very different versions of what happened, so too can a telepathic
message be slanted in the same way by personal perspectives.
The more internal
spiritual work you have done in facing and mastering your own
issues, the more universal your perceptions and truth becomes.
How to Set Up
Your Own Galactic Diplomacy Contact Group
Form a (small)
group of like-minded individuals interested in establishing
telepathic communications with ET friends. Meet at least
once per week. Groups create a stable and safe environment
in which to embark on this journey of contact.
Consistency is important.
Many ET groups establish
regular communications with a contact group after they have
proven an ongoing commitment.

Ask each person
of your group:
Do you feel
ready to open yourself to a telepathic exchange?
Do you feel
ready to have a visual confirmation of the ET presence?
i.e. see an ET ship.
Do you feel
ready to have a physical contact experience?
Do you want
the benevolent ETs to show up and make themselves known
to the entire planet?
(These are
important questions which will help you to determine basic
parameters for your goals as a group and to identify the
comfort zones of each individual remember that the
benevolent ETs do not push us to where we do not want to
individual spiritual goals. Contact for contacts sake is not
what the benevolent ETs are interested in promoting. They
offer a valuable experience to bolster your own evolutionary
process (as you do for them in return), so take the time to
have each member of your group state a specific spiritual
goal that interests them, then create a more general group
goal. This will help members of the group to focus once
communications have been established.
For example, some contact groups may have a majority of
members who are interested in the healing arts, thus you may
focus the group intention on calling in an ET group who can
offer helpful information in this field.
Whether working to assist the environment, developing your
intuitive skills, interspecies communications, understanding
the nature of higher dimensional planes, etc. identify one
or several group interests that the ET communications can
support. This structure may grow and evolve naturally as the
contact group and ET group get to know each other.
Finally, decide
together what ET groups everyone is comfortable inviting in
for open communications. Create a list of who you would like
to work with and do some research about what the different
ET groups offer in the way of their strengths and areas of
expertise. (The ET Typology listed on this site is a good
starting point for this sort of information)
Remember that
creating a safe and stable environment for all members of
your contact group creates the foundation for fulfilling and
long term interactions.
However, remain open to the idea that an ET group not on
your list may ask to communicate. It will be the choice of
the individual(s) who receives the request if he/she accepts
(depending upon how their energy feels - loving and safe or
fear generating) and then later the group can decide whether
to invite future dialogue.
The Meeting Place/ What
You Will Need to Bring
Chose a QUIET
meeting place. An outdoor and indoor option is preferable so
that the weather can be taken into account. If you are
within a city and cannot escape traffic, lights and people,
you may decide to meet indoors regularly for telepathic
exchanges, and then schedule a trip to the country for a
camping trip with the group whenever possible.
The optimal
condition is to be in a peaceful rural setting outdoors, up
on a mountain or out on an open plain with few remnants of
civilization in sight. But even the basement of an office
building will do if nothing better is available. Telepathic
communications can take place anywhere location, time and
space are not factors, only a quiet and safe space in which
to concentrate.
Most contact groups meet at night, but it is just as
acceptable to meet during the day if peoples schedules
If you meet in
nature you will need outdoor chairs that are comfortable,
accessible and easy to carry. Also bring flashlights and
water or something to drink.
comfortably in loose fitting clothes and make sure you have
enough clothes and blankets to keep warm. It is hard to
concentrate when your body is not comfortable and many
people get cool while sitting in meditation for any length
of time.
Have a CD player
available and bring gentle, meditative music for the
Group Contact Meditation. (The
Monroe Institute sells Metamusic and Hemisync Music
- listen below Media
Player - which is music specifically designed to
promote the brain wave patterns of a deep meditation these
are excellent for this purpose but any non-verbal, quiet
music will do well.)
Have a member of
your group bring an inexpensive digital camera. Take plenty
of pictures around the group especially after the Group
Contact Meditation. Expensive digital cameras have special
infra red and ultra violet filters, but the cheap ones do
not carry such extras.
Many phenomena,
including the orbs which so many people are now
taking note of can only be captured in the infra red and
ultra violet spectrum. Sometimes even ships, probes or
beings come up on pictures that no one noticed at the time
(they were out of our spectrum of vision), but the camera
caught the phenomena.

Equipment: Crystal Bowl(s), Candles, Larger Group Crystal,
Personal Crystals, Dowsing Rods
Worth Special Attention
Pay attention to
cloud formations in the sky.
Some ships travel in a higher
frequency state which approximates the density of our
clouds. These clouds can look like near perfect saucer
shapes and are fantastic to see. Such ships have been caught
on film morphing from a cloud state into a more solid,
physical state.

Pay attention
for a triangulation pattern of the stars in the night sky.
Often in your contact group you will establish great
communications with the ETs but not see their ships. When
ships are not visible take special notice of the stars above
the group. Sometimes the stars will look as if they have
been rearranged into a pattern of perfect triangles
twinkling in all directions. It is as if the ETs are playing
with cosmic geometry just to validate the efforts of the
group with a beautiful display. This effect in the sky can
hold stationary and then suddenly disappear, bringing the
stars back to the visual state we consider normal.
Pay attention to
animal sounds in the night and odd animal appearances.
can communicate with a group in many ways, including sending
animal messengers. They too are helping us to perceive
nature as part of our greater reality and the animal kingdom
provides another dynamic communication network to tap into.
If your group is outside, take note of animal calls that
take place during an important message being received from
the ETs or monitor your emotional state. The screech of an
owl can be a message to pay attention in some way.
If you suddenly
feel a pressure in your ears (same as you feel when you
ascend or descend in a plane) during a contact meditation,
this informs you that a ship is near by or that one has even
settled above your group with an energy field.
frequency ships are not visible to the naked eye, but are
sometimes visible to clairvoyants or those who know how to
use their spiritual eyes. With little practice, group
members become more adept at feeling and sensing what is
around them when their eyes do not reveal the full story.
* And it should be noted that this is an important aspect of
contact - development of the intuitive senses.
Initiating Contact
Position the
group in a circle formation. This creates a harmonized flow
of energy through and around the group. It also allows all
directions of the sky to be visible if the group meets
outdoors. (Optional place a candle or a crystal in the
center of the circle.)
Clear the space
and have everyone center their attention by toning, chanting
or have someone play a crystal bowl for a few minutes.
In each meeting
one person from the group will be designated to lead the
Contact Meditation. It is best if everyone takes a turn at
this position to promote equality and participation at all
levels. At this point the leader for this meeting will begin
to play the meditation music and everyone will prepare
themselves to sit quietly for the next 30-60 minutes.
The designated
person will now have everyone close their eyes and envision
a golden white bubble of light around themselves. This
personal energy bubble will be created with the intention of
only allowing in those energies which are in alignment with
the individualıs highest good. Then the leader will guide
the group to create a much larger bubble which can encompass
the entire group and which once again will only allow in
those energies which serve the divine will.
Next the leader
will talk the group through 10 minutes of breathing
exercises (as listed in the 'General Tools and Practices for
Preparing for Contact' section).
With everyone
now grounded and centered, the leader will ask the group to
open their heart centers and to envision a golden light of
loving energy flowing freely into their bodies, and then all
around them to fill their personal bubbles.
Then have the
group unite the energy of their hearts and send this healing
light around the planet to enfold all of humanity in grace
and peace. Use this same energy then to create a wave into
space, reaching out in the spirit of brotherhood to connect
with those ET civilizations the group chooses to invite in
for communications.
The leader will state the groupıs spiritual goal(s) and
ask for those ETs who can best assist these goals to
communicate. Continue to guide the energies beyond time and
space, from form into the formless. The designated group
leader will learn to open herself/himself to the spontaneous
influences of the moment, and to create the meditation with
whatever imagery and information or guidance feels right.
To complete this
phase, the leader will tell everyone to open themselves to
connect with whatever ET being or group feels appropriate,
and that they will be free to their own experience for the
next 30 minutes (45 or 60 or whatever approximate time
period) and that the leader will gently call them back and
ask them to complete communications at the end of this
After a given
period of time passes or it feels like everyone is complete,
the leader will softly let everyone know to take a few more
minutes to finalize any interactions. Then the leader will
ask everyone to return to their bodies, taking a deep breath
and opening their eyes. It is often appropriate to then sit
in silence for 5-15 minutes, enjoying the lingering energies
and allowing people to digest their individual experiences.
It is also the appropriate time to pay attention to the sky
for any aerial or unusual activity.
After this quiet
period, everyone should be invited to share any appropriate
experience, message or communication that they received.
This is also a very good time to take some pictures with a
cheap digital camera around the group to capture any ultra
violet and infra red spectrum activity.
After everyone
is done sharing their experiences, if the group is outdoors
it is lovely to continue to sit and star gaze. Patience can
sometimes yield rewards. Otherwise, decide on the next
meeting time and new group meditation leader before everyone